5 Tips to Keep Your Podcast on Track

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Hey it’s Thursday! Do you know which podcast episode is next for your podcast? Sometimes we can get a bit behind and that’s ok. However, taking the time to plan ahead will help you in so many ways. Besides, last minute content creation is usually not our best work. Am I right?

So how can you be sure you don’t fall behind? How can you avoid scrambling to create an episode?

Create a System.

Let’s dive in deeper. Here are 5 ways to keep your podcast on track:

  1. Track Your Episodes. Use a spreadsheets, Trello or Asana. Use something to help you stay on track, know which episodes are next and what associated tasks need to be done.

  2. Schedule days to record. Pick some days, put them in your calendar and stick to them. Giving yourself scheduled recording days guarantees that you will in fact record. Trust me. If you keep saying I’ll get to it, you won’t.

  3. Batch. Batch. Batch. When you do record, try to do more than 1 if possible. That way, you are ahead which is the best thing you can do to keep your podcast on track.

  4. Plan. Plan. Plan. Planning ahead is going to be your best friend. Keep a bank of podcast episode ideas and think about the upcoming holidays and schedule.What topics are your audience dealing with? What do they want to hear? Keep track of these and you will never run out of ideas.

  5. Lastly, get into the habit of planning, recording and checking in. It may seem hard at first to implement your system, but keep at it and it will become habit. 

Here’s the thing. Consistency with your podcast is key and if you are not consistent, your listeners won’t be either. Creating a systems gives you a way to hold yourself accountable so you can be consistent and keep growing your podcast.

One of my favorite systems is Trello! Check out my podcast board here: https://www.wildhomepodcasting.com/trello

Happy Podcasting!

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