Creating Connections to Your Listeners

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You did the work. You recorded some episodes and you got your podcast launched. Now what? Podcasting is a way to create connections, but often finding those connections can be frustrating for us. 

Before I dive in to ways to form connections, I want to tackle downloads vs. connections. When I talk about connections, I’m talking about actually connecting with your listeners: talking to them, engaging with them, knowing who some of them are, etc. I’m talking about going beyond the numbers and well . . . connecting!

So what are some ways to start connecting with your listeners and others?

  • Create a space to engage with listeners. This can be anywhere that suits you, Instagram, Facebook, Patreon, etc. You need to give your listeners a place to comment and be heard. Think about where your listeners hang out and start there. The key to this is you have to engage, so wherever you set up shop, be sure you are showing up there.

  • Give your listeners more. Go beyond the episode. What can you offer your listeners? Maybe bonus content or some downloads that are related to your episode. By doing this, you are connecting beyond the audio and having them get more involved in your content.

  • Cultivate related content with a newsletter. Dive deeper into topics and provide your listeners with more by creating an email newsletter. Think of it as a fan club. What do they want to know and what kinds of value can you give them? Best part, when your email pops in their inbox, it will remind them to listen to your episodes.

  • Create a community. One of the best things we’ve done for our podcast is start a Facebook group. This group of listeners and like-minded individuals has become an amazing space. You don’t necessarily have to have a Facebook group but find a place where a community can thrive. Not only does this give you a venue to connect with your listeners but also allows them to connect with each other!

  • Have guests on your podcast. Not all podcasts are intended for guests but having guests is a great way to network. We have met so many amazing people in our industry simply because we invited them onto our show. Now, we are at the point where people pitch us and we’ve connected with some awesome people.

  • Cross promote with other podcasts. Get to know other podcasters and help promote each other’s podcasts. This can be in the form of an ad on their show and one on yours or simply promoting each other on social media. I’ve always been the believer that a rising tide lifts all ships. Don’t be afraid to promote other podcasts too.

These are just some ideas of ways to deepen your connections with your listeners. When you think about growth, keep these connections in mind. Sometimes, striving for numbers isn’t what you need to do, but creating thriving connections is. Our podcast may not have a million downloads, but it has a devoted group of engaged listeners that truly value what we do.

What do you think? What are some ways you create connections to your listeners? Let me know!


202: Love on Your Podcast


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