Why Podcasting is Good for Your Business

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I have been so fortunate to work with some amazing podcasters and one thing I have learned from working with them and through my own podcast, is that podcasting is such a great part of our business! It has given us visibility, content and a new way to connect with people.

I keep hearing around the interwebs that podcasting is only going to grow and is headed for a boom. Right now is the best time to jump on podcasting. The startup cost is relatively low too so go for it!


  1. It give you a personal way to connect. In this online business world, it can often feel isolating and as if you do not really know people. Podcasting gives people an avenue to hear you. When I’m connecting with an online business owner, I love to listen to them and get a feel for who they are and what they sound like.

  2. An easy way to create content. If you are like me, sitting down to write a blog post is hard. A lot of times, I do better by just getting on and recording a short podcast episode of me talking. We do these as mini-episodes for our podcast but I’m considering it for this here blog too. You see, sometimes, it’s just easier to talk out something than write it down. Next thing you know, you have consistent content you can refer potential clients too.

  3. It’s another way to reach people who don’t know you! A lot of our listeners found us via other podcasts and friend’s referrals. These are people who would not have known us otherwise. Like having a social media content, podcasting helps you connect and reach new people.

  4. You can really share your strengths. Talk about what you are good at and what matters to you most. This will shine through and draw the right people to you. It really is amazing.

  5. Low cost entry and door opening. If you are willing to do the work, podcasting is a low cost way to add value to your business and to get started. I can’t tell you how many doors have opened for me and my co-host and this is all because we have added to our visibility. You don’t have to have a ton of downloads to experience this benefit either!

I know podcasting can sound daunting but with systems and scheduling, it can be a great asset to your business. Don’t wait till it’s booming, get in on it now!

Need some help getting launched? Check out my new services and send me an email to chat about what is holding you back!


004: How Do I Find My Voice?


Need Help Launching Your Podcast?