LAUNCH! Ep 5: Is It Worth It?

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Launching your podcast can be a big undertaking. You have a lot of work ahead to launch and keep up with a new podcast. You might find yourself wondering, is it worth it? This is a question I hear a lot and to be honest, the answer is almost always yes.

On today’s episode, I am sharing the 3 things you should establish before starting your podcast if you want to make sure it will be “worth it” for you and your business!

What’s in this Episode:

  • Why I hesitated to have an episode on this topic

  • Why you need to reframe how you think about value and worth

  • 3 things you should establish before starting your podcast


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Launch Pod

this is your year! it's time to launch your voice to the world and i'm ready to help you do it!

The 90 day Launch Pod provides accountability and coaching from a seasoned podcast strategist, resources, and much more all designed to help you do the thing and get launched.

During the 90 days, I coach you through three phases designed to help you get it done! Let's make it happen!

Welcome back to the Wild Home Podcast, this is the last episode in my LAUNCH series and I wanted to share an Instagram IGTV video that I did a while back. I did a series on the common roadblocks that I see people going through as they get ready to launch their podcast. So I'm going to put a link to my Instagram profile in the show notes. Be sure to go check out that series. But this one is a question that a lot of people may be asking when they're thinking about the time and the effort that they will put into podcasting. Is it worth it? And so I break down in this episode my thoughts on the worth and the value of a podcast. So I really hope you enjoy it. 

I'm super excited to announce that the Launch Pod is opening in just a couple of days. I have two options for you now, a community option and a VIP option. And I'm really, really excited about some features that I've added to the program to make it more accessible so you can finally do the thing and launch your podcast. So be sure to stay tuned to the end of the episode where I will talk about it a little bit more. And if you cannot wait that long, head to for more information. 

Welcome to the Wild Home Podcast, where we talk about podcasting life and all the wild in between. Join me, Caroline. Every week I share a peek into the world of podcasting and my wild life as well. Ready? Let's get into it. 

Hey, guys, continuing my series on common road blocks that I hear with people who want to watch podcasts today, they want to talk about a big one. And this is is it worth it? Is it worth it to put all the time and energy into a podcast? And I really hesitated to talk about this one, because I think value is really important when you're talking about podcasting, especially as related to a business. But it's something that you have to kind of change your mindset on how you measure the value of the podcast. 

And I did a podcast episode actually on this a while back. And so be sure to go look for you can go subscribe to Wild Home Podcast and you should see a podcast all about that. So when I'm talking about is it worth it, we need to reframe. And I'm pretty sure that's the title of the podcast up so that I'm referring to, since I'm being so weird about it and can't remember the title, we need to reframe how we think about value. So what is the point of the podcast? That is the first thing I'm going to ask you if you say to me, is it worth it? 

 So are you just doing this to have fun or are you just doing it because you think you should have a podcast? Are you doing it because you really want a platform to establish your authority and share your ideas and the things that you're passionate about talking about it? Or are you doing it because you see that everybody else has a podcast and you feel like that's why you should be?Because like everybody has a podcast, I should create a podcast. 

The point is, is that if you're going to create a podcast for your business, you want to make sure that it has a job and that its job is working for your business. And like I said, establishing you as the authority, but also getting people really excited about working with you or a product you're selling or of course, you've created, they will listen to the podcast and for them it will solidify that they need to be a part of your world. And a podcast can be really successful at this because it is highlighting you and your personality, things that are important to you. And so it's all about intentionality. 

You know, we're not just starting a podcast. We're not just good throw up episodes because we feel like, you know, we feel like it. We want to make sure that the episodes we're choosing and what we're talking about is very intentional and making sure that we're meeting our listeners and our current and potential clients where they are. What do they need to hear from you now? 

And these are things I say all the time and before you start a podcast. So like if you're like, I want to start a podcast, but I don't know if it's going to be worth it. And so here are kind of a couple things I'm going to that I think are really important. And one is to really establish why you're doing it. So that's what we've talked about. Two, to set really manageable goals. Right?So we're not necessarily talking about like a million downloads on our first episode. Right? We're talking about like what? What am I wanting people to do? So if you're wanting to bring them leads, right, you're you're wanting to drive people from your podcast to, you know, an opt in or something like that. And so that's one way to track it. 

Another thing and I've actually talked to quite a few people about this lately is, you know, when you have client calls and things like that, do they bring up podcasts episodes? You don't really need one hundred million downloads to make an impact and to bring in new customers and clients. And so that comes with intentionality. 

And so, yes, like, I absolutely think it's worth it if you are thinking about starting a podcast for your business because you are ready to establish yourself as the authority, you want to share your voice, you want to bring in leads and you're willing to put in the work, then yes, it is one hundred percent worth it. And there are kind of markers that you can set for yourself. And this is actually something that we talk about in my 90 Day Launch Pad setting, like, you know, kind of at 10 episodes, I'm going to see how I feel. Check in, right? At twenty episodes, I'm going to see how I feel and check in. At fifty episodes I'm going to see how I feel and check it, et cetera, et cetera, and making sure that it's really working for you. I'll be honest with you guys. I don't like check in on my podcast all the time. I put out episodes that I think, you know, are meeting, my customers where they are are also helping me with my promo schedule, that kind of thing. 

 And the other day I thought, hey, I'm going to take a peek and take a gander at my stats, see what's going on, and I was pleasantly surprised because I haven't been so focused on that. I've been more focused on creating meaningful content and making sure that I am showing up for my people. To me, that is that is more important. And I love using the podcast to leverage this because it gives me such a wonderful outlet to be able to just be me and to share what I care about and to talk about what's important to me. And it also helps me create content for everything else that I'm doing. And, you know, I just I think there's kind of some some key points. I just wanna drive home because I feel like this could turn into an entire 15 minute podcast episode. 

But intentionality is going to be key, having realistic, manageable goals and reframing what success means for you in that podcast. And then you will be able to say, is it worth it? 

If you are serious about wanting a podcast to support your business and you're going to put in the effort and the work and the planning that it is one hundred percent going to be worth it for you. And so that's something I really want you to consider if you are still on the fence about launching a podcast, I'd love to talk to you. You can DM me or send me an email My 90 Day Launch Pad, the doors are opening for it next week. I am so excited about this and I'll be doing some more videos around Instagram talking about it, and then also be sure to join the waitlist to be the first to know about the bonuses that are only going to be available for some limited spots. And the whole thing only has limited spots because they want it to be a really, really impactful three months. And I'm super excited to see the podcasts that come out of it and what launches. It's going to be such an epic, amazing experience so you can go to And I hope this helps you kind of reframe and and really evaluate. Is your podcast worth it? It is. Thanks, guys. 

Thank you so much. I hope that helped you kind of figure out maybe some of those thoughts you're having about if this is something you want to do and again, if it's worth it for you. So the Launch Pod has some pretty exciting updates. One of the things that I found in the last time we ran it is that it was really missing a strong community aspect. And that was something that I really, really wanted for this program, for you to be working not only with me, but with other podcasters and community. I think there's something so magical that can happen when you're working together. And so now I have two options. I have a community option, which is basically where you're going to go through the program by yourself. But you do have a community and a private group to work through with it. And I will be in that group as well. 

Then we have a VIP option, which also has its own private group, but is going to include monthly Q&A calls, a one-on-one call with me, and also the ability for my team to create your entire outro and trailer. And so this is for somebody who wants a little bit more hands-on. And if you want to get to experience some of what my VIP launch intensives maybe feel like. 

And so those two options give you the ability to work at a pace is best for you. As I've said before, we work in three phases. If you're on the VIP option, we're going to be going through those three phases together. If you're just doing the community option, you can kind of work faster or spread that out. However, you need to. So by offering these two options, my hope is that it gives you the ability to stop thinking about wanting to do a podcast and to actually do the thing, because that's why this program was designed. One of the things that we do in the Launch Pod is make sure that we're setting you up for success. And as part of joining these groups, you have lifetime access to them. And so as you move forward and your podcast journey, my goal is to be there for you as well. So please go check it out. Let me know if you have any questions. You can email me, or you can send me a DM on Instagram at @WildHomePodcasting. And again, the website to check out the Launch Pod. And everything it has to offer is a And I cannot wait to see you in there and to hear your podcast. Thank you. 

Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. To stay in the Know head to and be sure to connect with me on Instagram at @WildHomePodcasting. See ya next week! 


051: How to Revive Your Podcast After a Break


LAUNCH! Ep 4: 5 Fun Ways to Launch Your Podcast