Want to Scale Your Business Beyond $100k? Why You Need a Tailored Growth Strategy With AnnMarie Rose

How do you scale your business beyond $100k? I always stress the importance of having a strategy, and never is that more true than when you’ve reached this critical point in your entrepreneurial journey.

In today’s episode, I’m chatting with online business strategist and consultant, AnnMarie Rose to get her expert insight on why so many business owners plateau around $100k and how they can continue to scale.

We cover everything from the different components of a tailored business growth strategy that’ll get you consistent results, to freeing up your calendar, to having the courage to go all-in on your vision. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, you won’t want to miss this episode!

Grab the Free Q1 Review Checklist and if you still feel like you need a little extra help planning for 2024, sign up for my Annual Podcast Planning Workshop on Dec 12th for only $25!  Can’t wait to see you there!

What’s in this episode…

[05:08] Why you need a tailored strategy (not a formula) to scale beyond $100k

[06:15] Why scaling your business over the $100k plateau can leave you grasping at straws

[14:23] Hosting workshops and quick wins as one component of your business growth strategy

[19:30] How outside strategic support can get you faster results than a trial-and-error approach

[26:08] Paring down your to-do list so you can free up the resources and space to play bigger

[28:23] Having the courage to bet on yourself and your vision

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About AnnMarie:

AnnMarie Rose is an Online Business Strategist & Offer Alignment Expert with nearly a decade of experience helping coaches, consultants and service providers leverage their zone of genius to scale their businesses with clarity, confidence and strategic intention.

She has helped hundreds of service-based leaders navigate growth mode with ease by aligning their business model with their vision and personal strengths, refining their offer suite, clarifying their brand message, and streamlining their marketing and sales systems so they can impact (and earn) millions online without overwhelm or burnout.

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3 Mistakes I Made With My Podcast and the Changes I Made For Growth

The State of Podcasting in 2023 and How We’re Adapting Our Businesses for 2024 With Jenny Suneson

The Transcript for Share, Strategize, & Shine:

ep 154: Want to Scale Your Business Beyond $100k? Why You Need a Tailored Growth Strategy With AnnMarie Rose

[00:00:38] Caroline Hull: Hi there and welcome to Share, Strategize and Shine. I'm your host, Caroline Hull, a podcast strategist and CEO of Wild Home Podcasting. I've built my entire career through podcasts by sharing my experience using strategic systems and shining a light on the power of podcasting. If you are looking to cultivate leads for your membership, group program, or consulting services, I'm here to help you create a holistic and integrative podcast strategy that will let your business thrive. Let's dive in. [00:01:10][32.1]

[00:01:10] Caroline Hull: Hello and welcome back to Share, Strategize and Shine. Today we are talking about one of my favorite things, and that is strategy. And I know what you're thinking, Caroline. You always talk about strategy. But today I want to talk about business strategy. And I'm really excited to introduce you to someone that I met and immediately clicked with because a lot of what she talks about is what I talk about, too. And her name is AnnMarie Rose and she is an online business strategist and offer alignment expert. With nearly a decade of experience helping coaches, consultants and service providers leverage their zone of genius to scale their businesses with clarity, confidence and strategic intention. I wanted to chat with her today because I think when we think about scaling and growing our business, we are a lot of times looking for something that's going to take us from where we are right now to overnight success. And don't you think the same thing applies when we're talking about podcasting as well? I know that I encounter that a lot. And if there's one thing I know from podcasting, it's having a strategy that is going to support you long term is more important than something that is going to give you overnight success. And let's apply all of what I just said to being a business owner and to being a CEO. And that's why I wanted to talk to AnnMarie today. We have an amazing conversation about business strategy, why you need help with strategy and the things that she looks at when she's helping someone get over that hump and grow their business in a meaningful way. So, listen in, I hope this inspires you. I hope that you feel like this is possible for you, too, after you listen, because it really is possible for all of us if we just take the right steps and move forward and have courage. So enjoy. Hi, AnnMarie. Thank you so much. Welcome to the show. [00:03:14][124.4]

[00:03:15] AnnMarie Rose: Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here. [00:03:17][1.7]

[00:03:17] Caroline Hull: Oh, I'm so excited to have you. We chatted a couple of weeks ago and, you know, when we talk about podcast strategy, it's it's so intertwined with so many other things. And so you're here today. We're going to chat a little bit about business strategy and why that's so important. And I just feel like when we were chatting, it was like we were on such the same page because I was like, Yes, that's what I say to my podcast clients. So I'm so glad you could come today and chat with me a little bit more and we can let people in on our conversation a little bit. But before we dive in, I would love for you just to introduce yourself and tell everyone a little bit about what you do. [00:03:56][38.1]

[00:03:57] AnnMarie Rose: Yeah. So I'm AnnMarie Rose. I'm an online business strategist. I like to call myself a consultant who puts on a coaching had about 20% of the time when I need to. I always like to make that distinction. That consultant, someone you hire to give you the answers. And a coach is someone that you hire to help you find your own answers. So I tend to veer more on the consultant side, and I specialize in helping women business owners who are hovering around that market, sometimes a little bit more, sometimes a little bit less. But they're really ready to scale to impact more people, generate more revenue, but not work more hours and also take some of those non zone of genius tasks, meaning the work that maybe you really good at but don't necessarily love doing. Take those things off your plate so that you can focus your time and energy in that zone of genius that's going to make the biggest impact in the world. So that is my specialty and I love to do it. Utilizing really grounded and intentional strategy that's based on your vision for what you want with your business and your life and how you're hardwired for success as the CEO in your company, among many other variables that we consider. But I really take an approach that is non prescriptive and is very much based on the CEO of the business themselves. [00:05:07][70.1]

[00:05:08] Caroline Hull: Oh, I love that so much. And I think that's why we connected so much when we talked the first time, because I do feel like sometimes you come across these people who are like, Here's a formula and the formula doesn't necessarily work for everyone. And so I, you know, we talk about having a holistic approach to podcast strategy, and I love that you say that it's really about the person running the, you know, running the show and less about having everything fit into a formula. So I love us so much. [00:05:35][27.6]

[00:05:36] AnnMarie Rose: Exactly. The formulas can be useful for as a jumping off point, but they need to be really tailored to who the person is, which is why a lot of those more formula based programs and courses and things like that, they can get you, you know, from 0 to 5%. But once you get to that point where you are ready for that next level of growth and really truly scaling, you've done a number of those formula based things and you figured out, okay, this piece of it worked for me in this piece of it, need it. It really didn't work for me. Or maybe, okay, I tried that to determine what the strategy is going forward. Right. A lot of need for customization in that. [00:06:14][38.1]

[00:06:15] Caroline Hull: Yeah, exactly. So I want to talk a little bit about this idea of strategy and scaling. You talk about that plateau that you see a lot of business owners hit. You mentioned like around the 100 K mark. Why do you think we hit that plateau and what are the reasons that we get there and then we can't seem to get over it. [00:06:36][21.1]

[00:06:38] AnnMarie Rose: Well, you're exactly right that I believe in 2022, the average woman owned business was generating $57,000 a year. And that is survival mode, like in some very low cost of living areas of the country where I'm living. That's only been survival mode, right? My hometown, San Diego. So here's the thing. There's a few different reasons I think that people tend to plateau at that at that range. Those of us who are our goal from the get go has been to move beyond average. And if you are hovering around hundred K mark, if you're doing 60,000, you're beyond average, right? However, those prolific marketers in the business world, they're prolific marketers and they've been able to market at volume and grow their business based on volume. While there's the largest volume of business owners who are still hovering around the 50, Kmart are trying to get to that room. And that's where the largest volume of business is. So if we are and marketers by definition are good at marketing, so they're oftentimes driving the conversation of what's happening in the world that we're all living in, even if we're beyond that point, whether it's by a little or by a lot. But what we're seeing is a constant reminder of the problems, the challenges and the solutions that are most relevant for the business owners who are hovering around the 50 K mark and below, because that's where the volume. [00:07:59][81.1]

[00:07:59] Caroline Hull: Yes. [00:07:59][0.0]

[00:08:01] AnnMarie Rose: So for those of us who are beyond that point and have the aspirations and intentions and drive and just a deep inner knowing that we were meant to go far, far beyond that point, we're often left wondering, where do I go from here? I can keep trying. The next mass marketed course that's $2,000 or 2 to 1 or $97 or whatever it is. But those are those business owners, those experts, the marketers who've been successful marketing those programs are often as successful as they are because they've been able to tailor them to the business owner who is doing or driving for the average. [00:08:38][37.1]

[00:08:39] Caroline Hull: That's crazy. I mean, I'm literally like blown away that you just said this because my brain is spinning and I'm thinking about all the things that, you know, me personally, I've been looking at or thinking I need help in or I should invest in. And you are absolutely right. It's there. There is this like point where the marketing kind of stops and it's not really marketed to those of us who are trying to grow those bigger businesses. And then now I'm like even thinking about, okay, so where am I turning to get help? As someone who's trying to get over about 100 K mark or beyond, where like usually it's I'm looking at people who maybe are just so far ahead of me that they're running a completely different business model. Or I'm looking for some like, quick. Fix that's going to, like, get me over the hump, you know? Yep. Oh, my gosh. I'm just. I'm a little blown away right now. [00:09:32][53.2]

[00:09:34] AnnMarie Rose: Well, I'm glad we're starting there. And the. I was just having this conversation with someone I think was a client the other day. That. We are also we're seeing the examples oftentimes of the marketers and business owners who have gotten really savvy with their marketing and their businesses have blown up to the point they have been marketing again, to those the high volume. And not every business is meant to do high volume. Not every business owner wants to do high volume. Right. But we are. We see. Okay, I could go the high volume route and run a bunch of ads and, you know, sell a bunch of stuff that's $8,000 and under. And that's what I see the example of in terms of the experts that I see out there. And yet what they're speaking to is someone who's I'm not in that place in my business anymore. I'm not in startup mode anymore. [00:10:24][50.0]

[00:10:25] Caroline Hull: Right. [00:10:25][0.0]

[00:10:25] AnnMarie Rose: So I don't want what they have and I'm beyond what they're offering. What is there for me? [00:10:31][5.8]

[00:10:31] Caroline Hull: Yeah. And I think that tends to lead to a lot of straw grasping, you know, trying to figure out what the next thing is. And that quickly leads to overwhelm and burnout. At least I feel like as I'm looking at my journey as a business owner, I feel like that's definitely what's happened to me, is because I'm at that place, I'm trying to get over that hump. And so I'm just constantly trying new things and constantly reaching. And it gets it gets exhausting after a while. [00:11:00][28.5]

[00:11:01] AnnMarie Rose: Listen, I hear you that quite literally why I have a business, because that's what I'm here to help that business owner who is in that in-between space and who also recognizes that. Okay, maybe I don't want that. Not. I mean, I have a number of clients who their intention is high volume, but I would say the majority of my clients are saying I don't necessarily want like the guru $10 million coaching business. That's where I have a bunch of associate coaches. I want a business that allows me to thrive, allows my family to thrive, allows me to work with really great people, do work that I'm passionate about and generate multiple six figures maybe into the seven where I'm really you know, I have all the choice that I want and also all the peace of mind and freedom that I want. And then who knows where my business journey will take me from there. But that's really where my person is. And that is a point in business where customization and support and a strategy that's right for you is required. And I will tell you, just total transparency. That is my biggest marketing challenge because guess what? The automated webinar funnel is way sexy is an easier sell than, Hey, let me be your strategic partner and let's figure out what's going to work for you. So you stop throwing spaghetti at the wall and spinning your wheels and we get you on the path to the next level. That actually right for you. Because guess what? You're probably not going to find it in that automated webinar funnel course. [00:12:25][83.6]

[00:12:26] Caroline Hull: Yeah. [00:12:26][0.0]

[00:12:27] AnnMarie Rose: It's enough to get you to startup because you can test and trial your way from 0 to 100 K, But once you hit that point, the testing and trialing while you're already, by the way, very busy because you've built a successful business, a business, it's beyond average, you're already busy, so you don't have the capacity, nor do you have the resources to trial and error at the level that you now need to be. Trial it you know, right now I need things to move into that space of 200, 300, 400, 500 up to seven figures. [00:12:56][29.6]

[00:12:57] Caroline Hull: Yeah. And I think that's a really interesting point you brought up, and I think this will resonate a lot with other coaches and service providers who are listening to this podcast. You know, you talked about marketing and how that's that's an issue for you. And I feel the same way as a podcast strategist. I literally just message my ops manager before this podcast interview and I was like, I wonder if we should change what we call ourselves because I feel like there is a disconnect. People don't understand, like they want a quick fix. They don't understand that a strategy is what is going to take them over the hump and into a long term success. And it's hard to it's hard to convey that as somebody who does strategy, you know, I can get you in the room. And when we do the strategy, you're like, oh my gosh, yes, this makes so much sense. This changes everything. But it's it's hard convincing people that that's what they need and not, like you said, some some course or some things. So I really appreciate you saying that because I think that's something that I've been having a lot of conversations about marketing and in the online business world and and kind of those like fast promises that you see. And in fact, I was talking about it with somebody yesterday. And so I love that you shared that because I think that is a real issue that, you know, not only do we need to be careful of how we communicate what we do, but we also need to be careful of how we receive that from from other marketing out there. [00:14:22][84.9]

[00:14:23] AnnMarie Rose: I totally agree. And I could share one thing that's been helpful for me. And now, you know, there's metaphors and analogies that can help. But one practical thing that I've done to effectively just accept the challenge of marketing something that is not necessarily like everyone I work with, their outcome is is different. They have the molarity in terms of the outcomes they're desiring. You know, they don't want to be spinning their wheels any more, but throwing this video on the wall, they want to move into that multi, multi six figure place even into seven figures. They want less on their plate, like they want a lot of the same things. And I know the path I'm going to co craft and co navigate with them is going to get them there but it's not as thick like come in and create your group program and then launch it to serve 100 people in a year and generate. I guess some people have what I just mentioned right there, like I work with clients have absolutely done that, but that that's not the marker of like what everybody's going to get out of working with me. Right? So something I have done that I'm really in love with and you know, take this if you want listeners, it is hosting workshops. I do this on at least a quarterly basis where I'm teaching something that is a little bit easier to sink your teeth into. I'm teaching, I'm helping people get quick wins around something that is easier to sink your teeth into. And then I'm introducing them to the full picture strategy of like, what else is missing for them. Yeah. So I think that this does two things. One, it helps to mitigate the issue that we tend to run into when you're, you're hovering around that six figure mark even. You know, I have clients that come to me when they're at the 300,000 mark and they just, you know, they're fantastic at what they do. They've done great with referrals, but they're like, I'm ready to take things to the next level. It just so happens that like, that hits them at the three and keep it right. It doesn't really matter. It's neither here nor there, but what it does is wake them up. To hear the components of a scalable business model that you really need to kind of have in place. And they're more general. So you could do something similar with a podcast strategy. Like what are the components? Because when most people think, well, I need to think about my show are in the first episode, then am I going to have guests and how do I make sure that it's going to get put out, pushed out to all the key podcast platforms? Like those are probably the common things that people are like when they want you to, when to start a podcast or if they're like, I want to get more podcast listeners. Then they're thinking, you know how to repurpose their podcast content on video and social media. So those are like the top mind things are thinking about when, you know, because your podcast strategy is like there's so much more to this picture than what you're considering, right? But I don't want to people can't let that sink in at first. So what you could do, what I've done is I invite them in and say, I know this is the thing that's top of mind for you. Like, I know when your sales system with a specific like activation moment that isn't as heavy of a lift as, say, a nine day launch is top of mind for you. So let me teach you how to host a workshop that can do that for you in just one day commitment from you. So I'm going to bring you into my world. How's the workshop teaching you to host a workshop? And then I'm going to show you, By the way, I know you want to scale your sales system. These are the other components that you need in your But here's here's my definition of scaling, right? It's it's being able to increase your revenue and your impact while also increasing your freedom and fulfillment in your business and the resources that are available to you. That's my definition of scaling. And here are the other components of your business strategy that need to be modified in order to actually accomplish that. The scaling or sales piece is one portion. You just got a quick win around that you now know how to host a workshop. And also if you're really committed to fully scaling, having more space in your life, having more revenue in your bank account, then let's talk about how to dial in these other pieces together. [00:18:05][222.3]

[00:18:06] Caroline Hull: Oh, I love that so much. I actually did an audience survey, so going on, but so far all the responses we've had, we asked them point blank like, what do you want to see more from us? And they said workshops. And I was like, Really? I had no idea now. And so I love that that example you gave because I think you're right. Like people want quick wins, they want something actionable, and that's a really great way to bring them into your world. [00:18:31][24.7]

[00:18:31] Caroline Hull: Hey podcaster, are you setting your podcast up for success? What if you could have a plan that makes podcasting easier? I am so excited to be holding a podcast Schools an annual planning workshop for online business owners, coaches, consultants and service providers who have a podcast and want to create a plan for their year so they can leverage their podcasts for leads, sales and marketing. This is going to be a super fun workshop where we will create a plan and give you the framework to create a podcast that works for you throughout the year. It's going to be held on December 12th, but if you can't make it, you will get access to the replay. It also includes a planning workbook with exercises and templates to help you along the way, plus our podcast marketing Hub template and like I said, access to the replay. It's only $25 and I really hope to see you there. Head to wildhomepodcasting.com/plan. [00:19:30][59.0]

[00:19:30] Caroline Hull: So when we started thinking about scaling and business strategy, I mean, as we're talking, I'm thinking I bet somebody is listening to this and they're saying, you know, there's so much that goes into business strategy. Like, how long is it going to take me to put this together? How long am I going to work at this before I start to see results or before I start to take steps forward? Like, what do you say to somebody who has those kinds of objections about like actually stopping and taking the time to work on this? [00:20:02][31.9]

[00:20:03] AnnMarie Rose: So this is going to sound like an extremely biased answer, but it's just a reality. So I have to admit, it is incredibly difficult to strategize for yourself. It just. Yes. I once had an intern way, way back. I like wasn't even really doing the same thing my business that I am now. But this was still a core component of it was kind of me being that outside perspective who, you know, comes in and creates clarity and direction from these points of like, chaos and confusion. And he said, Oh, I get it because you can't read the label from inside the bottle or inside the jar. And that was very poignant for I think he was like a college freshman. Pretty sure. Yeah. And that's that's it. So I just, if nothing else, acknowledge someone who's listening, who's feeling like I have been trying to come up with a better strategy and I'm just spinning my wheels. Supernormal It's very difficult to do for yourself. And guess what? Not everyone is hardwired to be a strategist, right? Yes. That's the reality that we live in. Like, I am not the person who handles our business finances. I look at them, but I am not hard wired to operate like a CFO. I'm not and I'm okay with that. I don't have to be because I can. I have experts to support me in that area. I don't have the expertise to overcome really challenging mindset blocks. I have confidence and courage, but there are points in my business and my clients businesses where they need a little deeper support. So I have a guest coach who comes in to support my clients, who's got 25 years experience as a psychotherapist. So I'm just saying all this to normalize. Like if you are really ready to scale, it's time to acknowledge the hat that you are holding yourself back by continuing to wear. And strategy is a really, really common one because it's just even for a strategist, it's tough to do for yourself. So that being said, it will often take longer if you do not have strategic support because you will just continue trialing and trialing and trialing and trialing, trialing, and you'll look back 2 to 3 years later and you'll a couple of things will have happened. Case one, you'll have some some of that spaghetti will stick to the wall. However, you might have a difficult time identifying which particular noodles it was or if you or how to replicate that, or how to keep it sticking, how to keep it sticking in a way that feels good and how to modify it. Because guess what? In the 2 to 3 year time and also your life changes, things shift and change and you need things from your business. So being able to ship that spaghetti that did stick to the wall to then support you long term can be challenging. The other thing that can happen is you're still throwing the spaghetti for years later. Like, yeah, some stuff sticks here and there and then it falls off and then it's a and so the resolution to that is to look at things one comprehensively. So I mean, the components that I tell my clients just I mean I have a visual that I normally share that makes this easier to kind of comprehend. But we need to start with your vision and your mindset. Like, really, where are you going and who are you being on the path to getting there? And we offer suites. We want that dialed in and supporting you and your revenue goals. We have your audience or your ideal client. Who is it that you're really here to serve and then your message and positioning. So what what it is you stand for and how you share it in a way that resonates. And then we want to align your overall brand presence so that when people find you on the Internet or wherever they're finding you, that it it makes sense that there's alignment between what it is you offer and what it is they found. And then we move into a really content strategy. But I like to call it your connection strategy. So it's how are you on a consistent basis, this could look like podcasting, This could look like, you know, maybe you are really a prolific short form video creator. This could look like a collaboration strategy where you are podcast guesting on a very regular basis. It looks different for every single person. But again, that way that you're showing up on a consistent basis to be discoverable by new people. And then we've got your traffic strategy. So how are we moving someone from not ever having known you or having just met you on, say, a podcast or through a video, a real that showed up on their Discover page or wherever it is all the way through to your core offerings in your business and what's what path that's laid out there so that you have some system zation and some consistency in the business. So all those getting all of those components really dialed in and dialed in in a way that's leveraged, meaning you don't have to be so actively engaged in all of those pieces all of the time is how we move into scale. [00:24:22][258.3]

[00:24:22] Caroline Hull: I love that. And what was so great about here you laid out that way is I'm thinking to myself, you know, as you go through your business, as you grow more, as you evolve, all of those things are worth revisiting and and looking at because they have to grow and evolve and change with you. And so it's really is like you lay a foundation that then you can kind of tweak and apply as you go and as you can. [00:24:50][27.6]

[00:24:50] AnnMarie Rose: Exactly. I mean, I have clients now who've been with me for three years and are my work just continues growing and evolving alongside them. So it's made sense for us to stick around. Most my clients will work together for a minimum of. A year, because to really transform all those components that we just talked about, we can do it in about a year depending on where, you know, someone is at their starting point. But we could get we can make some really great traction in a year or two where the business looks wildly different, the revenue looks significantly higher, the time spent working is significantly less. They've usually got some dialed in. Team members or their team members are in even better position than they were when they started working with me. Better systems, all those things. So I would recommend to most people give yourself a year minimum. However, it's all a matter of prioritization too. So if you look at the circumstances in your business, you know, you need, say, a cash flow injection. There's some things you can probably do with your offers now and some sales initiatives that you can probably activate now to increase cash flow immediately. That's what I would say 85% of my clients, when they start working with me, that's what we do is we look at the next 90 days and we prioritize an initiative that's going to increase their resources immediately without putting more work on their calendar so that and have the resources available to them to make all these other shifts that need to be made in the business. And also, by the way, have the space in their calendar to to prioritize them. [00:26:08][77.4]

[00:26:08] Caroline Hull: Yeah. And I, I love that you make space such a priority because I was just thinking about this today with podcasting too. When you hear, Oh, I need to be doing this, I need to be doing that, it just sounds it sounds like it's going to add more. It sounds like it's going to add more overwhelm. And really like the goal at the end of strategy is that you have something that's actually decrease the overwhelm that makes it easier for you. You know, it's not about adding more to your plate. And I think that's where a lot of people get tripped up when they hear the word strategy is it feels all they hear is implementation. [00:26:41][33.1]

[00:26:42] AnnMarie Rose: Yeah. So, I mean, a big thing when pretty much every client, when we start working together, we do an audit of what they're currently spending their time on because what got you here is not going to get you there. Not to say that some things can't be applied and modified to help you move forward. And I'm a listen, I'm a huge fan of leveraging things that you've built an asset. So when you are at that point where you're ready to scale and you want to be strategic about it, it's not a moment of starting from scratch. However, it is a moment of evaluating because one of the fastest ways that I see my clients gain some time back is by assessing all these shoulds that they've got in their to do list. Yeah. And say, Oh wait, these were the things that, you know, maybe they serve me as I was moving from 0 to 50. Okay. Or maybe they have just remained on my list of should do's, but I've never really felt called to do it. So we clear a lot of that stuff out and boil it down to just essentials. That's the other big piece. When you are ready to shift into scaling mode, it cannot be just about more and more and more. You have to get lean so that you've got the resources and space available to start playing that bigger. [00:27:46][64.0]

[00:27:48] Caroline Hull: Oh. That's so much it's so validating, Just, you know, because as a business owner who, you know, I've had a big agency, I've built the big thing. We actually went lean this year for kind of those those exact reasons was we wanted to create more space in our lives and find out what the next phase could look like. And so there have been times this year where I've been like, how was this the right move for me? Like, you know, like because I got rid of all these clients, but it was because it's given me more space to lean into some other things. And so I love I love that you said that. That's how I feel so good. [00:28:21][32.9]

[00:28:23] AnnMarie Rose: Now I get it. That's the thing where you mentioned that people think overwhelm. And that's the other biggest challenge that I experience is when someone is making that decision because, you know, clients come to me at the point where they're saying, okay, I can't keep doing things the way that I have been because I know I'm meant for something bigger. But this decision to play a bigger game, to clear some space, to charge higher prices, to to repackage my offers to do things differently, is scary. And there is usually an investment required whether you're going to hire a strategist or not to help you out. There's investments along the way that need to be made, and it's that fear moment that can feel like overwhelm to your system rather than overwhelmed calendar. [00:29:09][46.2]

[00:29:09] Caroline Hull: Right. [00:29:09][0.0]

[00:29:10] AnnMarie Rose: It sometimes just takes a minute to get over because my mindset coach, who's also the guest coach on my program, she likes to say that bravery is not doing things without fear. The fear is still going to be there. It's just that we're going to take courageous action anyways, right? And that's where you really need to be when you're at that point of again, you can feel really alone in that space when you're deciding like, I'm really ready to shift into scaling because I've, you know, hovering around the mark, that's great. But basically what I have is this nice job that I've created for myself, and I'm ready to do things differently, to open up more space in my life, to have more I mean, the bean and impact more people. But that's a choice I've got to make. And basically saying, I'm betting on myself here, I'm betting on myself, I'm betting on my vision. I'm betting that the impact I'm going to create, the choice I'm going to have is worth it. And that takes. Courage. [00:30:03][52.5]

[00:30:04] Caroline Hull: It does. And I love this so much. Oh, so courage friends. I think that's like the best way to kind of wrap this up because those next steps can be so, so scary. And I've talked a lot on this podcast about the changes I've made in my business this year. But let me tell you, like those days where I get up and I'm like, This is what I'm doing, This is I have a vision, this is what I'm working toward. It's incredibly fulfilling in its own special way. And so, yeah, I love that if someone were saying, okay, I'm listening to this, I'm ready, I hear myself in all of this, what are the next steps that you recommend if they wanted to? Well, we can use you an example, work with you to start working on their business strategy. [00:30:50][46.1]

[00:30:52] AnnMarie Rose: Well, they're like, I've heard enough. How do we just like, I'm ready to fast track this annmarierose.com/intro. Let's get on a call and actually chat about where you are. Listen, I. I do not have a high volume business. I love to be off in my clients businesses like. I know what their kids names are. You know, I know whose kids are sick that you get and what you know, all the things. So I work with a small number of clients. It's really important for me to have a chat with anyone that I decide to work with in that capacity. However, if you're listening or you're like, I just want to see like, what's the first thing I could even think about shifting my quiz, bizbreakthroughquiz.com is going to give you a starting point, a place where you can start to make some significant shifts in terms of scaling with or without that higher level strategy, though, I definitely recommend getting some support in that regard. If you're really, really committed to to navigating scaling or it just what do they say? Like if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Like that's the bottom line here is you want staying power. Get some support. [00:31:54][62.1]

[00:31:54] Caroline Hull: Yeah. I love it so much. Thank you so much, AnnMarie. This was such a great conversation and I'm going to include all the links to everything you mentioned in the show notes, as well as how to follow you. And I just really appreciate you coming on the show and sharing your wisdom and and just your encouragement, because I think that's what we all need these days. [00:32:12][17.5]

[00:32:12] AnnMarie Rose: We all need to know we're not alone in this, right? Like, we're not we're normal, but we're not average. And that's all of those things are okay and you deserve to be supported and be heard. So thank you for having me. [00:32:25][12.3]

[00:32:25] Caroline Hull: Amen. Thank you. I needed to hear this episode so much today. Growing a business is hard. Having a vision and holding on to it is difficult. And if you were feeling that way before you listen to this episode, I really hope that this inspires you. And definitely go follow Ann-Marie for more inspiration. We'll put all of her links in the show notes and just hang on to that, exactly what she said at the end of the episode. You know, having courage and not being afraid to show up and do what you want to achieve the life and the business you want. And so that is my encouragement to all of you listening today. I will definitely see you or you will hear me in the next episode. And just thank you so much for being here and for giving me some of your time, your precious, amazing time in helping me fulfill a vision that I have which is helping you all grow your podcasts. You can grow your business, so be sure to tune in for our next episode and keep sharing, keep shining. And don't forget to strategize. [00:33:31][65.9]

[00:33:31] Caroline Hull: Thank you for listening to Share, Strategize and Shine to give your own podcast some shine. Download my free podcast guide to Creating Episodes for Sales by heading to the link in the show notes. Be sure to leave a review and connect with me on Instagram for more podcast strategy insights. Until next time.


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