005: Should You Have a Podcast for Your Business?

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I get asked all the time, “Should I have a podcast for my business?” Of course my answer is always going to be yes because I love podcasts but I really want to break it down for you so if you do start a podcast for your business, it is working to move your business forward.

Let’s start with a question: What is the purpose of the podcast? Is it just to share behind the scenes or are you hoping to generate revenue from the podcast by capturing new clients? You can really do both if you are strategic about it and think it through before diving into sharing content.

First, you need to see how the podcast is going to work in relation to your marketing strategy. What topics or services are important for you to promote right now and how can you communicate that through a podcast episode?

Second, you need to meet your clients and potential clients where they are. What are they struggling with or what questions do they need answered and how can you help them? Addressing these topics in your podcast will keep bringing them back week after week and eventually get them to seek out your website.

Which brings me to an important point. Where are you sending people after they listen and do you have a website that helps funnel these potential clients? I always recommend having some sort of opt in and mentioning it during your episodes. 

Remember, you do not have to be salesy. By sharing topics that are relevant to your business and your customers, you will attract people who are interested in your services. The key is to be consistent and regularly making sure that you are meeting your customers where they are.

So should your business have a podcast? Absolutely! And if you need help launching your podcast, check out all the resources we have on our website here.


stay in the know! head to www.wildhomepodcasting.com and connect with me on instagram @wildhomepodcasting. see you in the next episode!


006: Creating Podcast-Business Synergy with Katie Hunt


004: Top 5 Tips for Podcasting from Home