025: What I've Learned in Season 1

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We are at the end of season 1! This has been such an incredible year of growth for not only myself but for Wild Home Podcasting too. 

I wanted to end this season with a reflection on the big lessons I’ve learned through the podcast and life. I can’t thank you enough for listening to the podcast and I can’t wait to get started with season 2 after baby is born!

In the meantime, we will be re-airing some season 1 favorites and be sure to stay connected with us so you don’t miss our monthly newsletters and season 2 announcements!

Want to get support? Head to wildhomepodcasting.com/work-with-us to see the many ways we help podcasters!

Need support and accountability? Join our new Facebook group! 

stay in the know! head to www.wildhomepodcasting.com and connect with me on instagram @wildhomepodcasting. see you in the next episode!


026: Welcome to Season 2 + Ready to Grow?


024: Getting Your Podcast Ready for a Break