Beyond the Numbers: Human-Centered Marketing & Offers with Brooke Monaghan

If you feel like online business and marketing has changed, you are not alone! It’s something I’ve been talking a lot about behind the scenes but when I met Brooke, I knew it was time to talk about it on the podcast.

In this episode, I’m chatting with Brooke Monaghan a business coach, podcaster, and founder of Fruition Growth Network.

She shares her approach to fostering a business that honors both wellbeing and the bottom line. This conversation is essential for anyone looking to navigate the delicate balance of profitability and personal values in today’s competitive marketplace. We chat all things podcasting, marketing and creating offers. It’s a must listen!

What’s in this episode…

[00:03:41] Why traditional business growth strategies may not align with the goals of lifestyle entrepreneurs.

[00:04:09] Building a business foundation that captures and retains attention effectively.

[00:07:25] The shift in marketing dynamics in 2024, emphasizing authenticity and human connection

[00:21:36] the importance of clear, impactful offers and how they can be tailored to meet the diverse needs of different client segments.

About Brooke:

Brooke Monaghan is a trusted advisor to founders and leaders who value impact, integrity, and relationships and are on a mission to set things straight in their industry. Her work focuses on the intersection of wellbeing and bottom line, guiding do-gooder lifestyle business owners to intentionally design profitable businesses around their values and their desired lifestyle. She is the founder of Fruition Growth Network, a collaborative platform providing accessible, quality support to self employed folks and bringing people together to find power in community.

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Join Brooke’s Summer Biz Camp. Dive deeper into basic strategy considerations like positioning, positionality, business modeling, pricing, offers, content, and marketing strategy all through a values-first lens:

The Transcript for Share, Strategize, & Shine:

[00:00:00] Welcome back to share strategize and shine. I have been working really hard. Behind the scenes on my messaging, my content and my offers. And so it felt really timely to have a conversation with Brooke Monahan about [00:01:00] all of these things. 

[00:01:01] Brooke Monahan is a trusted advisor to founders and leaders who value, impact, integrity, and relationships, and are on a mission to set things straight in their industry. 

[00:01:10] Her work focuses. On the intersection of wellbeing and bottom line. Dieting do good are lifestyle business owners to intentionally design profitable businesses around their values and their desired lifestyle. She is the founder of fruition growth network, a collaborative platform providing accessible quality support to self-employed folks and bringing people together to find power in community. 

[00:01:35] And this episode, we unpack a lot about content creation. Creating offers that align with your business and your content. I mean, it is jam packed, so be sure to listen, be sure to follow Brook. And enjoy the episode.

[00:01:53] Caroline: Hi, Brooke. Thank you so much for coming on the show.

[00:01:57] Brooke: Hi, thank you so much for having me. I'm really excited to be chatting [00:02:00] today.

[00:02:00] Caroline: Me too. So before we dive in, cause I know this is going to be a good one. I would just love if you would introduce yourself and talk about how you help people and what you do.

[00:02:11] Brooke: Yeah. Thanks. So my name is Brooke Monahan. I use she and her pronouns. I am a business coach and I am also the founder of a platform called fruition growth network, which I started with the intention of trying to make quality support more accessible. Ultimately, by just bringing the people that I know together, because I felt like I knew such talented people and I was like, oh my gosh, if y'all knew each other, like, you could be learning so much from each other and the networking would just be, you know, so, um, so that's kind of my current baby. I really focus in fruition growth network. It's really all about helping people who I can, I call lifestyle business owners. So we're not the let's figure [00:03:00] out how to make seven figures people where the. You started this cause you wanted to do something that you loved. You wanted to have some control over your schedule.

[00:03:09] You wanted to have enough money to just like live a comfortable life. Nothing excessive. And you. Are finding that all of the information out there is for people who are like starting like startups, like a lot of the free app, a lot of the free programming is for people who are bringing new products to market, that's not us, or then you're having to kind of wade through the Hustle culture that comes with all of the other paid programming out there.

[00:03:41] So that's what I do at fruition in my personal coaching. I'm really focusing just on business models, offers and messaging and ultimately what I'm doing. Why I'm focusing on those three things is I, through the five years that I've been doing this, have sort of like zoomed [00:04:00] in on those three things as the things that together form a really solid foundation for you to actually do something with the attention that you do get on your business.

[00:04:09] I think that we oftentimes think that our goal should just be to get in front of as many people as possible. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing. That's important to get in front of new people, but also it's so hard to do. And actually there are plenty of people who are operating sustainable, successful businesses without having huge visibility on these platforms. So how can we design the business in a way that is intentional for the kind of marketing that you actually want to do? And that meets your strong suit. And I think that that ultimately comes down to those three foundational things. Yeah,

[00:04:47] Caroline: mean, we just really connected on that because that is something that I talk about a lot with podcasting in particular, because, you know, you mentioned like hustle culture and the culture of startups and that kind of thing. I, podcasting [00:05:00] is.

[00:05:00] Very similar. And that whenever you hear any advice from anybody, it's about how to get it to a thousand downloads per episode, how to get to whatever the next number is. So you can get sponsors. And as a business owner who's starting a podcast that can feel really overwhelming. When you don't have millions of followers on Instagram and other places.

[00:05:21] And so that's something that I've really strived to do is, is teach. Like, it's not so much about the number of listeners you have. It's about the connection you're making with them. And so I would love for you to expand on that and talk a little bit about why we should be focusing on other things and not necessarily focusing on the number of subscribers we have, whether that's for a podcast, Instagram, whatever,

[00:05:44] Brooke: I mean, so to be clear, right, it's like, I'm talking to a specific type of person here. When I say this, I assume that the people who are listening are lifestyle business owners, mostly, and are that we're not that most of the people listening are not the kinds of [00:06:00] people who are already have tons of followers or finding success with that focus.

[00:06:07] It can be a legitimate strategy. If that plays to your strengths and it's what you want to do. And what I have found is for me, I've had, I'm now running, producing, co hosting my third podcast. The first one I did for almost three years. I had another one that I did for like a season that was very focused.

[00:06:31] And for a specific reason, this one's another limited series. None of them have had a huge listenership. But they've done. Me really well, because I have had a place for people to go to dive into hearing me talk and get a sense of who I actually am and if they can trust me. I think that right now, like right now in 2024, we have seen a massive shift [00:07:00] in what's actually working in marketing.

[00:07:03] A lot of what we were doing before is not cutting it anymore. I think, and I, I could go, we could do a whole episode just on this, but I think for good reason, and based on the research that we're seeing from the marketing trends, that this moment is calling on us to be more human. Podcasting to me is a way for you to share who you actually are.

[00:07:25] We're seeing that people need to listen to something like, or, or consume something like eight to nine hours of content before they feel comfortable

[00:07:34] making a purchasing decision.

[00:07:36] What better way for someone to consume eight to nine hours of content than a podcast, Right.

[00:07:41] So, so that's why I chose it.

[00:07:42] And I chose it specifically because I'm not the kind of person who wants to focus on tons of subscribers or tons of followers. So what can we focus on instead? The number one thing to focus on is being really good at what you do.

[00:07:53] Like, when people come through the door, what is the actual thing that you help them do?

[00:07:58] Do you know what it is? [00:08:00] Do you know who your people are? Do you know specifically what you're great at? Do you have offers that are set up so that when people land on your content, they can see, oh, this is a specific pathway just for me, just for exactly what I'm looking for. And then when they walk through the door, they get what they expected to get. They get the result that they were promised. That if you can do that, you do not need to constantly be bringing in more subscribers or more followers because you become known for being the person who's great at what you do. And the, the, it will spread. It

[00:08:37] does a lot of the work for you. The other thing is that if we can focus on creating really solid offers, I think that creating really strong messaging and content that is really strong, it becomes a lot easier because all we have to really do at that point, if we're really intentional about how we create our offers, and if we are confident in what we're doing, because ultimately we [00:09:00] know that we can, we are good at what we do and we know that we're bringing in the right people, we're set up to actually deliver. Then when it comes time to create content, you just kind of have to tell the truth about it. You're not having to spin it and

[00:09:12] figure out how to talk about it in a way where you're trying to sell it, but then you don't even feel right about it because you feel like, oh no, I'm making all these huge promises.

[00:09:21] And like, I don't know if I can even do that. And you start to get in your

[00:09:23] head, right? When your offers are really solid, your messaging becomes a lot stronger and a lot more human. And that means that the listeners that you do get or the followers that you do get There's a much higher chance of them converting into clients at some point, even if it's, even if they hang around for a while before they end up buying from you. , there's a much higher chance of them converting versus just trying to create something that's entertaining, right? At the

[00:09:53] end of the day, when we see these shows that have huge numbers of downloads, It's usually because they're mostly entertaining.[00:10:00] 

[00:10:00] And those people are making money off of just producing the podcast. If you don't want to be a professional podcaster and you want to use a podcast to bring people into your business, then focusing on the podcast as a standalone thing and getting a bunch of subscribers is sort of misguided because it's like, okay, now you have all these subscribers, but what's your

[00:10:22] actual strategy to do something with those ears?

[00:10:25] Caroline: Yeah, totally. I, I, I love everything you just said because, um, It is something that I have experienced personally myself. This last 

[00:10:33] year has been a huge year for me of growth and like figuring out what the next phase of my business is. And last year I started transitioning my offers 

[00:10:44] and. I was still trying to market the way that we have been taught to market.

[00:10:51] And so I was like, so focused on, well, I need to get these viral reels and I need to get, you know, a thousand downloads on my podcast episodes. And 

[00:10:59] I [00:11:00] started to get very, very discouraged because I felt like, well, nobody's hearing me. 

[00:11:05] Nobody's hearing what I'm saying. Nobody's listening. Nobody's buying, you know, and 

[00:11:09] I, because I was focusing on that.

[00:11:11] And what's interesting is when you get into that headspace, then your messaging becomes very like scarcity centered 

[00:11:18] and people can tell that you are like struggling and that you're like, please just buy my thing. What's so fascinating is, so, I've been podcasting for almost 10 years now. I've had this podcast, um, gosh, it's been five or so, and then the current iteration it's been what, two or three years?

[00:11:38] And I had somebody, I had a call with somebody last week who joined my membership and she said, I have been listening to you for a year and I listened to other people who talk about what you talk about, but I kept coming back to you because you made me feel confident You made me feel good. Like she's not, she's not crazy.

[00:11:59] She's not over [00:12:00] promising. Like I can actually do 

[00:12:01] this. I mean, I was like literally sitting on the call crying when she was saying this, because that's why I do what I do. And it's been such a journey to get from scarcity. Oh my gosh, I need to make sales to, to, okay. I have offers that feel really aligned.

[00:12:17] So now it's so much easier to talk about them. But also I'm more focused on what my purpose is in my business, like as a whole and less of like numbers and sales. And just that simple switch has made such an impact in how I show up. And how people perceive me that people are finally 

[00:12:38] seeing me for me, not for, you 

[00:12:40] know, who I was trying to be this image I was trying to project through my marketing.

[00:12:44] So I think like, that is so important what you said, because I agree with you. 110 percent marketing has shifted and it's, it's been a huge shift and it felt like it happened. All at once. I don't know if anybody else felt like this, but I felt like I woke up one morning and all of a [00:13:00] sudden everything I was doing wasn't working.

[00:13:02] And one of the things that I try to drive home to business owners, especially with our podcasts is like, as your business evolves, as marketing change, your podcast has to evolve as well. And that all comes down. To content. And, my next question was actually like, okay, so if we are focusing on content, why isn't it working for us?

[00:13:22] And I think you've kind of hit on that a little bit and what you just said, but I would love for you to talk about that a little bit more. Cause I'm sure somebody is hearing this and they're like, okay, but I've been really focusing on my content. I still feel like it's not hitting the mark. What's going on?

[00:13:37] Brooke: Okay. So there's a couple of things that I will say. The first thing that I will say is, we, I think have been so programmed and conditioned to think about content in a specific way that is very like, almost like SEO focused, right.

[00:13:54] Where it's like how to do this with these five things. Right. [00:14:00] And. I'm not saying that it, that isn't a good thing to do.

[00:14:03] I think that, it has its place, right? And, when I was doing some research, I taught a workshop, with my, with a collaborator, Tristan Katz, a couple months ago, reimagining marketing for 2024. And I did a whole bunch of research on what the trends were. Were what these people who are making all of their money, just running marketing programs for these big companies are saying the trends are going to be right. And one of the things that I found so fascinating was with the rise of a I, that kind of content is actually going to become really standard kind of background noise

[00:14:42] because a robot can make it.

[00:14:44] Caroline: right. 

[00:14:45] Brooke: Right. So what's now going to be coming to the top of our search results? Because, right, Google is pushing it to the top of the search results, not just because they're doing it because they know this is what people want, is the [00:15:00] stuff that is more human, that has a story in it that shows that you're a real person who has an actual experience with the thing. Because while we all freak out about how AI is going to like replace all of us, think about yourself and who you want to be learning from. Ultimately, we want to avoid the robots and find the real people. We want the person who's been through the thing and isn't going to just give us the information, but is also going to share from their lived experience to help us through it when times get tough, or when things don't go according to plan, or don't go according to the easy process that we were sold it was going to go by, which, by the way, I've literally never had the experience of that working. Right. So, human content, and I would say, And sharing things that you are scared to say because it seems maybe no one else in your industry is saying it. Maybe, you feel like, well, I shouldn't say that because I'm supposed to be the expert on this thing. And if [00:16:00] I admit

[00:16:00] this, then people aren't going to trust me.

[00:16:02] People are going to trust you more because they're going to see you as a real human being who when they then. Get into the room with you they have a sense of what it will be like to have an actual conversation with you and they also know that you know how to like get yourself through some tough times

[00:16:19] right and you're not you're not spinning something to make yourself sound good it's become background noise we're so used to it the demand for our attention is so high that I think that the kind of content that we were focusing on before which is very information focused I think it has a place.

[00:16:37] Transcribed If it is also being surrounded by content that shares your values, that shares your story, that shows your personality. And if you're willing to say the scary thing that nobody else is willing to say. So

[00:16:53] that's the first thing. And I, yeah, I'll let you

[00:16:56] Caroline: no, I was just going to say, yeah, I was going to say, it's so funny. I'm, I'm [00:17:00] like nodding my head at a million times because this is the direction that I've been pushing, you know, people to do their podcast episodes. Like it should 

[00:17:08] be more storytelling. It should be more personal. Uh, and you know, as I'm hearing you talk, I'm like, this is why we podcast, like, 

[00:17:16] Brooke: Yes. 

[00:17:16] Caroline: why we have podcasts is because I think, like, I was just Telling somebody this this morning, I was like, think about the impact you can have in 20 minutes versus 30 seconds on Instagram in like somebody really connecting with you as a human and knowing like, this is how I talk.

[00:17:33] This is how I show up in a room. And I'm actually like this in real life. Like, so I, I just loved everything you said, because I was like, yes, podcasting checks all of those boxes.

[00:17:43] Brooke: Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, and so like, I think a lot of us were, sort of had the, the, I want to talk about my personal story, for lack of a better term, like, kind of beaten out of us from 2020 to 2022, because we were all told. [00:18:00] No, no one cares to hear about you. People want to hear about, like, that people want value.

[00:18:08] Well, you know what we're finding is valuable? Things that are entertaining. Things that make people feel seen. Things that make people feel like they're not alone, there is value in that and right now I think that we've turned a corner kind of we're like we need to bring it back, right?

[00:18:27] Like it worked for a minute but like let's bring some of that back and like not make ourselves try to do content the right way and start to show a little bit more of who we are. Now, that now I'm gonna say something that's a little bit like counter to that. In addition to that I also think that you need to know that So when we were talking about creating really clear offers. So there's questions that I always tell people to ask themselves when they're creating their offers. And the questions are, who is the person that you really want to work with? What are they experiencing? [00:19:00] What are they telling themselves they need to do to try to move through that? Or what are they, have they already tried doing that hasn't worked? And what do you know is true about that? What do you know as the expert that they don't know?

[00:19:11] Right?

[00:19:12] Caroline: Right. 

[00:19:12] Brooke: Then your offer should hold space. For them to actual, to do it in a way that, that you know is actually going to be helpful for them versus the way that they've been told they had to do it. Now, I was giving, I was doing a guest, teaching spot yesterday and somebody asked me, um, okay, so that leads me to this offer idea and that's all great, but like, if people don't know that that's what they need to do, then they're not going to trust that this is the thing that they really need and that makes it harder to sell. Well, that's the point of your content. your content, right, should help people shift mindset out of these are the things that I just, I just keep banging my head up against the wall, trying these things over and over and over again, and I'm not getting anywhere. Helping to shift their mindset out [00:20:00] of whatever that thing is, and into what you know the actual solution is.

[00:20:04] So that way, once they make the mindset shift, once they get it, you now have an offer there. That helps them do it. So it's like keeping those two things in mind, being human, telling your story, sharing your actual experience. And while you're doing that, also helping people understand that the thing that they've been trying over and over again, probably isn't working for X reason, right?

[00:20:29] Or what they really could do is this thing. And if we can be intentional about that and make sure that it is actually aligned with what we offer. That's when you have that sweet spot of like, okay, I get it now. And the thing that you're selling is actually aligned with what you've just been talking to me about, right?

[00:20:51] Like when I first started podcasting, I really wanted to talk about, I started documenting the process of leaving my job and starting my consulting [00:21:00] business, and I really wanted to talk about what it was actually like to make go out on your own, because I felt like so much of the content I had been consuming was like really unhelpful. And so I did like all of these episodes just about like my, my, Literally, like what I was doing in that moment to work on my business, but then I was selling like systems, like an opera, like process improvement and operational consulting. And so I had all of these people who were like, Oh my gosh, I love your show.

[00:21:29] And the thing that you sell has nothing to do, like, That's not what I need, you know, so when I shifted my offers. So sometimes it's not even about shifting your content. It's about shifting your offers. If there's a thing that you want to talk about over and over and over again, are you offering a thing that is actually in line with that? Right? Maybe it's about shifting the offer to the thing that you really want to be doing that you're telling yourself you can't do for whatever reason because you have to do this other thing that's more legit, right? [00:22:00] So it's about that like alignment piece between what you're talking about and then who are the people who are hearing you?

[00:22:06] Why do they love listening to you? What do they want? And then how can you help them do that and making sure that your offers clearly align with that once they get it?

[00:22:16] Caroline: Yeah. Oh my gosh. So many light bulbs going off for me. I'm actually working on a new offer and I've been struggling with how to incorporate something that I hear from people that they love that I talk about and 

[00:22:30] that I talk about. And now I'm like, okay, that needs to be like one of the cornerstone pieces of my, I'm like thinking about it makes so much sense.

[00:22:38] So I would love, you mentioned something. Called an offer ecosystem. And since we're talking about offers, I would love it if you would just explain a little bit about what an offer ecosystem is and how that can work for your business. Yeah.

[00:22:52] Brooke: offer ecosystem is a term that I use. I just started using it. I thought that I was the only one using it. And then I've heard other people's using it. And I'm like, that makes sense. Cause it [00:23:00] basically is exactly what it is. Um, it makes sense. We'd all end up landing on this term. So. I'm going to start with talking about individual offers, because it's going to then make more sense of why the ecosystem matters.

[00:23:13] So I think that for an offer to be really impactful and effective, meaning you're consistently delivering on what you say you can do, and also for it to be something that people actually want to come in and work with you in, you want to be specific. You, because you want to be clear, you and the person coming through the door want to be clear on what the desired outcome even is. It's very hard to consistently deliver on a result when you're not really quite sure what it is that you're actually trying to help them do.

[00:23:50] Caroline: Right.

[00:23:51] Brooke: If you're listening and you're like, Oh no, I don't deliver on a result.

[00:23:55] You absolutely do. It does not need to be something quantitative. If [00:24:00] you're not sure what it is, send out a survey to your best clients and ask them what was different after they worked with you, whatever it is that they say, use it on your sales page. Cause that's the thing that you do, especially if you hear it over and over again, that's your result.

[00:24:14] Right.

[00:24:15] It's not that complicated. I promise. I promise you're doing it. It's just about talking about it clearly. So if, so being specific and being clear on what is the result that we want to get. Also being really intentional about, um, setting it up in a way that makes sense for both you and for your clients.

[00:24:34] So I had a coach, that I worked with for a while. Her name was Lena West. She always used to say people either pay you in time or in money. So some people don't have much time and they're willing to pay you more to have you do it for them. Other people don't have much money, but maybe they have a bit more time.

[00:24:49] They'll maybe buy a course for 97, but they have to do it themselves. Right? So that's the trade off. So, being intentional about setting it up in a way that actually makes sense for the [00:25:00] person that you're inviting through the door. So, that might make the difference between it being a, this offer that you're creating with this specific outcome, being, say, a digital product versus a group program versus a one on one offer.

[00:25:13] Caroline: Right.

[00:25:13] Brooke: So when I start telling people, be specific, be intentional, be really direct about how you're going to help them, like what your process is for how you're going to help them do this and not including a whole bunch of extra stuff just because you think that it makes it seem more valuable. Just do the thing that's actually going to make the difference. People start to panic a little bit because they're like, but my work is so multifaceted. Like, I can't get that. I work with, I work with different types of clients, different people need different things. That is the point of an offers ecosystem.

[00:25:45] So you can have multiple offers that either are for different types of clients, right?

[00:25:53] So maybe you drive one client. overarching kind of result, or you help [00:26:00] people move toward one overarching desire, you know you work with multiple different clients, so you have this ecosystem of offers that allow it so that when someone lands on maybe your website or whatever, they can see, this is for you if you're at this stage, this is for you if you're this person, this is for you if you're this person, right?

[00:26:16] So it's an ecosystem of offers that make it so that even if different types of people walk through your door, you have something for them. The other way that you could think about it would be, , And usually it ends up being some combination of these things. So it might be a little bit of that, where you're focusing on different types of people.

[00:26:31] Then it might be a little bit of, , creating different things at different price points. So that you can

[00:26:35] make things more accessible to some people, but you can also diversify a little and have those higher price point things where you're not having to operate at scale because you're selling 25 e books.

[00:26:45] and then the other thing that you could think about is maybe instead, maybe there's also an element of you help people move toward this one overarching kind of desire, but you also know that different people, you, you can't get people from [00:27:00] A to Z. So this is a concept that many of us have heard, right? Not trying to get people from A to Z in one offer, but focusing on getting this person from A to B, and then another one that gets people from B to C, and another one that gets people from C to D. So your offers ecosystem is all of the different offers that you have that work together to make it so that all of the different types of clients that you serve have a door to walk through. that you have different levels of access, I mean, You have different price points so that maybe different types of clients who can't afford one thing or another are able to walk through the right door. And then maybe also like, so that you could be more specific about the specific thing that you're driving in that one offer. Does that make sense. 

[00:27:48] Caroline: Yeah. It absolutely makes sense. And I'm thinking about our conversation about messaging and how this plays with the offer ecosystem. You know, I often talk about [00:28:00] how one of the analogies I like to use a lot is like your business is a mountain and there's different stops along the way and you have to think about your content that way as well.

[00:28:11] Like, where are they entering through your content? To stop to stop three, stop one, you know, whatever that thing is. 

[00:28:19] And so I think about that as we're talking about this offer ecosystem, it's kind of the similar thing. 

[00:28:25] You know, I'm not necessarily always going to be talking to somebody who's coming in at this offer.

[00:28:31] I might be talking to somebody who's coming in at this offer, but the point is, is that I do have a path for them once they get into my world. Does that 

[00:28:39] feel like it? I don't know. It goes with what you're saying. Okay. 

[00:28:42] Yeah. 

[00:28:43] I think about that, like a path or circles, you know, 

[00:28:45] something that they can come in and they can stay.

[00:28:48] And that really is the sweet spot, I guess, then is when you're offer ecosystem and your messaging is working. 

[00:28:54] so that goes back to my first question. When you have those two things in place, then you don't have to worry [00:29:00] about. Yeah.

[00:29:04] Brooke: It's no longer about like, let me get in front of as many people as I possibly can, and then just think that that's going to result in a profitable business. I promise you, it doesn't work that way. Like I, the number of people who I have seen. I'm sure this has happened to you, like, where you get, like, an inquiry from somebody who wants to work with you, and you look at them, and you see, like, Oh my gosh, this person has, like, hundreds of thousands of followers.

[00:29:29] Why do they want to talk to me? And then you get in the room with them, and you're like, Oh, because they can't manage to make money off of the followers that they have. They

[00:29:36] focused on visibility the whole time, and now they don't know what to do. It's, so, what I think is really beautiful about this, too, is that, like, if we can focus on These things that we were just talking about, and then building out a really high integrity body of work because we're specific about who we're working with, we're specific about what we're saying we can do, we're [00:30:00] driving, we're clear on how we're doing that for different types of people to get them to different stages, and we, what we end up doing is building out a body of work where we have different methodologies around different things, right? And then you have this really strong foundation so that now, now that you're clear, You're going to have, it's going to be so much easier to create content, but it's also going to be so much easier to come on to like a podcast interview and talk about it

[00:30:25] or start, you know, getting more visibility. And now when you get that visibility, it's going to, it can, it will actually do something for you and for your business

[00:30:35] Caroline: Right. Like you'll actually have 

[00:30:36] something set up. Yeah. Exactly. Like it, you actually have something set up so you can actually start converting and not just showing up for the sake of showing up. 

[00:30:48] Oh my gosh. I love that 

[00:30:50] so much. This episode, I mean, this conversation has been amazing. Just talk full of so much.

[00:30:57] And I really hope that everyone listening, like took some notes and [00:31:00] is walking away from this with a new perspective on how to approach their offers and content. Because that really is, you know, in my own personal experience, what I have been focusing on the last couple of months. And like, I'm already starting to see the impact.

[00:31:13] So like, This is, this works. This is, this is true. What she's talking about, what Brooke is sharing with us. I would love if you could just share how people can connect with you. And if you have any resources for anyone who's like, Oh my gosh, I need help with this. I need Brooke in my life. What is the 

[00:31:28] next step? 

[00:31:29] Brooke: I do. So, the first thing I would say is, if you're like, you know, mind, like,

[00:31:36] mind blown, there's so many things to think about, I don't know what to do with all of this. If you go to my website, brook monaghan. com, there's a silent G in my name, so just look at like the episode title, look at the show notes

[00:31:48] Caroline: I'll put it in the show notes. Yeah, Yeah.

[00:31:49] Brooke: Yeah, brook monaghan. com, I have a free resources tab. There is a guide that is totally free. You don't even need to give me your email. You can just read it on my website and then if you [00:32:00] want to give me your email after, go for it. And it is titled more profit with less marketing. It goes into everything that we talked about in this episode. More in depth. So there's a whole section on offers ecosystems. There's a whole section on developing, , more effective offers and messaging and all of that. So I would go there. The other thing is if you want to hear more about, how things have changed in the online business world and kind of how we can rethink things.

[00:32:25] I just started a new podcast with my cohost, Tristan Katz. It is called re imagining online business. So if you're a podcast listener, which I guess you are. Wherever you're listening to this, go and find Reimagining Online Business. We're talking about, it's going to be a limited series and we're talking about, , different really foundational business concepts and taking everything that we've learned and how we can reimagine it for the current moment that we're finding ourselves in.

[00:32:48] Caroline: I love that. And I love so much that you're having this conversation because there are not enough people talking about it. And I feel like it's just so noisy online and we need people like you, who are [00:33:00] shedding a light on this, like that it is changed because I, this is something I've been talking about for a while and I'm just, it's so refreshing to hear you talk about it.

[00:33:08] Brooke: Yeah, you're not alone. And I think that a lot of us have the conversations with each other behind closed doors, but then we don't talk about it as much publicly. The highest performing piece of content that I have put out in a very long time. Was this post that I put out a couple months ago where I was like, I've been afraid, afraid to admit this, but my business is struggling.

[00:33:29] And it was just a whole carousel on like, I am not in a good spot right now compared to where I was. And here's why I'm not afraid to tell you about it.

[00:33:37] And here's the reality, you know, people want to hear this stuff from us. So,

[00:33:44] um, Yeah, so I'm glad we're having the conversation and I hope that those of you who are listening, if there's a conversation in your industry that people are not having, and you're scared to have it, have it, because you will stand out.

[00:33:58] Caroline: This is your moment. [00:34:00] Thank you so much. It was so great to chat with you.

[00:34:03] Brooke: Yeah, thank you. This was so much fun.

[00:34:05] I left that interview, just feeling. I don't know, a little bit lighter in a way, because it was like talking to. 

[00:34:15] Myself, like hearing some of the things that I've been saying repeated back to me, but just to also have things validated to me and just really felt such a connection to Brooke and the work that she is doing. Now she didn't mention to me. Off the air, something that I want to share with you, her and her cohost, Tristin. Are running a summer business camp where they will dive into a lot of the foundational concepts that she shared in this interview. 

[00:34:43] If you're interested, you can find. The link on their re-imagining online business podcast website. And we will make sure to put the link in the show notes as well. She said that they are offering it on a sliding scale and kickoff in late June. So go check it [00:35:00] out. Go follow Brooke. And I'll be back soon with another episode.


Special Series: It’s Time to Refresh Your Podcast


Behind the Scenes: The Power of Coaching in Times of Change