037: Am I Ready to Start a Podcast?

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You’ve been thinking about starting a podcast for a while now… But how do you know if you’re ready?

In this episode, I am breaking down how you can determine whether or not you’re ready to take on the commitment of starting your podcast! Podcasting can be very time-intensive and not to mention you want to make sure you’re assessing your readiness as it can take a lot of mental, emotional and physical capacity from you. 

If you’ve been mulling over this idea of podcasting for over a year or if the idea just popped into your head recently, you’ll want to take a listen as I explain all of the ins and outs and what you need to know before getting started! 

What’s in this episode:

  • How to find out if you’re ready to start your podcast

  • How a marketing podcast for your business is different than a “just for fun” podcast 

  • What you want to consider before starting your podcast

  • A FREE assessment you can download today!

Free Assessment: Am I Podcast Ready?
The Launch Pod 90-Day Accelerator Waitlist



038: Standing Out as a Podcaster


036: 5 Tips for Starting a Podcast in 2021