Crafting Your Podcast's Purpose: Building Connection and Impact in Business

Podcasting, when approached with a clear intention, can become a powerful tool for making a genuine impact. As business owners, it's essential to understand how our podcasts serve our larger objectives and how they contribute to our brand's identity. 

In this episode, I share why giving purpose to your podcast within your business strategy is so crucial to long-term success, how you can start to create a vision for your podcast and I even share some of my personal experiences around creating content and purpose. If you are asking yourself, “Now What?” since creating your podcast, this is a can’t miss episode.

Reflecting on Purpose: A Personal Journey

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of podcasting with purpose, let's take a moment to reflect on our own experiences. For me, podcasting has been a journey of self-discovery and growth, spanning over 10 years in the online business realm. Along the way, I've learned that purpose isn't just a lofty ideal—it's the driving force behind every business and content decision.

Identifying Your Podcast's Job DescriptioN

Your podcast isn't just another piece of content—it's an essential member of your business team. Just like any employee, your podcast should have a clear job description and a set of goals to accomplish. Whether it's driving leads, refining your message, or establishing thought leadership, defining your podcast's role is the first step towards aligning it with your business objectives.

Crafting a Purposeful Experience: Setting the Tone

How do you want your listeners to feel when they tune into your podcast? [Your brand voice and approach in business] is all about fostering heartfelt connections and empowering others, and your podcast should reflect that. From the structure of your episodes to the music and cover art, every element should contribute to creating a cohesive and impactful listening experience.

Marrying Purpose with Profitability: The Strategic Edge

Purposeful podcasting isn't just about warm fuzzies—it's about driving tangible results for your business. By aligning your podcast's purpose with your broader business goals, you can create a powerful asset that supports your growth and generates ROI. Whether it's capturing leads or building brand loyalty, marrying purpose with profitability is the key to long-term success.

Embracing Purpose for Lasting Impact

As we wrap up today's episode, I encourage you to embrace the power of purpose in your podcasting journey. By infusing your podcast with intentionality and aligning it with your business objectives, you can create a meaningful and impactful platform that resonates with your audience and drives real results. Remember, podcasting for the sake of podcasting will only get you so far—but podcasting with purpose has the potential to transform your business and leave a lasting legacy.

Want to dive deeper and create your own podcast purpose? Join me for the Podcasting with Purpose Working: Crafting Your Show to Connect and Convert. Click here to join!


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The Transcript for Podcast Your Business:

170: Crafting Your Podcast's Purpose: Building Connection and Impact in Business

[00:00:00] Podcasting for the sake of podcasting, won't get you anywhere as a business owner. But when you give her podcast a real purpose and know exactly how it's going to serve you in your business, it can start to make more of an impact. And that's what we all want. So today I want to dive into how we can start thinking about our podcasts as a purposeful piece of our business. 

[00:00:21] ​

[00:00:21] [00:01:00] Hello, everyone. 

[00:01:04] Welcome back to the show. I am a little bit under the weather today. I feel like this keeps happening whenever I sit down to record my voice is like doing something. I think it's that time of year. You know, Insert stuff about being an old lady or something. I don't know, but. 

[00:01:21] I was like, you know what? 

[00:01:22] I've got to get this episode recorded today because I am so behind on my content this week. And I actually just posted on Instagram a little behind the scenes peak of. How I schedule and plan my podcast, and then we're actually going to be planning Q2 and the membership. The week that this episode comes out. 

[00:01:41] So if you need help with any of those things, go check out those resources, because I know that like, planning is so huge for me and it was so great because I already have most of Q2 plan for my podcast. So I was able to just sit down. And map out this episode and record today without having to think about it too hard. Love that for me. 

[00:01:59] [00:02:00] So I want that for you too. 

[00:02:02] Uh, the problem that we solve this week. I was thinking about this all, all day yesterday. What is a problem? We've solved this weekend. I have some, some like SEO tips and I have some other things that we've done on the back end. I had an episode that didn't publish correctly. I could give you something tactical, but I want to talk about a problem that I've been having for a while. And how I'm seeing the solution really come to fruition. 

[00:02:27] And then last couple of weeks. So I have been going at this business thing for. Like 10 years now over that. No, wait a minute. I have to know my daughter is turning 13. I have been going at business stuff for 14 years online business in some form. I've been doing podcasting for eight years. And before that I was doing stationary and was a designer. And one of the things that I know from my experience is that when you get [00:03:00] help with your business is when you see movement and things happen with your business. And I think the reason is because you have accountability, which helps keep that momentum going. 

[00:03:10] But I also think sometimes it just takes an outside perspective. It takes somebody else looking at what you're doing in your business. To say all the things that you maybe have been questioning, sometimes it's so impactful for me to just hear somebody to say no, no, no, no, no, you're doing that right. You know, it's not that you're doing it wrong. 

[00:03:27] You are actually doing it right. And. One thing that I have forgotten over the last year or so is how impactful that help is and how impactful it is to have somebody. Taking that outside view of your business. And I have completely forgotten about that. I will be completely honest with you. Going into this year. I knew this was going to be a tough year for my business. 

[00:03:51] I'm trying to make some transitions in my business. I'm moving away from a certain thing that I was doing to a new thing, but also it's [00:04:00] just 20, 24 online businesses, hard, you know, all of the things. Right. And so I knew like if I need help, I can't do this by myself anymore. I need help. And I didn't have a lot of money for a lot of help, but I've had a little bit of money for a little bit of help and that help has been. Tremendous in, not just my business, but how I feel about my business and how I feel about the day to day and the decisions I'm having to make and things like that. And one of the places where I'm getting help, it's just a community. 

[00:04:34] It's a community of women entrepreneurs where I'm able to show up and say like, this is the thing I'm struggling with and they share their experience. And sometimes that is so impactful and powerful because businesses lonely. It can be really lonely, especially when you work from home. And I also homeschool like I'm here all day, every day. I'm in it. And I just had forgotten how incredibly. [00:05:00] Lonely I was, but also just how incredibly impactful it is to have that outside help. 

[00:05:04] And so I wanted to share that with you as an encouragement, because I know that it can be really hard. When you're struggling with your business or a certain aspect of your business. If you're struggling with your marketing or your podcast or your YouTube channel, whatever the thing is. It can be really hard to be like, you know what? 

[00:05:20] I think it's some help. How am I going to make this happen? But like, I really encourage you to find. A source of inspiration of community, of help, because it can make such a difference in how you wake up and show up to your business every day. I don't think we were meant to do this in a silo. 

[00:05:38] I think we were meant to do this. And I say this, I mean life, like, I think we were meant to do life together. And, business as well. And that's one of the big reasons why I created my membership in the first place. And so I just wanted to share that with you. I think it's important to be really transparent, because it can be really easy to look at things and be like, oh, it's all [00:06:00] sunshine and rainbows. 

[00:06:00] And it's been a lot of thunderstorm and lightning over here. In my business world, but one thing that is helping me stay focused on what I want and my purpose has been getting help with my business. And that is the problem that I solve this week. 

[00:06:18] When you were podcasting without purpose, it can feel disjointed. Like, you're just sitting down, you're recording for the heck of it. You don't really know if your episodes are going to land or not. If this is the right episode, you should be recording. But when it can be. Intentional when you approach your podcast with intention, suddenly every step we take in our podcasts makes sense. And this is true for all of our content, right? 

[00:06:42] Like not just podcasts, but our emails, how we show up on social media, all of it. So today I wanted to dig into this with you and share some of my experience and how giving our podcasts a purpose can really help you build connection with your listeners. Slash idle clients. So what exactly is [00:07:00] a podcast purpose? There's a couple of ways. 

[00:07:01] I like to describe this. One of them is that it is your podcast job. Your podcast should have a job. It should be an employee of your business. It should have a title now. I'm kidding. It should have its own desk. Now. I'm kidding. But really, I want you to think about what your podcast job is. How is it serving your business? 

[00:07:18] What is it helping you do? You know, for some people that can be, it's helping me refine my message and become more visible for some people, it can be, it's helping me drive leads for this certain aspect of my business. But you want to have. Something, right. Something that is very concrete. That it has a. Job. 

[00:07:38] But beyond, it's also important to think about. What do you want your podcast to do? Or be in the world. So now I'm getting into like the big picture stuff of like what a purpose really is. And I've been thinking a lot about this in my own business. yes, I'm a podcast coach and strategist, but when I'm talking with my clients, it's so much [00:08:00] more. We don't just talk about. Podcasting, we don't just talk about strategy. We talk about giving you confidence. In your content and your voice. That's really like if I could summarize. What. The work that I do, especially one-on-one with clients. 

[00:08:16] It really is that it's giving you the confidence to show up and sit down in front of your microphone every week and record this long form content that is going to sit out in the world forever and know that it's going to work for you. And tying that into my podcast really helps me with how I show up. To my podcast, right? 

[00:08:36] How I show up to sit down and record my episodes. And so how do we create a podcast for a purpose? Well, the first thing we want to do. 

[00:08:47] Is thinking about how we feel about our podcast. And how do we want others to feel when they listen to our episodes? And this really comes down to how we structure our [00:09:00] episodes, the music. Even recover or like all of that is a part of this picture of how we want our podcast to look and feel. And this really bleeds into other areas, right? 

[00:09:12] This also talks a lot about how does our brand make people feel? How does our messaging make people feel? I think that's really, really important. And that's something I've been kind of mulling over a lot. Like when you listen to this podcast, I want you to walk away feeling like, okay, yes, I understand I can do that. 

[00:09:30] I've got this. That's what I want. I want you to feel confident. And this goes back to that purpose. I said, which is helping people feel confident. Didn't in their content and their voice. And so I want to make sure that that's coming through in the podcast as well. The other part of this is that we want to think about how it's serving our business. 

[00:09:49] So what is our podcast main job? And I talked all about what that job. Can be for me, it's, you know, maybe it's helping people get into my membership. [00:10:00] Maybe it's helping people join your email list. Maybe you want to use it as a lead magnet. Right? So capturing people as they listen to your episodes and bring them into your world. And when we have those two pieces. 

[00:10:12] Okay. So now I know like the feeling that I want people to have, and I know the job. That I want my podcast to have. How can I put this all together? So that way it's profitable. It's worth my time and it's serving my business. And let me tell you when you're able to marry all these pieces together into your podcast. Your episodes are going to feel so much more aligned and it becomes so much easier to sit down and record because you know exactly what you want people to feel, you know, what the podcast is supposed to do. 

[00:10:46] And you know how it's going to support your business today. Tomorrow six months a year from now two years from now, right? This is where we really start to craft the purpose of our podcast. This is when we really start to see that [00:11:00] strategic piece of what I do come together into something that can help you build something. 

[00:11:05] That's going to have an impact. And be long lasting. And this is also how we create connection because people can feel this. They can hear it. They can have a response to it. Right. Now it's not just content. It's something. So much more beyond that. And like, I will be completely honest with you. I have fallen into the trap of just creating content for the sake of creating content. Because at the end of the day, yes, I want more listeners. I want more customers. 

[00:11:36] I want more views and likes and reviews and all of those things. But when you fall into the trap of just creating content for the sake of creating content, It doesn't become something that helps build your brand and build that connection with people who are looking for you, who have people who. Are needing somebody to tell them what you [00:12:00] have to say, right. It just becomes robotic. 

[00:12:03] And I've talked several times on this podcast about the decline of my podcasts last year. And I really think this is one of the biggest reasons. I think I lost sight of my purpose. I lost sight of my business purpose, my podcast purpose. 

[00:12:19] And that started to show up in my content that started to show up in my. Podcasts episodes. My social media became very disjointed. All of it. And I've been on this journey the past few months to figure out like, How do I want to show up? What is my purpose? Not just for me, but for my business, for my podcast. 

[00:12:40] And it's been kind of incredible to see how. Just connecting in in walking into that for just a few minutes, for just a few moments. Makes such a difference in how I feel every morning when I wake up and I'm creating a post or I'm creating an email or I'm creating a script for a podcast [00:13:00] episode, it is so, so impactful. 

[00:13:02] And I talked about building a brand in a previous episode, and this is really part of it because when you start digging into this for your podcast, all of a sudden it's bleeding into all the other areas. So your social media posts, your branding, your emails. I mean, this really is why when I sit down with a client one-on-one for the first time, or when you joined my membership and you book your 15 minutes strategy call. Or if I do a podcast audit on the questionnaire. I'm going to ask you. What is the purpose of your podcast? 

[00:13:37] What do you want it to do for you? What can it do? More of, for you. Because when you can start to answer these questions and I can help you really drill and nail down. You know, take that down even further. Again, that's when we really start to see it shape everything else we do for our podcast and our business. [00:14:00] And, you know, I've been learning a lot about creating purpose in other areas of my life and other areas of my business. 

[00:14:06] And I used to think it was kind of just this thing that like, oh yeah, my purpose is this, but I'm starting to really feel how impactful it can be. Four. Every decision I make about a lot of things. It's so don't skip over this moment. Don't skip over this episode and think I don't need. Purpose for my podcast. 

[00:14:28] It's fine. When we talk about longterm consistency and building something that is going to build your brand and help support your brand as you grow. It really does all come back to this purpose. And if you want to dig into this even more. I am actually doing an entire workshop on this. It's going to be all about building. A purpose for your podcast. 

[00:14:55] It's called the podcasting with purpose workshop, crafting your show to [00:15:00] connect and convert. And what we're going to talk about in that workshop. Is not just building a purpose, but how this purpose is going to help you have a profitable podcast. So the three keys to building a profitable podcast, but then how your purpose is going to tie into that. 

[00:15:19] And I've got some special bonuses for the first 10 people who sign up. So, this is a really great moment to come and get some live support, and work through this and ask questions and get feedback. So I highly recommend you come. If you are thinking about, you know, more long-term for your podcast, how is it going to support my business? What is the next thing that I need to be doing. 

[00:15:43] So that way, this podcast really does help my business in a meaningful way. And you can head to wild home to save your spot. I really hope it will be there. Workshops are quickly becoming one of my favorite ways, to help people. And [00:16:00] I just love, love doing them. So I love to see you there and thank you so much. 

[00:16:05] I'll be back next week with another episode.


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