5 Fun Ways to Launch Your Podcast

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are you getting excited for your podcast launch? or maybe you are re-launching, coming back from a break or starting a new season? launches can be so fun and really drum up excitement for your podcast. with a little but of planning, you can create an experience that will help you keep the momentum going and get people excited. 

i’m breaking down 5 fun ways to launch your podcast! from picking a special day to hosting a virtual party, i’m sharing some ideas that will help you make the most of your launch so you wake up launch day excited and ready to podcast!

  1. pick a special day: think about a day that means something to you or your listeners. could you launch on this day? i’ve been seeing this trend and love how exciting it is for our clients to wake up on that special day with a new podcast.

  2. launch with more than 1 episode: give your new listeners lots to be excited about and fill their feed! you can spread them over 1 week or have episodes all launch in one day. it not only boosts your downloads, but gets you and your audience excited about your new content.

  3. host a giveaway:  make launch week special by hosting a giveaway. this will give listeners an incentive to get involved and share. you can giveaway products, a gift card or even one of your services. get creative and get people involved!

  4. gather an army of cheerleaders: think about who would be willing to support and cheer on your launch. make a list and create graphics and swipe copy to send them. after the launch, be sure to say thank you to the people who helped you celebrate!

  5. host a virtual party: in this virtual world, live parties are not always available, but you still deserve to celebrate with people! host a facebook live or zoom party. it could be a free workshop or just a time to drink champagne and share your excitement. get creative and make it special.

remember, having a launch that you are excited about is what is going to keep you going when the launch is over. get creative and think of unique ways to connect with your audience. 

it’s not just about celebrating your listeners but celebrating all the hard work you did to get here so don’t skimp out! make it a big deal and it will make it easier to keep going.

need some support during your launch? check out our launch intensives: https://www.wildhomepodcasting.com/launchintensives

want to continue the conversation with other podcasters? join our new facebook group!

Till next time!


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