027: How Getting Help, Helps You Grow + Retreat Reflections

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I just finished up my virtual retreat with my mastermind and it was magical. Having that focused time is so important! Do you take time to really reflect and plan?

On today’s episode, I’m diving into why it’s so important to ask for help when you are growing and some ways you can do that. Plus, I’m going to share some reflections from my retreat and some things I’m working on to grow as well.

I’m also going to talk about some of the ways that WHP helps podcasters and how we do that. I challenge you to seek help and community whether that's a Facebook group or hiring someone. I’d love to help support you as you grow so be sure to check out the links from the episode!

Head to wildhomepodcasting.com/work-with-us to see the many ways we help podcasters!
Need support and accountability? Join our new Facebook group!


028: Brainstorming Content and Staying Consistent


026: Welcome to Season 2 + Ready to Grow?