It Starts With Your Mindset: How to Upgrade Your Business and Your Life With Angela Henderson

When it comes to being successful in business, and even in your personal life, few things are going to have a greater impact than your mindset. In fact, what you experience externally is a direct reflection of your inside world!

So how do you begin the work of bringing your inner self into alignment? How do you overcome mental blocks and optimize your mind for success? In today’s episode, I’m chatting with mindset expert and business consultant, Angela Henderson, as we answer those questions and more!

You’ll hear the various ways in which you can intentionally and positively condition your mindset, the challenges you’ll face along the way, and the rewards that await when you evolve into a whole new vibrational level. If you’re ready to change your life, it starts with this episode!

Grab the Free Q1 Review Checklist and if you still feel like you need a little extra help planning for 2024, sign up for my Annual Podcast Planning Workshop on Dec 12th for only $25!  Can’t wait to see you there!

What’s in this episode…

[06:58] Acknowledging your outside world as a direct reflection of your inside world

[15:09] Examples of different triggers and how to successfully address them

[19:19] The four key areas you need to bring yourself into alignment

[24:37] The seven major mindset blocks to inform your inner work

[27:01] The first steps to working through your mindset blocks

[31:59] Being the black sheep at a new vibrational level

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About Angela henderson:

Angela is an international award winning business consultant/coach, speaker and podcaster who helps women around the world make more money by creating a personalised business strategy and mastering their mindset, so they can create a business & life they love and want to show up for every, single, day.

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3 Mistakes I Made With My Podcast and the Changes I Made For Growth

The State of Podcasting in 2023 and How We’re Adapting Our Businesses for 2024 With Jenny Suneson

10x Is Easier Than 2x

The Transcript for Share, Strategize, & Shine:

ep 156: It Starts With Your Mindset: How to Upgrade Your Business and Your Life With Angela Henderson

[00:00:30] Caroline Hull: Hi there and welcome to Share, Strategize and Shine. I'm your host, Caroline Hull, a podcast strategist and CEO of Wild Home Podcasting. I've built my entire career through podcasts by sharing my experience using strategic systems and shining a light on the power of podcasting. If you are looking to cultivate leads for your membership group program or consulting services, I'm here to help you create a holistic and integrative podcast strategy that will let your business thrive. Let's dive in. [00:01:06][36.4]

[00:01:06] Caroline Hull: Welcome back to Share, Strategize and Shine. I am so, so thrilled to introduce you to Angela today on the podcast. I truly believe that people come into your life, into your business, exactly when you need them to, to have the conversations, interactions, all of those things that you need at that moment. And that's really what I felt like today, is conversation was with Angela. Angela Henderson is an international award winning business consultant, coach, speaker and podcaster who helps women around the world make more money by creating a personalized business strategy and mastering their mindset so they can create a business and life they love and want to show up every single day. And I've had a couple conversations with Angela now, and every time we talk, I am always blown away by just the clarity that comes around from understanding why mindset and alignment is such an important piece of business strategy. And we talk a lot about this in podcast strategy as well. And that is why strategy is not a one size fits all. It's not cookie cutter. You have to build it for you, for your alignment, for your life. And the same goes with podcast strategy. And so I'm really excited for you to listen to this episode. Angela and I talk about mindset blocks and why mindset is so important. This is definitely one you do not want to fast forward through. So listen to the whole thing, take it in and I really encourage you to apply what you hear today. [00:02:53][106.2]

[00:02:53] Caroline Hull: Hi, Angela. Thank you so much for coming on the show. [00:02:56][3.7]

[00:02:58] Angela Henderson: Oh, my goodness. Super excited to be here today. [00:02:59][1.6]

[00:03:00] Caroline Hull: I would love to. Before we direct, introduce yourself and tell everyone a little bit about who you are and what you do and how you help people. [00:03:07][6.5]

[00:03:08] Angela Henderson: Yeah, absolutely. I always start with, you know, you might think I'm American, but I'm actually Canadian with this amazing accent. And I always say, What's not to love? And we have beer, hockey, beavers and Pamela Anderson. You know, life is always good for a Canadian. However, I actually live in Brisbane, Australia. I've been in Australia now for almost 20 years. It's a magnificent place and I absolutely love it. In regards to a little bit about me because there's three things, predominantly as one, I'm actually an ex mental health clinician of 15 years where I used to diagnose people with bipolar anxiety, schizophrenia, etc. and it was when I had my first son that I realized all the toys that he was playing with were like this electronic base toy. And as an ex mental health clinician, a social worker, I'm all about battery operated things, but I'm also about like fine motor skills, gross motor skills, etc. It was like, surely there's going to be other toys for babies that don't have like all these bells and whistles screaming to remain at their brain. So I went on a mission and I found some amazing resources. And then I started my first business, which was an econ business called Finlee and Me after my son, which we focused on creating childhood memories through play, love, travel. And it's through there. We started off with zero, just like everyone does with zero products. And when I closed between me, we had 1400 different products. We had a zero email list. We had over 50,000 people on our email list. We start with zero socials and then 100,000 on our socials. And I share that because I think in today's world we forget that we all start at zero. And often we're comparing our chapter one with someone's chapter 30. So I just like to say it's a reminder that we all start with zero. But your name is really great because not only did I have the products, but I also learned to diversify revenue streams. And oddly enough, if my business is doing well, we started a blog and then obviously we had the socials and then I got asked pretty much I fell into one of being one of Australia's leading parenting influencers. I was signed with Netflix business, just like you would have back in America, like your Wholefoods, for example, your Woolworths, your target's, your club kids, your Hiltons. And so I would create amazing content too. Then. Sharon my platform, those businesses would pay me and then I would have another revenue stream. So that was very important for me to understand diversifying revenue. And then my kids started get older. I started to get bored with baby toys. You know, this is a different phase of life. And so also to know the universe works in magnificent ways and people are sick. And I go out for coffee with you when I don't drink coffee, but I'm a huge connector. And I did 14 coffee dates in a matter of two months. But as I was driving home, I was like, no matter how much longer I can do this, like I don't drink coffee, it's taking me an hour to go places. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, if I charge these people for my expertise, I can have a secondary business. And that's when it was never on the cards to be a business consultant. And since then, I've worked with thousands of women around the world to help them create more money through by building a personal strategy and mastering their mindset. And yeah, that's what I do now, is help amazing humans create magic. [00:05:58][170.3]

[00:05:59] Caroline Hull: I love that so much. I actually started out with a product business as well, so I love that we have that similar background. I think what really drew me to you when we first connected was how much? You talk about mindset and and the mental piece of being a business owner. And I think sometimes we focus so much on the strategy of having a business and we don't incorporate all of that, which is really important for business growth and also personal growth. And so that's what we're going to talk a little bit about today. But I just wanted to say like, I think that is so amazing how you incorporate your backgrounds in that into the work you do now as business owners because it is needed. And so as we dive in, I would love for you first to tell us a little bit about mindset. And before this call, we were actually talking about alignment and how those two things are so important and why do you think they're so crucial for business owners and business owners? [00:06:57][57.5]

[00:06:58] Angela Henderson: I mean, often I think people separate mindset as it's not strategy, but mindset is absolutely that. It's part of it should be part of your overall strategic plan and direction. So first of all, don't separate the two. And I'm a firm believer that what is going on in the outside world is a direct reflection of your inside world. So if your life is chaos, if your business isn't looking at it the way that you want to, if your bank account is not a reflection of what you want. Those are all prime indicators that there's something going on internally because it's a mirror. Your inner world is just a reflection of your outer world. So really be thinking about right now what's going on. If you've got drama in the home, if your life is chaos, if you keep getting really, really sick all the time and I say, okay, you've ruled out blood tests, you've done all did that mean like the really got a lot of it is the inner work. In the inner work the unresolved inner work is what's causing you to be in these health conditions and stuff to come up. So when women come to me, they're like, Can you help me make more money? I'm like, Absolutely. Will you help me? Do you mean a business strategy and accountability? Yes, absolutely. And that's what they think they need. But the way that I work with women is off of a four prong kind of model. So it's like, imagine four circles and then they all intersect in the middle. And the first circle is strategy. And during the strategy, I do help you get clarity. I do help you look at your business plan. I do help you keep you accountable. But then I look at your health, what's going on with your physical health, your mental health, your spiritual health. Then I look at your wealth. What's going on with your personal wealth, your business, wealth and generational wealth. And the last thing that I look at is relationships. Relationships to community, relationships to self in relationship to family and friends. Because when you infuse those four circles together, that helps you and everything's rocking and rolling nicely. That's when you're in alignment. And if you're not in alignment, say like what? I was about to get divorced. I was not in alignment and everything else in those other areas was weighing me down. But when you really focus on all four of those areas and they're never going to be 100% in alignment, but the more alignment they are, the more money you make, the more fun you have, the less stressed you're going to be. But that alignment piece comes with you looking at your mindset, because if your mindset is wobbly, you're going to ignore most of those things. Well, why do people ignore most of those things? Because of our subconscious brain. Our subconscious brain makes up 97% of the overall decisions that we make for our 3% rational brain even comes into play. And underneath the surface of our where our subconscious lies is there's three rooted things that us that normally stop us from doing something. I don't feel safe. I'm not enough. And I don't belong. And those subconscious things that have been rooted in us typically come from AT1RT to trauma when we were growing up as children. And so t one is like it can be obvious divorce or significant car accident abuse. You know, there's like there's really horrific things and they can do really bad things, but often it can be this subtle t to stuff that makes people not have a strong mindset, makes people don't succeed in business. And what that is, is if you're a 3 or 4 year old little girl or boy and you went up and pulled like on your mom's leg and the like, Mommy, mommy, look at what I've made with my painting and the mangoes. She's got like a boiling pot of water or something. Just like just a minute, Susie. I'll be right there, enthuses three and four year old brain. Remember, it grows, the brains grow differently. So cognitively you've processed. Oh, I must not be enough for Mom. Yeah. She's The script's away. But what Susie forgot was, five minutes after the pot was boiling, Mommy scooped you up, sat you on her lap, and you went through the entire picture with her. They don't remember that. But what happens is it's already at an age of 3 or 4, even two. You've already embedded a little like drop in your brain. That I'm not enough. Yeah, but over the years of Mom kept doing that for whatever reason, it accumulates. So then subconsciously not even aware of it. Does that make sense? So I'll give you an example. I did hypnotherapy because that's where you get to the root of this that the lady said, What do you want to talk about today? And I was like, I don't know. I said, A client of mine. I was like, nothing. And was like, Actually, no. A client pissed me off. And she's like, Oh, because here's the thing. If you're getting triggered also by people, situations, things in your news feed the universe is nudging you to explore that trigger because that's unresolved trauma typically. So this client just said to me, I thought if I worked with you in a one on one coaching capacity, I would get a whole bunch of templates in my brain. I'm like, I've got hundreds of templates, but I don't give them all to the women because then they get overwhelmed. So I gave her about 8 to 10 templates that would work for her business, her business model and be an alignment for her. So I knew right there that she had her own thing. She was triggered in her own thing that I would talk about later with her. But for me, I was like, I have a responsibility to X or this trigger so that no therapist says, When I count you down, you're going to be where you need to be. I was like, Yup. And where I was was actually in my kitchen, in my mom's house 20 years ago. This is actually what happened. I remember walking past her laptop and I saw my name, my brother's name and my sister's name. And on that, it must have been like emailing someone that she had started dating or something like, This is what my kids do. On that, she said, Angela is in medical school. She's got a GPA of 4.0. Did it add up? But everything was a lie. I was in a medical school. I wasn't at the university, she said. I was I was an all of this, but I. I didn't think anything else of it. I walked past the laptop, looked at it and carried on for 20 something years and tell when my client said, where are my templates? And I was triggered. The reason why I was triggered was because subconsciously my thought process was I'm not enough for my client, I'm not doing enough, I'm not being enough. I'm not giving enough. Well, where did that come from? It came from seeing that. How could I be enough if my own mother doesn't think I'm enough? Because she lies to me with the men that she's dating? [00:12:56][358.3]

[00:12:58] Caroline Hull: Yeah. [00:12:58][0.0]

[00:12:58] Angela Henderson: So do you see? Like. So it's not like you wake up in the morning, you're like, Yep, this is what it was. But it was that slight thing that she lied about me that I've put into like a filing cabinet. My brain. And it sat there and it's impacted me throughout the years. So this is why, again, your outside world will tell you what's going on in your inner world, but most people will choose not to explore it. I'm too busy. Carry on. I didn't sleep. It's my kids fault. It's my husband's fault. It's my wife's fault. Whatever. We're now actually, it's your responsibility to take radical responsibility about what's happening in your life. So, yeah. [00:13:34][35.3]

[00:13:34] Caroline Hull: I love this, that you've brought all this up, because this year for me has been such an interesting year of personal and business growth. I don't talk a lot about this on the podcast and in public, but I had hip surgery at the beginning of the year and I had been in therapy before that because I was getting ready to have this massive hip surgery. And it was so interesting because when I was in therapy, what kept coming up wasn't the hip surgery. You know, it wasn't my business. You're exactly right. It was like everything else that I had been carrying with me. And what's so fascinating is, as I've been sorting through that, it's making me be a better business owner. It's making me show up better for my team, for my clients. And as I was listening to you talking, I was like thinking to myself, I need to make notes. Because, you know, some of the things that you were saying triggered you. Like when a client talks to you a certain way or even if, you know, just me thinking and wondering, Oh, did I give them enough? Am I giving them enough? You know, this is all coming back to all of that stuff that I have been working through. And so I just love that you explain that so well, because I don't think we understand how much of, like you said, those outside forces affect what's going on in our businesses. [00:14:55][81.0]

[00:14:57] Angela Henderson: But business and life, business, life, relationships, you know, like this is the thing. We're so busy hustling from one thing to the next to the next that people aren't prepared to do this work. [00:15:07][10.4]

[00:15:08] Caroline Hull: Right. [00:15:08][0.0]

[00:15:09] Angela Henderson: They don't think it's important. I can't tell you how important this work is to save marriages, better relationships with your children. You know, so many things like, you know, there was a thing I was listening to on Instagram one day with this. She's like, she works for civically with parents to have better relationships with their kids. And it was fascinating. Like, if your kid triggers you this, this means this. So if you're out and about in, say, society, for example, are just at a restaurant and your kid's like, oh my God, look at that tall woman, do you mean? And I was like, Oh my God, shut up, Jimmy. Don't generally don't say that. And it's like, Well. Obviously you want them to be polite, but also normally it's like, well, you were triggered like, Oh my God, I'm embarrassed. Or why were you triggered? Well, as a child, you are just generally you're told to be quiet. You were told to not have a voice. And so therefore, again, you had shame that all of us I can't use my voice. I must not be enough. Or maybe you didn't feel safe. So it's like all of these things impact. I'll give you another example. I started dating. This was my partner. We've been together for ten months now at one of the most beautiful people in the entire world. And he was coming over for dinner one night and he said he showed up late and I was fuming. Like, triggered? Yeah. Like there was steam coming out of my ears. And I was like, okay, this is a trigger. Why am I triggered about this? And he just walks and he's like, Hey, babe, how are you? He's like, The sunset was the most beautiful sunset ever. And I just had to stop and look at the sunset. So then I'm like, What a bitch, dude. I mean, like, Oh, my God, this is horrible. Like, you know? But I'm like, who wouldn't want to be like, get honored for taking time out and enjoying life? But no, I was like, I couldn't hear it. So he knew I was upset. He was like, You're okay. I'm like, Actually, no. Like, I think it's rude. It's disrespectful. But so I then went back to the hypnotherapist, and in a long story short, what happened was, is when I was a little girl, my dad would work on the oil rigs and there'd be times when my mom would say he was coming home, but that he would get stuck in the snow or whatever or would have to work overtime because a little girl, when you tell someone they're coming, you're counting down the hours for them. And so I would actually wait at the window for my dad. I'd forgot about that, but I would wait at the window for him to come home. And the longer it took, the more unsafe I felt. Oh, yeah, So and so. It was a safety thing. When Grant didn't mean was like it wasn't like a control thing on my behalf. I was like, What? And so I went back to him after that and said, I figured out what it is it's like. And I told him a story about my dad. I said, So if you're going to be late, can you just text me? I said, Because that will help with reregulating my nervous system. We're communicating. You go do your thing. I said, But I don't feel safe when you're late because it reminds me of a little girl when I was waiting for my dad. So your body remembers all of these things, right? And we minimize that. [00:18:00][171.1]

[00:18:00] Caroline Hull: Yeah, we do. And I love this, too. As part of the conversation, like you mentioned, the shushing and how when we start our children and then you grow up and you feel like your voice isn't important or shouldn't be heard. And that's when I really relate to because I know that as a podcaster, someone who's creating content, it has taken me. I didn't just show up to the mic with confidence and and feeling like I could voice my opinions. I mean, this is actually something I've been working on this year too, is like being not afraid to say the things that I'm afraid to say. And and I just think that's, that's such an impactful thing that you brought up that we need to work on the things, too, that are causing us not to show up fully as ourselves. And, you know, I work a lot with podcasters who at their beginning of their journey and they mention this all the time. Well, I don't know if people want to hear this. I don't know, you know, where is that coming from? And so I, I just my challenge, everyone listening is, you know, if you're having those thoughts come up, especially as you're listening to this episode, see if you can find out where that's coming from and work through it. Because I will say it's been so impactful for me, again, as a content creator, as a podcaster, to figure out what is blocking me from, you know, speaking up and not being afraid to raise my voice. [00:19:18][78.0]

[00:19:19] Angela Henderson: So I love 100%. And so I encourage people to, one, think about the four. I'm going to the seven major months. That box is like one. Ask yourself, on a scale of 1 to 10 how burnt out you are. Yeah. If you're anything over three, you need to go, Oh, what is it? And burn out. People think, oh, from burnt out. I'm going to be diagnosed with anxiety or depression. That might be true, but more often than not it's actually not. What it normally is, is you're not in alignment. So you're either you need to ask yourself, why not in alignment with business? Am I not alignment with my health? Am I not in alignment with wealth or am I not in alignment with my relationships? And what normally come down the won't? So for me, before I ask my ex-husband for a divorce, I was not in alignment with our relationship. He'd walk in the door. Things would be so heavy that would impact my energy levels to do my business, whatever. But when he moved out in March 8th, 20 months ago or whatever, March was my biggest revenue month at that stage of my business. That's not coincidence. You know I let go. I then do mean my relationship was no longer there. It was sad. It was hard. But the freedom and the lightness. So I put myself first. Yeah, right. That I shed and what I was no longer alignment in when I was pulling myself into alignment, like attracts like. So of course more money was able to come into my world because I was in more alignment. So when I work with the women, either one on one of my business retreats in Australia or Bali, or when I'm doing them in like working with a member of Mastermind every time I work with them. The strategy is different because sometimes I'm like a whole. Like the other day one of my most of my clients. Come on. So how are you? She's like, Oh, I'm so sick. And I said, You know, the last four times have helped Nicole. The first thing you told me is that you're not feeling well. And I was like, So she like, Oh, I just really. I just need to talk to you about my funnel I set. And my team was like, No. I said, It doesn't matter what I do to talk to you about your funnel. And it doesn't matter what strategy I give to you to talk about your team. If we don't address what's going on with your health, you're not going to be here to have your team and to have your funnel. [00:21:25][125.8]

[00:21:26] Caroline Hull: Right. [00:21:26][0.0]

[00:21:27] Angela Henderson: So I said, Have you had bloodwork? No, I'm not a doctor, but I've also worked in the space. Have you had blood work done? How long have you not been sleeping for? Do you need to speak with your GP? Do you think that there's just something physical going on or do you think this is psychosocial stressors like your team or the thing was family that is putting the stress on you? I said, because it seems like you're not in alignment with your health right now, which is causing things to be a ripple effect everywhere else. Whereas then I had a lady who came to me and there was the next lady on my next call to that was a 1 to 1 client and we were talking about self-compassion. She, her self-esteem was down, our confidence was down, etc. And so we didn't spend the time on that. So it's like what I'm saying is like, all of these things can't be done in isolation. They all impact the growth of your business. And I think, again, people the more that you understand that. So again, ask yourself, on a scale of 1 to 10, are you aware, are you burnt out? The higher your number, you're simply unaligned and really reflect where you're on the line. They're not asking you to go and ask for divorce like I did, asking you to burn down anything but you really if you really wanted ten year life and there's a really great book called ten X is Easier than two X, and if you want to ten X year, if you just want to keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep 80% of what's going on in your world friends, family mindset, etc. and you'll only change 20%. And if you want substantial growth in you, your relationships, your business, you will have to change 80% of what you currently know and only keep 20%. That means it's a radical change and most people won't take a ten X in their business because they're too afraid of losing their self identity. [00:23:00][93.1]

[00:23:01] Caroline Hull: Yeah. Hey podcaster, are you setting your podcast up for success? What if you could have a plan that makes podcasting easier? I am so excited to be holding a Podcast Goals and Annual Planning workshop for online business owners, coaches, consultants and service providers who have a podcast and want to create a plan for the year so they can leverage their podcasts for leads, sales and marketing. This is going to be a super fun workshop where we will create a plan and give you the framework to create a podcast that works for you throughout the year. It's going to be held on December 12th, but if you can't make it, you will get access to the replay. It also includes a planning workbook with exercises and templates to help you along the way, plus our podcast marketing hub template and like I said, access to the replay. It's only $25 and I really hope to see you there. Head to [00:24:01][59.5]

[00:24:06] Angela Henderson: So they just keep in what feels safe. Remember that whole safety thing again? This feel safe? I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. So I strongly encourage you again to read the book. Ten is easier than two books because it's a really great line opener about what you're going to have to let go of in order to get you to where you want to go. Well, at the same time, remembering your alignment piece and then understanding that your outside world is a direct reflection of your inside world. And after working with thousands of women business owners around the world, I found seven major mindset blocks that come up. Yes. [00:24:35][29.6]

[00:24:36] Caroline Hull: Yes. [00:24:36][0.0]

[00:24:37] Angela Henderson: And these mindset blocks. The first one is self trust the belief in yourself, your growth and your integrity. The second mindset block that I've seen is self-love with a sense of one's own value or worth as a person. The third major mindset block that I see is worthiness, the quality of being good enough. The fourth major mindset walk that I see is money stories and blocks that negative subconscious beliefs about money that limit you from achieving your success and desires. So again, think about when you were growing up as a kid. If you went to pick up a quarter on the street and people like, Oh my goodness, don't touch that, that's dirty. Did you think money was dirty? And you repel money? Do people say money doesn't grow on trees? But what were you told about money? What did you see about money? My parents filed bankruptcy twice, so I've had enormous amount of money blocks come up in my role. But that's the fourth major mindset block that I see. The fifth one is obsessive thinking. It's a series of thoughts typically reoccur, often with negative judgments. The sixth one that I see is divine timing. So the definition of divine timing is to believe that everything in our life happens at exactly the right moment, where it becomes a major mindset. Block As we always question what's happening in our world. We then put up blocks and we try to always manipulate and change was actually being presented in front of us. And the last major minded mindset lock that I see is impostor syndrome refers to believing that you're not as confident as others perceive you to be. So as you're listening to this right now, ask yourself to be honest and go of these seven major mindset blocks. What one is impacting you? Self trust, self-love worthiness, money stories and blocks, obsessive thinking, divine timing or imposter syndrome. Because right there, that's giving you enough clues of what you need to go and work on the inner work. [00:26:24][106.4]

[00:26:24] Caroline Hull: Oh my gosh, that was so great. I feel like. As I was listening, I was, you know, kind of checking the boxes of the blocks that I've experienced and maybe ones that I'm currently feeling. And I know that it can feel really overwhelming when you're listening to an episode like this. And they're saying, okay, these are all the blocks. These are the things that are keeping you from achieving what you want to achieve. What would you say would be maybe like the first step, maybe the second step to to start working on these blocks as a business owner? [00:26:59][34.6]

[00:27:01] Angela Henderson: I the first step is acceptance and awareness. They kind of go hand in hand. It's like any time you get that trigger, write it down. Yeah, it's like it's data driven, you know, And you can't ignore doing what's being presented in front of you. Your partner pissed you off. What was the trigger? A client annoyed you. What was the trigger? Not enough money. What's the trigger? Right. Start is figuring that out. The second thing is, is if like you already, like, already know, I've got shit that I need to work on. Well, then make it a priority. If you're in business and you can afford to have a business. Well, I wouldn't say that. If you can afford to drink coffee at Starbucks, if you can afford to go shopping, if you can afford tattoos, if you can afford alcohol, if you can afford eating out, you can afford to go and get the help that you need to make your life better and your business better. Yeah. And well, how do you do that? Well, you could speak with a social worker, a psychologist, and one on one therapy, and that will work. But I found personally, as someone who used to do CBT, DVT therapy with people, I also had my own therapy. It's very surface level and it's still not getting to the root. So you might want to then choose the potential to work with like an adult person, neurologist, x Reprograming person, or you might want to go do hypnotherapy or you might want to work with a healer. It's those individuals that get that if they keep going deeper and deeper and deeper, but they also get there quicker and quicker. So one on one therapy, we're talking with a psychologist or social worker. You'll probably have 20, 50 sessions for me and you'll start to kind of feel like you're talking about the same thing. It gets a little bit better then it doesn't really shift. LP stuff. It's like normally you'll get about 10 to 15 sessions to hypnotherapy, one 45 minute session. We'll get to one rooted problem. It's that quick for me and then my healer. But healer that I work with in New York is slightly different. She's working with more like again, your like potential past lives, people who have crossed over. I've had 70 clients go to her and it's one of the most beautiful experiences that you could ever imagine. It's like, amazing, but it's like from a really deep healing place versus the hypnotherapy. It's always something specific that's triggered you and you want to get to the root of it. But again, if you can afford, like I said, eating out, shopping, drinking, tattoos, whatever, you can afford to make this healing journey a priority. [00:29:19][138.6]

[00:29:20] Caroline Hull: Yeah. And doing the work is so, so important because at the end of the day, we all want to live our best lives. We want to, you know, we want to show up for our businesses, for our kids and all the places for our podcasts, for the people who are listening to us and interacting with us online. And I know for me, when I am not working on those things, I'm not I'm not showing up in those places the best that I can be. And I immediately see the impact in my business and in my life with my kids. Like, it's it really I've become so aware of it and how much it affects. And so I just really want to encourage everyone who's listening to this, like take the time to do exactly what Angela is talking about and work through this stuff because it really will make an impact and help you get to where you want to be and who you want to be. You know, it's not just. [00:30:13][52.5]

[00:30:14] Angela Henderson: 100%. [00:30:14][0.0]

[00:30:15] Caroline Hull: It's it's about who you want to be, you know. [00:30:17][2.5]

[00:30:19] Angela Henderson: And what will that money allow you to have? I mean, that's what I always say to people. Okay, great. You have $1 million. What what will that allow you to have? Most people were at time freedom, Financial freedom. Right. That's what they're after. This inner work will allow you that. If you choose not to do it, you're choosing to then state a revenue. Do I mean threshold that you're never going to get past? And not to mention it, but for me, it's one of my biggest reasons why I do my businesses whatever is to break generational patterns, you know? My grandmother didn't speak to her mother. My mom didn't speak to her mom. I don't speak to my mom. So when I had my daughter, I knew Jeremy and how important it was to break during that generation and make sure that we would continue and break that cycle for them when my granddaughter grandkids would ever come into play. And so by doing the inner work, not only am I becoming a better business owner and making more money, but I'm becoming a better mother and breaking generational patterns because I'm healing things that my kids no longer have to witness like I witnessed as a kid growing up. So it's not just about business. It's about improving your life collectively. [00:31:21][62.7]

[00:31:23] Caroline Hull: I could not agree more. I resonate with this so much because I literally had this exact conversation with my therapist a year ago and was like, I want to change things. And and I remember she said to me, you know, you're not always going to be perfect, but just the fact that you're taking the steps forward and the people around you see that you're working on itself, you're working on showing up differently. She's like, That is impactful and that has resonated with me so much. I always think about that when I'm having an interaction with my kids or, you know, anybody really like I'm doing the work. [00:31:58][35.0]

[00:31:59] Angela Henderson: But I think that's also important too, that most people also talked about that were the 1% of people that are making the change. This is actually really important thing to say before. You know. I know we'll wrap up, but is that when you start healing the rest of the world around you is not? Yes, you will probably become the black sheep. Because you will start to make more money, you will be more confident. You will no longer put up with shit. Your boundaries are going to be tighter. So when when this new ten x person of you evolves because it will, the world's not ready for that. So just know that as you step in this, you will lose friends and family along the way. Yeah, because they're not at the new vibration level. You are. They're like, my life sucked. Work sucked this suck. I have no money on you, like, but do something about it. Oh, no, it's too hard. I'm just going to keep watching Netflix. My marriage is falling apart. We never going to do something about it. No, it's too much. And then you're just like, Oh, my God. Like, I cannot be around Negative. It's one thing to have a bad day. What? We all have bad days. But you know exactly what I'm talking about. When any time you pick up this phone call from this friend or this family member, when you go to Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas dinner. Oh, poor me. My life sucks. And it just is like this broken record. You will have to get rid of these people to vibrate at a new level because you're vibrating at a new level. And so just be mindful that it's completely normal when you start seeing things through a different lens and you start to do the inner work. And just because people will be jealous of you. I went from 100 K to 500 K. They'll see you taking more trouble. You've already taken five holidays this year. You're going to take another one, Angela. Yep, absolutely. [00:33:48][108.5]

[00:33:49] Caroline Hull: I am. Yeah. [00:33:50][0.9]

[00:33:51] Angela Henderson: So just know that your everything will change for the good. You got to trust the process and know that again, people can either choose to be with you or choose not to, but by you not doing this change. What I say is whatever. You're not changing your choosing. So you can choose to remain in the two life. Or you can choose the ten year life. But whatever choice you make, please do not bitch and moan about it. Yeah. And this is. This is what absolutely gets under my skin when I see women in business complaining. It's my husband. It's my kids, it's my dog. It's my health. It's a. Change it? Yeah. Like when I made that decision two years ago on Christmas Day, I asked my husband for a divorce. It wasn't. I didn't plan for that to happen, but it pissed me off one final time. It was 11:00 in the morning and I went into the bathroom. I looked at myself. I was like, I'm not going into another year like this. I deserve it for myself. My kids deserve to see a mom who is strong and stands up for herself. This marriage no longer serves me. I'm unaligned. I walked up and said, You've got to march to get out. Then we sat down for Christmas dinner, follow the law. But I was like, I'm not doing it anymore. Yeah, but because no one's coming to your door going. Knock, knock, knock. Angela, we're going to help you move everything out. We're going to break the news to your kids. You're going to have to do everything financially. You're going to be on your own. You're like, My ADHD symptoms came back. No one's frickin doing that. It's me. So what are you doing every single day when your feet hit the floor? What are you being responsible for? What are you remember? Whatever. You're not changing. You are choosing. And everything still has a choice. Everything has a consequence or a reward. But again, for any of this to happen, for you to heal, you've got to take responsibility to pick up the phone and work with someone. [00:35:39][108.2]

[00:35:40] Caroline Hull: Yeah. [00:35:40][0.0]

[00:35:41] Angela Henderson: And most people will. Most people want because it's too hard. They put it in the too hard basket. [00:35:45][3.9]

[00:35:46] Caroline Hull: Right. When we're recording this, my 150th episode of this podcast just came out and I quoted in that podcast a line from the Matilda musical, My Daughters in Musical Theater. And they're doing that to her right now. And there's this line, and it's exactly that. It says that if you don't like your story, change it. And if you're just going to and she says if you just take it on the chin and wear it, nothing will change. And every time I hear that when we're listening to it or my daughter's singing, I get teary because, you know, there are these moments in business and life, like you said, where you have to decide, am I going to take this or am I going to do something about it? And that for me, that was this year. This year for me was, okay, Caroline, are you going to let this happen to you? Are you going to do something about it? And because I have chosen to do something about it, I am seeing the impact and I'm seeing the momentum and I'm seeing things start to move in the direction I want them to move in. So I just I love that, you know, we are we are in control, but you have to do the work. [00:36:57][70.8]

[00:36:58] Angela Henderson: 100%. And again, the work is a strategy. [00:37:01][2.3]

[00:37:02] Caroline Hull: Yeah. [00:37:02][0.0]

[00:37:03] Angela Henderson: Yeah. It's like when I just ran a and I helped 80 people last week create their territory for business strategy and goals. And I said, every one of you. One of the goal should be to do the inner work. How am I going to do that? [00:37:17][13.9]

[00:37:19] Caroline Hull: Yeah. [00:37:19][0.0]

[00:37:20] Angela Henderson: And they're like. They're like, We've never had that as one of our goals. No one's ever told us. No one's ever showed us. I'm like, No, no. I'm sad at first was I'm not telling you to do a thing. I'm encouraging you to do it. If it feels in alignment to go on your goal sheet and do it. If it doesn't, don't. Right. But they're like, no. They're like, This is where I have to make the change. This is where I step in. So, yes. Does that make sense? [00:37:40][20.1]

[00:37:40] Caroline Hull: Yeah, absolutely. Every time I talk with you, I am so inspired and I just appreciate you so much for coming on and sharing just so candidly and openly about why this is important. And I would love if you would just share how people can connect with you. And also you have a podcast as well. So we want to make sure that everybody listens to that. [00:38:01][20.3]

[00:38:02] Angela Henderson: So, yes, the number one thing that I say is that head to my website And then from there you can it's like an all you can eat buffet. You can pick and choose what you're going to need. Most people are really loving our brand new what we called growth score. And what happens is you take a 20 questions, it takes about three minutes and we look at four major parts of your business and we will identify where the gaps are and where you've got improvement to move your business or and you'll get this growth scorecard. So if you head to, right at the beginning, you'll be able to get that on our homepage. But then again, if you listen to my podcast, Angela Henderson Alone Business Show, you might want to look at coming to Bali with us for our retreat in October next year. So again, all you can eat buffet, go there, pick and choose what you need and how I can best support you. But most importantly, let's just stay connected. [00:38:49][47.1]

[00:38:50] Caroline Hull: I love it so much. All the links will be in the show notes. And thank you so much. [00:38:54][3.4]

[00:38:55] Angela Henderson: You're very welcome. Have a beautiful day. [00:38:56][1.1]

[00:38:57] Caroline Hull: Angela and I could have talked for probably three more hours today, and we definitely talked for a whole nother 30 minutes after this episode was over. I think we were waiting for files to upload, but really we were just enjoying extending the conversation and we talked even more about podcasting and mindset. And I just want to encourage you all. I know that if you've been a listener of this podcast, you've heard me talk about a lot of the mindset shifts that I've had to make this year. A lot of the decisions that I've had to make, the opportunities that I have created, and it has come from exactly what Angela talked about doing that inner work. And so definitely if you were listening and you felt like you were being talked to the way I felt like I was being talked to, take the time to do this inner work and take the time to work through these blocks because it can make such an impact on your business and your life. And we will, of course, include all of the links we talked about in the show notes. And I cannot wait to share another episode with you soon. [00:40:04][67.1]

[00:40:04] Caroline Hull: Thank you for listening to Share, Strategize and Shine to give your own podcast some shine. Download my free podcast guide to Creating Episodes for Sales by heading to the link in the show notes. Be sure to leave a review and connect with me on Instagram for more podcast strategy insights. Until next time.


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