Turning 40: Reflections On Life, Podcasting & Business

Turning 40 can be a profound moment for reflection and growth. In this special episode of "Share, Strategize, and Shine," I’m celebrating my birthday by reflecting on what’s been an incredibly difficult and transformative year.

In this episode, I’m sharing my experience as a 39 year old, encompassing physical recovery, mental health challenges, and profound shifts in my business and personal life. Thank you for coming on this introspective journey with me!

Navigating Challenges with Grace

Recovering from major hip surgery at the outset of my 39th year was just the beginning of a series of challenges I would encounter. Despite setbacks and moments of doubt, I found the strength to confront my inner demons and seek help when needed, demonstrating the power of vulnerability and community.

Rediscovering Purpose

Joining support networks and educational programs proved instrumental in realigning my personal and business purposes. Through introspection and guidance, I shifted my focus from mere revenue to making a meaningful impact in the lives of others, rekindling my passion for helping people find their voice and share their stories.

Embracing Change and Growth

Embracing life's uncertainties, I found solace in the realization that transformation is a process, not a destination. By embracing change and remaining open to new possibilities, I embarked on my 40s with renewed optimism and a clear sense of purpose, eager to make a difference in the world.

Looking Ahead with Hope

As I look ahead to the future, I do so with a sense of excitement and anticipation. Armed with newfound insights and a reinvigorated sense of purpose, I am ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, confident in my ability to navigate whatever comes my way.

In conclusion, turning 40 is not just a milestone; it's a moment of reflection, growth, and transformation. My journey serves as a reminder that life's challenges are opportunities for growth, and that by embracing change with an open heart and mind, we can uncover new depths of strength, resilience, and purpose.

Want to dive deeper and create your own podcast purpose? Join me for the Podcasting with Purpose Working: Crafting Your Show to Connect and Convert. Click here to join!


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The Transcript for Podcast Your Business:

173: Turning 40: Reflections On Life, Podcasting & Business

[00:00:00] I'm turning 40 this week and there is nothing like a milestone birthday to cause some reflection. So that's what we're going to do today. I thought I'd steer away from my usual episodes and share some lessons I've learned this year, what I'm focusing on and what net what's next for wild home podcasting. 

[00:00:18] ​

[00:00:18] [00:01:00] Hello, everyone. 

[00:01:02] Welcome back to share strategize and shine. I had this episode on my schedule and I almost didn't record it. So I was like, nobody wants to hear about me turning 40, but you know what? 

[00:01:17] I want to talk about it a little bit, because you know, There's anything I've learned about having a podcast. It really is this place for me to kind of talk through some things. I feel like this is something that needs to be talked through. And just so everyone is aware. I did not really script out this episode. 

[00:01:35] I have a couple points I want to hit, but I'm just going to riff for a little bit. So maybe short, maybe long who knows. Let's find out. So yes. I am turning 40 this year. This has been a really interesting year for me as a human being. , And a business owner and a mom there's just been so much that's happened. And when I think about it, It's a little overwhelming. You know, I [00:02:00] started off this year. My 39th year, uh, recovering from hip surgery. And there's nothing like having major hip surgery when you're 39 to just kind of like put things in its place. I was a former ballet dancer. 

[00:02:15] This was my second surgery on my hip and it just. I don't. I mean, I think I was like, as prepared as I could be, but not as prepared as I wanted to be. That's for sure. And I don't remember what I expected, but what has been the results of that is not what I expected. That has been something really hard to deal with. I guess I thought it was going to be able to like jump up and go on hikes and rim and bike. 

[00:02:37] And I don't know, none of that has, has happened at all. It's actually been a little bit of the opposite and in spin. Really really tough. On me personally, because it's brought up a lot of things like. You know, my ballet career, how it ended, How I view that time in my life. Sometimes I equate that time in my life with being a [00:03:00] failure and on top of all, so dealing with that, right. 

[00:03:04] And just like having surgery, dealing with the emotions of like having an injury that keeps coming back. And then dealing with the fact that I'm not as active as I used to be. Kind of put me in this like mental health spiral. And then you layer on top of that. What was just a tough year in business for a lot of people. And has been a really tough year for me. 

[00:03:30] And it should just, it was like compounding, compounding, compounding, all these things, just piling on top of each other. Until I hit just this middle health. Breaking point. And I've always struggled with some form of anxiety, and probably some form of depression that this year, it just kind of compounded and became something that had to be seriously addressed. 

[00:03:55] And. That was something that I was not prepared for. I think we [00:04:00] have this concept in our heads that when we reach a certain age, we'll have everything figured out. At least. That's how it seemed with our parents. Right. Uh, you know, just so I'm 40. So, you know, my husband and my art, his parents, and my parents are in their sixties and seventies. There's just this, like, they just seem to have things somewhat more figured out than we do. And I think that both of us kind of felt like, well, when we turned 40, we'll have everything figured out. And so to have the kind of year that I've had. With those expectations and turning 40 has been just so humbling and. It's making me kind of think, okay, well, what actually is next for me? 

[00:04:46] You know what actually. Do I want the next half of my life to look like or whatever. That's a crazy thing to think about. Also that happened in this year. Was my [00:05:00] oldest daughter turned 13. Nothing like having a teenager to make you feel older. But it's also been this really amazing special time. She's a really great kid. 

[00:05:10] But it's just like crazy. I feel like I had her yesterday. It's just like passage of time. That is just kind of snuck up on me. And it's really interesting to be at this point in my business. Where I am making some really big shifts. In my business. I'm making some big shifts in my life. 

[00:05:30] When I talk about like my mental health and all of that. And it's just all happening at once. It's kind of nuts. It's been really overwhelming. And I finally, towards the end of last year was like, you know what? I can't do this by myself anymore. I've been doing this by myself. 

[00:05:48] Like it's time to get some help. And so I joined a mastermind with a group of friends. And then I joined, I've joined a couple of like educational type [00:06:00] programs. And they've been so impactful on this beginning of the year for me. Because I really felt like I was doing everything wrong that I was failing everything. And that also contributed a lot to like my mental health, because when my business started feeling like it, wasn't doing well now, all of a sudden. You know, that inner dialogue that we can have became more than I can handle. And getting help and being in groups where you can like share a problem and have somebody come back at you with a, not a fix, but a choice or an idea. Has been so, so impactful because me sitting at home and my inner world, wasn't doing anybody any good at all. And one of the things that I've been working on in one of these groups in particular, Is. My purpose personally, and my business's [00:07:00] purpose. This is something that I always said I had kind of dialed in. 

[00:07:04] Like I felt like we understood our place in the podcast industry. I felt like we understood what our purpose was. And last year when I had my surgery, I started questioning that. So I did a few things that I've always wanted to do. Like start my membership and move toward more coaching, less service provider. 

[00:07:25] Right. 

[00:07:27] But somewhere along the way, I kind of lost sight of my purpose. And became really, almost obsessed with the fact that I wasn't hitting certain numbers. I wasn't attracting a certain amount of people. And I started grasping. At straws. And I know many of you have probably experienced this in your life or your business where you feel like. You know, you feel like nothing's working and so you just start. Grabbing at things to try and make things work. And in the last couple of months working [00:08:00] through like, okay, what is my purpose? 

[00:08:02] What is my business purpose? What is my personal purpose? It's been really fascinating to kind of revisit this because a lot of the thoughts and questions that I had at the beginning of this year of my. You know, 39th year have come back. 

[00:08:17] And it's interesting because. What I think my purpose is. Is something that I really didn't see for myself at any point. I think that, you know, if you had asked me five years ago, what my business would look like, I imagined having a large agency. Having editors, Shannons writers, graphic designers and never working. 

[00:08:40] Like I was not here. And then that was all just running in the background and we were. Supporting people with their podcasts. But what we found this year is that people don't really want support for their podcasts. That way there's enough tools, AI things out there. That they can figure it out themselves. 

[00:08:57] Now what they want is someone to show them how to do it more [00:09:00] quickly and efficiently. What they want is someone to come in and help them feel better about their con content and things like that. And so that's really the direction I've been going in. But I just haven't had a lot of faith in it and I haven't really focused on that purpose that I'm talking about. And I really think that's a big reason why it hasn't. Worked so great. Up until like the last month or so. And this refocusing, I'm doing all my purpose. Has really, really helped refocus. A lot of the choices that I made last year for my business. And so it's, it's really interesting. 

[00:09:41] I mean, I don't want to put a lot. I don't want to say like forties a big year, and it's a big deal. And I want to just be nonchalant about it and like turn 40 and not think about it, but it's kind of crazy to me. The transformational things that have happened this year. That are not only [00:10:00] transforming. Myself personally, but my business as well. And. It's just interesting because I think that one of the reasons why I think this is all happening is because my perspective. On what I want out of life. 

[00:10:16] And what I want out of my business have changed so dramatically as well. I mean, yes, I still. Juana revenue. I want income, but you know what? I really want more is impact. I want to help more people. And so when I think about that, and I think about the steps forward that I'm making in my business, it makes so much sense what I'm leaning into this year. And, you know, the fact is, is like I could sit here and tell you everything's rosy and sunny and everything's working and that's not exactly true. There are some things that are working and there are some things I'm still struggling through. 

[00:10:56] And I think that's just the life, you know, and I think this [00:11:00] idea that I had, that everybody has their stuff together by their 40 isn't true. Just like, you know how we on Instagram, we'll see business owners and we'll think they have it all together. That's probably not exactly true. And it's the stories we tell ourselves, right? 

[00:11:17] So that's a little bit of my mindset and where I'm at, I'm going into this birthday and what I'm kind of experiencing and going through. 

[00:11:26] And. If you're listening to this and you're like, I feel so much of this and you want to talk more about it. I would be happy to chat in my DMS on Instagram cause. You know, I think that there's not enough conversation in the online business world around like, you know, What, what do you do when things aren't working? What do you do if your business feels out of alignment? How, how can you rediscover your purpose and work towards it? 

[00:11:52] And that's something that I have been applying to podcasts for years because finding your purpose in podcasting. [00:12:00] Is very similar to what I'm talking about, because it can be so impactful. For how your podcast supports your business. And it's such an overlooked step. You know, and I'm not talking about like, my purpose is to help podcasters. 

[00:12:15] There's something bigger than that. Right. And I have pinpointed it. But I'm not quite yet ready to share it with the world. But I'm excited about it and it's giving me meaning. As I'm working on all these, like, you know, Email funnels and opt-ins and lead magnets and content. It gives it all. Meaning when you have this greater purpose. Which is why purpose is so, so important. So. That's kind of what I'm focusing on as I move into this next year. 

[00:12:46] And the next quarter of my business is. My purpose and how I want to show up how I want to impact. What's the next what's what's gonna drive my purpose forward, [00:13:00] you know? Uh, mental health is something I am really working on. And figuring out what works best for me. To feel more like me. I'm working out again, which I'm excited about, which is still really hard with the hip, but, uh, pushing through some of that. My husband got a new job as well, which has been super impactful because he was not home at all. And now his home base is like his office Homebase is at home. And so it's been really amazing. To have him around more. 

[00:13:35] And that has also made such an impact on my mental health as well. And all of these things. It's again. It's really interesting how all these transformative things are happening because. When we talk about what we want our lives to look like, it's like all of a sudden the universe is starting to say, you know what? 

[00:13:56] This needs to be tweaked. You know what this needs to be tweaked and [00:14:00] this needs to be tweaked. And I'm starting to really see this phase of my business as a moment where my business really needed to be tweaked to fit the vision. That I had for my life. 

[00:14:15] And that feels like a big light bulb moment for me that just went off. I think it's really easy to sit here and be like, everything is awful. Everything's hard. I, you know, I've wanted to shut down my business so many times this year. But the truth is, is I think this is like, You know, a process and I'm going through to come out on the other side. With something even better than I could have envisioned. And that's what I'm holding on to, and this next phase. And on top of that, we have some really exciting things going on behind the scenes. 

[00:14:47] So if you are not on my email newsletter, I highly suggest joining it. If you don't want to get a lead magnet, an opt-in. You can just head to wild home podcasting.com/newsletter. [00:15:00] And sign up through that. I'm actually sending out a newsletter every week. More than what I've been doing before. And that comes out on Mondays. But because it's my birthday week. I'm going to be sending out some very special emails. About a new product and some birthday sales. 

[00:15:21] And so if you have been wanting to join the membership, I suggest you go jump on my email list. If you've been wanting to get some support, I suggest you go jump on my email list. And then I'm going to tease a little product that I'm really excited about. So I was actually talking today. I ran to get it done week in my membership. And today we have the live call for that the day that I'm recording this. And we were talking about. Customer journey and the different phases that your customers. 

[00:15:53] And so how to know, like, How to tailor your content around that. And I [00:16:00] was sharing my customer journey and my story of how I've switched gears and my podcast and my business, my messaging and stuff like that. So his sharing that, which if you've been a long time listener, you've heard that before. What's interesting though. Is we've discovered that in doing so. 

[00:16:16] We also created a gap. So one thing that we've been moving away from in my business is helping with launches. And there's a lot of reasons why I will not go into all of them in this episode. But if you want to ask me why you can. But we've moved away from launches and I've mainly been focusing a lot of my support on. Business owners who already have podcasts, which has been really great, except that there were people who were coming to me who still need help launching. And so I am a wrapping up and finishing my two day launch kit, which I am so excited about. 

[00:16:54] It's almost ready. I'm going to be running a pre-sale. Sale offer on [00:17:00] that this week for my birthday. So again, if you want to be on my email list, head to wild home podcasting.com/newsletter. So you can find out all about those. And I'm really excited for year 40. I think if you had asked me a year ago, how I felt about turning 40, I would have been like, Ew, that's gross. 

[00:17:17] I'm old. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I don't know. This last couple of weeks have brought me so much peace about. This next phase and where I'm spending my time and. What I'm doing with my kids and, you know, everything. And I'm, I'm excited for what's next for the first time in a long time. And I really think that's the best thing that I could hope for because I asked for help because I reached out because I joined communities. I am rediscovering. Why I started my online business in the first place. And what I love about doing this. And I can't wait to do more of [00:18:00] that. This next year. Which really is to help people feel amazing. About their voice. About their content and about their podcast. And I hope that if you feel like you need support with those things, you will not hesitate to reach out to me because let me tell you, it is my favorite thing to do. And it is my favorite thing is to help people. I feel great when they sit down behind their microphone. Because that's something that was. That I discovered through podcasting. 

[00:18:34] That was so life-changing and I know it can be for you too. So cheers, happy birthday to me. Be sure to join my email newsletter. And just thank you so much for being here and giving me the space to share. It means a lot.


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