076: Summer Launch Series: Creating a Strategic Podcast for Your Business

What if I told you that your podcast could be a strategic partner to help your audience reach the know, like and trust factor and it could also support you in creating content for your marketing strategy? But how do you create a podcast that will actually work for your business?

In this episode, I’ll be touching on how you can create a strategic podcast for your business. I’ll be sharing the multitude of ways that your podcast serves you as an entrepreneur and how it can become a traffic and lead source to bring the right people your way. You’ll hear how I use my podcast in this way plus a few strategic tips to help you get started.

What’s in this episode:

  • Why you should have a podcast for your business

  • How your podcast is a great tool for creating content for marketing

  • How your podcast can drive leads for your business


048: How to Make Your Podcast an Employee of Your Business


Podcast Ready Assessment


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The Transcript:

076: Summer Launch Series: Creating a Strategic Podcast for Your Business

And it just helps so much to make sure that the content and putting out there makes sense and is meeting them where they are now. Because if you can solve a problem. People are going to be interested and they're going to want to work with you. And so knowing what. Their problems are right now is really important.

Welcome to the Wild Home Podcast where we talk about podcasting, life and all the wild in between. Join me, Caroline, every week as I share a peek into the world of podcasting and my wild life as well. Ready? Let's get into it.

 Hello everybody And welcome back to the Wild Home Podcast. And I say back because I actually was able to batch record this month and then we actually changed our release schedule a little bit. So I haven't actually sat down and recorded an episode in probably 3 to 4 weeks.

Really strange. So I kind of feel like I'm returning to something and like a lot has happened since I last recorded in my life and it's just been kind of a crazy few weeks. I really encourage if you want to see a little bit of the behind the scenes to follow me on Instagram at @WildHomePodcasting, and that's where I share all the things and make sure your on our email list, just head to WildHomePodcasting.com because we've got some awesome emails going out every week. Okay, that is not Why we're here we are continuing the summer launch series this week. And today I wanted to talk about creating a strategic podcast for your business and how that can work for you.

So when you are thinking about launching a podcast, a lot of times we think, you know, we have a business, we have marketing, we have all these things and then we have a podcast and it kind of sits over here by itself. And one of the things that I have been really working on and encouraging people to do is just stop thinking about your podcast as a separate entity that exists vver here and to pull it in and have it be a strategic member right of your business. I actually have an episode that we will link where I talk about how to make your podcast an employee of your business. And it goes along really well with what I'm going to talk about in this episode. So be sure to go listen to that. We'll have the link in the show notes.

 So let's talk about first why You should Even have a podcast for your business. And there are a couple things that I want to point out. And these are like my favorite reasons. For having a podcast. One is build Authority. You're basically like creating This space In the online world where you exist And you get to talk about the things that are important To you and the things that you're Passionate about and That you're really, really good at. Right? And so it really Helps kind of Build authority. And it allows people a way to get to know you in an intimate way and a closer way than just going on your website or signing up for Your email newsletter. Right?

It's kind of like, you know, I like to follow people on Instagram to get to know them and their Personality before I work with them. And I feel like a podcast is very similar. If I find somebody that I'm interested in working with and they have a podcast, I will always subscribe to their podcast and listen to some episodes because they feel like you can learn a lot about a person And what they believe and how they work From their podcast episodes.

So Building Authority. The other thing I love Is that a podcast Creates a bank of Knowledge. So I don't know about you, but I get emails and DMS all the time asking me for advice with X, Y and Z as it relates to my business. And one of the really neat things That I love about having a podcast where I've talked about podcasting and launching and management and all that good stuff is I can just send them a link to a podcast episode because I've Literally created. This library of everything I know everything I'm learning and the things that I'm excited to talk about, right? And so it kind of Creates This just awesome bank and I can just send people to it. And so Even if like you do a Short series of a podcast or You know, a limited run Of a podcast that can Live forever and it will always be there and it will always be a way for People to connect with you and to hear What you know. And it will always Be there for you to Share. So I just love that, that bank of knowledge.

And then of course, the podcast is Going to give you a way to. Connect with potential clients and show who. You are and what you know. So going back to building. Authority, creating a bank of. Knowledge, now what we've done is created a place where we're actually connecting with potential clients. And, you know, there's. There's really no great way to. Measure this. Like, there's not like a metric. But one thing I have noticed as a podcaster is if I pay attention to the people that I'm having sales calls with or that are. Sending me inquiries. Nine times out of ten, they've checked out my podcast and then decided to come over. So it just serves as. A really great way to. To create that connection.

And then the other thing. That I kind of mentioned.In the beginning. And I want to talk about just for. A brief. Moment, because this is like I think I've done several episodes on this.But it's really. Important. Your podcast is a great tool. For creating. Content for marketing. And I. I think. It is so. Underutilized. By business owners. They will create a podcast and like I said, it'll be like this separate. Thing over here. But what is amazing about. A podcast is that I'm sitting down, I'm recording this, and there are so. Many things that I can repurpose. This recording for Instagram posts, email newsletters. I mean, you name. It, it just I mean, I can even create a course with this, for crying out loud. And that's the. Beauty of like. Having this platform to sit down and just record and share. What I know is that it can be repurposed. And so when I talk about using. It for marketing in your business. I am not talking about. Like it. Being this. Separate thing. I love having. It at the top of the triangle. I have this really great flow chart that I use and I'm describing this and the podcast is at the top and then everything kind of trickles down from it. You have a blog post, you have social media post, you have an email. You have, you know, whatever.

So if you are. Thinking about starting a podcast for your business, like. From the beginning, I want you to. Think about how I'm going to use this as part of my marketing. Okay.

So that's why you should have a podcast for your business. And I mean, that is just like skims the surface of why I think podcasts are so great. And a little side tip, if you are going to start a podcast for your business, I want you to also think about how you're going to be on other podcasts. That is important as well. So let's talk about how to be strategic. So we don't like I said, we don't just want to create a podcast for a business for the sake of creating a podcast for a business. Like we want it to have a purpose. To be working for our business, to be driving leads.

And so how can we do that? There are a couple of things that I want you to think about as you start this journey. The first one is you really need to know your customer journey. What are the. Paths that your customers have to take to get to working with you? And then what happens after they work with you? And then what happens when they want to work. With you again? You need. To have that mapped out and know your customer journey because part of. What you're going to be doing. On your podcast is. Actually bringing people. Through that customer. Journey.

And part of knowing the. Customer journey. Is knowing what things you should be promoting on your podcast. What CTAs are people wanting to hear right now? What topics do my customers want to. Hear right now? Right.

And so really have again. I have a graphic that I will refer to that I made a couple of years ago and I updated every once in a while. But if I'm feeling stuck in. Any way. Like content wise, I will go and look at that and like just remind myself like. Where are people. At and what are their pain points? And it just helps so much to make sure that the content your putting out there makes sense and is meeting them where they are now. Because if you can solve a problem, people are going to be interested and they're going to want to work with you. And so knowing what their. Problems are right now is  Really important.

The other thing that you need to think. About is what your listeners next steps should be. So kind of pulling this from that. Customer journey piece. What do we want people to do after they've listened? Right. And so I have like a couple of call to actions that I kind. Of like keep in mind. But when I'm doing. For. Instance, an episode like this, this is for people who are interested in watching. I'm not necessarily going to send them to my project management or just blindly to my. Website, right? I want to know like. What the next step is for them. What is the thing that's going to pull them in, what their what are they going to get excited about? And you can have different ones for each episode. You can have the. Same for. Each episode, but. Knowing like. What you want them to do the flow because the goal is to get them to. Work with you. Right.

And so how are we going to do that? How are we going to get them from podcast to booking a service with you? And I said this. Already, but I wrote. It down right here. So let's just reiterate it. None of this is going to be effective if your podcast episodes are just an afterthought and they are not a main piece of your marketing and working with the rest of your businesses promotion schedule.

And so you make a master calendar, sit down, look at everything, see how it all works together. I have one of these. I do mine in Asana and some. Marketing calendar, and I have the email worsening. That week the social media post, the podcast episode. The reels I am making. And just seeing. How they're all working together and making. Sure that. We are all. Kind of talking to each other and we're are pointing back to the podcast, and the podcast is plenty back to the website. It has to all work together, right? That way people are not confused about what they're supposed to do. So when we say creating a. Strategic podcast for your business, what. We really mean here. Is, is putting in some front work, putting in some thought, making sure that. We have an idea. Of how this podcast is going to work for us. And be a part. Of our business instead of just being something that takes up our time and we have to record every. Week.

So again. If you want to dive further into this kind of idea and topic. I really recommend you go. And listen to my episode on. Making your. Podcast an. Employee of. Your business. We'll link that in the show notes. And then if you're still kind of trying to figure out. If you're ready to launch. A podcast. I highly. Recommend you go. Download my free assessment. It's a PDF you download. And then. You just come and check off some boxes and it's going to give you a way to score it and it's. Going to let you know if you. Ready to start a podcast or not. Just head to Wild Home Podcast ing dot com slash ready. And I would love to know what you got. What was your score. And you can do me. On Instagram at while him podcasting. And let me know or you can email me. Hello@Wildhomepodcasting.com. I'm so excited. To meet you. And I hope that this episode is helping to clarify and help you to decide if. You are ready. To launch podcasts. Stay tuned. Next week for. Another episode in our launch. Series and I'll see you then. Thank you so much for. Listening to the podcast. 

Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. To stay in the know, head to WildHomePodcasting.com and be sure to connect with me on Instagram @WildHomePodcasting. See you next week! 


077: Summer Launch Series: When Should You Launch Your Podcast?


075: Summer Launch Series: Roadblocks That Hinder Getting Started