120: Andrea Asks, and I Answer: How Do I Transition My Podcast after a Shift in My Business?

Andrea Asks, and I Answer: How Do I Transition My Podcast after a Shift in My Business?

What happens when your business changes and you need to pivot your podcast? How do you change your strategy road map without getting lost? This week, I’m talking to Andrea of Our Radiant Life! Andrea is a plant-based holistic nutritionist focused on Gen Xers and elder Millennials as we transition into better eating habits for our bodies. (Raise your hand if you’re there!) We met through my Instagram Close Friends, and today she is doing an on-air strategy call with me! 

With her podcast, she is looking to transition her content as her business has evolved. As she moves away from selling a product to a content creator, I answer her questions about how she can keep her audience engaged and growing. During our call we discuss ideas and how to proactively work on her strategic road map.

If you’re in a transitional period for your podcast, this episode is for you! Let’s dive in!

The Question: How do I transition my podcast when I'm shifting my business?

First, take a look at your strategic road map. Without knowing where you were going, it’ll be harder to decide what to do next. This helps you visualize where you are and where you want to go. I’ve talked previously about my goal of increasing podcast downloads. Andrea talked about moving away from 1-to-1 coaching, which is her business, but continuing her podcast.

This means she’ll have to shift the focus of her podcast to content new listeners will want to consume, and make her content as the go-to people think of when discussing moving to  plant-based food. This also means looking at who you think your ideal listener is, right now, as well as who your current listeners are.

First things first: get clear on your new ideal listener.

Who is your ideal listener for this new iteration of your podcast? If you’ve never answered that question before, now is the time! This means taking the time to research your ideal listener, working on ways to create a connection with listeners new and current, and thinking about what action listeners should take to complete the connection. Is your ideal listener going to connect over email or do they prefer social media? What is drawing them to you as a helpful solution? 

For Andrea, she is aiming for the Gen Xer and elder Millennials looking to take better care of their body through food. That gives her a starting point to begin narrowing down the places she’ll spend her energy marketing her new podcast direction, and what specific interests her audience might have.

Figure out the pain points to attract your new listeners

Thinking about your listener’s pain points is an easy way to get ideas for episodes, as well as narrow down the topics you should cover. Does that mean pain points are the only topics covered? Of course not! But by covering the pain points and becoming a resource for these listeners to return to, this creates credibility for your podcast moving forward as an expert.  

In Andrea’s case, maybe her new audience doesn’t know how to start with a plant-based diet. Or maybe they don’t know how to find plant-based options when eating out. Thinking about the things that might be difficult for listeners is always a great way to start out when you’re still getting established in a new content routine.

Don't be afraid to use other podcasts in your niche as "case studies"

As you start transitioning your podcast, are you listening to what your peers in your new space are producing? Are you seeking them out on social media and engaging with their content? Don’t be afraid to listen to other podcasts! Think of it as “case studies” – it’s not about copying their content; it's about getting to know their audience and your new niche a little better. 

Remember talking about doing a podcast swap? This is a great time to find like-minded people to share ideas, see what kind of titles convert, know the kind of shows you're going to be in community with, as well as being suggested to listeners on Apple and Spotify. You’ll also know more about what kind of topics are (and maybe aren't!) being covered, and this gives you the chance to fill in any gaps or add on to the conversation.

Research where on your listeners are on their customer journey

This is your reminder to not get too far ahead of your clients when planning your new content! They don’t have all the information you do–that is why they follow you! Make sure you're meeting them where they are. Keep your social media plan simple: give them all the information they need, both for your episodes and for various topics, and that includes basic things like how to contact you.

For Andrea, she might even want to establish a path for how her listeners can take baby steps into healthier eating habits or for beginning a plant-based diet. Guiding your listeners through a journey can give you so many content options!

ABC: Always Build Community!

Our biggest goal at Wild Home Podcasting is to create authentic connections. At the end of the day, you’re building a community because you want to have the relationship as much as they do: to get feedback, to share your podcast, to find new listeners, and to learn new ideas! 

As you’re transitioning your podcast, don’t be afraid to take your listeners along the journey with you! Ask for their feedback. Ask them to share your new content! Don’t shy away from sharing the nitty-gritty of the transition process. These connections you’re building with listeners help everyone grow and flourish, and that is the greatest benefit of connecting our passions and podcasts. 

For Andrea, even as she works on transitioning her content into creation instead of her business, she can retain current listeners while also attracting new ones by keeping consistent, strategic goals in mind going forward and by prioritizing the way she forges connections with all her listeners.

in a transition for your business and podcast? Check out our Podcast Strategy Intensive, where we’ll help you target your new audience and create strategies to grow your new listenership, or sign up for a Podcast Refresh, where we help you strategize and then implement all the great ideas we come up with together!

Meet Andrea:

Andrea is a plant-based holistic nutritionist living in Northern Colorado with her husband and her pittie. She’s a firm believer in matcha lattes and chocolate everyday. She loves helping other women in their 40s learn how to take care of themselves and start living their radiant life!


Ep. 118: 7 Creative Ways You Could Be Sharing Your Podcast to Find New Listeners

Ep. 116: How Mapping Your Customer Path Will Improve Your Podcast & Business

Ep. 115: Simplifying Your Marketing: How Your Podcast Can Help You Create ALL of Your Content

Check out our Strategy Intensives!

Join the Strategic Podcast Academy!

Our Radiant Life website

Plant Forward Tips for the Plant Curious guide

Our Radiant Life on Instagram

Are you ready to start strategizing your podcast and simplifying your marketing? Download our free guide to do your Podcast Audit!

The Transcript for Podcast Your Business:

120:  Andrea Asks, and I Answer: How Do I Transition My Podcast after a Shift in My Business?

[00:00:00] Caroline Hull: I think because we're so much further along in the journey or we're at least more aware of the journey and the steps that are and the journey, we assume we know where people are struggling. I feel like it's always a light bulb moment for people when I say like, okay, well, where on your customer path is your listener, actually? And nine times out of ten where they think their listeners are probably isn't where they are. And then when they realize where their listener actually is in their journey, it opens up so many more episode ideas. Are you ready to start a strategic podcast for your business and share your message in a way that feels wildly authentic? This is the place.

[00:00:46] Caroline: Welcome to Podcast Your Business, where each week I share the strategy behind having a podcast that helps grow your business. I'm Caroline Hull, podcast manager, strategist and consultant, and I've seen the power of podcasts can have for your business. Let's get started. Hello and welcome back to Podcast Your Business. Today I have a very special episode that I am so excited to share with you. This is something that I have been wanting to do on my podcast for a while. It's something that I have shared as advice that you should have on your podcast, and I'm just really excited to finally be doing it. And you know, it's taken a bit of courage, I think, to be able to do these kinds of episodes, but they are just so valuable and I am recording this after we finished recording and I am just so like lit up and energized by the work that I do.  

[00:01:47] Caroline: So I have an on air strategy call for you. So basically what this is, is I invited people in my close friends list on Instagram to come on to my podcast and maybe they have a specific question that they want to talk about with your podcast or the podcast strategy. And we would talk about it on the podcast on the air. And so my first person to jump in and it was so, so good to finally connect in person is Andrea, and she has a podcast called Living Radiantly With Andrea. In our call today we really dive into how to transition your audience from talking about one thing to talking to another, and some things to keep in mind as you make that transition.  

[00:02:37] Caroline: We even talk about what to do if you're not actively selling, but you still want to engage and connect with your listeners. There is so much value in this episode. So if you are kind of wondering what content should I be sharing? Or maybe you're like Andrea and even myself, who wants to transition your content? I transitioned my content last year. This is a really good episode to listen to and take notes because there is definitely a lot to think about. But more often than not, if you just take it back to thinking about your customer path and the pain points that your ideal listener experiences, you're going to find a wealth of episode ideas. So let's dive in.  

[00:03:20] Caroline: Hi Andrea, welcome to Podcast Your Business. I am so excited to have you on the show.  

[00:03:25] Andrea: Hi Caroline. Thank you. I'm excited to be here. And yeah, I can't wait to dive in and talk to you about this.  

[00:03:32] Caroline: I know. So Andrea has agreed to be my very first. This is something I've been wanting to do for a long time where I have somebody come on the podcast and we actually talk about something that they're working on on their podcast or a question they have and dive into it. And so I'm really excited to talk about your podcast. I'm in love with your art because it's colorful and beautiful. So why don't you tell us a little bit about who you are, what you do and your podcast?  

[00:04:00] Andrea: Sure. So I'm Andrea. I am a holistic nutritionist with a plant based focus, and what I do is kind of cheating. And so that leads into, I guess, my question and like why I'm here to begin with. But what I've been doing was helping fellow Gen Xers who were in our forties, were starting to take our health a little more seriously for various reasons. And so I've been helping women in Gen Xers transition to a plant based diet for whatever reason that they are doing it for it, right? But just helping them make that transition a little bit easier and just helping them navigate that and things that come up along the way in terms of getting rid of old diet culture beliefs and things like that. So that's what I do and that's what I focus on. And like as a job, that's what I focus on. But as a business, when you take into consideration like my podcast and my blog, it's has more variety than that. It's not so like that kind of like narrow of a niche. So yeah, and that just that brings up a whole host of questions about, about how to transition everything. But my podcast is Living Radiantly, like you said and this season it's got two seasons. The last season, season two just ended. The season was more focused around plant based eating and also some mindset stuff as well. 

[00:05:25] Caroline: Okay, awesome. So why don't you go into a little bit of detail on the question that you have for me about your podcast? And I have some follow up questions for you as well. 

[00:05:38] Andrea: Okay, great. So my question for you is like podcasting is always presented as a way to share your expertise and grow your business in terms of like helping you gain my clients and stuff, right? Because you're talking about your niece and you're talking about things that are going to attract clients to you who are going to want to work with you. I am transitioning out of working with clients one on one. I am not going to be doing it anymore. And my blog is kind of shifting. Nutrition is always going to be a focus and I'm going to be talking about that and I'm going to be talking about plant based nutrition. But what I want to talk now in terms of fellow Gen X women and fellow elder millennials were, you know, we're in our forties doing this thinking life changes and our perspective changes and our experience changes and what we want out of life changes and we're kind of having this shift and that's what I really want to dive into and really want to talk about. And so, you know, my blog and my Instagram is going to be changing into that. 

[00:06:40] Andrea: And so my question was around how do I transition my my podcast into talking about those things when I'm not going to be selling a service anymore? There may be things down the road that I sell, like in terms of like a self-paced course or something. But for right now, it's I want to be more in creator mode and provide information, education and just more fun things to about life in your forties and make money in a different way versus one on one. And so I'm wondering, I guess like how to transition that my podcast because I don't want to get rid of it. I love my podcast and I still want to be able to do it in a way that's attracting people to my website and, and still getting like eyes on my stuff. But it's not me so much trying to provide information so I can sell one on one services. 

[00:07:33] Caroline: Right. So when you talk about sending people to your website and getting their eyes on your stuff, what are the things that you're wanting them to look at specifically? Like, are we talking about just sending them to the blog? Are we talking about getting them on an email list so that if you do launch your course, you're building up that? What do you think is going to be like the main place you're going to want to send people? 

[00:07:56] Andrea: Both of those things. Okay. So I would like to send people to my website because really in terms of changing to creator aspect, like I want to do more like affiliate stuff and also still getting people on my newsletter as well. So it's just my focus has shifted. And so, yes, the goal is to get people to my website and the goal was also to get people to sign up for my newsletter. And so like I have different freebies and stuff and that's all there. But podcast wise in terms of like topics, I just even though the goal is still to get people to my website, I still want to like broaden topics a little bit. 

[00:08:32] Caroline: Yeah. Well, the reason I ask that is because it's still all related. Because when we think about topics we really want to think about, like, I think you have a very clear idea. It may not sound clear to you, but when I'm listening to you talk, like I'm like, yes, this is what your podcast is going to be about. This makes so much sense to me. I'm just listening to you. But what we also want to think about is like the listeners that you have and the listeners that you want to have, where are they, let's say, in their lives, in their journeys? What are the things that they are struggling with right now? And I think that you can very easily tie nutrition into that. And so I think you can have because I'm about to be 40 and like I'm like, yes, how do I listen to this podcast? Because you're you're absolutely right. Like, there's so much changing. My body is changing. My life is starting to look different. How I feel day to day is different than how how I felt when I was in my twenties, which comes up for me a lot because I have a toddler and she's much younger than my other kids. And so I'm constantly comparing the experience between parenting in my late twenties and parenting now in my late thirties, you know. So I think there's a lot there that's relatable. 

[00:09:47] Caroline: And so I think when you think about, like broadening your topics, I think it's just going to be a matter of really clarifying who your ideal listener is and making sure that that is clear. And everywhere that you talk about your podcast and you don't need to look at this as like you're leaving behind listeners or you're changing things up on them and they're not going to like that because to me, I think it ties together and you can even talk about that. And this is one of the things that I think people forget, too, is, you know, when we're making big transitions in our podcast, in our business, when we're changing how we're doing things, it's totally okay to talk about that on your podcast and to even like maybe with your next season open with an episode that explains your new Y, your new mission, how you got here, and what your new focus is going to be, and invite people to join you on that journey.  

[00:10:41] Caroline: I think what's really important for me, though, is even though this is a creative moment for you. And you're not necessarily selling something like a one on one service or anything like that. I still want to make sure that we're creating that connection point for your listeners. So that way when you do decide to sell things, it makes sense for them because we've already put them on that path. And so that's why I asked, Okay, where are we sending them? What are we asking them to do? And I would really focus on a capturing and connection kind of moment, which is why I love the newsletter idea and having people come to your newsletter and then using your newsletter to talk about your podcast and your blog and repurposing all of that content. 

[00:11:27] Caroline: Is your podcast growing your business? And if you don't know the answer to this question, or you think the answer might be no, it's time to take an audit. Your podcast can be so much more than a hobby. It can be a way for you to attract your ideal client and establish yourself as an authority. But you need a strategy. And the best place to start is with an audit. And I have a free guide that helps you perform an audit of your podcast, gives you my top tips for having a strategically aligned podcast and a playlist of podcast episodes. For more insight, you can head to Wild Home podcasting dot com to download your free audit guide today.  

[00:12:05] Caroline: So that's where I would start. And when we talk about like reframing who you're talking to, because I did this with my own podcast going in and, and doing some research on the apps and seeing like what keywords are people going to be using to search for podcasts like yours? What other podcasts are out there that are maybe like yours and do a case study Like what are they? What are they talking about? What are they promoting? Just kind of get a like a lay of the land, not for comparison's sake, but for the sake of, okay, now I'm going to rewrite my description with these keywords so that way I'm attracting that right audience. I'm titling my episodes appropriately so that the way this new audience can find me and, you know, it may even like totally be time for a new intro, outro and trailer just to kind of revamp it. And so when people I mean, I think the fact that you already do your podcast in seasons is so great because that just makes it so much easier to do this because you can launch a new season and really promote it as like launching this new phase of your journey and like inviting people to come with you on that.  

[00:13:18] Andrea: Yeah, I, I really like that a lot. 

[00:13:21] Caroline: Yeah, I think that, I think that will make a lot of sense. And then I would start thinking about again, thinking about who your ideal let's say one day you do start a course, right, or a group program or something, maybe even like a free group or something. Who do you want in there and why would they come to you for help? What are the things that they're struggling with right now? And that's where I would start to kind of think of episode topics. And I would even like I said, I think because you've already done nutrition, that's something we all struggle with in our forties. Oh my goodness. I was literally researching that before I got on the call with you. So I think that's something you can talk about. Yeah, and talk about how that shifts and changes. And so I think it'll be a much easier transition than you think. I think it just feels, oh my gosh, just feels so different when actually it's, it's almost like you're just taking your listeners a step further down the path, right? Yeah.  

[00:14:24] Andrea: And that makes a lot of sense. And so I'm really glad to hear that because, you know, I was already mapping out episodes for season three, and that covers just a wide variety of things, including like still talking about nutrition, but specifically for this age group, right? So that kind of gives me some validation in terms of like what I was thinking already and like what I was like starting to map out. And I really appreciate the idea of looking at other podcasts like comparables. And again, not for like competition sake, but just more to see, okay, what are people searching? What are those search terms that they're looking for and what is like the information that they're looking for? So that's a really great idea that I didn't take into consideration. 

[00:15:08] Caroline: So yeah, I like to call them case studies and I think they're really I use them a lot when I do podcast audits or podcast refreshes some when we do podcast launches as well and I will literally go and search and find what I consider comparable podcasts or podcasts that kind of fall into the same space. And if you know how to do it right. The cool thing about Apple Podcasts is you can pull up a podcast and can scroll down and you can see all the suggested podcasts, so you can see who is like related to them or what is being suggested to listeners of that podcast. Yeah, And so you can usually get a lot of. Formation from there. And I actually use this a lot to when I'm looking at my podcast and I'll go look and see where I'm falling and things and say, Is this where I want to be? Is this who I want to be associated with? Maybe I'm not in the right category. Maybe I'm using the wrong keywords. But I think especially when you're doing like a new audience acquisition or you're trying to find new listeners who are interested in some maybe different topics than you've talked about before. I think it's a really good idea just to kind of see what's out there, what's popular right now, what can I maybe add to my lineup, what's timely? And, you know, another really good tool for this, which doesn't help me as much, but I feel like somebody like you, it would be really helpful. Pinterest has a trends page somewhere. I'm going to find it and put the link in the show notes. But like obviously, like right now one of their trending words is summer. And yeah, obviously we all know that. But like we wouldn't, we don't think about it when we're in it. Okay, I should do an episode on summer because that'll be really great for SEO and all these other places. But also that's what people are looking for. And so that might even be something for you. You know, maybe I don't, I don't know. I'm going to say something random is probably not correct, but you could go on like Pinterest trends and maybe right now vacations or travel is a huge and you could totally do an episode on like why travel is so important in your forties or something. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, I feel like there's some things there and we forget sometimes that, you know, maybe what people need is something we haven't thought of.  

[00:17:26] Andrea: Yeah, that's a great point. Well, I didn't know that about Pinterest, so that's really good for now. That's really going to help with like topic creation. But you're right, you're so right that sometimes when you're so just in the thick of things and at your every day, you kind of forget what that looks like from the outside and like, forget almost like I'm going to say basic and like air quotes, but like, you forget like basic things that you just start taking for granted that somebody else may not know.  

[00:17:53] Caroline: Yeah. 

[00:17:54] Andrea: So it's a great time to kind of just try to take that step back and think about that and like, look at those ideas and be like, Oh yeah, why? Why wouldn't I? Do, you know, an episode on, you know, hormones or whatever it is.  

[00:18:08] Caroline: Right? I know it's so funny because I think because we're so much further along in the journey or we're at least more aware of the journey and the steps that are and the journey like we assume we know where people are struggling. And it's I feel like it's always a light bulb moment for people when I say like, okay, well where on your customer path is your listener actually? And nine times out of ten where they think their listeners are probably isn't where they are, and then when they realize where their listener actually is in their journey, it opens up so many more episode ideas. And usually then, because your listeners are like, Yes, I feel seen, I feel heard, that's exactly what I'm experiencing. Your messaging starts to become more clearer and like I even feel like it'll help you as you start to determine what the next steps in your business, because you just get very clear on where people need help and what they need from you. And it's it's kind of amazing to see that process unfold. And so I think, you know, really taking the time to think about like, who am I helping? Where are they right now? Like, what are the things, what are their pain points right now? And even though you don't have a service or an offering, I would still very much have it lean to, I'm the person that comes to you to talk about these things. I'm the person to come to, to have these conversations. So be sure to go join my newsletter or be sure to go to my blog for more of these things. You know, really position it that way and try not to give them too much in the podcast episodes. So that way when you do create something and even if you don't, but if you do, it'll be so it'll be so natural to introduce that to your audience. 

[00:19:57] Andrea: Yeah, that also answers the other question I had, which is like with the podcast episodes, since I'm not like talking about like one on one clients or I'm not going to be any more having that call to action and be like, Hey, like, let's keep this conversation going and you can join my newsletter and like, maybe like sprinkling in my freebie mentions here and there just a little bit. But yeah.  

[00:20:20] Caroline: Yeah, totally. And I think, you know, because people right now are looking for connection and so when they listen to a podcast, if they like what they hear and they want more, they're going to look for that connection piece. And so like making sure you're providing that for them. And I think a newsletter is a great place to start, I think. And because the great thing about that is you can set up a really fabulous welcome sequence that references the podcasts, maybe even. Tells them, like which episodes they miss to go listen to, tells them what to expect, what they're going to get from you, and then you can use that email newsletter as a way to not only promote your podcast, but then any other conversations you want to have. And you can survey them. And I think there's just a lot that it can help you as you move in this new phase.  [00:21:10][49.6]

[00:21:10] Speaker 2: Yeah, that's great. And again, very validating because I was like, I'm not going to get rid of my podcast, but I just want to make sure that, that, you know, like I can still it's open for me to be able to talk about these topics that aren't just necessarily funneling people to one on one coaching with me anymore, and I can just funnel them in a different direction. So I appreciate that. 

[00:21:33] Caroline: Yeah. And like you're almost going to be creating like a community in a way, like people who are going to be listening to your podcast because it's that need to feel seamless, you know, need to know that they're not the only ones going through the thing. And so I would just kind of start at it from that there. And you don't have to be selling something all the time, but if you create those connection points, you're going to create a community that's going to be very excited for whatever you do in the future. 

[00:22:03] Andrea: Yeah, that's great. That's great. And again, just a very, like you said, just helping people, you know, feel seen and heard as we're navigating this new time in our lives that's sort of starting to get more attention, but previously has not gotten any attention at all. 

[00:22:22] Caroline: Well, sign me up because I'm like having all kinds of angst about turning 40 and everything changing. So I'm really excited. So I would say like next steps for you would definitely be going and doing like a full audit of your podcast and saying like, okay, this is what I want to do. I have my direction, I want to go in, maybe even map out like your first ten episodes, see what it's going to feel like, how the flow is, and do a complete audit, you know, update your description, update even like the way you talk about your podcast on Instagram in those places. And I would even treat your new season as like a new mini launch, maybe that first week where you have new episodes, maybe do two episodes that week just to get people excited about your new topic and and drum up excitement, you know, tease it almost like it's a relaunch of show of sorts. And I think that'll keep you really excited and motivated about it. But that'll also get your audience really excited about it. 

[00:23:25] Andrea: Okay, Yeah, that's a great idea. Great idea to do that. Awesome.  

[00:23:29] Caroline: Do you have any other questions before we sign off? 

[00:23:31] Andrea: I actually don't like that it was a great conversation and we answered all the questions that I had and I got some validation, so I felt seen. So my podcast, as we mentioned earlier, is living radiantly with Andrea and you can find that on Apple, iTunes and Spotify. I am on Instagram under @ourradiantlife and that's our radiant life, that's o-u-r. And my blog is the same name, OurRadiantLife.com. And that's where you can find all the info and all the upcoming blog posts and stuff that I have coming down the pipeline.

[00:24:05] Caroline: That's awesome. We'll have all of the links and the show notes and thank you so much, Andrea. This was such a fun conversation. I really appreciate it. 

[00:24:13] Andrea: Thank you, Caroline.  

[00:24:14] Caroline: Thank you so much, Andrea, for coming on the show. And everyone be sure to go and subscribe to her podcast. I know that I am so excited to hear her episodes. It's definitely something that I need in my life and I'm excited to connect with.  

[00:24:30] Caroline: My biggest takeaway from our talk today is that even when you are making a transition in your business or your podcast, there are still ways to create connection and ways to meet people where they are in an aligned way that's going to keep that path, that customer path, those cookie crumbs that I talk about all the time to keep them going just because you're maybe changing your packages or you're getting rid of a program or you're going to start some new services, it doesn't mean that you don't have anything to talk about in that in-between time. Really use that as a time to prime your audience. And this isn't a sales tactic. This isn't some sleazy marketing. This is just simply creating a way for them to feel seen and for them to connect with you. 

[00:25:22] Caroline: We always, always, always want to be providing a place of connection, and it doesn't have to be a free group or anything else that creates more time, Right? Is taking away time from you or from other places in your business. It can be something you already have, such as a newsletter, but really mapping out that customer path, that listener path and understanding what's going to happen after they listen to an episode and how you can keep them engaged after they do that thing is really, really important. I could hear the passion in Andrea's voice and as she talked about what she wants to talk about, she just lit up and things started just pouring out. Every time I have a strategy call with a client, this happens, literally. I am not exaggerating. Because when you talk about the things that you are passionate about, people can tell and it really, really resonates with them. And so don't be afraid to follow that passion. For me, I went from talking about launching podcast to podcast strategy, and it has opened up so many doors for my business and for myself personally because I'm finally talking about something that I'm super, super passionate about. So if you are thinking about making any kind of transition with your content, start there and see what follows. See what flows, see what comes out. 

[00:26:43] Caroline: Thank you so much for listening. And if you are interested in doing an audit on your podcast, I do have a free audit that you can download. We'll link that in the show notes and I will be back next week with another episode.  

[00:26:58] Caroline: Thank you for listening to podcast Your Business. For more podcasting tips, follow us on Instagram at Wild Home Podcasting. If you're ready to launch up level or grow your podcast, head to WildHomePodcasting.tcom to get started today. 


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