Using Instagram to Amplify Your Brand and Podcast with Elizabeth Marberry

Do you wish your Instagram account was actually working for you? What should you post when your podcast goes live? And do I have to dance in my reels? These are questions that come up time and time again when I talk to clients about Instagram so I knew I needed to bring in an expert. The insights she brings today will resonate with anyone looking to harness the power of social media to not only capture attention but also convert leads into loyal customers.

In this episode, I’m chatting with Elizabeth Marberry, host of the Strut It! Podcast and a  visibility and marketing expert with a heart for authenticity and FUN.

Elizabeth shares her journey from doing it all to focusing on what she does best—empowering other business owners through her Instagram coaching. This conversation is packed with actionable tips and heartfelt advice, making it a must-listen for entrepreneurs aiming to elevate their digital presence and business impact. So grab your notepad and get ready to dive deep into the world of Instagram marketing with Elizabeth!

What’s in this episode…

[00:04:00] Importance of authenticity in using social media platforms like Instagram.

[00:10:00] Strategies for small business owners to leverage organic Instagram marketing.

[00:22:00] Elizabeth’s shift from dance studio marketing to providing Instagram coaching.

[00:25:30] DM automation to boost podcast engagement through Instagram.

[00:38:16] The importance of creating a system so your marketing channels work together


Elizabeth Marberry is a visibility and marketing expert with a heart for authenticity and FUN. Elizabeth launched her thriving Wedding Dance Coach Business in 2010 and grew it to a multi-six figure brand. After 14+ years as a Wedding Industry Leader, Elizabeth has also grown her social media influence to over 120K combined account followers, while mentoring her expanding list of private clients to the same social media success.

Elizabeth's the host of Strut IT, a podcast about bold visibility on Instagram and can be found speaking on national stages about social media marketing. Her message? “Learn how to make Instagram work FOR your business and I promise, this gets to be FUN!”

Connect with Elizabeth:






Grab Elizabeth’s Free Monetize Your IG guide: and listen to her podcast Strut It: Bold Visibility Through Instagram Marketing Podcast:

The Transcript for Share, Strategize, & Shine:

[00:00:00] Caroline: Welcome back to share strategize and shine. Today I am chatting with my client and also just good friend Elizabeth. Elizabeth is an Instagram strategist and I immediately connected with her because of our similar views on content strategy, marketing, and [00:01:00] all of those things. But what was so great to me is that her approach to Instagram is so authentic, so bold, which is a part of her brand and a part of her messaging.

[00:01:12] And, It's something that I really struggled with, and I think that's why I was so drawn to her when I first met her. Because I was like, oh, I want to show up on Instagram like that. I mean, I'm not going to dance on Instagram. If you want to see some really great dancing, definitely go check out her Instagram.

[00:01:29] But, uh, I am not going to do that. But that's okay, because I can show up as me. And Elizabeth teaches her clients how to Use Instagram to create more leads and more clients for their business, which is very similar to what I teach about podcasting. So this conversation is so great. You definitely want to grab a notepad and a pen and take some notes and then be sure after the episode to go follow Elizabeth because you will learn so [00:02:00] much from her and her Instagram account.

[00:02:02] So here is Elizabeth and enjoy.

[00:02:05] Hi Elizabeth. Thank you so much for coming on the show. 

[00:02:08] Elizabeth: Hello. I'm so thrilled and honored and pumped to be here. Thank you for having 

[00:02:14] Caroline: of course. Of course. So we're going to talk all things Instagram today, but before we dive in, I would love for you to just introduce yourself and tell everyone what you do and how you help people. 

[00:02:27] Elizabeth: Yes. Thank you. So I am Elizabeth Marbury. I am the CEO and founder of a brick and mortar dance studio in Denver, Colorado called wedding dance coach. We have been in business for 14 

[00:02:41] years and I started that business very much doing all the things, wearing all the hats, And now here I am 14 years later, I've built it to a multi six figure brand.

[00:02:52] I have a whole team of instructors, a fabulous studio manager, and I get to be in the CEO visionary seat, [00:03:00] which leads me directly into my second business, which is my Instagram marketing coaching business. And that business really came from how we blew up my studio blew up on Instagram and Tik TOK. And I really.

[00:03:17] Studied social media marketing for years, really wanting to master it. Cause I had no idea what I was doing at first. And after a year of going all in on my studio and, and really blowing up our feeds, we had insane results. We got over 4, 000 leads on our email list. We had an 84 percent increase in revenue in one year.

[00:03:41] And it really was just like. It was insane. It brought in so many different opportunities like an international TV interview and all these things that I just could never have expected. And so I really fell in love with Instagram marketing. And so now the main thing that I do is I coach [00:04:00] and help other owners, small business owners, creative entrepreneurs to leverage Instagram and their organic, meaning no paid ads.

[00:04:09] Marketing strategy so they can reach more of their dreamboat 

[00:04:13] Caroline: love that so much. So I was a ballet dancer and when we first connected on Instagram, like I, that was like the first thing that really drew me to you as a dancing aspect. But the other thing that really drew me to you was we have such a similar perspective on marketing strategy. And that's something that we have nerded out together on.

[00:04:36] Like, you know, Instagram and podcasts and all that stuff. And, and so I love, I love chatting with you because I just feel like we're so in sync that way, not to mention the dance part. Cause I just love dancing. So 

[00:04:49] Elizabeth: Oh my gosh. We're so in sync. Like I, you couldn't have said it better. When I listened to your podcast and you talk about how we have to be really intentional about how we want to use our podcasts [00:05:00] and our goals and have our podcasts work for our business. It's like you could insert the word Instagram into everything you're saying and you sound like me and I sound like you and we are so aligned with, with how we teach and I absolutely 

[00:05:12] Caroline: And I know, you know, it's so funny about that too. Like, as you're saying that I'm thinking to myself, like, yeah, I've got the podcasting part down, but I don't have the Instagram part down. And like, I've helped you with the podcast part. And it's just so funny because like, as marketers, like we're really good at the content that we know.

[00:05:30] And then me, like a lot of other business owners, I get so. overwhelmed by Instagram. And so I would love if you would just share why Instagram in the first place is such a powerful tool for business owners. Because I think sometimes when I look at it.

[00:05:44] from a business owner, I'm like, do I have to do this? 

[00:05:48] Elizabeth: Yes, absolutely. Well, first I want to go back and just say, yes, you helped me so much with my podcast. So Caroline helped me to launch season three of 

[00:05:59] Caroline: Which is amazing by [00:06:00] the way. Like you're doing such a great job. 

[00:06:03] Elizabeth: Thank you. And it was. I cannot like emphasize enough what an incredible experience it was for me because I am such a creatrix and like visionary and, uh, you know, kind of like, like the systems really like slow me 

[00:06:20] down, like I'm not great at creating like structure and systems and usually I have to hire other people to help me.

[00:06:29] And that, so I felt like you had the perfect package of really helping me hone in my vision and then giving me all of your incredible, like, resources to help me actually strategize my podcast, make it work with my marketing schedule, which by the way, this is season three of my podcast. In the first two seasons, I was just flying by the seat of my pants and saying a prayer.

[00:06:52] And season three, thanks to Caroline, I am totally like rocking out with my strategy. I've already had some [00:07:00] conversions from my podcast, which 

[00:07:01] is so crazy. Like from My cold audience, like booking calls with me. And so it's totally working. So I just want to say like, thank you for giving me that structure because I didn't have that before.

[00:07:13] And that's why, like being consistent as a podcaster was so hard 

[00:07:19] Caroline: know, it's so funny you say that. I remember we were talking on, the Instagram voice messages one day and you were saying to me.

[00:07:27] this, the same thing, like, I'm really struggling with seeing the steps, like how I'm going to get from point A to point B each week. And it was so funny because you said it to me and then I .

[00:07:37] Regurgitated it back to you. And I said, that's how I feel about Instagram. And so I said like, don't beat yourself up because you know, we're all really good at the thing that we know. And I, I find that so much with like coaches, like, you know, Instagram, you're so good at, I see your Instagram. And I'm like, Oh, I wish I could post a video like that.

[00:07:55] And then. And then, you know, you come to me and you're like, Oh, I wish I could do a podcast episode like [00:08:00] that. And, you know, it's just, I just wanted to like drive that home because we all have our little pockets of like genius. And what I think is so cool. And we're going to talk a little bit about this in this episode is when we started working together, I said to you, like, The thing that you're really good at is Instagram.

[00:08:16] And I want to make sure that we're not taking away from that with the podcast, that we're just enhancing that and using them together. And you've even messaged me back and said like, Oh, I've been doing this and it's been working. And so I'm just really excited for you to be on and everybody needs to go listen to your podcast.

[00:08:31] Cause it's so great. And you're just. The way we incorporated it into your brand and how it all works together now is just so beautiful. Like I love going to your website and seeing it all just flowing together and working together. And it's just, it's so cool. So thank you for sharing that. 

[00:08:48] Elizabeth: Yeah. Oh my gosh. My pleasure. And yeah, I'm, I'm so happy to speak more about, you know, the power of Instagram. And I, to me, Instagram [00:09:00] is just this. It is having access to your dream boat client. Like imagine the most like ideal ooey gooey client that you are dying to work with and you have access to them on your phone, in the palm of your hand.

[00:09:18] And that just gets me so excited. And. Does it take some time to figure out how to play the game of Instagram? It absolutely does. There is a learning curve and that's part of what I do with my clients, right? As I try to shortcut that learning curve for them, just like you shortcutted the learning curve for 

[00:09:39] me with my podcast.

[00:09:41] Same thing with Instagram because I struggled for so long also, like not knowing why. The content I was putting out there wasn't working and it wasn't, it wasn't driving leads. It wasn't impacting my bottom line at all. And when, when you're in that kind of [00:10:00] spin cycle of frustration and lackluster results, of course you feel like, Oh, this is so annoying.

[00:10:06] Like I have to do this. And then when you're posting just to post, because you feel like you should, that also comes through in your content. And then your content doesn't perform well. Right? So I get so excited about Instagram because. Every demographic is on there. And the more specific you can be about who you serve, the, the faster you're going to grow on there.

[00:10:30] That's one mistake that a lot of people make is they're way too broad. And I made that mistake when I first started my personal brand account years and years ago. I was in, in a different coaching niche where I was talking about as a former professional dancer, I struggled with disordered eating and like unhealthy relationship with exercise and my body.

[00:10:52] And so at that time I was posting a lot of content around making peace with my body and body confidence and [00:11:00] intuitive eating and joyful movement. But think about all those things I just said, each of those topics that I said could be One topic on Instagram. Right. And so I was so, I was all over the place.

[00:11:13] So if you came to my feed, you wouldn't really know what to expect. And so the, the moment that I started to really like focus, focus, focus, laze and become disciplined about what I would post, because I used to just be like, well, I'm just going to post whatever I want and, you know, I was just kind of, you know, rebellious in that 

[00:11:31] way, but once I started to kind of get really disciplined about.

[00:11:35] The kind of content I wanted to post and like the goal and the reason behind it that's when my account really started to blow up.

[00:11:43] Caroline: And do you think that's the mistake that most business owners are making on Instagram? Like that they don't have that focus? I mean, I feel like I totally get what you're saying. Like I'm thinking about my own feed and what I've been posting lately and how it's been working a lot better lately [00:12:00] than it was a few months ago.

[00:12:01] And it is very, very focused. But I think the first time I heard you say that, I was thinking when you said focus, like I needed to focus on Who I'm talking to. Is it one or the other or both or, yeah, what's your take on that? 

[00:12:17] Elizabeth: That's a great question Yeah, 100 you need to be super crystal clear about who you're serving so that is what I mean about like who you're serving and who your content is for and so Actually, the biggest mistake that I see creators and businesses make on Instagram is they make a lot of like me centered content without even meaning to.

[00:12:42] So it's a lot of like, look at my business, look at my offers, look at the products I serve, look at my membership, look at my new episode. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. And that does not work on Instagram. You have to be really creative about how [00:13:00] you create every piece of content. It has to give that ideal dreamboat follower, like ideal follower.

[00:13:08] I like to think of because Once they follow you, they get in your orbit. Hopefully you can nurture and eventually convert them. Right? Like that's, that's the funnel we all hope 

[00:13:16] for. But for them to even give you the follow to get a follow, they have to get real value from your posts. So every piece of content Should either help your audience, your ideal, client prospects, like teach them something new.

[00:13:34] You can inspire them, motivate them. Like if people feel something that will have, that will boost your engagement. And you, yeah, so it's, it's all about or entertain them, right? Like, like funny, relatable content does really well. And I try to incorporate all three of those into my strategy. Like some of my best posts do all three of those 

[00:13:58] Caroline: Mm hmm. 

[00:13:59] Elizabeth: [00:14:00] but I always try to post from the perspective of my ideal client.

[00:14:04] So not me. Like Elizabeth was over 30, 000 followers. I go back to the person that I'm here to serve. And that person has, you know, a hundred followers and they're struggling cause they're posting and they're getting two likes and 40 views on their reel. So the reels I create, call that out, right? So I'm catching their attention.

[00:14:28] I'm speaking to that struggle. So they feel seen. And then I offer them a solution. And like, I have a solution for you. Grab my free monetize your IgE guide, where I teach you seven ways, right? So you can kind of see how that works, but a lot of businesses just do that. They lead too much up with it being like about them and their business.

[00:14:50] Does that make 

[00:14:50] Caroline: Yeah, no, that totally makes sense?

[00:14:52] because I'm, I'm thinking about your feed actually, as you're talking about this. Cause I'm like, I'm like thinking about what I've seen you post [00:15:00] and now that makes so much sense hearing you talk about it and seeing your reels because even though you're in them, And you are talking about what you do.

[00:15:09] It's not, Yeah, I totally get it. it's, not like you're posting like a picture of you working and you're like, look what I created today. it's more of you need this because type messaging. Right? Is that, is that right?

[00:15:23] Elizabeth: it's, it's me acting as if I am my 

[00:15:28] Caroline: Oh, see. 

[00:15:29] Elizabeth: I'll give you a great example. So I'm in my kitchen and I'm stretching and I'm doing like deep breaths to like really fun, like eighties music or 

[00:15:39] something. And the text on the screen says hyping myself up to record another reel that'll get two likes and 10 views and two people like unfollowing me, right?

[00:15:52] Like, so it's funny, right? Like that's funny. And I'm like, hiding myself up. Do I feel that way? No, I love to [00:16:00] record reels. I don't have to hype myself up, but my ideal client does because they're struggling. They're frustrated. They're not getting the results. And they're like, Oh, I have to do this. And it's entertaining and it's funny.

[00:16:12] And people like that. 

[00:16:13] Right. And that's that authenticity piece. Like, cause that's just my personality. Like that is, that isn't me acting. Like if we hung out and had coffee or something, like. I'd be making jokes the whole time. Like 

[00:16:24] I just love being silly. So I try to incorporate my personality into my brand, but I always try to.

[00:16:31] I want my ideal clients to see themselves in 

[00:16:34] my content and that's what will magnetize them to actually follow. And then they see, they see themselves and then you teach them something new, 

[00:16:44] like five ways to grow your following on Instagram. If I can teach you something and it actually makes an impact.

[00:16:50] Wow. That really builds that know, like a trust factor, right? You're going to give me the follow and you're going to start to watch more of my stuff. And then when I do have a call to action [00:17:00] of, Hey, I'm, I just opened up the wait list for my membership, you know, join now. And you'll say blah, blah, blah, or whatever.

[00:17:07] You're much more likely to take action because you've already been in my sphere and I've already been nurturing 

[00:17:12] Caroline: Yes. And this makes so much sense when I think about how we create podcast episodes, right? This is the same conversation, you know, we're creating content because we want people to feel seen and feel heard. And like, they've. Yeah. Found their space. I said to , somebody yesterday, they were like, how do you.

[00:17:29] want people to feel when they come into your, your world?

[00:17:32] And I said, I want them to feel like, hi, here, I'm going to give you a hug. Let's create a podcast, you know? And like, I kind of had a light bulb moment because I was like, I do that with my podcast. I don't necessarily do that with my Instagram. Content. And I think some of that comes from, and I'm sure a lot of people listening can relate, you know, we scroll on Instagram and we see people creating these amazing reels.

[00:17:54] And we're like, Oh I have to be in the perfect light and I have to do the da da da. And what I love about your reels [00:18:00] is you're in your kitchen dancing. You're like, I know like that reel you just described probably didn't take you hours to create. Like you just. Yeah. Created it. And that's something that I've been working on because I think I've been complicating Instagram and the real creation.

[00:18:14] And I don't know, I just wanted to bring that up because I think that that's such a huge thing that business owners also struggle with is we feel like we have to show up so beautifully, aesthetically, professionally, and that doesn't create that authentic connection.

[00:18:29] Elizabeth: Oh my gosh. Okay. I see this all the time. Okay. I see this all the time. There's something weird that we do as business owners when we show up on Instagram, like all of a sudden we get like all 

[00:18:40] Caroline: Yeah. 

[00:18:41] Elizabeth: up and we get like, Yes. And we're like, okay, I have to be really professional. And we just like overthink everything.

[00:18:48] Our perfectionist tendencies turn on our people, pleasing tendencies turn on. We're like, so self conscious. We're like, yeah, every piece of content is like this precious little baby that we like massage [00:19:00] and nurse and feed like forever. And then you post it and it does 

[00:19:03] nothing. Okay. So here is my, my tip for you and, uh, and everyone who is experiencing is I want you to think about what is the most like pleasurable, fun content for you to create?

[00:19:18] I'm sure there's been content in the past that you're like, Oh my God, I recorded this and it took me five minutes and I posted it. Right. Have you ever noticed that the real, a lot of times the reels that you put the least amount of energy into do the 

[00:19:31] best? 

[00:19:31] Caroline: Yeah.

[00:19:32] Totally. A hundred and ten percent. Like I noticed that really quickly when I like, cause my ops manager said to me one day, she was like, you're trying too hard. And when I stopped trying so hard, it was like, Oh, now people are looking at them. 

[00:19:46] Elizabeth: Because people can tell when you're trying too hard and that is a 

[00:19:49] turn off, right? What people want is they want you to be a human. 

[00:19:54] They want you to be a flawed human. They want, they want you to be real. They want you to be authentic, right? [00:20:00] And so the reason why those five minute reels tend to do better is because we're not, you can't overthink a five minute reel, right?

[00:20:07] You can't get into like perfectionism about the cap. Man, or the perfect hook or whatever. And the thing that I like to remind people of is, and this is so similar to podcasting, which is. The more reels you create, the better you will get at 

[00:20:24] creating reels 

[00:20:25] Caroline: Oh yeah. 

[00:20:28] Elizabeth: confident you'll feel. So the way I like to teach my clients is like, you're putting in the reps right now.

[00:20:33] Like it doesn't matter if that reel didn't do well, like let go of like attaching your energetics into like the views or the likes or the comments. And instead put on this mindset of like, I get to be curious about what is going to resonate with my ideal audience. And I am still in that place because I actually had a pretty big brand pivot, within this last year of really [00:21:00] focusing in on this Instagram marketing audience.

[00:21:01] Whereas before I was doing a lot of like empowerment of like, I was positioning myself as the dance studio CEO. So the, the CEO behind wedding dance coach, and that was kind of my angle. And so all of my content was very dance focused because in my brain, I was trying to promote my dance studio and establish myself as this CEO behind my brand.

[00:21:27] Okay. So that's when my account blew up. And so. A lot of those people that initially followed me, they followed me because they're like, Oh my gosh, like full out over 40. She's dancing in her kitchen. She doesn't care. She's taking up space. I love her. I'm going to follow her. I want to learn how to dance.

[00:21:43] Right? So now all of my content is around Instagram marketing for business owners and creative entrepreneurs. So I, in the last like six to eight months, I've gone through, I'm doing exactly what you all are doing. I am testing content. I'm, I'm, I'm pulling in a [00:22:00] whole nother group of people. Right. And, and the only way to figure out like what is going to resonate is to create a lot of 

[00:22:07] content and to give yourself just freedom to have it be totally imperfect and have that, that lens of curiosity to see what works, what doesn't and, and just like keep evolving with every.

[00:22:22] Every piece of 

[00:22:23] Caroline: Oh, that is so good. And I think that's a good just overall marketing tip because when we start to see our marketing not working, it's usually because we've gotten stuck and we've lost that curiosity. And so I just love that tip. I think that's such a great one. Let's pause for a minute and talk about

[00:22:39] podcasting a little bit and how, how we can use Instagram with our podcast. So I know that you've been playing with this because this was something we talked about a lot. It was like, how were the two going to work? Can you talk about how you can leverage your podcast on Instagram? What you've seen works for you? 

[00:22:57] Elizabeth: Yes. So I've talked to Caroline about this [00:23:00] Like I'm very much in test mode still with this But I have found some things that work and I will be happy to share those with you and your amazing audience I'm happy to share so one Okay, let me start by saying what I'm finding is not working, okay? What is not working is posting an audiogram as a reel.

[00:23:22] Caroline: Oh, yeah. 

[00:23:23] Elizabeth: do not do well. Those, the, like, it's just, that format, that's not how reels are 

[00:23:29] designed, right? 

[00:23:29] They're designed for, for vertical video, okay? So, not that you shouldn't share an audiogram. You could totally share an audiogram to your story. Okay? Um, but I find that sharing them to reels is extremely ineffective and just not, not even 

[00:23:45] worth it.

[00:23:46] If you're going to share something, ideally a video clip from your podcast, and I'm still trying to figure out like the best way to do that because of course you, you'd like to, I would like for you to take up the full real estate of the screen versus [00:24:00] how mine currently look, which is kind of that like horizontal view, with text up above it and below it.

[00:24:07] , but those do. Better than just audiogram. So I'll, I'll start with that point. The big thing that I have seen that works really well is using DM automation. So DM automation, I use many chat and essentially I did this recently and it really worked well. It led to a lot of people, following my podcast and discovering my podcast.

[00:24:34] And what I did is I had a really strong hook on the screen. So this particular hook was Metta called me because it's true. I had a call with Metta. It was so 

[00:24:47] Caroline: Yeah. 

[00:24:48] Elizabeth: And so it was really cool. I got to have a private call with Metta and hear like their, their suggestions for my page and the latest like trends and updates for [00:25:00] Instagram.

[00:25:00] And you know, of course there, it's in their best interest to support creators cause we're the ones who are keeping people on 

[00:25:06] their app and that's how they make money. Right. 

[00:25:08] So. It all makes sense. But, I did a podcast episode where I shared my key takeaways from my call with Metta. It was very juicy.

[00:25:16] You should definitely listen to it if you haven't listened to it yet. But anyways, I had a strong hook on the screen and then I can't remember actually if I had the call to action on the video 

[00:25:30] or if 

[00:25:30] Caroline: Right? Didn't you have it on the video? Because I? think that was the thing that I was like, I'm not doing that. I'm not putting it

[00:25:37] directly on the video. And we started, I'm going to look it up, And we started talking about it because, yeah, because I find that, I will ask like, you know, DM me for the link to listen to the episode.

[00:25:50] And I don't get a lot of those. I mean, I've gotten a few, but I think, I think you're right though, that it has to actually be on the video. Cause that was something we had [00:26:00] chatted about. I have to scroll through all your amazing reels to find it. 

[00:26:04] Elizabeth: So the hook on the screen was meta called me and i'm sharing it all and then I said comment pod On the real and then my caption further explained Like what happened and how I'm sharing everything in this podcast episode.

[00:26:22] And if they want it, then they need to comment pod below and I will send them the direct to link to my podcast and so many new people that I never even met before commented pod. They got the link to my podcast. And so DM automation is really great because you So you don't want to say DM me for the link, like where you're just asking them to, so the idea about the reason why that doesn't work is you need to think about it from like a consumer standpoint.

[00:26:53] If I'm scrolling on my feed and I see your awesome video about your podcast, and it's really compelling all, if you [00:27:00] say, comment this and, and, and then you take care of sending me the link. I get to keep scrolling. All I have to do is comment that word and I get to keep scrolling along. I don't have to jump out of my reels and go into my DMS unless I want to.

[00:27:13] Right. But if you, if you wrote this like really compelling caption, you're just like, you know, DM me and for the link, I would have to stop 

[00:27:21] scrolling my feed, go to my DMS, find you in my DMS, remember your handle, send you a message. Like people aren't going to do that. You have to make it. Easy for people so 

[00:27:36] easy. So, and you can set up DM automation for your stories and for your, for your posts. So you can set it up, you can even set it up for your lives. Like I've done it where I'll do a live training or something and. That can work really well to like, Carolyn, I could see you doing that, 

[00:27:54] Caroline: Yeah, totally. 

[00:27:55] Elizabeth: little live training and you're kind of teasing your episode and you're like, I'm so [00:28:00] excited.

[00:28:00] And I'm sharing, like, maybe you share like two things and then you share like the biggest, most juicy thing that your people are going to want to hear you say, and I, you know, if you want the link, comment this in this video and I will send you that link right away. 

[00:28:14] And that worked so well.

[00:28:16] Caroline: Yeah, and that's so smart because, like, I do love posting the, like, the video from the episode, which I think is, and they get pretty good traction because it's an interesting nugget. Like, I usually try and find something really interesting. But I think that piece that's been missing is, I need to put on those Comet Pod, For the full episode, you know, because I, you, in the caption, it says that you can do that, but I think actually on the video will make a difference.

[00:28:44] I'm going to have to play with that. But then I love that you brought that up too, like that you can create something separate because that's one of the things that I teach with marketing and podcasting and sharing your podcast is, you know, taking something from your podcast and creating something [00:29:00] else with it.

[00:29:01] And I think that's like one of the things that I see people really miss out on. Like you've, Spend all this time creating this podcast episode. You've got show notes, you've got a wealth of information. You probably have like 10 reels ideas right there in the episode show notes. And so I love that we could combine both of those.

[00:29:17] You can create a real, that's something from your episode and say, comment pod on it. So I think that's such a great tip and the DM automation, highly, highly recommend. So I'll make sure to put all those links that you mentioned, cause you mentioned an episode that you did and many chats. So I'll put those links in the show notes so people can check those out.

[00:29:34] And then of course, like go and follow Elizabeth and see how she's doing this. Cause I think I'm one of those people. I have to see it in action to really understand it. And I think that's one of the easiest ways to see. So that's awesome. Thanks for sharing that. 

[00:29:47] Elizabeth: there's one other thing that I, that I've seen work well on other creators accounts that have podcasts, but I haven't started leveraging it yet, but it is taking that soundbite from your [00:30:00] short form video and taking the audio from it and putting that over a reel. So not you speaking on your microphone, but it could be you, like, it depends on your brand.

[00:30:11] Like for me, it could be like, I'm in my kitchen dancing, but I'm like, My voice is over, right? Or so you can use that audio and put it over another video and then you could have a really compelling 

[00:30:25] Caroline: Yeah. 

[00:30:27] Elizabeth: So that's another way that you can use it to, to really promote your podcast. And I want to say one other thing.

[00:30:34] You highlighted such a key thing that I was really. Just realizing today how helpful the podcast has been in doing it consistently. Cause it is a lot of work. Like it's a lot, especially if you do it with strategy and care, which you should, because hello, that's, you know, obviously we do it cause it's fun and we love to serve and, and free our voice and teach people and inspire people, but [00:31:00] we want it to, you know, impact the bottom line.

[00:31:02] We want to ROI on our investment, our time and our energy. And I was so excited to tell you that I'm going to be a keynote next week at this online business summit. And I was putting together my slide deck and I'm doing this whole presentation on five ways to grow your Instagram following. And I just went over to my show notes or to my, to my, template from an episode I already did.

[00:31:25] And I was just like copying and pasting things. And I was like, this is so much better. Easier. And I was just so excited. And I was like, Oh my God, this is what Caroline's been talking about.

[00:31:36] Caroline: I know and it's not second nature. I don't know why we separate things like I love that. We're talking about the relationship between Instagram and your podcast, because for some reason we like we separate all these marketing channels out. And like, as I'm listening to you talking about Instagram and we're talking about podcasts and all the things I'm like, this is, Can you imagine like just the powerhouse of marketing that you would [00:32:00] have if you could, if you treated them both the same way?

[00:32:03] And, you know, and I, I think about that the other day I was working on my email newsletter and I was like, why am I not? Linking to my Instagram posts, you know, I was like, I talk about my podcast all the time, but then I go and I create these short tips on Instagram. And so it like goes all ways. Like there's, you know, we need to be repurposing and reusing anytime we're creating because That's just, it's just genius laying around, you know, and hanging out.

[00:32:29] So I love that. That's awesome.

[00:32:31] Elizabeth: That's what I've been working on actually recently is like, and I think it's not intuitive. It's not intuitive to me either. And I think it's because we all have our certain platforms that we're most comfortable with, like for you with podcasting, for me, it's Instagram for a lot of my clients, it might be Facebook or something.

[00:32:46] And so we tend to just go where we're 

[00:32:48] comfortable. And what I am actually working on right now, I always think of you cause you're like a pop a problem. I solved this week. I'm like, I am always solving problems, girl. Like, oh my God, so many fires all the time, [00:33:00] but I'm really working hard on creating a system where I It's like a visual checklist, like of, okay, I just created this awesome caption for Instagram.

[00:33:12] I'm going to go take the caption, put it on my Facebook with an image. Then I'm going to take the caption and I'm going to put it on LinkedIn with an 

[00:33:19] image. And then I'm going to, and I'm like really trying to train my brain, but it's like, we have to give ourselves so much grace because it's essentially asking ourselves to implement a new 

[00:33:30] habit.

[00:33:30] And so I think that's where we're at. If we can create some sort of system and process, and maybe it's just one additional platform at a time. Like I tend to be a little overambitious and I'm like, I'm going to do all of

[00:33:42] them, you know, but

[00:33:44] Caroline: Yeah. No, that's so true because I, so I've been working really hard on my Instagram and well, that's one thing I did this last couple of weeks. I've been playing in notion and everybody who's listening on the show has known that I've, I dabble in systems [00:34:00] and, but I created a, a, a whole content base.

[00:34:03] And I'm trying to plan out my Instagram and my email and it's helping me so much because I was just In my brain, reminding myself like, Oh, you need to post on Instagram today, but I'm trying to be much more intentional and it's, it's so crazy how something as simple as a system can make such an impact on your content creation.

[00:34:22] Like you think, Oh, I don't need a checklist, but

[00:34:25] like that checklist can probably like make or break. If you actually do it and then if you feel good doing It And I think that's what's so key. And I talk a lot about with podcasting And I've experienced the, same thing with Instagram. Like if you don't feel good about the process, it's going to be so much harder for you to do it.

[00:34:41] And so I think like, I love that. You're talking about that with Instagram too, and sharing on social, because it makes such a difference to have something in place. Right. 

[00:34:54] Elizabeth: It really does. And the, the other piece about having a system in place for me that I've, I've [00:35:00] really recently discovered, and this is almost like. An energetic mindset piece, but it's this feeling of once you have a system. So let's just say your system is a checklist. Like I'm in a, I'm going to do my, I released my podcast.

[00:35:14] Like for me, I released my podcast on Monday. Monday is my podcast day. I released my podcast. I email my list. I create a reel on Instagram. I do a post on my Facebook. I do a post on my LinkedIn. Okay. That's my Monday strategy. Wow. That seems like a lot now that I. No wonder I'm so tired. Oh my God. And my two kids.

[00:35:35] But for me, so the mindset energetic piece is I, I need to feel like I'm done for the day, like I completed it. And one of my personal struggles is that. Sense of like, I'm not doing enough, you 

[00:35:51] know, like I, like I could be doing more or, Oh shoot, I was supposed to post that to Facebook, but I totally forgot and now I don't even remember what I [00:36:00] posted, where and all these things.

[00:36:01] And so that's part of my, what I'm working on personally is just like, how do I. How do I allow myself to feel complete and done so I can give myself permission to turn my extremely overactive entrepreneurial brain off and You know what I mean? And have a little bit more boundaries within my heart, my soul.

[00:36:24] Because I, like you, I love my business and I could just do it all the time. Like I have dreams about reels and I'm like, Oh my God, girl, you got to go on vacation or something. Like what is happening?

[00:36:36] Caroline: No, I I've actually, it's so funny you mentioned that because I've kind of been doing the same thing. I've been working on my weekly schedule because I found that I was like working on my podcast. multiple times a week and it was stressing me out. And then also like, then I would get to Monday and I felt like I had to wake up early on Monday morning and schedule everything.

[00:36:58] And so it was so [00:37:00] great because I woke up this morning and I posted posted that I forgot that I had scheduled. But I had planned it last week, you know, scheduled it. I had checked it off. I had, you know, everything, the caption and is in my mind, my planner and everything. And it was just such a great feeling because it was like, you know what, if I don't get a real done today, it's okay.

[00:37:21] because I already posted something like it was a carousel. But, you know, and just that like small thing was like, okay, I need to keep this, this pace and this, this momentum of this up, because it helps me feel so much more relaxed about my business and content creation. Because I think the marketing part.

[00:37:39] Can be so hard. Like we're so good at what we do as service providers. And then we're like, Oh shoot, we have to share about it. Like, you know, I have to talk about it somewhere. And you know, and when we forget that piece, it, it can feel like we're not getting any momentum. We're not moving forward. And so systematizing it, having that, like [00:38:00] you said, having it, have it space so you can clear your mind so you can work on other things is so, so important.

[00:38:06] Elizabeth: Oh my gosh, it is so important and it's, and it's an ever evolving process. I mean, that's what I want to share with people too, is I feel like we tend to get in our heads about, and I heard you on a previous episode talking about how there's this illusion that we all have of like, I should be further now, or, oh, look at Elizabeth.

[00:38:30] She 

[00:38:30] has it all together. And. When in reality, like to me, the most successful people are always 

[00:38:39] evolving. They're always falling on their face because they're trying new things. They're, They're, always failing. Okay. Because if you're really going after big dreams and big visions for your business and for your life, you're going to fail and you're going to fail often.

[00:38:55] Right. And so it's, it's like, how do we, [00:39:00] how do we just like get behind ourselves? And. Really like be our biggest cheerleader and advocate and, and just kind of welcome that this is like a never ending growth journey and like, not to be cliche, but like, what is it the journey? So it's that quote, it's not the destination is the journey and. Just really befriending that idea that you're always going to be learning. You're always going to be growing. I used to kind of have this illusion that I would just get 

[00:39:35] there, you know, I was there someday and I just like, I'd get my systems in place and my offers in place and my kids in 

[00:39:43] Caroline: Right. 

[00:39:44] Elizabeth: and everything in place.

[00:39:45] And I would just feel like, okay, great. And that's just not how life works. And it's almost like the sooner you can sort of accept that. You're just going to always be learning and growing and evolving and. [00:40:00] That's okay. And you're human. And the more you can just enjoy it and learn as you go and, and enjoy the learning and then follow what, what does bring you joy and what does feel easy and aligned for you, then you're going to be great.

[00:40:16] Caroline: Oh my gosh. That was amazing. I love that. I literally have a sticky note on my monitor that says, have your own back. So I love that you, you shared that last piece of wisdom with us. Oh my gosh, Elizabeth. This was so great. Like, I did not intend for our conversation to go where it went. And I think it went where exactly where it needed to go and what people needed to hear today and what we needed to hear from each other.

[00:40:38] So thank you. I want you to share, , how people can work with you, how they can connect with you. , as I mentioned, Elizabeth, you're an amazing Instagram strategist. So if somebody is wanting to work more on their content and how they're showing up, , cannot recommend you enough.

[00:40:54] So share all the things. 

[00:40:56] Elizabeth: Thank you. Oh my gosh. I so appreciate the opportunity. [00:41:00] So I have this awesome free guide. It's called monetize your IG seven simple and proven ways to finally make money on Instagram. And in this guide, I break down the exact steps and strategies that I implemented. To grow my company's influence to over 120, 000 combined account followers on Instagram and Tik TOK.

[00:41:24] And it's, it is that story of how we got those 4, 000 people on our email list and that had an 84 percent increase in sales. So I break down. The exact steps that we implemented, it's seven steps and you can get that guide totally for free. If you want to DM me the word money on Instagram, you will get a message from my bot.

[00:41:48] , he's very handsome. No, I'm just kidding. , And I will send you a link where you can grab your free guide. , I also would love for you to listen to my podcast. It's called [00:42:00] strut it bold visibility through Instagram marketing. Of course, Caroline helped me come up with that tagline. It's so bold and awesome.

[00:42:08] And I would love for you to listen and subscribe every week. I share really tangible. Tips and strategies and mindsets and energetics as to how you can leverage Instagram to grow your brand.

[00:42:21] Caroline: that's so amazing. I'll put all those links in the show notes. Thank you so much, Elizabeth. 

[00:42:24] Elizabeth: Thank you.


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