Where to Start Your Launch Prep

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I’m not going to lie. I really thought I had it this time and it would be quick but alas. Starting a podcast from scratch is daunting! So while I’m working on launching my new podcast, I thought we should take a hot minute to discuss what groundwork you should lay before you start launching your podcast.

Start with a purpose statement. Determine and write out your WHY. Pretend a 5 year old is interviewing you. Why do you want to start this podcast? Because why? Keep asking and answering “why?” until you feel like you’ve reached the heart of your motivation and can define your purpose for your podcast. This why is going to help you determine what you need to do, give your podcast direction, help determine who to invite as guests, and so much more.

  • Listen to other podcasts. I know crazy but check out some other podcasts. What do you like? What do you not like? Listen to their transitions, intros, outros and more. You can gain a lot of insight into what you are building by learning from what others have done before you.

  • Think about how you want to communicate with your listeners. Where are you going to be “meeting” them? Social media? Do you need a website or place where they can go to connect further? Getting these things in place or at least started before launching will really help deepen those listener connections as you get going.

  • Record your intro and see how it sounds to music. This may seem like a simple piece, but for me, this is where the magic starts. Take that why and communicate it with your future listeners. Then choose some music that helps set the mood of the podcast. It’s amazing to me how this simple act creates a snowball effect for recording and planning.

What I love about these early purpose statements is that they can evolve. Don’t put pressure on yourself to get it perfect from the very start. Take the time to lay a solid foundation.

Don’t skip over the preparation, but don’t worry about making it absolutely perfect! Once you’ve determined your direction, we can help you put your podcast in motion!

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Learn more about me at www.wildhomepodcasting.com
Instagram @wildhomepodcasting
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