Money, Podcasting, and How to Conquer Financial Stress in Your Life and Business With Aimee Cerka

What does money mindset have to do with podcasting? I believe that having a holistic podcast strategy means looking at the big picture! And, as an entrepreneur, that means looking at every aspect of your business including your money mindset and your approach to cash flow.

In today’s episode, I’m interviewing Aimee Cerka, a money confidence coach for female entrepreneurs who are ready to overcome financial stress, once and for all.

We cover everything from why business owners struggle with money mindset, to the keys to unlocking limitless cash flow, to conquering the sense of overwhelm often associated with budgeting in our businesses and our personal lives. If you’re ready to transform the way you think about money (and start making more of it!), then listen in now!

What’s in this episode…

[07:51] Why business owners often struggle with money and their money mindset

[12:28] Aimee’s keys to unlocking cash flow and her signature finances framework

[24:08] Conquering the overwhelm associated with business and personal budgeting

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About aimee cerka:

Aimee is the Money Confidence Coach for the female entrepreneur who is ready to finally ditch financial stress, struggle, and frustration. After over 10 years in the personal finance industry through multiple personal financial and medical crises, she was fed up with the lies that are being shouted from the rooftops by gurus and the media. So now she makes money simple blends the practical action and mindset work together to help you step into unstoppable finances regardless of what's going on in the economy. You can finally figure out the money thing without sacrificing your lifestyle.

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The Transcript for Share, Strategize, & Shine:

ep 161: Money, Podcasting, and How to Conquer Financial Stress in Your Life and Business With Aimee Cerka

[00:00:04] Caroline Hull: Hi there and welcome to Share, Strategize and Shine. I'm your host, Caroline Hull, a podcast strategist and CEO of Wild Home Podcasting. I've built my entire career through podcasts by sharing my experience using strategic systems and shining a light on the power of podcasting. If you are looking to cultivate leads for your membership group, program, or consulting services, I'm here to help you create a holistic and integrative podcast strategy that will let your business thrive. Let's dive in. [00:00:36][32.1]

[00:00:44] Caroline Hull: On today's episode, we are talking about money, and I think how we talk about money is really going to shock you, because I know that when I came into this conversation, I thought we were going to be talking about spreadsheets and QuickBooks, and we did a little bit of that, but that is was not the whole story. And so I am super excited for you to listen in to my conversation with Aimee Cerka. Aimee is the money confidence coach for the female entrepreneur who is ready to finally ditch financial stress, struggle, and frustration after over ten years in the personal finance industry through multiple personal, financial and medical crises, she was fed up with the lies that are being shouted from the rooftops by gurus and the media. And you know how much I love this kind of stuff. So? So now she makes money. Simple. Blending the practical action and mindset work together to help you step into unstoppable finances. Regardless of what's going on in the economy, you can finally figure out the money thing without sacrificing your lifestyle. And I really want you to take notes because at some point in the episode, she is going to talk about something called a Daily Money Minute. And I am so excited to try this work. It's it's a mindset piece of looking at your money, but it's also just really great for many awareness. And so please enjoy my conversation with Aimee. Hi, Aimee, thank you so much for coming on the show. [00:02:12][88.1]

[00:02:14] Aimee Cerka: Thank you. I'm so glad to be here. [00:02:15][1.3]

[00:02:16] Caroline Hull: I am so excited to have you on because we've been Instagram buddies for a little while. You are a homeschool mom as well, and you have this really cool thing, which I want to talk about in a second because it's changed my life. So we're going to talk. But first, I want you to just introduce yourself and tell everyone a little bit about who you are and what you do. [00:02:35][19.4]

[00:02:36] Aimee Cerka: Yeah. So I'm Aimee circa money confidence coach, and I help female entrepreneurs make money. Simple. Like at its simplest, that's really what I do. My specialty. But you're looking to ditch stress, struggle, frustration within your finances and all the areas they affect. Because let's be honest, finances affects a lot. Like, that's what I help you do. I'm a mom of four. I homeschool, like you mentioned, I have a little bit of an urban homestead garden, all the things. [00:03:05][28.5]

[00:03:06] Caroline Hull: So I would love to hear. I hardly talk about homeschool on this podcast, like I've mentioned that I homeschool, but it was so funny because I think I had posted actually the story I told you before we hopped on about my kid coming in during a recording. My three year old, who is refusing to nap these days, and a mutual friend of ours, Alison Hardy, I believe it was, messaged me and said, have you seen? Aimee's post about the stoplight. Could you explain what this magical stoplight is and how the heck you get anything done when your kids are home with you all day? [00:03:44][38.6]

[00:03:45] Aimee Cerka: Yes. So my stoplight is the I created it off a Canva, but like backstory, you got to hear why the stoplight was invented. Okay. Because I'm homeschooling with my four kids at home. I had a podcast recording that I was doing, and I did the whole, like, you know, don't come in if you're bleeding or unless you're bleeding or dying, but all those things. Right? But they stood outside the door the entire podcast recording, and they were like, the door was locked. So they're beating on the door. They're like, mom, mom, we can hear you. I'm like, trying to keep a straight face. And most of the time, like, with the mic, nobody else can hear. Like, if they can be burning down out there and nobody can hear a thing. So I'm just like, trying to keep a straight face, trying to keep going. But I'm like, inside. I'm like, oh my gosh, please stop. Like I have to get this done, right? So we come out and like, of course, like I have to turn into my mom and it's like, come on, guys. Like, you know better, especially the older ones. Okay. Right there. 11, seven five. And then the baby baby is 13 months. I'm not expecting her to do anything, but it was like something has to give. And so I just sat on the couch for a little, I walked away, I couldn't even work any longer. I was like, just sitting on the couch and frustration because it was like, this has to work. I already structure my business, like around my kids, but like, I can't get out of recording. And I came up with a stoplight. So I go into Canva. I got everybody's buy in. I'm like, okay, let's make a stoplight. We go in Canva. We've got a red light. A yellow light, green light. We print it out, we're cutting it out, and so we hang it up. So green light is like me just working on whatever they can come in. They can ask whatever questions. They can play quietly on the floor behind me. All the things. Uh, my five year old does not like to wear clothes either. So like that she comes in to wash. Then yellow light, I use that. I think this is probably when Allison sent it to you. Because, like, if I'm being coached on a coaching call and even a lot of times my clients, if I'm on a call with them because my clients know I have kids, that's like a yellow light. So it's more like, hey, I need something. Not just like, come tell mom a story, whatever. It might be a little bit more urgency, right? And the red light is what I reserve when I'm on other people's podcast where I'm recording a podcast. It's like gushing blood, dying smoke alarm going off, right? Emergencies only please. Yes. [00:06:11][145.8]

[00:06:12] Caroline Hull: I know it. I love that so much because I had started putting a sticky note on my door it because even my older kids were coming in during podcast interviews or like a coaching call. And it's so distracting because you're like in the middle of an amazing thought or who knows? And I have all these videos of me like putting my arm out, like to keep them over here by the door, like, don't come into the camera view, you know. So I went into Canva after I saw your real and made one myself. And it has been a game changer. So thank you so much. And, um, you know, you should probably like, sell those or something because I know there's other homeschool moms who need them. [00:06:52][39.6]

[00:06:55] Aimee Cerka: Yes, I share it. I'm in a homeschool CEO group and I was like, hey, look like I created this thing. So I share that. I feel like every time I talk about the stop light on Instagram Stories or whatever, like I go back and find the reel and like, share it, and then it gets like a couple hundred more views, like it keeps getting bumped because people are watching it again. [00:07:14][19.4]

[00:07:15] Caroline Hull: Because that's what we we all need help with that. I think, you know, it's interesting because we have built these lives where we can be home with our kids and teaching them. And I know, like a lot of us homeschoolers, we have a really strong convictions about homeschooling. And this is like, for me, you know, as my kids are getting older, it's getting harder because they need more time. You know, they are doing more independent work, but they do need more of my time. And I remember when they were little, it was so much easier to work from home, I feel like, but I'm committed to making it work. And so the the stoplight has definitely helped, so I appreciate you sharing that. [00:07:50][34.3]

[00:07:51] Caroline Hull: Okay, so let's dive into money today because that's what we're here to talk about, which I'm really excited to talk about. And you know, when we were talking about this podcast episode, I was thinking to myself, I have not had anybody on the show to talk specifically about money. And there's probably a really good reason for that, because if you've ever talked to Caroline, you know that she has a lot of money blocks. But this is not a therapy session for me. So but I want to ask you. Why do you think money is such a hard thing for business owners? And when I say money, I think I'm really thinking about money mindset or how we approach money. Why do you think this is such a difficult thing? Because I know I'm not the only one. [00:08:37][45.8]

[00:08:37] Aimee Cerka: No. And that's what I was exactly what I was going to say. It's like you're definitely not the only one. And that was exactly what I was saying on the coaching call that I got off earlier. It's like we were working together for a while. It was like, you know, like, this is the truth. I feel like money is hard for everybody. Like, we don't talk about money enough. Our money mindset is formed by roughly by the age of ten, there's a little bit of discrepancy between the expert experts for like the exact age, but about the age of ten, like, I didn't have life figured out by the age of ten, and I was raised by humans who make mistakes. We weren't set up for success there. And then, of course, we can factor in the world changing economy. That's right. Also, the battlefield portion of my framework, because we talk about like all those things factor in. But when you're not just answering to a job, there's so many more factors that go into this. It's like we have to create everything which right, we love and yay, we get to be in charge of everything. But at the same time it's like, oh crap, I have to be in charge of everything, in all of our worst fears and insecurities about like, ourselves. And these things that have been formed about money are just magnified. Because now, not only are we dealing with it on a personal level, we're dealing with it on a business level. [00:09:52][74.6]

[00:09:53] Caroline Hull: And it it's almost like, you know, we measure success based on that, that money, whatever that number is. Right? You know, which I think there's a lot we could say about that and how success is different to everyone. And when you see somebody posting about their, you know, whatever, $1 million, whatever. Yeah. Yeah. [00:10:15][22.0]

[00:10:15] Aimee Cerka: Like six and a half on the back in like. Yeah. [00:10:19][3.6]

[00:10:19] Caroline Hull: Exactly. Like you don't know how much they spent on Facebook ads to get their friends. But you know, I think I think it's that's what I find to be hard for me is because when I don't see that number matching or equating what I think success I'm using quotation marks should be, I know that I can get really discouraged. Yeah. And yeah, you're absolutely right. There's just so much tied into it because we are the creators. We're making things happen. I think, you know, we're going to talk about a lot of things, but I think that. This is a conversation that is really, really important to have. Because, you know, when we talk about podcasting, two, there's different levels of success. And I remember I was in a coaching program years ago about building an agency. And they used to always say new level, new devil. And so as we like dive in, I just want to I wanted to bring that up because. You know, making $1 million isn't necessarily going to solve all the problems. If you don't have your money house in order. Don't you agree? [00:11:23][63.8]

[00:11:24] Aimee Cerka: Absolutely. And I'm so glad that you said that, because even just like from a transparent business perspective, this has been something that I've struggled with for a while because it's like, I don't want to like say, this is what we need to do to hit six figures, because six figures might not be the goal and you can do that without hitting six figures. But it also goes back to like, you know, what people want versus what we need and like the marketing portion of it there. But that's something my signature framework and even really my business in general was born out of our adversity through several personal crises. And really, we had done enough that I was there for my son when it counted. He was in the nick you for 53 days, full term. Maybe. We didn't know anything was wrong. But I was able to be there when it actually counted. But during that time, I created a story that I had filled my family because I hadn't hit an income goal. But that didn't matter, because the whole thing that I said I was going to do, I had achieved, but I was beating myself up because it was never enough. [00:12:27][62.8]

[00:12:28] Caroline Hull: Oh my gosh. Yes. I feel like you've been in my head this year, because this year has been a struggle for me. And I just had my. As we're recording this, my 150th episode just came out and I said in the episode, like, this was the year I almost quit, you know, because I was measuring success as well. I'm not making money. I haven't retired my husband yet. We haven't gone to Disney worlds five times. I don't, you know, I don't know what the thing is, but that's where my brain was at. And instead, you're absolutely right. I should have been focusing on the fact that I have been able to homeschool and stay home with my kids, especially my daughter, who has a lot of health issues. It's been so great to be able to keep her home. And and when I kind of shifted that focus, it really changed how I perceived my business and what my goals were. It became less about quantity and more about quality. So yeah, oh, I'm so glad we talked about this a little bit. Before we dive in, I want you to share. You mentioned there are three keys to unlocking cash flow and making consistent money. And I would love for you to share those and maybe even share a little bit about like, what you mean when you talk about cash flow and consistent money. [00:13:42][73.7]

[00:13:43] Aimee Cerka: Yeah of course. So cash flow and it's a bliss like this is just revenue into our business. We're not necessarily talking like profit here, just money coming in. Okay. The first thing that we have to do, and these might seem simple, but like actually doing it, there's a little bit of a difference there. So the first thing is like making consistent offers and like putting it out there that we are asking for a sale, but it's also this is like one a doing it in a way that's actually going to produce results. Because if we're just posting on social media, hey, I have this thing. That's not necessarily going to work. But how many times have we thought about, like, this program or this thing that we're going to do and then we don't actually take action on it? How many times are we actually thinking about these things, but not actually doing it and doing these things consistently? And not just, um, there was a coach that I was working with and he would call this a mumble. So earlier when I said on my coaching call earlier, that was a mumble, because it's like I had a client, I was on a coaching call, but I didn't outright ask you to become a client. Right? It was just as a byproduct. So if somebody is listening and they're like, oh, so she does a coaching call. Like if you're already interested, like piques your interest, right. So it's a good idea to do. But it's not the only solution there for actually making sales and getting in front of more people. Those things like we have to do that like as a bare minimum. So that's our first step. The second key thing that you need to make sure you're doing is prioritizing what's working. So if you're not tracking data, numbers, all the things we're going to get to like the bookkeeping numbers here also, but like tracking what you're doing and what actually is working so that you can do more of those. I'm sure you'll agree, Caroline, as a homeschooling mom as well. Like we have to build our businesses in a way that works for us. That doesn't mean that, like, we don't have to do everything the same way. Like I don't do a bunch of private, like actually the call that I was on earlier with the coaching client, like private coaching calls. I don't do a lot of that because I don't have the time capacity to do that. But I can be on Voxer right all day long helping clients. But if I hadn't gotten clear and confident and this is what works for me, then you could feel like the shiny object syndrome and getting the pool. And we could talk about Pinterest and Pinterest, like I'm using myself as an example here. Pinterest used to work great driving traffic for me. It doesn't work as much anymore, which is perfectly fine. I just spend less time on it and we focus on the things that are getting results. And then I enjoy so talking on podcasts like that. But if we hadn't sat there and known. Yeah, okay. Those last five clients, how did I get those last five clients. It was this, this, this and this. The relationships that I built, the podcast, whatever it might be. Doing more. The thing that actually works instead of getting distracted by everything. [00:16:54][190.7]

[00:16:55] Caroline Hull: Yeah, I bet everyone listening was not expecting you to say things that were not money related. Right. But you're absolutely right. Like, all these things are exactly what you need to be doing for consistency. [00:17:07][12.2]

[00:17:08] Aimee Cerka: Exactly. But you do need to know your numbers when it comes to your budgeting and your both personal and business. Business. Because as business owners, they both affect us. You can't have your business house in order and not have a budget on the personal side, because there's confidence that gets drained and it doesn't have to be hard. There's so many people that'll be like, budgeting is a four letter word for me, or I just don't have the time. I don't make enough money to budget. I'll do it when I hit this income goal and all of those things, we don't show up as the business owners we need to be because in the back of your mind, you know, if you hit the income goal, you don't have the stuff in place to handle it. The books aren't there. They're not set up, whatever it might be. And then we have all of the fear shows up, and then we work on the stuff that doesn't really matter, because we're avoiding the thing that we know we need to, because if we did that, then we would hit this level and we don't have the things in place if we hit that wall. Yeah. [00:18:12][64.0]

[00:18:13] Caroline Hull: Oh, that mindset stuff coming back into play. [00:18:15][1.9]

[00:18:16] Aimee Cerka: Yes, very much so. And then the third part is to play a well-rounded game. So this is where my signature framework comes in. It's the Unstoppable Finances framework. The first part is offense. That's what we've been talking about. That's the making money. We all enjoy that. We all focus on that. Like you mentioned Caroline. Like we want to hit those income goals, right? But it's just one piece of the puzzle. So the second part is defense, which is the managing money taking care of what you already have. This is like we can talk about impulse money. We can talk about debt. All those things factor into your defensive side taking care of what you have. And then the third part is what I call the battlefield. This is where your money mindset comes in. Economics, you know, kind of like the rules of the game. And then I joke, it's kind of like we're it becomes a matrix instead of just a framework because your mindset affects your offense. Your mindset affects your defense, all the things. But we have to understand why we are feeling the things that we're feeling. And what to do with it. Because when we're able to remove the emotion and look at things objectively, but look at the numbers like they actually are, you're able to make clearer decisions. But removing saying like just remove the emotion from it is a lot easier said than done, especially when it comes to money and relationship. It affects everything because of how you show up and how you feel about the money. And then the fourth and final part is coaching, because even the professional athletes have somebody to help them review the footage. So you just get there faster with somebody who's doing a podcast recording earlier. And she used my example. I was so excited about that. It's like a pickle jar and you're stuck in the pickle jar. And if you're in the pickle jar, you can't read the label on the outside. But if you have a jar on the outside that can see the pickle jar and tell you like, hey, go here, go here, go here. You're kind of get out that much faster than you would just sitting there. Spinning your wheels. Do all the work, putting in the effort just by yourself. [00:20:17][121.1]

[00:20:17] Caroline Hull: I love your analogies. Uh, I don't know if you know this about me, but I am, uh, like, I always use, like, a mountain and cookies. I talk about cookies a lot when I talk about podcast strategy. So you're speaking my language because I was listening to you, and I was like, oh, just talking about football. But I love thinking about it that way, because I think when we and I know for me, when I think about money and, and what I need to do weekly, monthly whatever to take care of money, it feels like a task, like it feels like a lot of to dos, a lot of time. I don't necessarily want to sit down with my spreadsheet like nothing about that excites me. I've got other things to do, but I like how you framed it that, you know, some of it is offense and some of it is defense and and how you have to have both or you're not going to make the touchdown. I don't know if that made sense, but I loved how you kind of frame that because I think for me, I've always looked at, well, if I can just take care of my spreadsheet and look at my expenses, then I'll, I'll be okay. But you're absolutely right. Like there's other things like the mindset piece that I think is so huge that we have to take care of as well for that to be successful. And so it really isn't about, okay, I want to make more money. I'm going to download the spreadsheet and we're going to be golden. Like that's not the formula, right? [00:21:37][80.0]

[00:21:38] Aimee Cerka: Yes, absolutely. And the whole reason that it's called the Unstoppable Finances Framework is we had created a level of success ourselves, like mentioned with my son, and I either already left my job, but then we had things happen. And it's not about creating a life that like we're stuff doesn't happen. It's not like the perfection framework, right? Stuff still could come up, but it's about giving you the tools that when life happens, you're not worried about it. You, or even if you had that moment of worry because we are humans, like you can handle it. You had the confidence to be able to be there for your family when it actually matters. In spite of what? Going on. Because you are unstoppable. [00:22:18][40.3]

[00:22:20] Caroline Hull: Yeah. Oh, I like that. I think that really applies to business too, because every year is different and you never know what's going to happen or how like for example, inflation is going to affect your business one year or the next. And I know, I remember when the pandemic happened and how stressful that was, trying to make projections and things like that. And so I think it's really important that you are able to have this view, like you're, you're saying of your finances, of your money as a whole, because that's what's going to carry you through those feast or famine times, right? [00:22:53][33.3]

[00:22:54] Aimee Cerka: Yeah. And keeping your eye on what you're working towards 2020 was that that wake up call for a lot of people, and we had already had ours in 2017 was our second one, a second wake up call. So I felt really fortunate that I was able to help a lot of people. Like during that time, it was like, okay, this is this is what we need to do. This is. It's not like all hope is lost during such a dark time. And that's really like my goal is again, make it simple, but so that it's not stressful. And there's not the frustration and the fear and worry for everybody because, you know, been there, done that. And I don't want that for everybody else. [00:23:32][38.0]

[00:23:32] Caroline Hull: Are you feeling frustrated because your podcast is not working for your business the way that you want it to? I completely understand, and one of the best places to start to get you back on track is with an audit. During an audit, I look at everything from your assets to your feed, to your goals for your business and your content, and how your podcast is supporting those goals to actually help you move forward. If you want to take your podcast to the next level. I highly encourage you get an audit. Head to [00:24:05][32.2]

[00:24:08] Caroline Hull: So let's talk about something tangible for a minute. When you are a business owner and you're looking at your numbers, I mentioned my spreadsheet. How can you get over that overwhelm when you're trying to work on your books or you're working on that spreadsheet? I don't know. Monthly, weekly, whatever it is for you. But I just feel like it's very overwhelming to sit down and plug everything in and figure all the things out. What do you suggest for getting over that feeling? [00:24:38][29.3]

[00:24:39] Aimee Cerka: Break it down first off, because saying like, we're going to sit down and do all of these things or I'm going to create a budget like that is way too big of a task. Like, no, it's not happening. So you're going to continue to avoid it. So for example, the coaching call we just got off of her assignment for this month for the business budget is to write down everything that she pays on a monthly basis for her business, then start. It doesn't have to be finished. She just needs to start what I call an annual expenses spreadsheet. So the things that we pay for annually, semiannually, the random, even like the random office expenses would go into like your your regular out account. Because for most of us, I'm not sure if you're familiar with profit first, but a lot of people re like, oh yeah, like profit first, which it's a fantastic system, but for most people it causes the overwhelm. So at its simplest, you need to know what you pay for a monthly. And we need to know like what we need to find on the irregular basis. So make a list of the monthly transactions. Start the list of the annual transactions like that can be a simple task. Another tangible thing that I like to tell people and even on the personal side. But this would work on the business side as well. I call it the Daily Money minute. So all I want you to do log into the bank account, look at the balance. I don't care what it says. It can be read, it can be $10,000. Doesn't matter. Whatever it says. And then immediately after that, go look at whatever the next thing is that you're working towards. Maybe you want to buy a new vehicle. Maybe you want a new property. Maybe you want to take a vacation. Maybe you just want to do more family time and you're just looking at pictures of your family, but you're tying the thing that you want to the bank account, like the balance together. So we're helping remove that freak out, because a lot of people, regardless of how much is in the bank account, have anxiety about looking at what's in the bank account. So just doing that one tangible, tactile, tactile thing helps remove it. And it's just like Monday through Friday I build into my routine when I were doing, I call it our morning stuff, you know, getting everybody ready, dressed, fed, all the things before we start our day. I just take a minute. We look at that and then I look at for me it's property because I want a ranch. So we're doing that used to be a car. But then I got the car and it doesn't have to be like exact perfect. Whatever you're working for, it's just ballpark it. So when I was looking at cars, some of them weren't the right style, some of them aren't the right color. But it was still the thing that I was working towards that helped tie that correlation together for me. [00:27:13][153.7]

[00:27:14] Caroline Hull: So really what you're doing is you're resetting how you think about money, because instead of logging in and seeing it and thinking negatively, you're basically retraining your brain to tie it to something positive that you're working towards, which I love, because then what that's going to do that goes back to what we were talking about earlier, is motivating you to share more about what you are doing in your business, because now you've got that eye on the prize kind of thing. [00:27:42][28.4]

[00:27:43] Aimee Cerka: Absolutely. That's exactly it. [00:27:45][1.4]

[00:27:46] Caroline Hull: I love that so much. That is. I wrote it down. I literally wrote it down because I felt like you were speaking to me directly because, you know, I have I have big goals this year. I have really big goals. I were planning a trip to Disney World at the end of the year, and I have to be honest with you all, like I'm like, I was sitting here today thinking about that trip and I was like, I don't know how we're going to get there. I don't know, you know, like, I don't know how I'm going to make it happen. But I love this idea because now I'm going to sit down every day. I'm going to look at, you know, my bank account, like you just said, and I'm going to look at the trip. And that's what I was. You know, it's so funny because I was actually what I was telling myself today was I just need to start planning it, because if I don't plan it, I'll keep saying, we can't do it. You know what I mean? My daughter's really into space, and she wants to go to the Artemis launch so that that's why we're going to Florida. So everybody, you heard it here on the show. Caroline's going to Disney World this year. I love this conversation so much, and I just want to thank you so much for sharing a lot of this. I think when I sat down for this conversation, I was expecting you to talk about QuickBooks and spreadsheets, and I love that. This conversation is actually more about how we ourselves and our brains and our emotions approach money. And I think that's so, so important. And I know that for me, and I know for my listeners, like, if you can just focus on these things that Aimee has talked about, this is what's going to help you grow and get over those those bumps is working on these these mindset things. And so, Aimee, I would love if you could just share how people can follow you, work with you, listen to your podcasts, all the things. [00:29:28][101.5]

[00:29:28] Aimee Cerka: Yeah of course. So I host my podcast is called Your Money Your Life I'm sure will include the links, but I'm always I love the short and sweet episodes because that's what I do as well. We're busy, right? We got to get to the point. So I do the same. And let's see, I love to hang out on Instagram like we connected at Aimee Cerka. And then my signature program is Money Mastery Academy. But it's probably best like connect with me on Instagram. There's all the info on the website, like if you want to go stalk me, it's all there. But have a conversation because your finances are personal and it's really important to me that your support option is personalized as well. Because I'm not a big fan of cookie cutter stuff. I have all the systems, but we tweak it to make it fit you, and I feel like your support should as well. That's awesome. [00:30:19][50.4]

[00:30:19] Caroline Hull: So I was going to ask you what the first thing somebody should do and definitely reach out to Aimee, because I've learned a lot just from following on Instagram. So I think that's a really great place to start. [00:30:30][10.9]

[00:30:31] Aimee Cerka: So the Cash Flow Calculator is actually the first thing that I have the Money Mastery Academy Academy members go through. It's called a calculator, but it's a quick assessment. You don't have to have your spreadsheets pulled up or even have a spreadsheet. But as a quick 12 question assessment that helps show us where on the things that we've talked about today and where within the framework, you are on point that we don't need to spend the time working on first, right? Like we can always improve and get better, but it's going to expose those blind spots so you know exactly where you need to start now. And so like I mentioned, that's the first step that we do inside the academy. But I have it now listed as a resource that I can share with you. And there's a way for me to help you review the results included in there as well. So that's And of course we'll put it below. [00:31:21][49.8]

[00:31:22] Caroline Hull: Awesome. Thank you so much Aimee. And I'll make sure all those links are in the show notes. And again I just highly recommend everybody go follow you and learn from you because I know I have today. So thank you so much for being here. [00:31:33][11.4]

[00:31:34] Aimee Cerka: Absolutely. And of course, you know, if we want to talk numbers and QuickBooks, like I can definitely do that. I just find this is the first part. So if you want to hear the numbers and the QuickBooks stuff, let Caroline know and we'll like maybe we can do another episode. [00:31:46][11.6]

[00:31:47] Caroline Hull: But that might be fun. Thank you. [00:31:50][3.2]

[00:31:52] Caroline Hull: So I know it's you're probably thinking after listening to that episode and that is Caroline, what does money mindset have to do with podcasting? And the reason why I have been bringing on guests from different areas of business and talking about things that I'm working on is because it's all connected, right? So when we talk about podcast strategy, we talk about it being holistic, taking a look at the big picture. And all of this is important when we think about the type of content we are creating and how we're showing up in our business and in our world. And so I really hope today's episode will help you. If you're if you are feeling any kind of money block or you want to work on your finances. I love Aimee's approach where it starts with mindset, and we've been talking about mindset a lot on this podcast, and it's just such an important piece of owning a business and showing up through our podcasts. And to, like I said, our content on social media, all those places. So I hope that this was inspiring and encouraging to you as you work through your own money mindset. We will of course have all the links in the show notes, especially to Aimee's Cash Flow Calculator. And thank you so much for listening and we will be back with a new episode. [00:33:11][79.1]

[00:33:13] Caroline Hull: Thank you for listening to Share, Strategize and Shine. To give your own podcast some shine, download my Free Podcast Guide to Creating Episodes for Sales by heading to the link in the show notes. Be sure to leave a review and connect with me on Instagram for more podcast strategy insights. Until next time.


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