Amplify & Profit Podcast Coaching for Business
Caroline Hull Podcast Marketing Strategy

Transform your podcast with a powerful podcast marketing strategy

Empowering you to create more impact through a proven strategic framework designed for podcasting for business. Refine your messaging, build your brand, and increase your revenue.

Get Podcast Coaching

Create a Podcast Strategy

generate more revenue

Amplify & Profit is for you if…

  • You are ready to refresh and leverage your current podcast for more clients

  • You want to build your brand and clarify your messaging

  • You are ready to start nurturing and converting your listeners

AMPLIFY & PROFIT was designed for Podcasting for Business just Like you.

Amplify & Profit is a high-touch transformative group program for experienced Coaches, Consultants, and online business owners designed to create more impact for your business, amplify your messaging and marketing, build your brand and increase your revenue through the power of podcasting.

No more . . .

  • Wondering if your podcast is worth the time and energy you put into it

  • Throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks; learn to create content that is strategically designed to increase your revenue

  • Feeling like your episodes and marketing are not reaching the right audience

  • Feeling non-confident in your voice and your ability to produce a podcast that will build your impact and brand

In Amplify & Profit, you’ll learn how to apply my proven strategic framework to your podcast, marketing and bottom line, making every episode work for your business in an impactful way. You’ll not only transform your podcast but get clarity on your brand, messaging and how you want to show up. 

The time to leverage your podcast is NOW!

The Time to increase your revenue is NOW!

Ready to increase your impact and build your brand? Let’s turn your podcast into a marketing and client generating machine!

Here’s what they say:

My podcast finally feels like me, and it is attracting my dream boat clients, and I just cannot recommend, I just cannot recommend Caroline and her team at Wild Home podcasting enough. If you're on the fence about investing with this company, stop thinking and just go for it. She just over delivers, and she cares so, so much for her clients, and you will be blown away with the results that you'll get in pretty short amount of time with this company, so cannot recommend it enough.

Elizabeth Marbery

Create a Podcast Marketing Strategy that Works…

The Amplify & Profit Experience is designed to support you every step of the way as you refresh your podcast and create a plan that will create an impact and evolve with your business as it grows!

Inside, we focus on 2 phases:


Research & Goals

Defining Your Dream Audience

Foundations & First Impressions


Episode Structure

Content Schedule & Marketing

Connection & Growth

podcasting for business

What’s Included…

  • The Amplify & Profit Framework broken down into actionable trainings

  • 2x per month Hot Seat Sessions

  • 1x per month Mastermind Sessions

  • 1:1 Voxer

  • Mindset Checks

  • Private Podcast: Replay of Calls

  • Personalized Feedback on Your Strategy & Assets

  • Private Community

  • Bonus Guest Expert Trainings

  • 6 months Free Access to the Strategize & Shine Membership

  • Templates and Tools for Planning and Framework so you can create a system that works for you

Lauren Leitner Testimonial

I got more than I anticipated. I felt like it was my lost and found. I came in with an idea of what I wanted to work on. It is so clear that this is Caroline's passion by the way she was so quick to deliver in the moment. I was able to get more work done in the time we were together than I have since I started my podcast. She does it in a way that is accessible. I am grateful for the time I had and would encourage anyone to do the same. Whether you are feeling stuck, like I was, or on top of it you will feel so accomplished.”

— Lauren Leitner

Here’s how it works:

01. Select Your Payment Plan

02. Start the onboarding process

03. Begin your Podcast journey

More about Caroline…

I’m your new BFF and podcast consultant for growing your business and your podcast with an aligned strategy and amazing content!

I’m a CEO and Strategist who helps online business owners, coaches, consultants and services providers create a holistic strategy for their podcast and their business.

After 8 years spent podcasting and helping others with their podcasts, I’ve learned exactly how frustrating it can be to struggle with creating content and it not doing anything for your business!

Over time, I’ve learned how important a strategy is for your podcast so it can simplify content and generate leads and I can help you do the same.

This offer is perfect for…

✧ Coaches & Consultants with a podcast

✧ Business podcaster wanting to do MORE with their podcast

✧ Creatives who are ready for help taking their podcast to the next level

This offer is probably not for…

✕ Someone who hasn’t launched their podcast yet

✕ Someone not ready to uplevel their podcast

✕ Anyone who isn’t ready to show up on their podcast and in their business

frequently asked questions

What does our time together look like?

You will have access to the Amplify & Profit Framework as well as a dashboard. You will create your action plan and refresh your podcast. The magic really happens in the Live Calls where you can get support and answers to all your podcast questions. This is an intensive time to really work on your brand, messaging and podcast

What are the benefits of doing this VS. Doing it myself?

Podcast Coach in Your Pocket

Get help with all aspects of podcasting

No more guessing on what works and what doesn’t

Resources and tools designed to set you up for success after our time together

Have a focus: know exactly what you should be working on

Time to process and think through strategic moves for your podcast

Create content to attract and warm your ideal clients

Do I need a Full Refresh?

The Refresh Add-On is for you if you need an overall but don’t have the time to do it yourself. Taking your action plan and strategy into account, we help you create new cover art, description, intro, outro, and trailer, PLUS update the feed and make sure it’s optimized. The Add-on is a $1,500 one-time fee and cannot be purchased as a stand-alone.

DO I get to keep everything from our time together?

Yes! We will share all docs and assets with you so you are able to use them moving forward.

WHAT if I need more support after our 6 months is over?

You can sign on the stay in the experience OR I have other ways you can get support. We will touch base before your 6 months is up to chat about what works best for you moving forward.

Ready to get started?