Top 5 Tips for Podcasting from Home

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I was drawn to podcasting because I could do it from home and that’s really what we love to do here at Wild Home Podcasting is work with podcasters who are recording at home. So I thought today I would share some of my favorite tips for podcasting at home.

Now this is hitting at a super funny time. I’m actually losing my office this year and thought I would experiment with recording in a different location in my home. There were SO many interruptions, noises and things that I did not normally encounter in my office. So, back to the drawing board.

But, I hope this episode helps you if you are thinking about recording at home or maybe want to improve what you have going on.

Here are my 5 top tips for Podcasting from home:

  1. Find a dedicated space. You don’t have to have a whole setup, but find a spot that works for you consistently for recording your podcast. This could be an office, a closet, your bedroom . . .  wherever, but find a space and one with a door is even better.

  2. Get a microphone. This doesn’t have to be an expensive microphone but having one will really improve your sound quality. Another part of this is wearing headphones when you are recording over the internet. This is going to prevent any sound leakage through the microphone.

  3. Set aside regular recording times. When you are home, things are going to get in the way and derail you. It’s just a fact of life at home. So if you can set aside regular recording times, it will help create consistency and a time that says to everyone else that it is your time. Better yet, if you have kids, having a regular recording time will help you get the child care you need or give your kids some special movie time.

  4. BATCH. I know you are probably tired of hearing about this but it’s absolutely true! Batching is going to help you so much, especially when podcasting from home. Stuff is going to come up. Life happens. However, if you’ve been batching your episodes, you won’t get behind.

  5. Give yourself grace. I’ve been saying this a lot lately because life is crazy and it can’t always be perfect. Planes are going to fly over, the neighbor’s lawn service is going to come when you are recording . . . things are going to happen. So learn to laugh and don’t get so upset when it doesn’t go your way.

Let me know! Which part of podcasting at home is most intimidating for you? DM me on instagram or shoot me an email and let me know!

And, if you need extra help, be sure to check out launch guide services.

Till next time!


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