LAUNCH! Ep 2: Standing Out as a Podcaster

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Is the fear of not standing out stopping you from launching your podcast?

This is something I’ve seen come up time and time again with people who want to start a podcast. They say something like, “I want to start a podcast about ___ but there are already too many!” 

Guess what? If this is a roadblock you’ve been facing, you aren’t alone. In this episode, I am talking about how this thought can get in the way and how you can stand out from the crowd as a podcaster. 

What’s in this episode:

  • One of the biggest roadblocks that podcasters face

  • Mental hurdles to overcome when you’re starting your podcast

  • What will make you stand out as a podcaster

  • A FREE assessment you can download today!

Free Assessment: Am I Podcast Ready?
The Launch Pod 90-Day Accelerator Waitlist

this is your year! it's time to launch your voice to the world and i'm ready to help you do it!

The 90 day Launch Pod provides accountability and coaching from a seasoned podcast strategist, resources, and much more all designed to help you do the thing and get launched.

During the 90 days, I coach you through three phases designed to help you get it done! Let's make it happen!

Hello and welcome to the Wild Home Podcast, this is episode two of my LAUNCH! series, and today I wanted to bring you an episode that I did before all about how to stand out as a podcast. I often get asked why there are so many podcasts, how am I going to stand out? And since this is such a major roadblock, I wanted to highlight it in this series for you. So I hope this episode really helps you understand that you're going to stand out and we can definitely help you do that. Also, I wanted to let you know that we are about to open the cart for the Launch Pod. So head on over to to join us. I cannot wait to meet you and to help you launch your podcast. 

One of the things I've learned working with podcasters for over five years is that when you're going through the launch process or even before the launch process, when you're thinking about starting a podcast and let's be real, some of this happens even after you do have a podcast. There are roadblocks that you hit. There are these mental hurdles you have to get over. And one of the most common ones that I hear is there are too many podcasters like me. I can't stand out as a podcaster so We're going to break this down today. 

Welcome to the Wild Home Podcast, where we talk about podcasting life and all the wild in between. Join me, Caroline. Every week I share a peek into the world of podcasting and my wild life as well. Ready? Let's get into it. 

Hey, everybody, and welcome back to the Wild Home Podcast, I hope you're having a lovely day. I wanted to talk about this topic today because it keeps coming up in conversations that I'm having as well as I did a real on Instagram about this a few weeks ago, and it really resonated with some people. I got a couple of comments about it a couple of times. And I guess I had always known that there were roadblocks when you're starting a podcast or even like researching a new season or creating a new intro or a new trailer, anything there, see these little like things that come up that you hit against. And I feel like in the last year or so, it's become very apparent to me that one of the things that I really want to do, one of the things that I was put here to do is to help people through these roadblocks so they can have a podcast that works for them and their business. But the one that I hear the most is there are too many podcasts out there, there are too many podcasters like me, how am I going to stand out? How am I going to get listeners? And so I really wanted to break this down for you today. 

I kind of hit up against this when I started my podcast after my maternity leave. So I love doing this. I love having a podcast and I love talking about podcasting. But it definitely felt like my maternity leave. I didn't really know what to talk about anymore, and I kind of had concerns that maybe no one was listening. These are real common concerns. Right. And I looked at my stats and I looked at which episodes had done well, which ones hadn't done well. And I was really having kind of imposter syndrome, I guess, because I knew that I couldn't do interviews this season just with any baby in the house. It's really difficult. And the pandemic and helping you guys know the drill, so. I just really started to wonder, is it worth my time, is anybody going to be listening? And I found that really interesting because I hope people, you know, deal with this mental hurdle, this roadblock. And here I am experiencing it for myself. And there are a couple things that helped me get through this. And I want to talk about those that I kind of also want to talk about some of the things that I like to remind myself of and my clients when they're working through this as well.

So I want to just start with the statement that there are too many podcasts out there. OK, right away. That's just not true. So here's a really interesting thing for you to think about. You know, you go into YouTube and there are tons of YouTube channels, right? So my husband and I have been throwing around the idea of maybe starting a YouTube channel. We want to do some more adventuring and camping that we thought would be really cool to do that. So we started searching and my husband said to me, there are a lot of camping YouTube accounts. And I was like, yeah, there absolutely are, but they are all different. So back in July, I found this statistic and I heard this before, but didn't really denote it off the top of my head, so I wanted to look it up. Back in July, there were around thirty one million YouTube channels. And guess how many podcasts there were? There were only around one million. OK, so if it's no big deal, it's our YouTube channel, then why is it a big deal to start a podcast. Right. So that really puts it into perspective. 

And that really is like the truth of podcasting is it is still young. It is still growing. Yes. I think that right now it is booming. This is a great time to get on board. But it's still pretty young and it's still somewhat the Wild West. We're all kind of doing our own thing and figuring it out for ourselves. Right. And so when people say that there are too many podcasts, I like to raise my hand and like, jump up and down and go. That's not true. That's not true. And that's not true. But let's break it down even further, because a million still feels like a lot, right? How many of you are there? Think about that question for a minute, how many of you are there? 

Guess what, there's only one you and you only have your voice in your perspective and your life experiences, etc. Just like with your Instagram account, for instance, that Instagram account is mine. It's my voice and my copying anybody. It's my pictures. It's my posts. My podcast is the same way. And guess who's going to want to listen to it? The people who want to hear from me. Right. So I think that's really important because I think sometimes the ego gets in the way. It's like, you know, nobody wants to hear me. Who wants to hear me speak? Well, there are people who want to hear you and who love your voice, who love your perspective and who have a problem that maybe you can solve right now. I mean, I think this is really true as you surf Instagram. You know, there are certain accounts I'm drawn to because at the time there are certain things I'm going through right now. I am trying to work on my Instagram feed and doing Real's and things like that. I kind of miss the whole boat when things started to shift because I had a baby. And I've been following a lot of Instagram strategists. And it's really interesting because I don't I don't like to look at everything that they all do. There's there's a few that I've really connected with. Right. That I really feel like they speak to me and they're speaking to the problems that I'm having in the same is with a podcast. You don't go on the podcast app and subscribe to every single podcast that you find, right, you go and you subscribe to let's say you subscribe to 20, right. And then after a while, you realize there are 10 that you really love. And there's maybe five that you listen to religiously every week, or in my case, one or two because you have no time. 

So I just want to drive home this fact that the podcast is not about putting an episode out and everybody in the world is listening to it. It's about having the right people listen to it. And those people are waiting for you because they're surfing the podcast app looking for someone who speaks to them and speaks to their problems. So really reframe that when you hear yourself say there are too many podcasts out there, I want you to remind yourself that you have a unique perspective, that there is only one you and only you can share what you're going to share. Right. Oh, that feels so good. Just to say out loud, I think it is just something we all need to be reminded of. I'm going to print that out and put it on my wall because it's hard when you're doing online content and sometimes you feel like you're yelling out into the void. 

You know, I can go weeks without looking at my stats and then I go on to Libsyn and I'm like, wait, people are actually listening. There are people who are hearing me calling out. And, you know, if I'm doing it right, then my content has resonated with them and they're connecting with me in other ways. So just really remember that and hold on to that thought. And so how do you stand out then? 

OK, so we've gotten rid of the belief that there are too many podcasts in the world, but I still really want to shine. How do I stand out? And this is some of the stuff that I walk through my clients in the Wild Home Podcast framework, which is really about honing in on the why. The niche is coming up with a mission statement, and I think sometimes people think that that's really useless, but it's amazing to me how impactful that exercise is. And what's going to make you stand out is by knowing exactly who you're talking to and why you're talking to them. That's what's going to make you stand out. So it's really important as you are podcasting and thinking about your episodes and thinking about the content that you're putting out there, you know, who am I talking to right now and what do they need from me right now? And this is going to make you stand out also being yourself, not trying to be anybody else but yourself and infusing your personality into your podcast. You know, not everybody wants to hear me talk about my kids and homeschooling and all of that. But there are people who do. And you know what? It's part of who I am. It's part of my everyday life and running my business, and it's part of my podcasting routine. I have to work it around, you know, all these things that are going on. And so I talk about it on my podcast, and I'm not afraid to talk about it on my podcast because it's who I am. And this is what makes me stand out from other people who may be talking about a similar thing, but I think from my perspective, this is different from everybody else's. 

Again, my life experiences are so different from everybody else's. And I bring that to each episode. I bring that to the table. I'm getting worked up, you guys are really passionate about this because. I know what it feels like to feel like you don't have a voice or that you can't share it, and the pivotal moment in my life was when I found my voice and I. Felt that I could share it and I could feel confident sharing, and I found that through podcasting, I found it through podcasting and that's why I'm so passionate about talking about this subject and sharing it with you guys and encouraging you to stop dreaming about it and start because it can open up so many doors. So when we talk about standing out and there are too many podcasters, just remember that you were you, you have a unique voice and nobody else is going to share exactly what you share. 

I also do think it's really important when we think about this. Why are you podcasting? Is it a hobby? Is it for fun? Are you trying to drive leads to your business? And this is going to help you determine. How you're going to stand out as well and the topics that you're going to share and all of those things, it really is a whole package. 

And that's why I like when I work with my launch clients, we always go through a kind of a phase one, which is laying the foundation, figuring all these things out. And if you're like one hundred episodes in twenty five episodes and 10 episodes in and you're like, oh, I feel like I need to go back and rethink some of the stuff, you have permission, you can totally do it. You can update your intro, you can switch gears. You can do whatever you want because it's your podcast and that is the brilliance of it, right? There's no rules. You do what makes sense for you, for your business and for your voice, huh? OK, so. Well, I feel like I got really arancini, but I just got so worked up. That was a good thing that felt really good to get that out. So I hope this episode resonated with you. If you are on the fence about starting a podcast, I have a free download for you. It's an assessment that you can take which will kind of help you determine if you're ready to start a podcast. Spoiler alert. Most people who take it are going to be ready to start a podcast and you can grab that at

And then if you want to take it a step further and you're like, you know what, I am ready to launch my podcast, I have something really exciting coming up, something brand new, something. And I am just so excited to share with the world. I cannot wait to do it. And it's going to help you get launched in 90 days. And so if you want more information on that, you can just shoot me an email You can message me on Instagram or you can just join my newsletter. You can go to and you'll see links for that. So be sure to get on there. I send out a monthly newsletter with podcasting tips and information as well as what I'm working on anything new and exciting. 

So let me know if this resonated with you. I would love to hear from you if this is a roadblock that you've been hitting up against. Let me know if this helps you kind of rethink it and get over it. And if you still feel like you need to talk it out a little bit, sometimes we need to go through the specifics. Like I have a podcast on cats. I don't know why that's the first thing I thought of, but that's the first thing I thought of if I want to have a podcast on cats. But I feel like there are so many specific podcasts, let's chat about them because there's probably a way you can niched down that's going to feel authentic to you and is going to make a huge difference in how you attract your audience. 

So again, you can email me or DM me on Instagram and I can't wait to hear about your podcast. Have a great day. 


LAUNCH! Ep 3: When It’s Messy


LAUNCH! Ep 1: Ready to Start a Podcast for Your Business?