062: Creative Ways to Share Your Podcast

062: Creative Ways to Share Your Podcast

Do you find yourself getting hung up in what everyone else is doing when it comes to sharing your podcast? Whether that be quote graphics, audiograms, sharing with your email list, or whatever else you’ve been doing, perhaps you’re looking for new and creative ways to share your podcast and reach a new audience.

In this episode, I am sharing a few creative, outside-the-box ideas to share your podcast. If you’ve been needing some inspiration and a break from the mundane ways of sharing your new episodes, tune in for some fresh solutions. 

What’s in this episode:

  • Why you should consider making playlists

  • How to incorporate video to share your podcast

  • How to partner a live stream with a podcast episode


Launching a Podcast with WHP Playlist


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The Transcript:

062: Creative Ways to Share Your Podcast

I think a lot of times we kind of get hung up on what we see everybody doing and kind of what's been done before, and a lot of that is quote graphics and audiograms and sending an email to the email list kind of just the run of the mill normal everyday stuff. And I think sometimes it's really fun for our listeners when we think outside of the box. 

Welcome to the Wild Home Podcast, where we talk about podcasting, life and all the wild in between. Join me, Caroline, every week as I share a peek into the world of podcasting and my wild life as well. Ready? Let's get into it. 

Hello, and welcome back to the Wild Home Podcast today, I wanted to share some creative ways that you can use to share about your podcast and your podcast episodes. And these are some things that I've seen people doing, and I think they're really cool, and some of them might even want to try myself. So I thought it would be neat to kind of put them in an episode because I know that sometimes when we are working on our day to day content sharing, marketing those kinds of things, sometimes it can feel a little mundane and we feel like we're doing the same thing over and over. Maybe it's not having the effect that you wanted to have. And so I thought it would be neat to share just some creative things that maybe you haven't thought of. Or maybe you have, and you haven't tried. 

Different ways of sharing your podcast episodes, but your podcast as a whole is a the first one and wanted to chat about. I'm actually really excited about this. I've seen it used some creative ways, and I actually am going to work on this as well, but on some podcast apps. And then I'm actually going to tell you how to do this. If you don't have a podcast app to do it in, like Spotify, for instance, you can actually create playlists. And so I love the idea of creating playlists for your podcast. So what I mean, when I say create playlist, for example, I've done a couple of episodes on show notes so I can literally create a playlist that's about show notes. Put the episodes into that playlist and then share that playlist with people. 

And I think this could be a really neat way to kind of package some of your episodes together and share them not only just putting episodes together that maybe are in the same theme, but also it's a really good way to kind of package episodes that maybe you feel a certain type of listener would want to hear together. So another really great example for me, which I'm like after I recorded this episode, I'm going to go run and create this playlist would be to put together all of my episodes that are about launching Call at launch podcast, put those in a playlist together. I think that would be really neat. And so think about some creative ways you can use this. 

I even love using this almost as a way for like a almost as a resumé type of thing. Like my top episodes put them in a playlist and share that with people who are interested, maybe in having me on their podcast or that are just getting to know me. I mean, I feel like as I'm talking about this and I'm thinking about what we send to people during the inquiry and the onboarding process, it would be really cool to put together a playlist and link to that as well. So the possibilities here are just endless. And I just love this way of sharing more than one episode from your podcast. 

Now you may not want to share a Spotify playlist, and so I had this thought while I was preparing this episode. I like to put players on my website, right? And sometimes I will do a player with multiple episodes. And one of the ways you can do that in Libsyn and some other RSS feed hosts is to actually categorize the episodes. And so maybe you have a bunch of episodes like I said, that are about launching so I could go in and create a launch category, assign the episodes to that category, and then I can actually create a player that will only pull episodes from that category. 

So you can create like your own basically playlist and have that player on your website in various places. You know, you could use this on a reference page, maybe for people who are taking a course from you. You could use this, let's say, on your press page. On your about page, you can have a playlist of episodes that where you talk about your life specifically, we can create playlists for everything. 

So if you don't have Libsyn, I would highly recommend you check into like if your RSS feed host offers some kind of embed player, there is most likely a way to select episodes or to categorize them so you can create these playlists, so definitely go and check that out. 

So I've been dying to talk about playlists. I'm really excited that I got to share this with you on this podcast. They've just been wanting to, like, talk to somebody about it. And even though we're not in the room together and you're just listening, I feel like I'm just really excited that I finally shared this information. 

So now I wanted to go into a couple of other things that I've seen, or I'm even thinking about implementing myself. One of them is to use video clips, and I know we all love those audiograms with the captions and the waveform, and I'm going to have to do another episode on video because I do think that there's a lot to be said about video, even though I love podcasting because there is no video that doesn't have to be. I think if you are videoing, we should use that video and one of the cool things that you can do is actually take those video clips and kind of turn them into the audiograms like I'm talking about with the waveform. 

But instead of having like a cover art or just some episode art, you could actually have a video clip from the episode. I actually tried this a while back to put it on TikTok, I thought it'd be really cool to film a clip of myself recording and then put it on TikTok. And you can also do the same thing and like, share that video clip in multiple places. And you know, I will say, I keep telling myself that I'm going to start doing video because I do not do video. There's hardly a day where I'm camera ready. Let's let's be honest here. And I keep saying to myself, OK, I'm going to start video, but I haven't incorporated it into my process. And so I think this is a really good side note. Like any time we're adding something like this, you have to make sure that you're incorporating it as part of your process or like make a sticky note that says, turn the video camera on or something. Because if you've been podcasting for a while like I have, you just kind of get into the motions. And a lot of times I forget to do these other pieces. And so just the little side note there to, you know, as you start to think about these things and adding some of the stuff in, make sure that you're making it part of your process and whatever that is for you, for us its Asana. So maybe I need a little checklist or I don't know. I think maybe a sticky note on my ring light is probably where it's at for me to remember to video as I'm sitting here recording this and I forgot to set up the video. So another day, another day. 

 The other thing that I actually was having a conversation with some people about this the other day, we were kind of talking about, you know, how can you go beyond the podcast episode with either your guests or just yourself? And one of the things that we kind of came to again and again was doing lives or extra little videos for Instagram, Facebook, wherever you are. I really love the idea, and I actually did this with a podcast or they had me on the podcast and then we did an Instagram Live, and it was really neat because it allowed people to be able to come on and do a Q&A. And then it also allowed us to kind of expand on a few things, maybe. So it kind of became like this bonus content that was part of the podcast, right? And so people who maybe listen to the podcast could then come and watch the live and maybe hear a little bit more about something that we talked about. I do think that doing something like this is better to do after the episode comes out, as opposed to doing it like the same day, because I kind of envision it as, you know, somebody listening to that podcast episode and then coming and knowing that every, you know, whatever day, let's say Mondays, we go live after the episodes so people can ask questions so they can hear a little bit more about something. And so I think that's a really neat idea, too. 

These are just a few ideas that I have, but here is what I want to leave you with in this episode, and here's my encouragement to you. I think a lot of times we kind of get hung up on what we see everybody doing and kind of what's been done before. And a lot of that is quote graphics and audiograms and sending an email to the email list kind of just the run of the mill normal everyday stuff. And I think sometimes it's really fun for our listeners when we think outside of the box. And so my encouragement to you as you're listening to this episode and and as you've listened to it, actually, I should say as you've listened to this episode and as you kind of take these ideas and think about how you can incorporate them into your podcast process, and if you even want to do some of these things, maybe think about some other creative ways you could connect with your listeners. 

You know, maybe that is something that I didn't mention. Like, maybe you have a community and you do lives in there after the episodes, or maybe there's something else that we haven't even thought of. And oh my gosh, if you have an idea, please share it with me because I'm always looking for new ideas on ways to share podcasts. 

And I do think I'm going to do an episode just on video and some of the trends we're seeing with video and some of the things that we are hoping to see with video as related to podcasts. And so I do think like finding a video component that works for you is really good and there is no pressure either. Remember, like I have said many times, the reason why I love podcasting is because I don't have to be on video. 

And so it really is about like finding the thing that works for you and finding the thing that gets your listeners excited and engaged and also gives you a way to share your podcast, maybe to a different audience you haven't heard before. So like we were talking about the playlist, I just love that for, you know, a unique way of sharing to people who maybe have not heard my podcast before. 

 So I hope you enjoyed this short little episode this week. Please let me know. Out of any other creative ideas you have, again, I would love to hear them. You can follow me on Instagram @WildHomePodcasting or you can even email me hello@wildhomepodcasting.com. And we do have some openings for our monthly podcast management. If you were thinking about launching, up-leveling or growing your podcast, I highly recommend you check out our services at WildHomePodcasting.com/services and I will see you in the next episode.

 Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. To stay in the know, head to WildHomePodcasting.com and be sure to connect with me on Instagram @WildHomePodcasting. See you next week!


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