Debunking Common Podcasting Myths That Hold You Back

Debunking Common Podcasting Myths That Hold You Back

Have you heard that you need thousands of listeners to make an impact, or that top-tier equipment is non-negotiable? Let’s dismantle these misconceptions together. With podcasting's popularity on the rise, it's vital to separate fact from fiction to empower you to step confidently into podcasting for your business.

As we dissect and debunk these common myths, you’ll gain insights and strategies to enhance your podcasting strategy. Whether you're contemplating starting a podcast or looking to refine your existing one, this episode will equip you with the knowledge to bypass these myths and focus on what truly contributes to podcasting success.

Have you heard that you need thousands of listeners to make an impact, or that top-tier equipment is non-negotiable? Let’s dismantle these misconceptions together. With podcasting's popularity on the rise, it's vital to separate fact from fiction to empower you to step confidently into podcasting for your business.

As we dissect and debunk these common myths, you’ll gain insights and strategies to enhance your podcasting strategy. Whether you're contemplating starting a podcast or looking to refine your existing one, this episode will equip you with the knowledge to bypass these myths and focus on what truly contributes to podcasting success.

Myth #1: You Need Thousands of Listeners to Be Successful 

It's a common belief that success in podcasting is measured by your listener count. However, the impact of a podcast isn't solely dependent on having a massive audience. Rather, success can come from engaging deeply with a niche group of listeners who are genuinely interested in your content. This segment of the episode explains why smaller, more engaged audiences can be far more beneficial for your business objectives.

Myth #2: High-Quality Equipment is Necessary 

The assumption that you must invest heavily in high-quality equipment to start podcasting is daunting for many beginners. While good sound quality is important, it doesn't require breaking the bank. This part of the episode discusses how you can start with basic, affordable equipment and upgrade as your podcast grows, emphasizing the importance of content over perfection in production.

Myth #3: It's Too Late to Start a Podcast 

Thinking you've missed the podcasting wave is another myth that can deter potential podcasters. This section debunks the idea that the market is too saturated for new entrants, highlighting opportunities for unique voices and perspectives in the podcasting community, no matter the timing.

Myth #4: You Can't Make Real Money Podcasting 

Many are skeptical about the monetization potential of podcasting. This myth is tackled by exploring various avenues through which podcasts can generate income, from sponsorships and ads to memberships and merchandising, proving that podcasting can indeed be a lucrative component of your business model.

As we've uncovered, many of the common fears about starting a podcast are based on misconceptions. By understanding the realities of podcasting, you can strategically use this medium to enhance your business and personal brand.

Ready to elevate your podcasting journey? Join the Strategize & Shine Membership today and access exclusive resources and community support. Visit for more details.

The Transcript for Podcast Your Business:

194: Debunking Common Podcasting Myths That Hold You Back

[00:00:00] Thank you need a huge audience or high-tech equipment to make your podcast a success. Today, I'm busting some of the most common podcasting myths that might be holding you back from launching or growing your show.

[00:00:11] ​

[00:00:11] Hello, everyone. Welcome back to share strategize and shine. [00:01:00] How are you this wonderful Monday when this episode is released? Hello September. Like, can we just talk for a minute about the fact that it is September and, oh my gosh, Q four is upon us. And I was working on stuff for my membership this week and I realized I've got a schedule, all the Q4 things. 

[00:01:21] So we usually do a growth challenge every quarter. And then we do quarterly content planning before the quarter. So got that all on the calendar. And I said, you know what, I'm just going to take this all the way. And I scheduled everything out through December, including the annual planning workshop, which is coming back. 

[00:01:39] I'm so excited. That was a really popular workshop last year. Four members. And then they also opened that one up to the public. So definitely be on the lookout for that. Towards the end of the year. But yeah, it was just really exciting to see all the things that I've been working on this year. 

[00:01:52] Kind of come together again. The things that I definitely wanted to bring back. And the things that I was [00:02:00] really excited to do again with the members of my membership. And so the problem I solved this week is something I want to share with you that I have been learning through my coaching. 

[00:02:10] So I mentioned a couple episodes back that I got a business coach it's going really well. And one of the things we've been doing is looking at what was already working. I think so often. We get in the mode of, I've got to create this new thing. I've got to have this amazing. Whatever I need a new, this, I needed a new that. 

[00:02:30] And I definitely think that there's space for that. But we forget sometimes that there's a lot of things that we are probably doing or have done that work really well for us, for our audience, for our ideal client. And so. It's been a really important exercise for me to look. at what has already worked and really leaning into that. Before we start layering on all the additional things that I want to do with my business and really building up that revenue, really building up that [00:03:00] consistency of income each month. And so it's, it's been. Really challenging in some ways, because I am having to learn. Some new skills and when it comes to selling. You know, I definitely. Come from the world of marketing and podcasting. You know, where we would just post something and everybody would run to it. 

[00:03:21] And I think we can all agree that marketing has changed. And so not quite the same as it used to be. And so it does take a little bit more stepping outside your comfort zone relationship building, for example, reaching out to people, which is not something I'm really great at doing. And so I've been working on learning some new skills. So that way we can build up that consistent income. But I have really, really, really been leaning into what I already have. 

[00:03:47] What's already working, what's working in the past. And so I just wanted to share that with you, because I know that as business owners, we feel this need to constantly create. Recreate come up with something new, something exciting, something that's [00:04:00] going to drum up all the intention. When we probably have something that's already solving our client's problems. And so instead of trying to create a new offer or create a new program, What we should be doing is creating some amazing podcasts content that can be repurposed. 

[00:04:16] That's going to tell people about that thing and drive them to that. So that's the problem. I saw this, this week. That's something I've been working on and I hope that this is something that you will work on as well.

[00:04:27] So I've heard all the misconceptions about podcasting. You can imagine. I mean, I've been in the podcasting world. For a very long time. And I've heard it all. And this episode. I'm going to separate fact from fiction. And I want to give you the real scoop on what it takes to create a successful. Podcast. And this episode, I'm going to separate fact from fiction, and I'm going to give you the real scoop on what it takes to actually create a successful podcast. Not maybe what you've heard or what you think you [00:05:00] need to have a successful podcast. 

[00:05:02] So let's jump into some myths. Let's dispel them. Let's clear the air so we can start podcasting with confidence. Myth number one is that you need. Thousands. Of listeners to be successful. I'm starting with the biggest myth out there. And I'm rubbing my eyes as I'm saying this, because every time I hear this, it just. 

[00:05:27] Ah, 

[00:05:30] success in podcasting does not necessarily come from high listener numbers. It's more about having the right listeners. And it's really, really important as business owners who have podcasts to understand this and get it. Through our heads and into every part of our podcasting being because podcasting is a long game. And if we are only focusing on those thousands of listeners to be quote [00:06:00] unquote successful. Then we are never going to experience true success. I really think that in order to be successful with a podcast is so much more about understanding your audience, what they need and what your goals are for your business. So, let me give you a really good example. I have a member in my membership. 

[00:06:24] She is amazing. I am a huge fan of hers. She has an Instagram coach. And one of the things that her and I have talked about a lot. Is how to convert her audience. So she has an amazing Instagram presence. She's got that figured out. And she started a podcast because she wanted to take her Instagram content even deeper. Which makes a lot of sense when we think about our podcast is a funnel. But. She was really hung up on the numbers and she felt like, you know, am I growing? 

[00:06:56] I don't know if I'm growing. I don't know if this is successful. [00:07:00] And so what we did was redefine success for her. And we said, okay, well, what is success for you? Well, success for her was getting new people in her membership and new leads to her email list. And so what we did was come up with a strategy for her content, really understanding her customer journey, her podcast, funnel, all of those pieces, like making sure it was all very clear that it was designed to support her business. 

[00:07:26] And now every time she posts. A podcast episode, she gets a new leads on her email list. And she did that with less than a hundred listeners per episode. Okay. I have another client who came to me who had 4,000. Listeners per episode. 4,000. So if we think about like success in terms of podcasting, we would immediately go, oh my gosh, her podcast is so successful, but she did not feel like it was successful because. [00:08:00] She was like, I don't know that I'm getting anything from this. 

[00:08:02] Like, yes, I have 4,000 listeners, but they're not. There. I'm not engaging with them. They're not coming over. I'm not getting more money. I don't have 4,000 new people in my membership. Right. And so what we did was look at her content, look at her goals. What are her actual goals for her podcast? Create a strategy for her content. 

[00:08:24] Make sure her podcast funnel was very clear. And now whenever she posts episodes, she gets new members in her membership. Every time a podcast episode goes live. So this idea that you have to have thousands of listeners to be successful. scratch that myth off your list of things that you think about podcasting right now, because you can be so successful with a small audience and you can be super unsuccessful with a large audience. How you're going to be successful in podcasting is by really understanding what you're getting [00:09:00] out of it. And that is something that you absolutely have to get clear on. 

[00:09:05] If you're going to be a business podcaster. Okay. I could talk about this for days, hours, weeks, months, years. But I have so many other episodes on this, where I talk about setting goals for your podcasts. So definitely go check those out. And if you want more help with setting goals for your podcasts and really creating something strategic, that's going to actually help you grow your business. One of the best places to start is my membership. 

[00:09:31] And I will talk a little bit more about that at the end of the episode. So another myth. Is that you must have high quality equipment. I feel like this is such a roadblock for aspiring podcasters because want to start a podcast and they listen to podcast. They see pictures of podcasters online and they think I've got to be in a recording studio or a padded room. [00:10:00] Oh, and I need to have like the most expensive microphone. 

[00:10:02] None in the no, no, no, no, no. You know, my favorite is when. Clients come to me and they're like, I go in my closet and I sit on the floor and I put the microphone on a box and I surround myself with pillows. And then I record my podcast. Uh, 

[00:10:20] You do not have to do that. You do not have to do that. All it takes to have really good. Audio is a microphone that plugs into your computer. And then there are some really amazing tools out there that can help you sound pretty fantastic. One of those is descript. It's one of my favorite tools. It has this filter called studio sound. Now, granted as a professional audio editor, I have all kinds of tools in my, on my computer, in my pocket. 

[00:10:51] Right. That I use to fix audio for clients, but I'm usually fixing audio. That. Maybe has [00:11:00] issues or rows recorded over zoom. And the thing is, is if you are recording a solo episode, if you are sitting down and recording, All I'm doing to edit this audio that you're listening to is I'm recording in a microphone with a pop filter. 

[00:11:14] This all costs me. Less than $60. This is the best microphone I have ever owned, and I own some expensive microphones. And this is one of my favorite. I'll put a link in the show notes. At to the microphone so you can check it out. Cause I just got it on Amazon and they got it on prime day a couple years ago and I have not looked back. 

[00:11:35] I think it is the best microphone I've ever owned. And then I'm going to pull this into descript. I'm going to run studio sound and I'm going to sound amazing. Now, granted. I'm going to do some editing that you may not be able to do because I'm a professional editor. But what I'm trying to tell you is that you do not have to hide in your closet, cover yourself with pillows, put padding on your walls or. Hi, rent out a recording studio to have an [00:12:00] amazing podcast. You just need a simple setup. 

[00:12:04] And if that is a thing that is holding you back, Like, I want you to put that aside right now. Get a microphone start recording. I bet it sounds better than you think. And here's the thing that. Really frustrates me in this conversation about high quality audio. Is that if you were so focused on the high quality audio, you most likely are forgetting the most important part. That quality content is always going to win out over audio quality. If there is a podcast and a podcast or who I really want to hear from, and they don't have the best audio, I am still going to listen. 

[00:12:42] I mean, the audio has to be pretty bad for me to turn it off. And I want you to remember that, like, as long as you were listening, bubble, Then get started. Don't let that hold you back. And if you are editing or recording right now, Good making a podcast week after week. And you feel [00:13:00] like you're not getting the lessons that you want. 

[00:13:02] You're not getting that audience engagement or building the audience and the way that you want. I doubt that buying a more expensive microphone is going to change that. What's going to change that. Is really creating some amazing quality content that meets your listeners where they are and makes them feel seen. And connected to you in a way that's going to go beyond the audio. So when you start to feel yourself getting stuck on the audio and the high quality equipment, just to remember that quality content is way more important. 

[00:13:36] Myth number three, it's too late to start a podcast. Have you ever heard people say the podcast market is too saturated? What's interesting about this is these same people who say the podcast market is too saturated. 

[00:13:51] We'll go start a YouTube channel, or they will be on Instagram. I mean, can we talk about saturated? 

[00:13:59] [00:14:00] The podcast. Industry as a whole is still relatively young and growing. And what's crazy about it. Is when you look at the stats, it's actually growing year after year and not necessarily in just a number of podcasts, but in the number of listeners and the ages of listeners and the demographics of listeners, it's constantly growing. There is always room for fresh voices and new perspectives. And here's the thing. 

[00:14:28] If you are starting a podcast for your business, What matters more than, you know, oh, well, how am I going to stand out? How am I going to be unique? How am I going to get more downloads? Any other person? I don't care about any of that. What I care about is that you were bringing. Amazing value to your audience, to the people that are interested in connecting with you. And you are podcast is bridging the gap between your short form content. And your programs and services. 

[00:14:59] That's what [00:15:00] we really want at the end of the day. You know, it's really neat is that. Podcasting is this very intimate? Form of. A medium, like we are literally in people's ears. If you think about that, it's kind of crazy. Like I'm literally in your ears, you might have your earbuds in right now. 

[00:15:16] Like my voice. Is in your eardrum. It's kind of crazy to think about. And that connection is so, so deep. And can be so, so impactful. You know, I have people who come to me. They've been listening to my podcast for a year, two years. I don't even know. Maybe they've been watching my YouTube channel for a year. And. They finally like, okay. 

[00:15:43] Yes. Now is the moment I'm taking action and joining Caroline's membership, or I'm going to book a one-on-one clarity call with her. It builds over time is what I'm trying to say. And I am always surprised. I don't know why, because I know this to be true, but I'm [00:16:00] always surprised when I sit down. With a potential client and they're like, yes, I've been listening to your podcast for a while now. And to me that is so much more golden than if I was like top of the charts. Had all the lessons, because. My thing is I want to create connection. 

[00:16:19] I want to get to know my listeners. I want to. Help you with your podcasts like that is. Ultimate goal. Not to break into a saturated market, become a super podcast influencer and become super famous. And so I want you to really like rethink. This idea of a saturated market. One it's not too late to start a podcast. 

[00:16:42] If you haven't started a podcast and you were thinking about starting a podcast, There is always room for you because there are always going to be people who are looking for your perspective on things. And you want help from you specifically? And then if you're in podcasting and you're feeling lost in the [00:17:00] sea and you're like, ah, nobody isn't finding. Nobody's noticing me know that it has nothing to do with a saturation of the app or the market and has everything to do with content, SEO and strategy for your podcast. So podcasting is still growing. It's it's still a happening place to be. I do not think there's ever going to be a moment where we're going to see that like, Bubble burst that we've seen in some other industries. 

[00:17:27] I think it's going to be a lot like YouTube, where it's going to see steady, steady growth year after year after year. 

[00:17:34] And our last myth. Myth number four. This is my favorite myth. You can't make real money podcasting. Ooh. This is a discouraging myth. And this is one that we hear a lot in the podcasting Facebook groups. You'll meet somebody, who's a podcast and they're like, yeah, I don't really make money with my podcast. 

[00:17:56] I do it for fun, you know? And that's true. [00:18:00] Not everyone makes money. Not everyone gets tons of sponsors. Not everyone has brand deals, all of those things, but here's the thing we're not in it for that. Right. We are in it. To help grow our business and with the right strategies, your podcast can be a significant player in generating that income for you. When I talk about turning your podcast to profit, I am talking about using your podcast as a funnel, and this actually goes back to myth. 

[00:18:34] Number one. When I mentioned you have to have, you know, the myth being that you have to have a large audience. And I talked about how that's not quite true. This is really the same thing. Like, what is your definition of making money for your podcast? When I get down to it with clients, when they come to me and they say, I'm not making enough money with my podcast and I'll say, okay, well, what, what would that look like for you? Well, I want to make enough to cover the [00:19:00] expenses of the podcast. 

[00:19:00] Okay. Well, how many. How many clients would you have to book from your podcasts? Well, I probably, oh, I just need to pick one or two. Or can I get. You know, three new members and my membership, and that would cover a podcast. Like, it always fascinates me how much we think podcasting actually costs. And when we break it down like that, I mean, I just bought a new car and I've been like freaking out about the car payment. 

[00:19:29] And when I broke it down and was like, oh, that's literally one. One-on-one client per month, like that is doable, right? So I want you to stop thinking about your podcast as this thing that is not generating money. And remember that your podcast is a part of your sales and marketing team. It is part of your brand building this part of your authority building. 

[00:19:53] It is the thing that is going to build that know like, and trust beyond that 32nd reel that you [00:20:00] posted on Instagram yesterday. And so when we say I cannot make real money podcasting. When people say that what they probably mean is I am not getting sponsorships. And that is a completely different ball game. 

[00:20:18] Like completely. I just hit my microphone. I'm so excited about it. Completely different ball game. And so I want you to step back from that. And I want you to really, really start to tune in to your podcasts, being a part of your funnel. And a bigger overarching piece of your marketing strategy for your business. And then you are going to start to see that it is making money for your business. It is helping your business grow. And if it's not, then we need to have a conversation about strategy. And so. That brings me to talking about my membership, the strategize and shine [00:21:00] membership. Listen, what we do in this membership is exactly what I'm talking about in this podcast. 

[00:21:05] We dispel these myths. We come up with a plan that actually works for your podcasts. You get tools and resources related to podcasting that are designed specifically for business owners. So when you go to, to Google something on the internet and you're reading about it and it has to do with podcasting and a problem that you're experiencing with your podcast. Most likely. The solution is not coming from the angle of someone who is a business owner and has a podcast as part of their marketing strategy. 

[00:21:35] It's most likely coming from the perspective of a general podcast or someone who's trying to get sponsorship. Someone who's trying to get brand deals, things like that. And that is why I created this membership because I want to business owners, like you. To have a place to come to get personal guidance, resources, and a supportive community. That's going to actually help you succeed with your podcasts and have it. Help build your business [00:22:00] because it can. 

[00:22:01] So if you're ready to start your journey with confidence and with me as a podcast coach in your pocket. Head to wild home We are currently open for enrollment. Only have a few spots left before we wrap up this enrollment period. And I would love to have you join. And if you want to know more about it and know more, if it's for you, you can send me an email. 

[00:22:22] and we'll chat about it. So that wraps up our myth-busting session today. Remember the only things really standing between you and assist successful podcast. His determination, consistency, heart, and strategy. Not myths and misconceptions with the right approach, you can create a podcast that resonates and reaches your goals. 

[00:22:48] So keep pushing forward, keep innovating, keep shining. And let's redefine what success in podcasting looks like together. I'm here for you. Have a great week. I'll be a [00:23:00] next week with a new episode.


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