When to DIY and When to Hire

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How do you know when to DIY your podcast and when to hire an editor or some help? I get asked this question all the time when I meet new podcasters. I always immediately went to the money issue but realized that most people who hire us, come with the same set of reasons. 

So, to help you decide, I want to break down some of the most common reasons that people either DIY or hire:

When to DIY:

  • Budget: I know I said I wasn’t just going to talk about money but budget is a huge part of it. Hiring an editor does cost money and you need to have the budget for it, so if it’s not attainable right now DIY is the way to go. That doesn’t mean you can’t hire an editor down the road so don’t rule it out.

  • You have time to experiment and learn your software: Time is key and you will need some time in your schedule to figure out how to get your podcast ready each week.

  • Tech-y pieces don't overwhelm you: You are a pro at handling and figuring out tech and you are totally ready to dive into the weeds and figure it out.

DIYing means you have time and the tenacity to figure out! 

When to Hire:

  • Time: We are back to time! The most common reason people hire us is they don’t have the time to edit their own podcast or they feel their time could be better spent. By hiring us, they free up time and are able to focus on creating content, not editing it.

  • Haven't launched yet: Maybe you haven’t launched yet and keep pushing the launch because there is so much to figure out. Hiring someone to help you navigate the launch process can make it go faster but also give you the confidence you need to launch and create a sustainable podcast.

  • Ready to level up your podcast: Maybe you’ve been podcasting for a while but you are ready to take your podcast to the next level and one of the places to start is with the quality of your podcast. Hiring an editor who can help you with this and become a part of your team can also help you focus on growing listenership, promoting your progress, etc.

  • You are not good with tech and need support: Some of us just are not good with tech. Acknowledging that and getting support can prevent a lot of headaches down the road.

Hiring is about freeing up time so you can focus on growing and leveling up your podcast. 

Remember there isn’t a wrong or right way to go about your podcast, but really think about these things and what you can handle as you start growing your podcast. There are a lot of great editors out there including the team at Wild Home Podcasting.

If you decide you need support, be sure to see the many ways you can work with us!

Till next time!


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