087: 3 Tips for Sharing Your Expertise on Your Podcast

You are an expert in your field. But you go to sit down in front of the microphone to record a podcast episode, and you don’t know what to say.

Confidence in your expertise goes a long way when it comes to creating podcast content.

In today’s episode, I’m sharing three tips for sharing your expertise on your podcast, as well as the importance of branching out into other marketing opportunities and how that can help you grow your business.

What’s in this episode of Podcast Your Business:

  • [01:34] How confidence can help you own your expertise

  • [03:42] Why you should talk about what lights you up on your podcast

  • [05:27] How sharing ways that you’ve helped a client highlights your expertise

  • [06:32] The benefits of interviewing clients or doing a strategy session on your podcast

  • [09:38] Why you should share your expertise in other areas, especially ones that get you access to new audiences


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The Transcript for Podcast Your Business:

087: 3 Tips for Sharing Your Expertise on Your Podcast

[00:00:00] What are the things that light you up? A lot of times when we're picking topics, we're focusing on kind of the wrong places. We're focusing on either a really great guest to drive downloads or what we think everybody wants to hear. But sometimes when we're working on gaining that confidence and sharing the fact that we really know what we're talking about, we need to just go back to the basics and think about the things that get us out of bed in the morning. 

[00:00:33] Ready to start a podcast for your business and share your message in a way that feels wildly authentic. Welcome to Podcast Your Business, where each week we share how to start a podcast and make sure it's working for you and your business. I'm Caroline Hull, podcast manager and consultant, and I've seen the power a podcast can have ready to share your voice. Let's get started. 

[00:00:59] Why is it that when we sit down in front of a microphone or in front of a group of people, we suddenly forget the fact that we are an expert in our field. Does this happen to anybody? Just me. I recently had the opportunity to speak on a panel, and it was one of those moments where I was definitely nervous, I was excited, and I was worried that I wasn't going to have anything to talk about. And then when we sat down and started recording, I was like, Oh, I actually have a lot to say here because I have a lot of experience and I have a lot that I want to share. You know, we always tend to doubt our expertise and we doubt what makes our podcast different. I don't really know why. Do you have any ideas? Okay, I have a few. I think one. It's definitely confidence. I think it's sitting down and being able to communicate what you do and what you're passionate about. It can be hard when you're not used to doing it. 

[00:01:59] You know, I had in the last episode my good friend Melanie on, who is a marketing strategist, and she does a lot of Instagram and I've been working with her and getting more comfortable with my Instagram. Right? And it's so funny that I was so uncomfortable with Instagram when I was so comfortable with a podcast. And so it took me kind of having to figure out, okay, what's the thing that I'm uncomfortable with? What is the thing that is making me feel not confident here? Is it that I'm not confident in what I know? No, it wasn't. It was that I wasn't sure that I could communicate in that venue on video. Right. And in those short little video clips, I was worried I wasn't going to be able to do it. I was very long winded when I first started out just saying. And so I think the same thing kind of applies to podcasts. 

[00:02:51] You know, when we start our podcast, we're nervous. We're not sure how we're going to speak for 20 minutes about a topic, but then once we start rolling. It gets easier and easier and easier. Practice definitely is key in building confidence and getting rid of that doubt so you can sit down and record episodes that are impactful and show your enthusiasm for what you do. And remember that what makes your podcast different is you. You are that secret sauce, right? Your personality, what you have to offer, your experience, what you've been through. These are all the things that make you so unique as a person. And this is what's going to make your podcast unique. And so don't be afraid to infuse a little bit of you in there as well.

[00:03:43] So today I wanted to talk about three tips on how to share your expertize on your podcast. So we're going to start with talking about and this is tip number one, sharing what lights you up. And I'm talking like full blown sunlight beaming. What is it that you get crazy excited to talk about? And maybe this is a really good moment to open up a journal and start writing down some ideas. What aspects of your business are the things that just make you crazy excited and inspired and able to knock out a course and a free download in one evening? Because you're so excited about it, what are the things that light you up? A lot of times when we're picking topics we're focusing on in kind of the wrong places, we're focusing on either a really great guest to drive downloads or what we think everybody wants to hear. 

[00:04:43] But sometimes when we're working on gaining that confidence and sharing the fact that we really know what we're talking about, we need to just go back to the basics and think about the things that get us out of bed in the morning. You know, I love, love, love, love, love, love. Talking about how you can use a podcast for your business. I mean, I really love digging into it. It's one of my favorite things to talk about. And so when I'm feeling that way, that's what I'm going to talk about on this podcast, like strategies and tips and things like that. And so have a list, keep it handy. But if you're really trying to build authority in that kind of library of knowledge of what you know and what you are able to share, that's a really good, good place to start. 

[00:05:28] So tip number two is to give examples of how you've helped a client. How many times have you sat down to talk about something and you've used an example? Well, when I worked with this one client, she had this problem and this is how we solved it. And this were the results. Why don't we do that in podcasts as well? Right. So when you're creating your episodes and you're thinking about a topic that you're going to share, again, it's something that really lights us up. How can you weave in some stories? And now I'm not saying that we need to name names. You can keep these obviously anonymous, but how can you share the interactions you've had with people and what their results were? And I think this is really important because this is like social proof, basically, right? This is showing like, hey, I know what I'm talking about. This is what we did and this is how it worked out. And that's really important sometimes for people to hear as they're making their buying decisions. And so, again, giving examples of how you've helped a client. 

[00:06:33] Now, tip number three kind of takes it up a notch and actually interview your clients on your podcast. And I have two ways that I love to do this. One is just interviewing my clients and just chatting about their journey and what they've been through and where they are now. I love doing this, especially with my podcast clients who are using a podcast that's strategically aligned and talking about, you know, how they've done that. It's so fascinating and it's so great for other people to hear that, Hey, they did it too. That's what I want. And they did it. And so how do I get that? Well, if they're listening to your podcast, they're going to understand that the way to get that is to work with you. Right. 

[00:07:13] Hey, podcaster, if you feel like you're getting a lot out of this podcast, but you want even more, I have the perfect thing for you. The WHP Insider podcast is a private podcast for Members Only, which features two episodes per month, plus a monthly newsletter that takes a deeper dve into strategies and tips, specifically for podcasters who are using their podcast to help grow their business. This is something that up until now has only been available for clients of Wild Home Podcasting, but for a a small monthly fee, you can join and be part of the club. So just head to wildhomepodcasting.com/insider for more information and I can't wait to see you there. 

[00:07:58] So interview your clients. And in that same vein. Another thing you can do is do like an on air type strategy call. I've had a couple of clients do this before in the past and they absolutely love them. I don't think it should be a regular thing, but I think every once in a while these are really fun, especially if you're like building up to like a launch of a membership or something like that. Having people come on and share like one, maybe one small issue they're having and giving them on air coaching. This is such a cool tool to show how you work with people, what your thought processes are, and yeah, and what it would be like to sit down and have a conversation with you. It's like a peek into the world of you, right? Like, you know, to be a fly on the wall or whatever while you're talking with a client and it doesn't have to be long. 

[00:08:46] I've seen them done several ways where one, you know, they just come in and sit down and they chat for an hour. I've also seen this is kind of cool. People weave it into a solo episode and so maybe they'll have like a pretty long intro and a pretty long outro. And then in the middle is you talking with one of your clients and helping them solve a problem. But then on the front and the back end, kind of talking about that problem more strategically for the listeners, it's pretty cool. I mean, and it's almost too much to put on your podcast feed for free. These are also really great bonus episode ideas as well. 

[00:09:22] Now I do have a bonus tip for you. So we've just gone over three things, right? Share what lights you up. Give examples of how you've helped the client and interview clients or do on air strategy calls. So those are my three tips, but I have a bonus tip. So let's say you're doing these three things and you still feel like I want to share what I know a little bit more in some other places, share your expertize in other areas to build authority. So now that we're getting comfortable sharing what we know and being confident in ourselves on our podcast, we want to share that same energy in other places. So in your email newsletter, like what are you talking about in your email newsletter, are you sharing your expertize or are you just asking people to buy? I'm not an email marketing expert, but I do try to like mix it up a little bit and I feel like it really helps. The other thing is social media. So where on social? Like, where do your listeners hang out? Where do your potential clients and potential listeners like to be? Are they on LinkedIn or the Instagram, wherever they are? Think about how you can share your expertize in those areas. 

[00:10:28] And if you've been listening to any of my episodes the past few weeks, as we've been talking about content and having a strategy, if you're already recording podcasts, you can use tidbits from these podcast episodes that showcase and highlight your expertize and share those in other places as well, because we want to reuse the content we already have. Right? So we're not reinventing the wheel here. We're just adding a little bit of spice to it. The other place is on other podcasts, and this is probably one of the best ways to show your expertize because somebody else is interviewing you and you're in front of a new audience. And this is just a really great way to grow your podcast as well. It's hard. It's time consuming. I will be the first to admit that I am not on enough podcasts because I just don't have the time to do that right now. But this is something that you are going to want to include in your strategy. If you are trying to build your expertize, build your authority, and grow your podcast. 

[00:11:28] And so maybe that's like bonus tip number number three, but it's really important to be on other podcasts. So definitely think about adding that in and being strategic about it and going into places where your ideal clients or maybe listening to another podcast and if you go and be on that podcast, you can help them out as well. So I want to go back to what I was talking about a little bit at the beginning of the episode, and just I want to give you like some encouragement. You know, in the online space, we see other people doing things, we hear other people. It's very normal to start to doubt yourself as you start putting yourself out there more. But before you sit down to record, make a video, write an email, do an Instagram post, I want you to just remind yourself that you've been doing what you've been doing. You've been doing it well, and you know what you are talking about. Don't be afraid to shine. Don't be afraid to share what you know. You've got this and a podcast is a really, really great place to start. I hope you have a great week and I will be with you next week with a new episode. 

[00:12:43] Thank you for listening to Podcasting Your Business. For more podcasting tips, follow us on Instagram @wildhomepodcasting. If you are ready to launch, uplevel or grow your podcast, head to wildhomepodcasting.com to get started today. 


088: How to Align Your Podcast with Your Business Goals


086: Instagram and Beyond: How to Show Up Authentically Online with Melanie Lea