LAUNCH! Ep 1: Ready to Start a Podcast for Your Business?

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You’ve been thinking about starting a podcast for a while now… But how do you know if you’re ready?

In this episode, I am breaking down how you can determine whether or not you’re ready to take on the commitment of starting your podcast! Podcasting can be very time-intensive and not to mention you want to make sure you’re assessing your readiness asit can take a lot of mental, emotional and physical capacity from you. 

If you’ve been mulling over this idea of podcasting for over a year or if the idea just popped into your head recently, you’ll want to take a listen as I explain all of the ins and outs and what you need to know before getting started! 

What’s in this episode:

  • How to find out if you’re ready to start your podcast

  • How a marketing podcast for your business is different than a “just for fun” podcast 

  • What you want to consider before starting your podcast

  • A FREE assessment you can download today!

Free Assessment: Am I Podcast Ready?
The Launch Pod 90-Day Accelerator Waitlist

this is your year! it's time to launch your voice to the world and i'm ready to help you do it!

The 90 day Launch Pod provides accountability and coaching from a seasoned podcast strategist, resources, and much more all designed to help you do the thing and get launched.

During the 90 days, I coach you through three phases designed to help you get it done! Let's make it happen!

Hi, Caroline here, I've been on a bit of a break, but I am really excited today to kick off a mini series of the Wild Home Podcast called LAUNCH! and this is all about launching your podcast, gearing up for the relaunch of my Launch Pod program, which will be starting August 1st. So today's episode is all about if you're ready to start a podcast for your business. And this is actually an older episode from a previous season. But I felt like it was the perfect way to kick off the series and to remind ourselves how impactful a podcast can be for us and for our businesses. So I hope that you enjoy and if you want to go ahead and hop on the waitlist for the Launch Pod, you can head to And I hope to see you there. 

I see you've been wanting to start a podcast for a long time. You have some big goals and you think a podcast could help you reach those goals, but you still haven't started your podcast. So today I want to take you through an assessment to really ask yourself, am I ready to start a podcast? 

Welcome to the Wild Home Podcast, where we talk about podcasting life and all the wild in between. Join me, Caroline. Every week I share a peek into the world of podcasting and my wild life as well. Ready? Let's get into it. 

Hey, everybody, and welcome back to the Wild Home Podcast, I hope you are having a great week. I am so excited today to talk to you about how to know if you're ready to start a podcast and if you already have a podcast and you're listening to this. I think you can definitely take away some things from this and make sure that your podcast is ticking off these boxes for you just as much as someone who's going who is asking themselves these questions before they dove in. And so I just want to take you through this. And really this is about assessing. Your readiness, a mentally, emotionally, physically as well, it's your whole being, because when we start creating content, we want to make sure that we're doing it from a place of joy and authenticity. And if we're starting a podcast for our business, we want to make sure that we're approaching it from the right mindset because it is very different than just starting a podcast for fun. Or if you're starting a podcast, it's going to be a business within itself. 

And so who I'm really talking to our business owners who want to start a podcast and maybe they haven't started yet. Whatever is holding you back, I want you to, like, just take a deep breath and let that fall to the side. Put it over here. We'll address it later. But right now, I just want you to listen to this assessment and see where you land. 

So the first thing that I hear from a lot of people is I want to increase my visibility and this is a very valid reason to start a podcast. I have talked to many people who wanted to either travel less for speaking gigs or when covid started, they wanted a way to be able to connect with people more. And a podcast has provided that avenue for them. And so visibility is something that you are wanting. A podcast is a really great way to do. It is also really great if you're like me and doing video all the time is not really accessible for you. So YouTube is amazing and I love it, but I just don't have the capacity to do YouTube videos in my life right now. And so audio makes a lot more sense for me. I also feel like I can be more myself and audio than I can on video, which is really funny. And so that's something to kind of consider to. 

The other piece of this is if you do decide I'm going to start a podcast because I want to be more visible, also knowing that part of that is going to be being on other podcasts. So that's my first question. My second one is you are passionate about your work. You love what you do and you love talking about it and sharing about it and helping people in your realm of expertise, because that passion is really going to need to come through on the podcast episodes. And so make sure that what you're doing is really aligned with your passion and that you're super excited to share it. 

Here's another thing you think you would enjoy recording. So I love sitting down with my microphone and recording. I mean, honestly, I love it. It's like I get such a rush from doing it. It's my little me time in my busy life right now. And for some people, it's not as enjoyable to sit down and record episodes. And so you really want to make sure that you think you're going to enjoy recording. And if you get into it and you're like, you know, it this this actually doesn't work for me, that's OK. But just go into it knowing, like, recording is a process and you think you're OK with that. 

Here's another really big one, too. You're ready to commit some time and or hire team to support you with your podcast. And the reason I put this in there is because podcasting can be really time consuming and time is actually one of the major hiccups that people come to me with. They say, I don't have time to start a podcast and time is a real issue. And so really evaluating your time, you know, can you make space for this in your days, in your weeks, in your month? And if you can't, do you have a team that can support you? And if you are at a place where you have a team that can help you, there's a lot of little pieces that team can help with beyond just recording and editing and publishing an episode. And so kind of thinking about what that looks like as well. So, for instance, I, I have been doing podcasts, management and editing for over four years and I just recently outsourced my short notes. You guys it is revolutionary. OK, I have been writing them myself. I have a team member who is incredibly capable. Hello. She's my Show Notes writer and I was like, why am I not utilizing her? So she wrote my notes for me last week for the last episode and it was like the most amazing experience. And so kind of thinking about if I can't outsource the whole thing, are there some little pieces that people could help me with? 

So another thing I want you to ask yourself is or a statement that I want to see if it resonates with you, you want to simplify your marketing strategy. I think that sometimes marketing can feel like I'm in a million places at once. And when I started my podcast and started using that as the main piece of my content, it completely changed my strategy. It made things so much easier. And so if you're looking at your marketing and you're thinking, I want to start a podcast, but I'm afraid to add one more thing, I want you to flip that perspective and say if I start a podcast is actually going to help me simplify my marketing, simplifying my content creation. And I'm going to have it's going to be a lot easier for me to pull things from the podcast episode and share them in other places. And so kind of flipping that on its head. And I love that about podcasting. You are ready to attract authentic leaders, so it's not just about sharing your authentic voice. Yes, it is absolutely 100 percent and we want to make sure that everything we are sharing is 100 percent us. And so that goes back to some of those other statements. I ask, are you passionate about what you do and you're ready to be visible? And if those things are true, and then the other thing is, OK, I'm ready to pull some really good leads into my business. 

I was having a conversation with some people about podcasts and we were talking about the number of people who came to us like either in a sales call or the client signed on with us and then later told us and they said, I remember hearing that an episode, blah, blah, blah, of your podcast. It works, you guys, it works to establish yourself as an authority in your field, but it also helps people feel connected to you and like they are going to get the help that they need when they come to you. And so even if you feel like I am, maybe I'm not reaching as many people as I want with my podcast. If you're sharing content that is authentic to you and is authentic to the potential clients you want to have, they are going to connect with you and want to work with you. And so there are things that you can do to drive those leads. 

And those are things that you think about during the launch process. But just knowing that you're ready for that. And then my last question or statement that I want to put before you and see if it resonates with you, you've been thinking about podcasting for a while. You guys, if you've been mulling over this for a year or more, it's time if you've been thinking about it for six months, let's do it. If this idea just popped in your head last week and you're wondering how long you should wait, let's not wait. OK, this is the time to start your podcast. There's no reason to wait. Podcasting is only growing. And so getting it now is going to be so beneficial for you and your business. But here's the other thing. 

When you start podcasting and actually start doing it, the benefits are going to start rolling in and you're going to start feeling them and it's amazing. This is also not a short game. This is a long game. And so this goes back to that time and commitment statement, making sure that you understand that you are in this for a while. We want to see how you do with twenty five fifty episodes. Right. The people that I work with who have been podcasting for a long time are able to use their podcast strategically to drive leads, connect with potential clients, connect even deeper with current clients and make sure that they are sharing their voice and their perspective on what they do. And this is just key. I mean, think about how many places you have to share to kind of get this going. And again, once you have that main piece of content each week and you're focusing on meeting your potential clients where they are and solving their problems, you're going to be able to use that content in other places. So a newsletter, social media. You know, down the road, somebody is going to ask a question, you're going to be able to share an old episode. So there's just a lot of benefit here. 

So, OK, you've listen to this episode and you're like, OK, I think some of those resonated with me. I'm not one hundred percent sure what the next steps are or I'd like to hear that list again. And I actually have it for you so you can download and you can get that at And you just sign up there and you'll be able to download the PDF. And the PDF has this little checklist for you so you can go through it and just see what resonates with you. I say if three or more resonate with you, you're ready to launch a podcast. 

But here's the thing. I also want to drive home like you don't have to have it all figured out to start the process. It's important to take one step to start moving you forward. And if that's, you know, ordering a microphone or sitting down and recording and just trying it out. If that means writing down, hey, these are the episodes I might want to do, how's that sound coming up with the name of your podcast, finding a community where you can learn about podcasting and you dove in that way. And this is something that I'm really, really excited to tell you about. So I have my VIP launch days, which are so much fun and I love, but I am only able to do a few of them a month. And I know there are so many of you out there who are ready to launch a podcast, but you want somebody to help you through it and you want accountability and you maybe want to be around other podcasters who are doing the same thing. And so I am super excited to announce that I am starting a 90 day accelerator launch pod and this is going to give you everything you need to launch a podcast for your business is going to provide accountability, coaching for me, resources and so much more. It's all designed so you can do the thing and get launched at the end of the 90 days. I am so excited about this, you guys have been just wanting to get in the trenches with people and help them launch their podcast and work on their podcast, and I feel like this container is going to produce such amazing results. And I just I cannot wait to dove in. 

So I'm going to be running this program starting March 1st. So excited there will be limited spots and it will only it's only going to happen. I haven't decided how many times a year, but not very many. So maybe too I don't know, don't make any promises. So if you want to learn more about it right now, I've got a waitlist going. The people on the waitlist will be the first to know when I post more information and when I open it up for enrollment. And so you can head to Wild Home Podcast dotcom launch pod. That's Pod and go ahead and sign up there and you'll be on the waitlist. And then if you have any questions about it or if you're curious if it's going to work for you, just shoot me an email Or you can DM me on Instagram @wildhomepodcasting. And I can talk through maybe some things, maybe some of these resonated with you, or maybe you're still hitting a couple like blocks, which is totally normal. That's absolutely normal. And you want to talk through them and I am happy to do that. So be sure to direct message me on Instagram or email me and let's hash it out so we can get you launched, because here's the thing. There are people who have a problem that you can solve and they want to hear from you not six months from now, not a year from now, not two years from now. They want to hear from you right now and probably they need the service that you offer. And so today is a day to dive in. Sign up for the wait list. Let me know where you are on your journey. I cannot wait to hear about all the podcasts that are getting launched. And thank you so much for listening to the Wild Home Podcast. And I will be back next week with a new episode. 

Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. To stay in the know, head to and be sure to connect with me on Instagram @wildhomepodcasting. See you next week.


LAUNCH! Ep 2: Standing Out as a Podcaster


050: Celebrating Milestones as a Podcaster