Managing Time and Delegation for Mompreneurs with Sierra Scacco

Today's conversation couldn't be more timely as many of us are feeling the squeeze of summer activities mixed with business responsibilities. Whether you're struggling with time management or looking for tips on how to delegate effectively, this episode has something for every mompreneur out there.

In this episode, I’m chatting about the balancing act of entrepreneurship and motherhood with Sierra Scacco, a productivity coach and virtual assistant matchmaker.

Sierra breaks down practical steps to achieve work-life balance, optimize business processes, and ensure you can be fully present with your children without compromising your entrepreneurial spirit. This episode is packed with actionable advice on managing time, delegating tasks, and making room for what truly matters—both in business and personal life. Sierra shares her journey and offers tools for mompreneurs who feel overwhelmed by their daily demands and are seeking effective strategies to streamline their operations. Be sure to take notes!

What’s in this episode…

[00:04:13] Why time management is particularly challenging for business owners who are also moms.

[00:12:14] Effective strategies for managing time and setting realistic expectations for productivity.

[00:16:27] The importance of delegation in scaling your business and maintaining sanity.

[00:26:04] Tips on identifying tasks to outsource and optimizing your business operations with the right support.


Sierra is a business productivity coach that helps mompreneurs with productivity, work/life balance, & team building so they can be fully present with their kiddos AND a successful CEO. She is also a wife, mama to 2 little boys, and has run her business for almost 3 years while being home with them full time.

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The Transcript for Share, Strategize, & Shine:

[00:00:00] Hello, and welcome back to share strategize and shine. I am so excited to be talking to my Instagram friend Sierra. I immediately connected with her. When I read about how she was helping entrepreneurs, who were also moms. Figure out how they're going to [00:01:00] do all the things. And if you're like me, You jumped into summer and you were like, I'm going to do all the things. 

[00:01:07] I'm going to launch a few programs. It's going to be amazing. And then you quickly realized, Hey, guess what? That's not going to work. I felt like this conversation was so timely. Considering the fact that right now I am juggling kids and summer and, you know, just trying to be an expansion, which is really hard. CRM is a business productivity coach that helps mompreneurs with productivity work-life balance and team buildings. 

[00:01:34] They can be fully present with their kiddos. And as successful CEO, she's also a wife, a mom, and has run her business for almost three years while being home with them full time. We're going to dive into a lot of great stuff in this episode about delegating time management. So give it a listen, take some notes and I hope you enjoy. 

[00:01:56] Caroline: Sierra. Thank you so much for coming on the show.

[00:01:59] Sierra: [00:02:00] Hi, thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

[00:02:02] Caroline: Oh, me too. I'm so excited to talk to you today about all things time management, being a mom, being a business owner, delegation. I mean, we're going to dive into all of it and I feel like it's so timely. For me personally, because this is something that I'm really working on, in my life and business. And I know a lot of our listeners are as well.

[00:02:23] So I think this is going to be really great. But before we dive in, cause Caroline likes to get carried away. Can you just introduce yourself? Tell us a little bit about who you are, what you do and how you help people.

[00:02:34] Sierra: Yeah, absolutely. So hello, my name is Sierra. Um, I am a productivity coach and a virtual assistant matchmaker. So essentially

[00:02:44] I help mostly mom entrepreneurs. But people who are running their businesses and like it gets to a point in your business and we'll get into this a little bit later to where you feel like super overwhelmed by everything you built up this momentum [00:03:00] and now you're like, what the heck am I going to do to keep up?

[00:03:02] So that's where I come in. I help them kind of organize their businesses, get things streamlined, maximize their time, and then also teach them how to. Bring on a VA outsource tasks to their team so that way they can continue to scale. So, I have been doing this for about two years now. Before that I was a copywriter. That was my first venture into the online world. And I have two boys. I have a three year old. This month will be three in 10 days, which is crazy. And a, an 18 month old. Oh, we live in a tiny little trailer right now. I like to share this because it's super fun. We live in a 300 square foot trailer right now.

[00:03:44] So, doing the mom thing, doing the online business thing, and all of this in like a super tiny space. So that is a little bit about me.

[00:03:52] Caroline: I love it. Oh my gosh. I love that so much. I mean, you are literally in the thick of it. And so I love that because you bring [00:04:00] that experience to how you help people and how you help people figure out how to create more time in their lives and business. So let's talk about that first. I want to talk about time management for a second with you.

[00:04:13] Why is it so hard for business owners and moms, especially to manage their time.

[00:04:22] Sierra: Yeah. So I think it comes down to a couple of big things. And the first one is We, we want to do so much. We like, we go into entrepreneurship. We go into this because we have this like passion, this drive to do something. And. Time like doesn't even, it doesn't compute. We're like, okay, like we want to do a million different things.

[00:04:44] So it's just going to have to fit in somewhere in this time. And we don't realize that there are limitations, right? Like there are things that we have to kind of set those boundaries because not only are we business owners, but we're also moms. And that's where the other aspect comes in. I think, because [00:05:00] not only do we want to do all the things, but we're but we also feel pressured to do a lot of things.

[00:05:05] Like we have so much put on our plate and so many like expectations, outside expectations of what it looks like to be a good present mom, what it looks like to, you know, take care of a household, run everything and, and manage not just yourself, but all these little lives that you have. And so it becomes really hard when you bring in this the, the structure that time management usually, uh, kind of forces you into, because a lot of people view time management as like these very rigid, like I have to fit it into these little pockets of time. And I think that's where a lot of people really struggle is there is so much to do. There are so many things we want to do so many things we think we have to do. And then how the heck am I supposed to get it into these pretty little boxes on my calendar every single week? You know,

[00:05:59] Caroline: Yeah, [00:06:00] totally. And I love that you brought up the pressure that we as moms feel, but I think like women in general, I think this is something that I see with a lot of the business owners that I work with. And it's just this pressure to make things happen, to have things be great, have things be perfect. I know for me, one of the things that I've really been struggling with is like Not just the time management, but fitting myself into the time, you know, when am I taking a nap?

[00:06:31] When am I, uh, you know, going to finally book the massage that my husband gave me for mother's day? Like, I just feel like there's never. enough time for all of those things. And it really, you're absolutely right, comes from that pressure that is placed on us. You know, some of it's internal, some of it's external.

[00:06:49] But definitely, I mean, I know I feel that every day, like I have to do the laundry and I have to to, you know, take care of things with my business. And oh my gosh, I need to bring home extra money this [00:07:00] month because we've got camps to pay for it. Like, I feel like it's just a constant pressure. And so we talk about that and encompassing all of these feelings that we're talking about, that I'm sure a A lot of the listeners are shaking their head.

[00:07:14] Like, yes, I feel that deeply. How can we start to better manage our time? Or maybe managing our time isn't even the right way to put it, but how can we start to feel better about how we're spending our time? Right.

[00:07:29] Sierra: that's a really good question. And I love that you mentioned the, the, how can we feel better about how we're spending our time? Because it, it really comes down to what are you doing, whether it's in your business, whether it's in your life, are you doing the things that actually one, like lift you up, that make you happy, that make you feel like you are making a difference. And two, are you doing things that are moving you forward? Like we want to be going in a, in a forward moving direction. We want to be making progress. [00:08:00] And it doesn't matter if that progress is one tiny step every single day or making a giant leap because we suddenly have, you know, all this free time and we want to work on the business.

[00:08:10] That's the other thing. Like, we're not working on it because we feel like we're pressured to do it. We have to do it, but because we want to do it. So that's really where I like to start with people is looking at, you know, what are you doing currently and are those things that you're doing aligning with your goals, with your priorities, with what you want to be doing and things like self care, things like having time for yourself, those That like usually is never on people's lists, right?

[00:08:37] Because we just put ourselves last. Like you said, whether you are a mom, whether you're just a, a woman, whether you're a entrepreneur, like it doesn't matter. We, we tend to put ourselves last because our goal is to serve other people that's in us innately. And so. When we get into this, when it's time to sit down and think about how am I managing my time?

[00:08:58] How am I using the time that I [00:09:00] have? I like to look at, you know, those things that you're already doing. And then we have to figure out what those things are. Get rid of the fluff, get rid of the things that aren't serving you. So that way you do have time for the things that you want to do and the things that you need to do.

[00:09:17] And I like to really focus on those.

[00:09:20] Caroline: I like to how you said, focus on your goals and in your purpose and what you enjoy doing. I know like last year, I've talked about this a lot on the podcast. I've been making a big transition in my business and it, I knew I wanted to make that transition last year, but it was a lot of spaghetti throwing at the wall, you know, just seeing like, Oh, and I realized like now that I'm on the other side of this, like I was doing a lot of things and spending a lot of time on things that.

[00:09:48] We're not moving the needle forward because I thought I had to be doing them or I saw somebody else doing them and thought, Oh, That's what I need to be doing because they're doing it and they look successful, [00:10:00] you know, and I think sometimes we can get caught up in that too. Like when we're looking at our tasks or, okay, I'll give you a really good example.

[00:10:08] Last night I needed to compose an email, to send out tomorrow and I thought, Oh, I'll sit down and I'll schedule it out. Right. Cause I have a couple minutes. And I honestly, I was too tired to write an email, so I ended up not doing it at all, but instead what I started doing was going, Oh, you know what I need is an everything page.

[00:10:26] That's what I need is an everything page. And I spent 30 minutes researching everything pages, looking at a mini course, looking at a couple of other people's everything pages, and I got to the end of it and I was like, you know what I don't need an everything page. I don't need to be spending my time on this.

[00:10:46] I'm like, I was looking at my to do list and I was like, this is not on your to do list. Why do you think you need to do this right now? And I mean, I think that's something that we attract that we. can fall into a lot when it comes to how [00:11:00] we're spending our time.

[00:11:02] Sierra: Oh, yeah. Yeah. We like that. It's so funny how our brains work where like we know that there's things we need to do. But our brains will like direct us in another direction. We will spiral. Like you said, we'll be looking at what everyone else is

[00:11:17] doing. And it's so hard to like put on your blinders and just focus on the things you need to do. It's like learning how to and it's so hard because like, it's something that I can just say, Oh, yeah, you just need to like do it, but like, it takes practice, right? We need to learn like how you learn best, how you work best, how

[00:11:34] you can function best. And there's different strategies for that.

[00:11:38] There's different apps for that. There's different systems for that. And it's figuring out like. I like to take time management and productivity from like a very personal standpoint. Like you have to figure out what works for you. And so if that means in that example, if that means like, okay, I'm going to set a timer and I just need to just look at this for 10 minutes, but I'm only going to give myself 10 minutes.

[00:11:57] And then it doesn't matter how I'm [00:12:00] feeling. I need to move on. Like it's figuring out those like little things that will allow us to process things because we don't want to like make our brains hold onto it. Right. We want to be

[00:12:08] able to process it, but not spend our entire day on it. You know what I mean?

[00:12:14] Caroline: Yeah, totally. I love the idea of a timer. I'm going to have to try that next time because I tend to go down little rabbit holes a lot. I'm in, I'm definitely one of those like squirrel, you know, type people when I'm working. Especially like, you know, when it comes to something Like an email, like I didn't want to write the email.

[00:12:32] So I think my brain was looking for other things to do, you know, and it's so funny because I just sat and wrote the email right before we hopped on this interview without any problems. And so knowing thyself is so important. I'm so glad we talked about that. But. This brings me to another thing when it comes to time management and running a business, and this is something that you mentioned you help people, , do, and that is delegate.

[00:12:57] And I want to talk about delegation, , [00:13:00] especially, you know, when it comes to podcasts, this is something we talk a lot about when we're setting up the systems for your podcast and kind of figuring out, okay, what pieces can I handle? What pieces do I need to outsource? But why is delegation so important to begin with?

[00:13:17] Sierra: Yeah. So Delegation is, like you said, it's important. It's also really hard to, to get behind and to like jump forward with it. But we need to learn how to delegate because first of all, we can't do it all on our own. Like, even though we want to think that we can, and we want to be the superwoman and do it all physically. Realistically, we can't do everything if we want to be reaching the goals that we want to

[00:13:44] reach. And I'm pretty sure anyone who's listening, like has these big goals. But if you look at the people who are reaching those goals, who are having those like huge income months, who are having the huge audiences, the huge followings, they aren't doing it by themselves.

[00:13:59] They [00:14:00] have a team. They have systems, they have people who can help them. And so learning how to delegate is literally the difference between like duct taping your business and having something that can scale. Okay. So let's get

[00:14:18] Caroline: Yeah. I, I remember I've gone through a couple iterations of my business. Like I have had a full blown agency and 20 to 30 clients a week, you know, a team of six to eight people. And I remember when I started that journey, just how difficult it was to think of hiring people. Like I couldn't even.

[00:14:40] picture it, what it would look like because I had done so much of it myself for so long. And, we're going to talk for a minute about like time, but I wanted to bring up something That, one of my mentors and a friend of mine used to say all the time. And that was any time she hired [00:15:00] somebody with intention, right?

[00:15:01] Like this is done with intention. This isn't just hiring somebody willy nilly. And we're going to talk about how to know when you need to delegate. But she would say every time she hired somebody, her business would move forward, whether that was making more money or creating bigger impact. She said every time she did it.

[00:15:19] And that mindset shift was huge for me when I started bringing people on. And I'll be completely honest now that we're kind of transitioning my business away from that like agency model. I still like, I keep, there's one person I keep on my team because I know. In my heart of hearts and, and in, you know, and in the same conversation about time management, I know in my days I could not do this by myself and have it be effective, impactful, you know, my clients getting the, the level of service they need to get.

[00:15:53] And so, you know, I will do anything to keep her on my team, like literally, and she knows that, but I think that's just kind of [00:16:00] important. I wanted to point that out because I know that When we say delegate, the first thing people see are dollar signs, right? Like that's the first thing they see, but there definitely comes a point where you need to delegate.

[00:16:14] And I would love if you could just kind of talk through how to know when you've hit that, that point and what should you do when you do hit that point?

[00:16:27] Sierra: first of all, if you are starting and it will go into like these different signs, but if you're starting, if you're listing, you're like, okay, like this is, I need to start. The first thing I want you to do is sit down and start writing your systems. Okay.

[00:16:38] Because you'll need those later. So just wanted to put that out there before we get into this, but essentially you'll know that it's time to start hiring with a couple of different signs.

[00:16:47] Maybe you'll see all of these, maybe you'll see a couple. One of them is that you. Just don't have the time anymore. So if you, your time is maxed, right? You either are serving. The amount of clients that you can't bring on another client. [00:17:00] Like if you brought another client, you'd have to like, I don't know, stay up until like 2 a.

[00:17:04] m. Or like do something like drastic in your life work life balance. So you've run out of time. The other sign is there is like a constant demand. For your services, it might not be like 10 new people every single week, but there's like some consistency there. There's people who are either coming to you ready to buy, or when you, you know, you do your lead gen, you do your content, whatever you're doing, like people are, are interested.

[00:17:31] You're having these conversations. Like there's that consistency there that shows that if you were to bring on a new offer or cut out a new offer, or, like if you wanted to sell. Every single day, like there would be people who were, who were starting to be interested. So there's interest, there's demand. You're out of time and you, like if you are someone who just has like one main offer [00:18:00] or maybe like two offers, you're ready to start building out the offer suite. You need to look for some passive income options so you can scale your income without scaling your time. And I say that one because yes, you could create like passive options by yourself, but there's a lot of tech, there's a lot of strategy, there's a lot of creation that goes into like managing those, passive income strategies and those like whether it's lower ticket or whatever it is and having a team at that point is going to be really helpful where you can give them the, the structure of it. And then they can implement it and you just

[00:18:35] get to keep focusing on the parts of your business that are like your higher ticket or your one on ones or your done for use type of thing. So those are like the, the big things I've noticed are when people are like, So they're out of time. They are in demand. They want to scale. Those are like the three big things that show, okay, like it's time to [00:19:00] bring on that VA to start delegating. And that's why I say, like, if you're starting to notice these things, start writing down your system, start writing down what you could potentially outsource. Because a lot of people wait until it's too late, right? They wait

[00:19:12] until. They are so maxed out that you have no ability to even think about onboarding someone because you're not going to hire someone and they're just going to jump right into your business. And you're going to be, you know, it's just gonna be smooth sailing.

[00:19:25] Like I have made that mistake before I've hired someone and I was like, okay, just get right to it. And they're like, Oh, what do you want me to do?

[00:19:31] And I'm like, well, this, this, this, they're like, okay. But like how, like there's, there's more that goes into the hiring. Right. So when you notice those signs in your business, in your life, if you're feeling exhausted, if you're feeling overwhelmed. Start like, and I know it seems like counterproductive, but like take a day, take 20 minutes, whatever you have, start writing down like the systems you have. So then that way, when you do start to outsource, you can, you already have something you can give to the VA. You don't have to like [00:20:00] be like thrown into a hustle of like, how can I throw something together for them to do?

[00:20:05] Caroline: Yeah. That is such great advice. This is something that somebody told me like early on. They were like, before you even hire, you should have like your SOPs. And I remember I was thinking about starting to bring more people on and I was like, okay, we've got to get a system going before we do this. And I remember it felt like Really hard.

[00:20:26] Like the first few times I did it, but then after that it was so easy. And I will just say like, as someone who has managed a team and is now back down to just two people, videos are your best friend. Like if you can make a loom video of something, Oh my gosh. I mean, even now, so I'll give you all a really great example.

[00:20:47] My ops manager, Alyssa is like my right hand. Person. And she runs kind of like the editing and the management side of my business. So she makes sure that the clients have all their [00:21:00] episodes are ready to go when they need them. Well, we had one of our systems didn't work and I had to do something that I don't normally do.

[00:21:07] I didn't know how to do it because she's been doing it for like two years. But luckily there was an SOP, like, I had something I could look at and even though I wrote the SOP years ago, you know, she's modified it, she's updated it, , but it was so helpful to have. And, you know, I think one of the things we don't think about very often is like, what if I got sick or something and I wasn't able.

[00:21:32] To do everything in my business. And so having those systems written down in a Google doc, a loom video, whatever works best for you and notion, something dashboard, whatever works for you, I think is so, so important, even if you're just yourself right now, because there will be a day where someone else will need to look at those and you want to make sure that you have them.

[00:21:54] Easy to find.

[00:21:56] Sierra: Yeah. Yeah. And that's actually something that I have asked my, or I'll ask my [00:22:00] clients is I'll say, okay, like if you had to tomorrow, like you had to drop everything, there was an emergency, you couldn't show up in your business. Would it be able to run without you? Would like emails go out? Would, uh, like sales be made?

[00:22:12] Would you be able to still run your business if you had to leave for a day, two days, three days, and besides obviously like the one on one calls and like things that you personally have to do, but. There needs to be like those systems, those behind the scenes, those things that people can just take over for you.

[00:22:28] So your business is running, it's moving, it's scaling while you are, you know, dealing with whatever you need to deal with.

[00:22:35] Caroline: Yeah. I wanted to dig a little bit more into like knowing what tasks to outsource. You know, you kind of talked about like giving yourself space to focus on the more important areas in your business or like the services that actually absolutely need you. Like You mentioned the one on ones, but can you talk a little bit about, know, maybe there [00:23:00] are things that aren't within your zone of genius.

[00:23:03] And how to outsource those. Uh, I'll give a really good example podcast. Podcast production is a really good one. A lot of people will, you know, start their podcast and they'll kind of get to a point where it's taking up too much time. And so it's not necessarily like they're outsourcing, you know, creating like a passive product, like you said, or managing the tech on the backend.

[00:23:25] But there are other things in your business that you can outsource to give you yourself more time. Right.

[00:23:31] Sierra: Yeah. Yeah. And this is a lot of people will say like, Oh, I have no idea what to outsource. Like I don't need to hire VA. I've been doing it all on my own this whole time. Right. And

[00:23:39] when we're, when we're in it, we don't think about all those little things. And so. What I would say is if you are like, Oh, I don't know what I would outsource. I would track every single thing that you do in a day. if you want to like go like be super into it and like do a whole week because usually our tasks kind of shift throughout the week. But write down like [00:24:00] every little task that you can think of. It doesn't matter if it takes you five minutes or if it takes you an hour and create this massive list.

[00:24:07] And that will really highlight Okay. Like, for example, like in the, and I'm not going to pretend to be a genius in podcast production, but, with that example, there's like the editing, there's the, show notes, there's the, like collecting information from your, interview guests. There's the actual like posting and scheduling of the podcast.

[00:24:28] So you could write down each of those different things and maybe you don't want to outsource, like maybe you really like writing the show notes. You, you love to do coffee. So maybe you don't want to outsource that yet, but you can say, okay, like I, it takes so much time to like, sit there, listen to my podcast episodes, edit them. Could I outsource that task? And that's when it really becomes. a lot easier to outsource because yes, there are experts in like these different areas who will take on everything for you. And if you're at a place in your business where you're like, just [00:25:00] take all of this task, then great. But if you just need like help in those like little areas, those small areas, Smaller tasks.

[00:25:06] That's where I would say, like, start with a general VA, someone who has experience in what you're looking for. Like there, you don't have to just put it out there. Oh, I need a VA. Like, even if you don't have

[00:25:15] experience, if you want someone who has worked in podcasting before, there are so many VAs out there going Facebook groups, go Upwork, Fiverr, Instagram, like wherever you want to look, there are so many VAs who have the experience you're looking for in the exact task that you want to outsource and you can just kind of. piece out little things, create those SOPs for that specific thing of how you've done it in the past. And then this VA is going to come in and they can look at what you've done and they can say, Oh, like I've done X, Y, and Z with other clients. So what if we do it this way? And they'll be able to optimize your systems. I like to think of working with a VA, not as like a, you're in charge and they just kind of [00:26:00] do whatever. Like it's a very, what's the word I'm looking for? Like you guys work together.

[00:26:04] It's a a combined effort. Yes. Collaborative. Yeah. So you're giving the task, you're saying, this is what I've done before.

[00:26:11] And maybe it's not something that you're an expert in. And it's just something that you've had to do up to this point because you have to do it to run your business. And they're going to come in with their experience and say, okay, I can do this. I have the experience. I see what you're doing. What if we added this in?

[00:26:25] What if we tweaked this

[00:26:26] and made this a little bit better? And yeah, sorry. I kind of went into that a little too much, but that's, that's basically what I would do when it's time to figure out what to outsource.

[00:26:35] Caroline: No, I love that. I think that's so important because, we think that because we do everything, we know the best way is to do it. Like we figured out the best ways to do it. I have learned so much from bringing people on my team. , I mean, and even like. You know, my ops manager who's been with me for years because her time and her brain, like what's in her brain is so different than what's in my brain about my business.

[00:26:59] And so like, she can [00:27:00] go research something and be like, I think we should do this this way. Whereas I don't necessarily have the time to do that. And so I love that you brought that up because, I think it's something we just don't really think about when we think about delegating and outsourcing, just how impactful it can be to have other eyes on the things that you're doing.

[00:27:18] , even if it's something that you've done a million times, you know, like I had at one point I had a copywriter, I'm going to tell you my story. , so I had a friend, uh, working for us and she was writing show notes, but she was also helping me with some stuff on my end. And then I mean, every time she would do something for me, I was like, Oh my gosh.

[00:27:31] Yes. Why didn't I think of that? Well, I didn't think of it because I had been doing it for so long and also because I'm not a copywriter, you know? So I love that you brought that up. I think that's so, so important. Okay. So if somebody is listening to this, they say, okay, yes, I'm on board. I think I need to delegate.

[00:27:50] What are the next steps or how can you help them or Basically, take us on the journey if they wanted to work with you, what would happen next?

[00:27:58] Sierra: So essentially the [00:28:00] we do is look at a busine I said, we dig into every We figure out what's work We take it from a productivity time management standpoint first. So while, we are kind of, while I'm doing my thing, I'm looking for the VAs. I I'm getting you your perfect match. We are working on maximizing your time, maximizing the efficiency of your business to make everything.

[00:28:27] flow. So that way, when you do bring on that team member, first of all, you're not super overwhelmed

[00:28:31] by the onboarding because now you have the time and second, you know exactly what tasks are moving your business forward. So you could be focusing on those outsourcing the things that you know are important, but maybe they aren't your area of expertise or they're not things that you directly need to be doing, which then allows you to, like I said, add in those passive income opportunities, add in different platforms, whether that's like podcasting

[00:28:58] or new social media platforms or [00:29:00] whatever that you might not have had time for in the past.

[00:29:02] But now you have a team. Now you have your time back so you can focus on those more and Getting back the time for yourself. So having the time to go out to lunch with friends or go get that massage that your husband

[00:29:15] gave you for mother's day. And, you know, being able to not just maximize the time in the business, but also maximize the time in your life as well, finding that balance.

[00:29:24] So that's kind of the wide overview, if that makes sense.

[00:29:29] Caroline: Yeah. 

[00:29:29] Side me up. Can you share, where everyone can find you? And then, I believe you had a challenge you wanted to tell us about.

[00:29:38] Sierra: Yeah. So I am on Instagram at sierra. scotco. I'm there every week, Monday through Friday. I also have a Facebook group called the work at home moms club that you can come hang out there and I am hosting a, this, these will be monthly. So if you're listening to this now or listening to it later, I'm hosting a.

[00:29:57] Free three day challenge. This first one [00:30:00] will start June 25th and we're really going to be focusing on the income producing activities, the, uh, the KPIs or the key performance indicators. So it's really those beginning steps. So it's figuring out what you're doing in your business. That way, when you start to scale and delegate, you know exactly what to do.

[00:30:18] So that's what this challenge is going to be focusing on.

[00:30:21] Caroline: That's awesome. That sounds really great. I hope everyone takes advantage of this and thank you so much for this conversation. I really needed this today. Like you reminded me of so many things that I need to be thinking about and I know that this will be really valuable to our listeners. So thank you so much.

[00:30:36] Sierra: Yeah. Thank you. It's been my pleasure.


Special Series: Setting Goals for Podcast and Business Success


Special Series: It’s Time to Refresh Your Podcast