Welcome to Our New Wild Home

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Welcome to the new home for Wild Home Podcasting! I’m so excited to be launching this new space and this new phase of my business. When I started editing podcasts, I had no idea what it would become or that it would be so impactful for my family.

I actually started thinking about changing the name of my business from Caroline Creates a year ago. I knew that I needed a new identity as a business but didn’t know what it should be. It took a lot of brainstorming and dreaming to get to this name, but at the heart of it is what is most important to me: my home and family. And that’s where Wild Home comes from. I love my wild home!

Back in January, I took the time to work on my business and signed up for Reina Pomeroy’s Dreamy Client Magnet. You see, this business had grown so fast, I didn’t have time to sit and say, “What are we doing here exactly?” The work I did in that course really helped me understand that we needed to rebrand to reflect our mission and the things that mattered most.

So here is our mission:

Here at wild home podcasting, it’s our mission to help podcasters share their voice with the world and sound great while doing it. as part of your team, we help you tackle the techy parts of podcasting so you can focus on creating content your listeners will love.

At wild home podcasting, we value big cups of coffee, tribal patterns, modern hand lettering, big comfy sweaters, homeschooling, snuggling animals and time spent in the mountains.

We believe in having a life filled with adventure and being surrounded by what matters most: family.

We believe in encouraging people and podcasters to have the courage to share their unique voices and express their individuality.

 We are passionate about providing an amazing experience for our customers.

Podcasting is so much more than audio on a device. It is a way to create connections and impact people around the world. It is our privilege to work with podcasters to help support this reach and help podcasters launch their dreams.

So cheers to a new look, a new website, a new name and an exciting new time for my business. I can’t wait to continue growing and evolving! 


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How to Turn Your Podcast Idea into an Actual Podcast