Why Every Business Needs a Podcast Strategy in 2024

Ep 190: Why Every Business Needs a Podcast Strategy in 2024

If you’ve ever wondered about the transformative power of a podcast for your business, today’s episode is for you. I’m diving into why adopting a strategic approach to podcasting isn’t just a good idea—it’s essential for your business’s growth. 

In this episode, we'll discuss practical steps to align your podcast with your business and personal goals, ensuring it serves as a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. Join me as we explore the substantial benefits of integrating podcasting into your business model and how it can elevate your brand and connect with audiences globally.

Why Your Business Needs a Podcast: Strategic Insights

Embracing podcasting goes beyond traditional marketing—it's about creating a personal connection with your audience while strategically driving your business goals. This section explores the essential reasons why a podcast is a must-have in today's digital marketplace and how it can serve as a dynamic tool for business development and customer engagement.

Building Global Connections Through Podcasting

Discover the power of podcasting to transcend geographical boundaries and cultivate a deeply engaged community. Learn how your unique voice can resonate across continents, creating meaningful interactions and building a loyal listener base that feels valued and understood.

Leveraging Simple Tech for Major Impact

Worried about the technical aspects of podcasting? Let's break it down into simple, manageable steps. This part of the post provides practical advice on how to use basic podcasting tools to enhance your reach and listener engagement effectively, ensuring your podcast is both accessible and impactful.

Aligning Podcast Goals with Business Objectives

Integrate your podcast seamlessly into your business strategy to maximize its impact. We’ll discuss how to align your podcasting efforts with your overall business objectives, ensuring every episode contributes to your brand's growth and success. This strategic alignment helps ensure that your podcast not only attracts listeners but also drives tangible business results.

Utilizing Resources to Elevate Your Podcast

As we wrap up, uncover the wealth of resources available through the 'Strategize and Shine' membership and other platforms. These tools are designed to support your journey, offering insights and strategies to refine your podcasting approach and make each episode a testament to your business acumen and personal insights.

Podcasting is an invaluable asset in the entrepreneur’s toolkit, providing a platform to share, inspire, and connect. By strategically crafting your podcast to align with your business and personal goals, you set the stage for enhanced engagement and sustained business growth. Ready to transform your podcast into a powerful business tool? The journey starts now.

The Transcript for Podcast Your Business:

190: Why Every Business Needs a Podcast Strategy in 2024

[00:00:00] Have you ever wondered just how much a podcast can transform your business? Well, you're in the right place to find out today. We're diving deep into why embracing a podcast strategy is no longer a good idea. It's a necessity for growth. 

[00:00:14] ​

[00:00:57] Hello everyone. I'm [00:01:00] Caroline, your Intrepid podcast, strategist podcasts, coach podcast, consultant. 

[00:01:05] All of the things. And I'm here to help you navigate the ever evolving world of podcasting. This year, things are stepping up and having a clear strategy is key to making the most of this powerful tool. But before we dive in. Let's talk about a problem that I solved this week. So I have been really struggling over the last. Oh forever. Um, with my calendar. 

[00:01:35] I heard this audio on Instagram today, and it was like a mom's brain and it was basically. You know, her trying to go back. With time and like figure out when she needed to get up and make breakfast and leave and all the things. And I feel that way with like my entire life. And I have really been struggling with getting my. Calendar to work for me in a way that makes sense. 

[00:01:57] So when I say calendar, I'm [00:02:00] talking about personal calendar. Business calendar. Like I wanted it all to talk to each other and it just seemed like I could never get it to work properly no matter what platform I was using. And I was using Calendly for a really long time. , and I liked it better than Deb Stato, which I had also used for a really long time. And it just seemed like I could not get it to work the way I wanted it to. I had a light bulb moment. 

[00:02:25] And I was like, you know, I have my calendar in so many different places. And I said, also add that part of my, like thing I've been working on the last couple of months is actually decreasing my expenses. You know, we get into this mobile repaying for all these tools that we're not necessarily using. Or using to the fullest extent. And I really felt like Calendly was one of those. 

[00:02:46] So I moved everything to Google calendar. Now don't ask me to explain the technicalities of this, but I want you to look it up now. I had a, team account. So it took me a little bit to figure out how to [00:03:00] transition my accounts. So I could have access to the new scheduling feature that is on Google calendar. But it is so wonderful because now I have my Google calendar sync with my apple calendar. And so when people go to make appointments with me, it has literally everything that's going on in my life, on the calendar. 

[00:03:18] So that Google doesn't, over book me over something or something like that. Now it's not showing them. Right. It's it's just like, it looks just like a scheduler, like you would use for Calendly or something like that. But this has been incredibly helpful for me for a lot of things. And I've been moving to using it exclusively canceled Calendly. 

[00:03:38] I'm just using the Google calendar system now. A couple people have asked me why. And this really is why, because. I just felt like AI wasn't using Calendly to its fullest, but B I was having a really hard time. Having things scheduled and not scheduling things over other things or interfering with plans I had with my kids or a doctor's appointments. 

[00:03:59] It [00:04:00] just felt like it was constant. I was constantly rescheduling things. So I'm feeling so good going into the fall. This was like, one of my missions for the summer was to figure out. A calendar that works for me because I don't want to be that person who was constantly having to. Rebook and reschedule, and I am wanting to open up more. One-on-one work opportunities and my calendar. 

[00:04:23] And so now I feel like I can do that. And so even with like podcast interviews, the process I'm using now, Is, they will go ahead and book that and then, I will send them a link to a. Uh, Google form, which will collect all of their information. And that's, you know, it's not that big of a deal for me. 

[00:04:44] You can automate all this. You can also, have templates saved in your Gmail. So it's really easy to send them that. So, Just overall, like trying to figure out ways to make processes easier with the tech stack. I have. This is something that we've talked about in the membership too, [00:05:00] a lot is that tech stack and making sure that it works for you. And that is one of the ways I'm making it work for me. 

[00:05:05] And that is a problem that I solve this week.

[00:05:07] All right. So let's explore why it is essential for every business, including yours to get onboard with having a podcast strategy. So one of the things that. I, uh, love about podcasting. I mean, we're going to talk about a lot of reasons why I love about podcasting today, but there's a few that really stand out to me. 

[00:05:31] And one of them is podcasting is just such a unique way of connecting with people. I am always amazed at where my podcast is ranking in the charts. Recently. Sweden, sometimes Denmark. I don't know. Who's listening over there, but thank you so much for listening to my podcasts. But just that idea of like reaching people all around the globe, sharing my passion, establishing your [00:06:00] expertise. 

[00:06:00] And this is all coming from your podcast. It really is about. Creating connections and building trust that goes beyond borders. You know, I talk a lot about how your podcast is a nurturing piece of your marketing. And I just love that it can nurture people all over the place. , and if you are repurposing your content to YouTube and other places, I feel like that just builds that even more. You know, it's definitely grown my audience in ways that I never thought was possible. 

[00:06:33] I never thought that I was going to be reaching people in Serbia in the UK and France, , in Sweden, in Denmark where I've been drinking recently. And that's just such a cool thing. And it's also really cool to think about the fact that I'm creating these connections all over the world, but they're also connecting with me and my message and my passion, which is podcasting. 

[00:06:54] Another thing that is really cool about podcasting. Is you are literally [00:07:00] deepening the relationship with your audience with every episode. Podcasts, give us this really unique space to talk directly to our audience. As if we're like right there with them having a cup of coffee or, you know, sitting down with him on the couch, catching up, it's personal, it's intimate because we're literally in their ears sometimes. As they're jogging going about their lives. It really is one of the best ways I think, to turn casual listeners into loyal fans in a way that doesn't necessarily translate to other mediums. You know, podcasting came from this desire for connection and for people to be able to listen to things. On the go and during their like daily life. 

[00:07:43] And when you think about that, when you start to really sit down and think, oh my gosh, I'm actually talking to people when they're like living their lives or doing their dishes or driving their kids to school, whatever. You realize how important that time is and how incredible that [00:08:00] connection is. That you are making with them, right. One of the things I love too. Is seeing the direct correlation between like the difference in short form content and long form content, in that connection piece. So I have a client who is an Instagram strategist and, you know, she, her Instagram strategy is on point. 

[00:08:22] Like she shows up on Instagram, amazingly. She doesn't need to work on that. She's got a down pat. And she wanted to start a podcast because she really loved having that long form content connect to connect with people on a deeper level. What's so cool about it is it's taken those relationships that she has formed on Instagram and it's transformed them because people go from Instagram to her podcast and then that loyalty that. Trust that, you know, know like, and trust factor, just skyrockets. Because they're able to really get to know her and what she's doing. And so [00:09:00] it really is bridging the gap between short form content and purchase. 

[00:09:04] Right. And so that's just one of the things I want you to keep in mind too, is like, it really is. About deepening relationships. And so, whereas I may go post a funny video on Instagram about coffee. I'm going to come on here and share a little bit of my life with you. I'm going to really dive into some of the things that I talk about with my clients and my membership and other places. In a way that you wouldn't be able to necessarily get that from other places. 

[00:09:32] One of the things that I love about podcasting. Is, you can really maximize your impact. Without having to break the bank. And honestly, this has become something that I have really started to focus on with the members in my membership. And a lot of my clients, you know, when we start something new for our business, what we don't want it to do is add more time. Or more money unless we know that impact is going to be [00:10:00] great. 

[00:10:00] And so what's so great about it is you can literally sit down and record. And it's not going to cost a fortune. I actually recently posted something on Instagram about how, like, you don't have to have the perfect space. You don't have to have to perfect equipment to start. And that's, what's so cool about it. It really is this. Very easy barrier to entry that is here with podcasting. 

[00:10:22] I think even differently than YouTube, because with YouTube, I have to like, make sure I look okay and I have a camera that works and I'm. You know, my space doesn't look terrible. I feel like there's a little bit more to that. And so when you start with podcasting, especially if you're new to long form content, And you're new to sharing information in this way. Being able to just sit down and record and not have to worry about all of those things. I mean, I still, like, I will talk to clients and I'll be like, Hey, you should think about. Re-purposing this on YouTube and they're like, well, no. 

[00:10:53] See the thing is, is I like to sit in my PJ's. When I first wake up and record my podcast episodes, I don't want to have to [00:11:00] video it. Like, that's not why I am podcasting and I totally totally agree. I have been repurposing my content for YouTube, but it's definitely been an adjustment and there's definitely been some like letting go of how I look on camera, because I just don't always have the time to look amazing or like, so put together. But I definitely like one of the things we focus on. In the membership and with my clients is processes. So how can we create this long form content without. Spending a ton of money. 

[00:11:34] So whether that is, you know, looking into AI tools, using templates, maybe hiring a VA until we can afford a full-on podcast manager. There's a lot of things you can do to really simplify the process and to make it. Cost effective for you? What I love so much about AI is, and, you know, originally I didn't like AI at all, and now it's like my best friend. , [00:12:00] But what I love about it is there. Are constantly new, amazing tools coming out and tools are constantly improving. 

[00:12:07] In fact, we were talking about this in the membership the other day, I was saying how much, you know, I love to script. And one of my members was like, yes, I'm actually using the script. And she's using this one tool now to edit, write her show notes. And help her pull clips. Whereas before she was having to do all this by hand, or she was looking into hiring somebody now. All that being said, you still have to add that human element to it. 

[00:12:31] But the point I want to drive with this specifically is that if those are the things that are keeping you from starting your podcast, And leveraging it for your business. It shouldn't be because there's so many workarounds now and what's really cool about it is. As you grow and as you evolve and as your business grows, and as you improve your podcasts, you can then start to put a little bit more money into it. 

[00:12:55] If you want to have it refreshed to get new cover art, to [00:13:00] get new inter auto trailer, you can also put some money in to get some support. As it becomes a more important piece of your strategy. So definitely do not let that. That cost and that, that thing keep you back because with podcasting, you can really have such an impact. With just a microphone in your computer. 

[00:13:22] Now, one of the things that I love about podcasting and long form content in general is that this is going to boost your businesses online presence. So. Some people, when they start a podcast, they say, well, this podcast is going to make me visible. And that's not exactly how it works anymore. So, what we have to do is think about our podcast as a piece of the bigger picture. 

[00:13:49] And if you've been a listener for any length of time, you've heard me talk about this a lot. But one of the things that I love. About podcasting and long form [00:14:00] content. Is that it's amplifying my online footprint. It's enhancing my SEO and into drawing, more curious people to my website. Now, how do we do that? 

[00:14:10] We do that. By using it as the main piece in our marketing strategy, week after week, putting it as a blog post. On our website. And really maximizing that blog post using SEO. You repurposing that content in other places and what's so cool about it is. We are. We are showing up in a different way. , I was talking to a friend recently who also works in marketing and we were discussing how like, one platform just isn't enough anymore. 

[00:14:42] Like just being here. Is not going to get you what you want. It really needs to be a combination of things., and I truly, truly believe I'm not just saying this because I'm a podcaster and because I love podcasting. But I truly, truly believe, like if you are an online business and you are [00:15:00] wanting to increase your impact, build that know like, and trust you have to have some form of long form content. And it has to be integrated with everything else that you're doing. And what's so great about that is when you get a system and you integrate it into your weekly schedule, it is so easy to share that in multiple, multiple places. 

[00:15:22] And so now what we're doing is we're giving people different ways to consume our content different ways to connect and engage with us. They might engage with us. In multiple ways, right? And now we are top of mind, we're being found, we're being heard online more often. It really is helping us drive more traffic and build like a fan base. A loyal fan base of enthusiastic listeners. Who. Want to know everything that we're doing. And that's really like the thing that I want to drive home. 

[00:15:58] There are people [00:16:00] who want to connect with you on a deeper level. There are people who maybe have found you and they're like, okay, what's next? And a podcast is a really great answer to that. So. Remember podcasting. And this year in 2024, going into 2025. Is about, more than just keeping up. It really is about leading the way in marketing and making meaningful connections. 

[00:16:23] And you can definitely do this for your business. It just takes a little bit of strategy. And so if that is something that you are interested in, if that is something that you are looking to do for your business. For your podcast. Be sure to subscribe. Follow. Definitely keep coming back because we're just going to keep building on this. And keep adding to my library of knowledge, which if you're a long-term listener, you know what that is. And talking about just how amazing the strategy is for you. And if you're feeling inspired to craft a podcast strategy that truly speaks [00:17:00] to your audience and drives results. We are now opening the strategize and shine membership. 

[00:17:07] This is a place where you can get hands on resources. I talked about some of that AI stuff. Personal guidance and a supportive community. So just head to wild home podcasting.com/membership to join. And if you're listening to this and you're like, ah, I still, I still have some questions. I have a brand new private podcast that you can subscribe to and listen, and it'll give you even more insight into podcast strategy and how you can create a podcast that is going to help you profit. 

[00:17:37] Right. Just a podcast, but a podcast that's actually going to work for our business. And that has called the podcast to profit. Private podcast strategically use your podcast for your business. Again, it's free. Just head to wild home podcasting.com/profit. And until next time, keep shining your light through your podcast.


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