Special Series: It’s Time to Refresh Your Podcast

I’m so excited to kick off this special series all about refreshing your podcast and setting yourself up for podcast and business success in Q3, Q4, and beyond. We'll explore practical steps to ensure your podcast is not just ready for the surge in downloads typically seen in the Fall months but also optimized to drive significant revenue.

Don’t overlook the summer slowdown. Instead, use this time to revitalize your podcast approach and prepare for the busy months ahead.  Whether you're considering a slight tweak or a major overhaul, now is the time to inject new energy and focus into your podcast, setting the stage for impactful connections and success in the upcoming quarters.

Grab the FREE Strategic Podcast Performance Review Checklist here: http://wildhomepodcasting.com/audit

Episode Highlights:

  • [00:01:13] The benefits of working on your podcast in the slower months

  • [03:00] How to optimize and refresh your podcast for increased Q3 and Q4 revenue.

  • [04:16] The strategic podcast performance review checklist.

  • [09:14] Why you need a podcast Audit

The Transcript for Podcast Your Business:

185: Special Series: It’s Time to Refresh Your Podcast

[00:00:00] Is your podcast ready and optimized for the surgeon downloads that we see in the fall, but also for that Q3 and Q4 revenue that we're going after. We're going to be starting a special series. All about getting your podcast ready for the fall. And I have a really special gift for you. 

[00:00:23] If you're listening to this. You can head to wild home podcasting.com/audit and grab your free strategic podcast performance checklist. This is going to walk you through a lot of what we're going to be talking about in this series. So be sure to grab it. [00:01:00] 

[00:01:13] Hello, everyone. Welcome back to share strategize and shine. I have been wavering so hard on the podcast episodes for the next few weeks. My original plan was to take a break. Uh, sometime this month or next month. And I just realized that there's so much that I want to share with you right now so much that's going on. So much that I've been working on behind the scenes, but also one of the things that we take for granted is just how. Special the summer time can be for our businesses because things do slow down. 

[00:01:56] Let's be completely honest. Things do slow down. And it's [00:02:00] a really great time to refocus work on a few things on the behind the scenes. And get ready for what's coming. Towards the end of Q3 and Q4 and into Q one. And so I knew that I couldn't just take a full break. So I guess the problem that I solve this week is I'm going to be doing a special series. , I actually have a couple of special series planned, so we're going to be doing this special series and then, uh, taking a little pause and going into another. Special series. And I guess at some point, in the fall, I will do an episode on how to use a podcast series for your business, but specifically to. Promote things that you're working on or sell things that kind of thing. 

[00:02:48] So. Look for that down the road but as I mentioned in the opening of the episode, I have a special gift for you. So. During this series, I'm going to be talking a [00:03:00] lot about how to get your podcast optimized and refreshed. For the fall, because this is the time of year that we really want to be working on our podcast and getting it ready and set up for all the revenue that we are going to generate in Q3 and Q4. And our podcast can be a pre special driver for that revenue. 

[00:03:21] And so we want to make sure that we're including it. And the plan. But one of the things that we need to do, because I know if you were like me, you launched your podcast and you probably haven't touched it too much since you launched. Maybe you've tweaked a few things here and there. You know, this is something we talk about a lot in my membership, strategize and shine. Because as you start to evolve and grow your podcast, there are going to be things that you're going to need to tweak to make sure that it is working in the way that you want it to work. So if you're listening to this series and you're like, yes, raising my hand, this is [00:04:00] me. 

[00:04:00] I am ready to do a little tiny refresh on my podcasts is summer. Head to wild home podcasting.com/audit and a little pop-up will appear. That will be a free strategic podcast, performance review checklist. 

[00:04:16] And this checklist will have everything that you need. To go over. And check to make sure that your podcast is set up for that success. Okay, so let's dive in today. And talk about why refreshing your podcasts can revitalize your audience engagement and business impact. Right. There are a couple of signs that your podcast may need a refresh. One is, it may just be time, right? 

[00:04:46] Maybe some things have changed in your business. Maybe you've shifted gears in your brand. How you're showing up. Maybe your messaging has changed. I know one of the biggest things for me is as I have become more confident in how I talk about my [00:05:00] business and my offers. I have needed to refresh some things that are in my podcast. 

[00:05:05] So it is aligned. So that's one sign. Another sign may be that you are just not seeing the engagement and the downloads that you want now. Let me. Let me put a caveat to this. So I always value engagement above. Downloads because at the end of the day, Your podcast is meant to be. A nurturing piece of content. 

[00:05:30] That's going to warm your leads, right? So when we see that. Maybe we're not getting as many signups for our opt-in as we want from our podcasts. Maybe we're not getting as many members into our membership as we want with our podcasts, whatever that metric is for you. That determine success. If you're not seeing that, then it may be time for a refresh. One of the other signs that your podcast may need to refresh is that you're just simply not excited about it anymore. [00:06:00] Uh, I find that. You know, a lot of times when people come to me and they're wanting an audit or they want a full refresh. They're ready to make a change. 

[00:06:10] They've been podcasting for a while. It's gotten a little stale it's time to kind of wake it up. And bring it back. Now the impact of doing this, of revitalizing your podcast right. Of refreshing it, of optimizing it. Is that. It can be a real driver for, I mentioned that nurturing and warming thing, right. And when we. Put the effort into optimizing it, maybe reviewing our cover art, maybe reviewing our music. It's almost like it pokes new energy into it. It puts this just emphasis like, okay, this is where I'm going to show up. 

[00:06:50] This is how I'm going to show up. I'm going all in. And that can be real, really felt for your listeners. It's very palpable, right? That's one of the things I love [00:07:00] about doing a refresh because a lot of times. You know, we started podcasting and we were really excited at the get-go. You know, you were watching a movie about horse races. 

[00:07:10] And I think about like, you know, the horse coming out of the gate, right. And they come out of the gate, they're going strong and then they'll start to fade. And a lot of times that is what's what will happen with podcast. People are really excited. They get out of the gate. They're so excited. They're recording. 

[00:07:27] They're posting episodes, and then they start to fade. Because the podcast. Isn't working the way that they thought, or they didn't have the right expectations for how the podcast should work for their business. And. What a refresh would a moment to review the performance of your podcast can really do. Is stop you for a second and say, okay. What is the impact I want to have, you know, what am I. Really wanting this podcast to do. For me and [00:08:00] what can I optimize and enhance to. Steer it in that direction. I actually, like, I love services around. People who already have podcasts, because I know the impact of podcasts can have for your business. 

[00:08:16] And so anytime someone comes to me and they're like, oh my gosh, I need help with my podcast. I get excited because I know that with just a few tweaks and optimizations, we can make a really big impact for you. So what I want to tell you about today in this little introduction to the podcast series that we're going to be diving in over the next few weeks. Is of course I mentioned that free strategic podcast performance review checklist. 

[00:08:43] Be sure to go grab that again. Just head to wild home podcasting.com/audit. The other thing I want to let you know about is that for the first time, in a very long time, I have open spaces. For my podcast audit service. So my audit service is [00:09:00] designed to create a custom action plan for you. If you're ready to like, take the next step and create some goals for your podcast and send improvements that you can do right away. 

[00:09:14] Then the audit is, is definitely for you. I know that like, it can be really hard when you're working by yourself on your podcast and wondering, okay, like, am I doing everything right? You know, here's what I want to happen to. I don't know if it's actually doing the things that I want it to do. 

[00:09:31] And that's exactly what the audit is all about. So, if you're interested in that again, you can head to wild home podcasting.com/audit. It is the exact same page where you're going to get that performance review. Checklist. And. You know, let me know what you're working on in your podcast. Let me know. 

[00:09:49] After you download that performance review, as you start working through it. What things are popping up for you? You can DM me on Instagram. That's where I love to hang out and chat, or you can [00:10:00] email me. hello@wildhomepodcasting.com. But this series really is intended to be a moment for you to take action. A moment to. Really be intentional about your podcast to work on it this summer to really set you up for success in the fall. Because again, that is a time where we see a certain resurgence of downloads. 

[00:10:21] That is a time when we really are starting to hit those Q3 Q4 goals. And they want your podcast to be a part of that process. So, thank you so much for coming on this journey with me, be sure to follow this podcast and make sure it's in your app every week, I will be releasing a new. Part of the series where I'm going to touch on something specific. Part of the podcast refresh process that maybe you want to focus on. 

[00:10:47] And in the next episode, we are going to be talking about how to align your podcasts with your business goals. So be sure to check that out. I'm so excited to go on this mini journey with you this summer [00:11:00] and have a great week. 


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