How to Plan Your Podcast and Keep it Moving

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True story. I was never a planner, but my co-host and I knew that we were going to need a plan to make sure we got things done when we started our podcast. Both of us work and podcast on top of that so there is no room for much else. It is imperative that we keep close track of everything. Beyond that, podcasting can get tiring, especially if you are releasing an episode every week. By scheduling and working ahead, you will save yourself a HUGE headache down the road. So let’s get to it.


  • Schedule out episode far into the future. Don’t wait till the week of or even the week before. Sit down and think about content, episodes and make a plan

  • Use something to keep organized. A simple spreadsheet will work, but take it a step farther. I love and prefer Trello and I even have a free podcast planning Trello board here.


  • Batch record episodes. Set aside a day during the week for recording. Plan your episodes ahead of time so you know what you will be talking about and get to recording.

  • Set a get ahead goal. I like to have my clients at least 2 weeks ahead. This is so important in case an emergency comes up or you are unable to record one week. Giving yourself a buffer will save so much stress in the future.

  • Don’t wait to edit episodes and prepare for publication. Go ahead and edit and schedule as you have them recorded. Again, less stress!

  • Schedule recordings ahead of time too. I have about two months worth of recording dates on my calendar at any given time. This helps me plan my work week and personal schedule and makes recording a priority!

These are simple tips, but they can make a huge impact on your podcast and work flow. Trust me, there are times when we get behind and feel frantic. To remedy that, I just set a day to batch edit and take care of tasks that must be done.

You’ve heard me say before that podcasting can be a time suck, but by putting into place some these things, you can get it into an automatic flow and manage your time SO much better.

Let me know how it goes!


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