How to Turn Your Podcast Idea into an Actual Podcast


Whenever I talk to people and mention that I’m a podcast editor, they immediately tell me their big idea for their podcast. Their faces light up and they mention how much fun it would be, but I never hear anything else about it. Having a podcast sounds fun but it’s hard work.

It’s one thing to have a podcast idea, it’s another thing to make it a reality. How do you know you are ready to take that next step? There are a couple ways I know when a future podcaster is serious:

  • They are passionate. You can feel it pouring off of them. They can’t stop talking about it and ideas are flowing. The can visualize the podcast 5, 10 episodes down the road.

  • They are ready to get serious. Podcasting is a time commitment. There is recording, editing and promoting for starters. You have to make time in your schedule and be willing to be consistent.

  • They are ready to share their voice. Putting your voice out there takes courage and you have to be willing and ready.

So you’ve passed that test. Now how can you take a podcast idea and turn it into an actual podcast? Let’s break it down.

Here are 5 ways to get you started:

  1. Start recording. You don’t need fancy equipment or a studio. Sit down in front of your computer and start talking. See what comes out. Do you enjoy recording?

  2. Brainstorm your first few episodes. Think about what you want to talk about, who you want to reach and what they want to hear.

  3. Solidify your mission and your why. Why do you want to have a podcast? What purpose does it serve? This can change over time but getting a clear mission as you start will help you as you develop content.

  4. Think about the tech. Get an RSS feed host, my fave is Libsyn, and start gathering all the pieces you need. You can use this checklist here.

  5. Start sharing about your podcast. Put a date on the calendar and start working towards your launch.

Look I get it. Starting a podcast can seem SO overwhelming. There is music to find, episodes to record and what the heck is a feed! If you are an at home podcaster ready to launch but stuck at the beginning, then the Mini Podcast Launch Guide is for you. I developed this course especially for people who are at this point in their podcasting journey and ready to take the next step.

By using this special link to sign up for a Skillshare Premium Membership, not only will you be able to enroll in my class, but you’ll also gain access to all other classes on Skillshare starting with a one-month free trial.

Starting a podcast may seem overwhelming, but the main point is to just start and keep going. Record, plan, batch, and share your voice with the world.

Come hang out with me on Instagram and let me know all about your podcast!


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210: My Top Show Notes Tips