Learn More About WHP - The Team

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Ever wonder what it’s like to work with us? We are thrilled to close out the Learn More about WHP series by letting you get to know our team a little better!

Wild Home Podcasting has brought together a small, but skilled team of women. Together we oversee more than 25 podcasts. 2019 was a year of tremendous growth for WHP and it couldn’t have been done without this tremendous team and our equally incredible clients.

Here is the team you’ll be working with when you choose WHP and a little more about who they are and what they do.

Caroline — About 3 years ago, I started a podcast with a co-host Kelly and the rest is history! Now I’m a full-time editor/producer. I live in Colorado with my husband, 2 daughters, 3 dogs, 1 cat and 3 chickens. On top of working and being CEO of WHP, I also homeschool my kiddos which is another full time job! My life is crazy but I love it.

I started editing for people after starting my own podcast and realizing just how time consuming it is. I wanted to help other podcasters and honestly just loved it! I love working with people to get their podcasts out into the world. Everyone deserves to be heard! When I’m not on the clock, I’m watching TV, doing yoga, building spaceships with my kids and training my dogs.

Erin — I’m originally from Iowa and went to Iowa State University (go Cyclones!), before making the move to Texas. I now live in Dallas with my boyfriend Ken. I write show notes for the WHP team as well as working with other business owners doing public relations and copywriting. 

I am the show notes writer for WHP. I arrived at WHP in April of 2019 after getting introduced to Caroline by a client that I work with. My favorite part about being apart of the WHP team is listening to a wide range of podcasts on topics that I find very entertaining and interesting to learn about.I love that while I write show notes, I get to learn about different industries and hear interviews from great people across the world. I also enjoy conversing with the team in Slack - we have a lot of fun chatting about random things! When I am not on the clock for WHP, I enjoy spending time with my loved ones, lifting weights at the gym, relaxing at home or indulging in brunch or sushi! 

Jessica — I’m from Oklahoma, and am now living in Colorado, where my family and I plan to stay for the foreseeable future. I have a background in advertising and psychology. You can usually find me diving down a rabbit hole to learn more about something that serves no purpose but to satisfy my curiosity. I’m a solid trivia team addition.

I’ve known Caroline for over a decade! I was very passively looking for something else to do while being a stay at home mom. This opportunity was too perfect to pass up!

For WHP I’m a little bit of a Jack.. Jill? of all trades, master of none. I do a little of everything except edit. I do not edit. This has been by far my favorite job I’ve ever had. It’s a place where I’ve been able to put all the pieces of my education to use, AND I get to work from home or wherever. It allows me to prioritize my family, which has been such a huge benefit. I don’t feel like I have to sacrifice to both care for my family and work. 

When I’m not magicking behind the scenes, I’m wrangling a rambunctious rapscallion of a son. I have lots of random hobbies: rock climbing, crocheting, handlettering, hand embroidering has been my most recent addition to the random skills bag. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know WHP and the people behind it better! Check out our team page to put faces with names!

Let’s Connect

Learn more about me at www.wildhomepodcasting.com
Instagram @wildhomepodcasting
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Say hello at hello@wildhomepodcasting.com


Why It Took Me Forever to Launch My Podcast


Learn more about WHP part three