LAUNCH! Ep 4: 5 Fun Ways to Launch Your Podcast

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Are you getting excited for your podcast launch? Or maybe you are re-launching, coming back from a break or starting a new season? Launches can be so FUN and really drum up excitement for your podcast. With a little but of planning, you can create an experience that will help you keep the momentum going and get people excited. 

On today’s episode, I’m breaking down 5 fun ways to launch your podcast! From picking a special day to hosting a virtual party, I’m sharing some ideas that will help you make the most of your launch so you wake up launch day excited and ready to podcast!

What’s in this Episode:

  • Why you need to celebrate your podcast launch

  • Launching with more than one episode

  • How to drum excitement for your launch

See if you are ready to launch! Take my free assessment today!

this is your year! it's time to launch your voice to the world and i'm ready to help you do it!

The 90 day Launch Pod provides accountability and coaching from a seasoned podcast strategist, resources, and much more all designed to help you do the thing and get launched.

During the 90 days, I coach you through three phases designed to help you get it done! Let's make it happen!

Hello and welcome to the Wild Home Podcast, this is Episode four in my LAUNCH! Series, this has been so fun, focusing on episodes all about launching. Sometimes I talk about when you're further down the journey and I've been planning season three, which is coming up. And so it's just trying to kind of focus on launching. 

So today I wanted to share an episode with you. This is actually Episode twenty three with five fun ways to launch your podcast. And I think that one of the most overlooked things is actually making a plan for your launch. It takes a lot of work to launch and it needs to feel special and important and it needs to drum up excitement and help create momentum for you. So that way, after you launch a podcast, you're able to keep moving forward with your podcast. So give this episode a listen. 

If you are thinking about launching a podcast and you're wondering if you're ready, I have the perfect tool for you. It is an assessment that you can take and it's a PDF you download, you just look at it, check some boxes off and it's going to let you know if you are actually ready to launch a podcast and you can head to  So head over there now. Download it. Let me know what your results are. If you got. Yes, I'm ready. And you're like, I still have some questions and hesitations. Hit me up. You can DM me on Instagram or you can send me an email Enjoy today's episode. 

Welcome to the Wild Home Podcast, where we talk about podcasting life and all the wild in between. Join me, Caroline. Every week I share a peek into the world of podcasting and my wild life as well. Ready? Let's get into it. 

Hey, guys, and welcome back to another episode of the Wild Home Podcast. I just wanted to give you guys a little bit of an update. OK, so this podcast is going to air Tuesday, June twenty third, twenty twenty. And I am entering the final week, weeks of my pregnancy. And this week will actually be the week where we make a decision. If she hasn't been born, by the time this episode goes live, if we're going to induce or do a C-section, that kind of thing. So if you are wanting to follow along on that journey, I would definitely encourage you to head to my Instagram. I'll be updating and the stories there probably and maybe make a special post when she arrives so you can follow me. That's at @wildhomepodcasting. 

So today I'm actually recording this on June 5th because I'm trying to batch all these episodes before I enter into that kind of she could come at any point phase. So I wanted to have content for you guys, even though I may be doing nothing but laying on the couch, watching and waiting for this baby to arrive. So today, I wanted to talk about five fun ways to launch your podcast. So launching your podcast should be a celebration. Right. And one of the things I hate is when podcasters launch their podcast and it just is like, OK, my podcast is live. Go listen and I'm like, no, we need to celebrate. You spend all this time getting ready. It's taking me a while to get here. Probably if you're a DIY or especially if you've done a lot of hard work. If you're not a DIY or you've still got a lot of hard work, your team has done a lot of hard work. And so it needs to be a celebration. And so I wanted to share five ways that I think are really fun to watch your podcasts and make it more than just here are some episodes. Go listen. 

So we're going to start with pick a special day. So I have been seeing this a lot more with my clients. They will look at the calendar and they will pick a day that means something to them. Maybe it's a birthday. Maybe it's the day that they're hosting a live event. Maybe it's the day the moon is in a certain phase. I mean, I have heard it all and I think that is the coolest thing because it gives so much more meaning to that day. And so, you know, pick a special day that means something to you and that gets you excited. And then you can share with your audience why you're launching on that special day and why it's special and how it relates to the podcast. And so that just kind of ads like this other level to that day, because like for especially our clients, like I want you to wake up on launch day and be excited to know that everything's taken care of, have some energy. I want you to get on the stories and the Facebook lives and all the things and share about it. And if you have a special day, it'll make that energy even better for you. Right. 

The other thing I want you to do, this is another fun way, especially for your listeners, is to launch with more than one episode. OK, Caroline, why do I need more than one episode? Well, because we really want to drum up excitement. And if you launch with two to three episodes, at least your audience is going to be so excited. Their app is going to have a lot, you know, that they've subscribed and now they've got all these episodes to listen to. And it's going to be a fun boost for you as well. Now, I'm not talking about just downloads. Yes, it does help with downloads, but it's really exciting to work on a few episodes, really be intentional about which ones you're putting out that week and then sharing them and having people get excited because they have more than one thing to listen to. And there's kind of two schools of thought on this. I will have people either release them all at once on one day or I've even had people do like a launch week situation and release episodes on different days during the week, which is really fun and also kind of stretches out your launch, which is really exciting. So definitely think about which episodes you would want to launch with and how many you think you could do. And I think that you can do two to three and then also start recording for the next week. 

OK, OK, I'll jump off my batching soapbox because you know, I'm going to get there pretty soon. Another thing you can do that's really fun is to give away something associated with your podcast so you can either give away like actual items and give away a gift card. If you're a business owner, you can maybe give away one of your services or a course that you offer, but really get people involved and host to give away. And some good ways of having them enter the giveaway is by having them interact with your podcast so they can screenshot that they're listening. Use a hashtag that you've set up. They could leave a review and let you know. Think about some creative ways that you could get people to engage with your podcast. So not only are they excited about the giveaway, but now they're also excited about being a part of the experience. 

And especially if you're using social media, like if you can get people to post on social media for you as part of the giveaway, that's going to help drum up excitement as well. And I think this goes really well with that whole idea of having a launch week. You know, if you do a giveaway and then spread out episodes through the week, I mean, I'm just seeing it in my brain. It looks really fun. It looks really exciting. It takes a little planning on your part. And a lot of this does take some planning, but it's definitely worth it to utilize that launch time and make it super special. So, yeah, I think about hosting. I give away. 

Now, let's talk a little bit more about getting your podcast out there more. And one of the ways that I love doing this and I cannot really take credit for this idea, I think actually when we started our podcast, Creative Biz Rebellion, and my co-host, Kelly Parker Smith came up with this idea or maybe we had seen it done before, I'm not really sure. But the way she executed it was so great. So I want you to gather an army of cheerleaders. So make a list, make a spreadsheet of people that you know in your industry, family, friends, whoever is on social media, that makes sense for you, that would be willing to share about your podcast launch and also think about how you can make it easy for them to share. So like creating graphics and swipe copy and getting that to them. And then what we did is anybody who shared we actually sent a little gift in the mail to them and it was just something simple, like stickers, pencils. I can't remember what else. But just to say thank you for taking the time to be a part of my lunch and this project that I've been working on for so long, that little thank you goes such a long way. And the cool thing about it was. When we send a little thank you's, people would post a little thank you's on Instagram, which made the launch go even longer. So I like to call this my army of cheerleaders. Like who are your cheerleaders who would be willing to share post to review all that kind of stuff, make a list a few weeks before you launch. That way you've got it ready. Send them an email asking if they would support you. If they say yes, reply with your sweet copy and your images and then you and your hashtags and all that kind of thing. And that's going to also drum up a lot of excitement for your lunch week. 

And then this last one, I think this would be really fun. So, you know, usually when you think of a launch and in a typical sense, it's an in-person thing. There's champagne, there's like a party. But in this world of on, everything's online, right? We meet people online. We're podcasting, which is online. Maybe there's a way in which you could hurt a host of virtual party, a virtual launch party. Like, how fun does that sound? So I would totally come to this virtual launch party with, like confetti and I would be throwing it in front of the camera and I would have on like a cute outfit and a glass of champagne or something. And I would maybe you could make it like a free training as part of your launch party. Maybe you could do giveaways during the virtual launch party. You know, maybe it's something that you could record and use later, or it could be a way of connecting with your Facebook group members. Maybe you have a Facebook group and you're going to do a live launch party in the Facebook group. Think of different ways that you could use this kind of virtual party experience and talking about to ramp up the excitement and have some fun. 

And that's what this is all about, right? Is having fun and getting excited because you worked really, really hard to launch your podcast. And so the launch should not be lackluster. Also, I will tell you, like, if you launch with excitement, it is what is going to keep you going after the launch, because after you launch a podcast, the real work begins. Right, because then you have to create the content every week, share it, make sure you're being you know, you're being innovative and creative and meeting your listeners where they are and that kind of thing. And it can get really tiring pretty quickly. And so if you have this amazing launch to come off of, you can use that energy and that momentum to really keep going. 

So I hope this is helpful for my people who have not launched yet. If you have launched some of these, you could use them to draw up excitement. So maybe you do seasons or you take a little break and then you want to do something like a mini relaunch. Think about how some of these things could be utilized that way as well. I mean, I might do some myself. I'm getting to the end of season one here and going into season two. I don't know, maybe I should do something fun to ramp up the excitement. So I'll think about it while I'm on maternity leave. 

And stay tuned if you want to continue the conversation, we would love to have you and our new Facebook group. It is called the Wild Home Podcast and the link will be in the show notes. I'm super excited to be creating the space for at home podcasters to get support and accountability. And I will be hopping in and out of that group probably even while I'm on maternity leave. I don't know if they are going to let me put my phone down. Well, we'll find out. So definitely go check it out. 

Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. To stay in the know head to And be sure to connect with me on Instagram at @WildHomePodcasting in the next week.


LAUNCH! Ep 5: Is It Worth It?


LAUNCH! Ep 3: When It’s Messy