115: Simplifying Your Marketing: How Your Podcast Can Help You Create ALL of Your Content

None of us want to be on the content creation hamster wheel. 

Podcasting becomes really hard and unsustainable when we’re focused on weekly creation (separate podcast, separate email, separate social media posts). What happens when we take one piece of content and multiply it? It is magical and you can make that happen! I want to discuss all about how to make creating content feel a lot easier!

The first step? Simplify your marketing for your podcast

The first step begins with aligned content. We can't really do much of anything if that content is not aligned. When I say aligned, I'm talking about a lot of things, but let’s focus first on your pain point. As a reminder, the term “pain point” refers to the point where clients seek help with their problem. In an ideal world, you are marketing to their pain point so that the listener becomes a client, and you help them solve an issue with your product. This is why you podcast, right? This content creation provides opportunities for potential clients to meet you. And as we’ll discuss later, it will also make you a recognized authority on the topic at hand. 

So when we say aligned content, we want to make sure we're not just pulling topics out of the air, but that we're pulling podcast episode topics that align with our ideal client journey that they're on aligns with where they are on the customer path.

How to multiply content creation while decreasing effort

I know for me, there was a moment when Instagram was feeling very heavy; it felt like I was constantly having to be inventive and super creative– carousels and posts and reels. And I thought, This is a lot. 

Then I realized: I just need to open up my show notes and create multiple posts from there. So if you pay really close attention to my social media now, you will see that's exactly what I'm doing. It's been such a game changer because it's so easy! I’m already putting the work into the podcast. If I want to sit down and record a reel, I can pull out one of my (many) bullet points from an episode and talk about it. Now, all of a sudden, marketing is simpler. I’m investing more into the content I am creating instead of moving onto the next topic more quickly than necessary. That's what I mean about having your podcast be your main piece of content: you can use that everywhere and anywhere in your business. 

How podcasting can help you gain confidence and authority 

The more aligned your content is, the more clear it becomes for you what you want to talk about. This doesn't necessarily happen overnight. This is a process, and it is an amazing thing to watch. Creating content that is aligned so much easier and that made sharing pieces from the episodes so, so much easier. It really is like a trickle down effect!

I feel like if we're going to spend so much time on a podcast episode every week, it can do more for us than just visibility. 

Visibility → Authority → Attract Ideal Clients

This places us back into the discussion about building authority, because it's hard to become an authority in something if you're not talking about your topics in a consistent, aligned way. Your podcast continues to be your main source of marketing, as well as an authority builder. We're attracting our ideal client now because we're talking to them in an aligned way. This is not a random process. As you record, there is now an incredible library of past episodes, and this also serves as a marketing 

The best part of all of this is that when you start creating, sharing, and using these aligned pieces of content, it makes our marketing simpler.

Ready to make your podcast more strategic, your marketing easier to produce, and your business more profitable? The doors are open for the Strategic Podcast Academy!

The Strategic Podcast Academy is here to help your podcast and your business work together to make your business more profitable and to free up more time for yourself. This monthly membership will cover topics such as Customer Path Planning, Content Planning for Sales, Podcast SEO, Creating Connection with Your Listeners, Social Media, Email Marketing for Your Podcast, PR for Podcasters and so much more! The doors are open now! Join here!


105: Five Ways Your Podcast Can Work for Your Business (and None of Them Involve Download Numbers)

096: How to Set Goals for Your Podcast

088: How to Align Your Podcast with Your Business Goals

087: 3 Tips for Sharing Your Expertise on Your Podcast

Join the Strategic Podcast Academy!

Are you ready to start strategizing your podcast and simplifying your marketing? Download our free guide to do your Podcast Audit!

The Transcript for Podcast Your Business:

115: Simplifying Your Marketing: How Your Podcast Can Help You Create ALL of Your Content

Caroline Hull: Are you ready to start a strategic podcast for your business and share your message in a way that feels wildly authentic? This is the place. Welcome to Podcast Your Business, where each week I share the strategy behind having a podcast that helps grow your business. I'm Caroline Hull, podcast manager, strategist and consultant, and I've seen the power of podcasts can have for your business. Let's get started. When we talk about how your podcast is going to work for your business, we think about a lot of things. And more often than not, we're thinking about getting leads. But one really golden missed opportunity that I see pretty much 99.5% of the time with online business owners who have podcasts is they are not using their podcast as their main piece of marketing. I know we talk a lot about marketing here on the podcast, but I really wanted to share some of this with you, my listeners, because I know how important this is and I know how hard it can be if you don't know what you're supposed to be doing with your podcast content. And so today we're going to dive into some of the basics when it comes to simplifying your marketing with your podcast and why it's so important that you do this for your sanity, really. So let's get to start there. 

We want again, I said this at the beginning, but we really want your podcast to work for your business and what doesn't work for your business. I don't know about all of you, but I have a lot of things going on and when I have to sit down each week and create all my marketing content, sometimes it can feel disjointed and it can feel like a lot. But what's really amazing is when you have a strategy for the content that you're going to be sharing on your podcast, all of a sudden it becomes a lot easier. Let me explain. So the first step to simplifying your marketing for your podcast is having aligned content. Like we can't really do much of anything if that content is not aligned. When I say aligned, I'm talking about a lot of things, but mostly what I'm really talking about is having pain point focused content that really speaks to your ideal client. And so making sure that we're not just pulling topics out of the air, but that we're pulling podcast episode topics that align with our ideal client journey that they're on, right, aligns with where they are on the customer path. And also, you know, thinking about those pain points and thinking about your marketing and your sales calendar and what you're trying to sell. This is a lot of pieces that we're trying to bring together into one space, but if you take the time to kind of sit down and say, okay, this is what we have going on this month in the business, this is what I want to talk about, to direct people to those things. And they can't be random things, right, either. Like they can't be random topics. These have to be basically leading people to the thing that you're selling. Right. And so that's when it becomes aligned, because now we're speaking about the problem that they have and how they can solve it and how they can solve it is with us. 

And so that's what I mean when I talk about online content, you'll notice on my podcast there is some repetition in my episodes if you're really listening, right? But I am hitting on those core things constantly that I know that my audience is struggling with because they've told me, but also because I know and I see what podcasts are lacking out there. And so like this episode, for example, simplifying your marketing, like none of us want to be on the content creation hamster wheel. And that's where like podcasting becomes really hard and unsustainable is when not only are we creating an episode each week, but then we're creating a separate email on separate social posts when really what we could be doing is taking that episode and dividing it to all of those places. It really is magical when you can make that happen and it makes creating content feel a lot easier. I know for me, especially with Instagram, like there was this moment where Instagram was feeling very heavy because it felt like I was constantly having to be like inventive and super super creative and carousels and posts and reels. And I was like, This is a lot. And what I realized was I just need to open up my show notes and create multiple posts from there. And so if you pay really close attention to my social media now, you will see that's exactly what I'm doing. And it's just been such a game changer because it's so easy. Like if I wanna sit down and record a reel, you know, like a talking head reel, I can literally pull out a bullet point from an episode and talk about it. And now all of a sudden they're marketing it as simple. And so that's what I mean about having your podcast be your main piece of content. Like, you can use that everywhere and anywhere. Of course, it's all going to point back to your podcast. Which from there we get into a lot of strategy, right? Like, so what happens when people come to the podcast? What happens when they leave? All those things? 

But if you can start thinking about your podcast as a main piece of content, it's going to save you so much time and get you off that that wheel of just constantly feeling like you have to come up with something unique and interesting, right? You know, and we take that one piece of content and we multiply it. So just like my example with Instagram, but it can literally be used millions of places, right? From LinkedIn to Pinterest, you name it. And all it takes is having a system, right? And so understanding, okay, what am I going to do each week with this podcast episode and how am I going to create graphics and captions? And again, like really going back to your show notes and using those as kind of the basis for everything that you do. 

The other thing that is so neat about this is so if we have this aligned content, right, if we're being very choosy about the topics that we're sharing and how we're talking about what we do and how we help people, now we have all of this content that relates to your services and products and is going to establish you as the authority in your field. And so when you are sharing, it becomes really easy to direct people to the things that you are doing based on the content from that episode. So even though I may repurpose something from this podcast episode into a reel I don't necessarily have to link back to the episode, although I do highly recommend that. But I can also linked directly to a service that relates to the thing that I'm talking about, right? And so it just kind of opens up this world of, Oh my gosh, I understand exactly where everything needs to go and how people are relating to this content. And that piece that I said, you know, establishing you as the authority, I think is really, really key. You know, I've talked a lot about how podcasting can help you gain confidence and really help you find your voice. And I feel like the more aligned your content is, the more clear it becomes for you what you want to talk about. And it doesn't necessarily happen overnight. Again, this is kind of a process, but it is this amazing thing to watch. And I was just actually talking to somebody today about this and talking about how I felt like everything in my business was moving in this amazing direction because we got so clear on our messaging, because we got so clear on how we wanted our podcast to work for my business. And that made creating content that is aligned so much easier and that made sharing pieces from the episodes so, so much easier. It really is like this trickle down effect.

 Did you know that your podcast can be so much more than a hobby? It can be a way for you to attract your ideal client and establish yourself as an authority in your field. But you need a strategy. And that's why we've created the Strategic Podcast Academy, a monthly membership designed to help you build a strategy for your podcast. You can grow your business and get off the content creation hamster wheel. With support from myself and a community of like-minded podcasters, you will create a strategic plan for your podcast and start implementing impactful changes. During our time in the monthly membership, we're going to cover topics such as customer path planning, content planning for sales, podcast SEO, creating connection with your listeners, email marketing for your podcast, and so much more. So if you are an online business owner, coach, consultant or service provider, and you're ready to have a podcast that supports your business, then this strategic podcast academy is for you. Head to wildhomepodcasting.com/membership to join today.

 If you've been in any of my close friends trainings or if you're going to come join the workshop, you will get to see what I call the podcast funnel. And it is like this trickle down from the podcast episode. I think the problem is when you are not thinking about your podcast as your main piece of content, then it becomes secondary and it becomes a lot harder to grow because instead of growing it from the perspective of I want to generate more leads and have this grow my business. And now we're just literally growing a piece of content for visibility purposes, which I don't want to knock that either, because I definitely think it has its place. But I feel like if we're going to spend so much time on a podcast episode every week, it can do more for us than just visibility. Right. And so that authority piece is important, but it's hard to become an authority in something if you're not talking about it in a consistent, aligned way. Right. For me, talking about podcast strategy, which is something that I am so passionate about and I love doing, I love sitting down and writing up these strategies and helping people work on them, but talking about it constantly and all the facets of it. Not only has it brought me so much joy back into my work, but it's also really started to establish me as a person who does podcast strategy. Isn't that crazy? That that's the thing that I'm going to be known for, But I've done that intentionally. And so, you know, a lot of times when we do talk about like, okay, podcast strategy, how do you want this to work for your podcast? What do you want to be known for? What's the thing that you want to do? Like, how do you want to help people and how can we talk about that on the podcast in a meaningful way? All of these questions are things that we answer, you know, and it's it's not saying that if you haven't asked yourself these questions or answer these questions that you've done something wrong because you haven't, It's just turning around and looking at your podcast in a completely new way and saying, okay, I want this to do more for me. I want this to do more for my business and how can I do that? And it feels hard at the beginning, but let me tell you, it just gets so much easier with each episode. I feel like now it's I don't even have to, like, think too much about it. It just happens because we've built a strategy and a system to support that. 

The best part of all of this is that when you start creating these aligned pieces of content and sharing them and using it and all the places, so our marketing is simpler, right? We're attracting our ideal client now because we're talking to them in an aligned way. But now we have this incredible library of past episodes and of all the things that we know, right? And I think that that isn't given enough value in the podcasting world, like just how incredible it is that podcasts live forever unless you take them down, right? And so when somebody finds you, they have this incredible library to go through to see like, okay, is this person on the same page as me? Is this what I need help with? It really does just kind of hang out and absolutely serve your business if it's positioned in the right way. And so I think we need to like really claim that and be excited about it because it is an amazing feat to create episodes every week for years and to have those all live there and be supportive of what you're doing and the work that you're doing and the people you're helping. Oh my gosh, It's just amazing. And so simplifying your marketing with your podcast is not incredibly difficult. Again, it just comes down to having aligned content, having it be the main piece of your content and having it relate to your products and services. 

So in addition to this workshop, I am so excited to announce that we are going to be opening the doors to the Strategic Podcast Academy. You may have heard a little bit about it on the podcast, but I want to talk about it in a little bit more detail because I'm just I'm so excited about it. You know, you can have a podcast that works for your business and is so much more than a hobby, but all you need is a strategy. And so I have created a membership where you are going to be given the opportunity to create that strategy, and we're doing that through monthly trainings. Q&A is the opportunity to have us actually look at your strategy and look at what you're working on and give you feedback. And my whole goal for you is that during your time in the academy, you will start to see your podcast as a path for your clients and create a strategy to make sure, like we're talking about now, like we're talking about marketing and how we're sharing and growing the podcast and now it becomes this amazing tool for your business and not just a hobby. We're going to be talking about things such as customer path planning, content planning for sales, podcast, SEO. I know that's a big one. Everybody has questions about creating connection with your listeners, social media and email marketing for your podcast, PR for podcasters and so much more. And this really is for you. If you're an online business owner, coach, consultant or service provider, and you already have a podcast that you want to support your business. What's really neat about this is even though this is a membership about podcasts, inevitably when we are working on podcast strategy. It leaks over into business strategy and it really helps you get clear on the direction that you're going with your podcast and your business. 

And so I feel like there are so many benefits to working in this kind of container and having these trainings and the Office Hour Q&A opportunities to not only grow your podcast, but really work on refining what you're doing in your business. So you can check that out at Strategic Podcast Academy dot com and we will have the link and the show. And if you have any questions about it or if you're wondering if it's for you, feel free to email me. Hello at Wild Home podcasting dot com. I cannot wait to see you in there and to get started. And I'm just so excited to see what kind of strategies we create and what kind of amazing strides we make in business and podcasting. I hope you have a great week and I will be back next week with a new episode. Thank you for listening to podcast Your Business. For more podcasting tips, follow us on Instagram at Wild Home Podcasting. If you're ready to launch up level or grow your podcast, head to Wild Home Podcasting Dotcom to get started today.


116: How Mapping Your Customer Path Will Improve Your Podcast & Business


114: The Magic of a Strategically Aligned Podcast