From Mic to Magnet: How Your Podcast Can Draw in Clients

Can your podcast truly attract clients and leads for your business? The answer is “Yes!” Think of your podcast as a magnet pulling in potential clients. But to make it work effectively, it requires strategic alignment with your business goals. It's about building authority, nurturing leads, and converting them into loyal fans.

In today's episode, I’m sharing how you can promote your offerings, stay authentic, and tailor your content to meet your audience's needs. With a strategic approach, your podcast can become a powerful tool for business growth.

Embracing Authenticity: Your Key to Connecting with Your Audience

In the realm of podcasting, authenticity reigns supreme. Gone are the days of scripted, impersonal content. Today's audience craves genuine connections and real stories. Embrace your authenticity by sharing your unique message, beliefs, and experiences. Let your audience see the person behind the podcast—the one they can relate to and trust. Remember, it's not just about what you do; it's about who you are and why you do it.

Strategic Alignment: Building Authority and Trust

Your podcast shouldn't exist in a vacuum—it should seamlessly integrate with your business objectives. Take the time to align your podcast content with your brand's mission and values. Share insights, techniques, and methods specific to your industry that resonate with your audience. Invite guests who offer value and address your listeners' pain points. By strategically aligning your podcast with your business, you'll build authority, foster trust, and position yourself as a thought leader in your niche.

Nurturing Leads: From Listeners to Loyal Fans

Every listener is a potential client waiting to be nurtured. Use your podcast as a platform to guide your audience through their customer journey. Understand their pain points, challenges, and aspirations. Offer valuable insights, solutions, and resources tailored to their needs. Implement strong call-to-actions (CTAs) that prompt action and add value. By nurturing leads through your podcast, you'll transform lukewarm listeners into loyal fans and paying clients.

Continuous Improvement: Auditing Your Podcast for Success

Like any aspect of your business, your podcast requires regular evaluation and improvement. Conduct an audit of your podcast's performance, content, and alignment with your goals. Identify areas for enhancement, whether it's refining your messaging, updating your cover art, or optimizing your CTAs. Don't hesitate to seek outside perspectives or professional assistance to refine your podcast strategy. With continuous improvement, your podcast will evolve into a potent tool for client attraction and business growth.

In conclusion, your podcast has the potential to be more than just a platform for sharing content—it can be a magnet for attracting your ideal clients. By embracing authenticity, strategically aligning your content, nurturing leads, and continuously improving your podcast, you'll unlock its full potential as a catalyst for business success. So, take the leap, harness the power of your podcast, and watch as it transforms your business landscape.

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The Transcript for Share, Strategize & Shine:

174: From Mic to Magnet: How Your Podcast Can Draw in Clients

[00:00:00] The other big thing that I think gets overlooked a lot when people start podcasts is making sure that your audience knows what you do and what you sell. It seems really obvious, but I find that there's this fear of talking about what you do too much and what you sell too much, which I think is really fascinating.

[00:00:20] And I totally get because I was the same way. I was so shy. I didn't want to like, mentioned that we had openings or that our monthly management service was amazing and that you should book with us ASAP, you know, I would never talk about that kind of stuff because I didn't want to be in people's faces, but that defeats the point of the podcast.

[00:00:42] The point of the podcast is to attract clients, right? [00:01:00] 

[00:01:26] Hello everyone. And welcome back to podcast, your business today, we're going to be tackling a question that I think is a big one. It's an important one. It's one that I get asked a lot. And that is, can your podcast attract clients and leads for you? And we want to kind of think of it as a magnet, right?

[00:01:48] Can your podcast be a magnet? for your business. Before we dive in, I want to apologize. I sound a little off this week. We had COVID, I guess it was a [00:02:00] month or so ago. And it seems like, and maybe some of you can relate to have had it. I just cannot seem to like fully get back to a hundred percent. And this last week, I was like, okay, we're back from vacation, summer's coming to a close, I'm finally starting to feel good, so I'm gonna start working out again, and I was really excited to dive back in, and then bam, I got sick again.

[00:02:23] Don't think it was the sea, again, but a pretty bad cold with some similar symptoms, and just has knocked me down again. Luckily, it was only for a few days, but I still just do not sound like myself. So, I just appreciate you bearing with me in this episode, because If I didn't record it today, it wouldn't get done and I don't want it to be last minute.

[00:02:47] And sometimes you just have to dive in and let it be imperfect. And that's totally okay. So just wanted to throw that out there before we start chatting. So we sent out a newsletter a few weeks ago that was [00:03:00] about So if your podcast could be a magnet, right? If it could attract clients and leads, and I wanted to do a podcast episode on this because I felt like it needed more.

[00:03:11] I felt like you needed more if you're on my email list and you got that email, I just felt like there was a lot more we could talk about. And so I wanted to share that today. So what is the answer to this big question that I posed at the beginning? The short answer is yes. The long answer is that a strategically aligned podcast can build your authority and turn lukewarm leads into listening fans.

[00:03:33] I love that so much. And I can't take all the credit for those words because my copywriter helped us come up with them. But this is something that we talk about a lot and I have talked about so much. You know, when we first started podcasting way back in the day, we didn't have. All this guidance about having a business and having a podcast and how the two can work together.

[00:03:58] And I remember when I [00:04:00] started working with clients who had businesses and they had podcasts that were part of their marketing or that they wanted to grow into something more. I mean, this is back, gosh, seven years ago. So we're thinking about like, when podcasts were, you either had these big booming podcasts or you had these little podcasts Who were kind of grasping at straws because there really wasn't any, any roadmap.

[00:04:26] And this was a question I kind of started asking myself about my clients and about the work we were doing because we seem to be working more and more with online businesses. And so I kept thinking to myself, how can these work more effectively for our clients businesses? And that's where this whole idea of your podcast needing to be strategically aligned, right?

[00:04:50] Needing to be something that was thought out in part of the overall strategy of your marketing and your business. But it's, it's hard to do that [00:05:00] because We think of podcasts as this whole separate thing that sits over here and we need to start really thinking about bringing it into the fold, making a plan for it, having a content plan that works around it, because When we start to think of it as part of the bigger picture, it can become more aligned with our business and our business's mission and purpose, right?

[00:05:25] But what we're talking about specifically today is attracting clients with your podcast. So how do we do that? And again, I want to talk just a little bit more about what a strategically aligned podcast can look like. And maybe that can help you kind of think about your own podcast and if it matches up or not.

[00:05:45] So this is a podcast where you are sharing your message, right? The things that you believe, the things that you find in your industry that maybe you want to change, the techniques and methods that you use [00:06:00] that are specific to you. And maybe they're not specific to you, but the way that you deliver them, the way that you Talk about them are different.

[00:06:07] I know a lot of us in the online business space. We've kind of evolved from the beginning. You know, I, I definitely know that my philosophies and viewpoints about podcasting have changed and I know that you yours probably have as well. And that's why it's so important and needed to share those because, you know, people want to hear from you.

[00:06:32] They want to hear your actual thoughts, not just what everybody else is doing, right? That's what makes it so important and, and key for connecting with people is, is really sharing what you think. So your podcast is sharing your message. Maybe you have guests on, but we want to make sure that these guests are not just guests for the sake of having guests.

[00:06:54] These are guests that offer value to your listeners. What do they want to hear about? What do they want to [00:07:00] know that maybe is outside your sphere or complimentary to what you do? Right? So a really great example is that I. obviously cater to podcasters who have businesses. And so the types of guests that I may have on, they may be other podcasters who have podcasts and have succeeded.

[00:07:20] They may be people who related to podcasting. I might have somebody come on and talk about marketing. I might have somebody come on and talk about PR for podcasters, right? So they're related to what I do. Not necessarily exactly the same, but it brings value to my listeners. And then the most important thing is, are you meeting your clients where they are at right now?

[00:07:44] And what do I mean by that? Well, as you're on social media and in forums and groups going to summits, all of those things, what are the questions that you personally are getting asked or that you see are getting asked? And you're like, Oh, That's cool. [00:08:00] I have a really good answer for that. You know, Oh, I have a really good solution for that problem.

[00:08:05] The podcast is such a great place to share that. What are the pain points that you are seeing in your industry right now? You know, and you can even, if you're like trying to figure this out, think back to emails that you've received, things you've talked about in discovery calls, or even strategy calls with your clients, maybe even You know, as you're going through the inquiry process with someone, what are their pain points that you see before they even walk in the door?

[00:08:34] So, really thinking about, okay, where are my people at right now? What are the things they're struggling with right now? If you were just choosing topics willy nilly, A lot of the time they can be aligned because, you know, we're talking about what we're working in. But if we're talking about something that is so off base right now for our ideal client and our audience, they're not going to connect with that, right?

[00:08:57] And so it's really, really important to [00:09:00] make sure as we think about a strategically aligned podcast that we're meeting them where they are.

[00:09:05] ​

[00:09:05] Now, some other things that you need to consider. Again, we talked about Speaking up about things in your industry, but also speaking up about the topics and ideas that you believe in and being honest about the ones you don't, right? That's what people want to hear. That's what they want to [00:10:00] connect with.

[00:10:00] You can do that in various ways. You know, sometimes I think I share more of that on social media than I do the podcast, but I have had episodes where I've talked about things. That are done in our industry and are done a lot like batch recording. I think I did a whole episode about how that didn't work for me anymore because of what was going on in my life.

[00:10:22] And so I wasn't batch recording and I shared that and shared my process. So that way other people would know that it was okay. You know, there are things like that in your industry that maybe you're doing a little bit different than the norm that people want to hear about, because I think sometimes when we hear the same thing from a lot of places and it doesn't work for us, it can feel really unapproachable.

[00:10:43] So, again, a really good example is this batch recording. If you're a really busy mom who only has 30 minutes, um, one afternoon a week to record episodes and they're telling you that you need batch record, you start thinking, oh my gosh, I don't know how I'm going to be able to do this. And so giving your audience like [00:11:00] an alternative way to make the thing happen, I think is a really neat thing.

[00:11:04] And I think we're all being very innovative right now. And so that's really important. So these, you know, that's something that you really want to share. And also like another thing that I really want you to share is your personality. Who you are, what's going on in other areas of your life, you know, things that you don't mind sharing.

[00:11:22] And that allows people the chance to get to know you closer, to get to know who you really are. It's about that connection, right? I think the last like few coaches and things I've worked with, I've worked with them not just because of what they offered, but because I connected with them on a deeper level, whether that was just, I really.

[00:11:44] resonated with their podcast episodes or really resonated with what they posted on social media. Those things make a difference and they matter. It's important for me to connect with somebody that I'm spending my money on. And so, [00:12:00] Making sure that your podcast has those opportunities for you to connect and share your personality and Making sure that you're not just turning on that like podcaster announcer voice because you feel like that's what you need to do Like they want to hear you they want to hear the real you because that's how you're gonna form that connection.

[00:12:20] And then the other big thing that I think gets overlooked a lot when people start podcasts is making sure that your audience knows what you do and what you sell. It seems really obvious, but I find that there's this fear of talking about what you do too much and what you sell too much, which I think is really fascinating.

[00:12:41] And I totally get because I was the same way. I was so shy. I didn't want to like, Mention that we had openings or that our monthly management service was amazing and that you should book with us ASAP, you know, I would never talk about that kind of stuff because I didn't want to be in people's faces [00:13:00] But that defeats the point of the podcast.

[00:13:02] The point of the podcast is to attract clients, right? But unless you talk about what you do Nobody's gonna know to sign up for the thing, right? So a couple things I want to share in relation to that is like, don't be afraid to share. Client wins. You know, talk about what's going on with your clients. You don't have to mention names or anything like that, but just say, you know, I've been working with a client on X, Y, and Z and today she accomplished this.

[00:13:29] Don't be afraid to talk about that on your podcast and maybe even share the process of how working with you helped that shoot, bring the client on and talk to her and have her share her story of working with you and how that's. That's changed her life. You know, don't be afraid to share those client wins.

[00:13:47] And then you need to have strong call to actions that add value. Think about the things that you have to offer your listeners and making sure that when you're [00:14:00] done with the episode, you're pushing them to go somewhere that's going to be valuable to them and having a plan for those CTAs, making sure that they're relevant, timely, timely.

[00:14:11] And they make sense for your sales and marketing schedule. Right. And then lastly, like you need to know your customer journey. This goes back to everything that we've talked about, meeting them where they are right now, sharing things to add value, sharing stories they want to hear right now, those kinds of things.

[00:14:30] But if you don't know where your customer is in their journey, then you're not going to know what to do with any of that. Right. So. I have like a little graphic in Canva that I update every once in a while and I made a couple years ago and it literally has like the different phases of podcasting that I talk to people and so it helps me to understand how I need to adjust what I talk about depending on the video where I'm talking, right?

[00:14:56] The things I share on my podcast are different than the [00:15:00] things I share on social media are different than things I share in my client newsletter because Because all of those, those are different phases of the customer journey, right? And so you can definitely have somebody who gets value out of being in more than one place and hearing something more than once for sure.

[00:15:18] But I'm not going to do episodes that are about when you're 200 episodes in necessarily because that's not where. My listeners are in their customer journey. And so it's really important to kind of sit down and nail that before you dive into everything else and making sure that you really understand where they're at and what they need right now.

[00:15:43] So what can you do if you're listening and you feel like you need to work on this? And it's totally normal. This coming from a person who just completely overhauled their podcast, because. It wasn't exactly aligned. It was close, but it wasn't exactly aligned. [00:16:00] And there are some small things you can tweak, you know.

[00:16:03] Doing an audit and looking at your description, your cover art, your intro, your outro, the episodes you have planned. You know, think about what can I adjust right now? What is easy for me to adjust? What's easy for me to kind of pivot on right this minute that can make a difference. No, you do not need to go back and rework every single episode you've put out, but moving forward, what can you adjust?

[00:16:32] Right? And then beyond that. thinking, do I need help? If I'm having trouble figuring this out on my own, do I need help? And if the answer to that is yes, we are here. We would love to help you. You know, sometimes you just need an outside perspective to help you shift and move forward and don't be afraid to ask for help.

[00:16:54] I think we can really get in the weeds with our content and our marketing. And this last few months. [00:17:00] I would say since the spring I've been working on my Instagram and my podcast and it's amazing how like working on one small piece of marketing really helps you hone in on your messaging and clarify what you want to be talking about, clarify the themes you want to be working on.

[00:17:19] And that has all trickled down into my podcast and it took like. Having a couple of outsiders perspectives to see that there were shifts that need to be made and so don't worry like if if you're Listening to this episode and you're feeling overwhelmed and you don't know what you want to change There are solutions for that and we do offer a couple services to help with that.

[00:17:42] We have a podcast as well Audit service, which is a really great entry level service if you've never had anybody help you strategize your podcast. And then we have like our podcast refresh, which is a really great service for doing an in depth dive and coming up with a plan to move forward and then [00:18:00] having people help you execute that plan.

[00:18:02] So I'll put the links in the show notes to all of that, but I want you to know, like, if you feel like you need to make some adjustments again, just like pick a few things that you can adjust today and start there. As long as you start somewhere and you start to view your podcast as something that needs to be strategically aligned with the rest of your business, then you're going to make momentum moving forward.

[00:18:25] It's that mindset shift, right? It's that shift from thinking of it as a separate entity. To thinking of it as a huge piece of what you're doing, and that's going to help make that shift to having it be strategically aligned and attracting clients. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to connect with me on Instagram at Wild Home Podcasting.

[00:18:52] And, uh, yeah, we're just going to keep cranking out episodes for you so you can grow your business and your [00:19:00] podcast.

[00:19:00] Have a great day.


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