045: How to Turn Your Podcast Idea Into an Actual Podcast

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Whenever I introduce myself and tell people that I run a podcast management agency, I often hear this in return, “that’s so cool, I have this great idea for a podcast!”

A lot of times, this isn’t followed by action. That’s why I wanted to bring this episode to you guys. If you’ve been contemplating your podcast for a while but haven’t made any moves yet to make it happen, this is the episode for you.

In this episode, I talk about what I do to gauge how serious people are about starting a podcast and what questions you should consider before starting your podcast. If you’re ready to turn that big idea into the podcast you’ve been dreaming about this post will guide you to where you need to go.

#1 | Get clear on your level of commitment.

When people tell me they have an amazing idea for a podcast, I always ask follow-up questions to gauge how invested the person is in their potential podcast, if they’re flowing with ideas for episodes, and generally, just to see if they’re really really excited about it.

Because here’s the thing: podcasting is exciting and it is an amazing medium, but it’s also a commitment. If you’re serious about starting a podcast, you’ll have to block time to prepare, record, and then produce (or pay some one else to produce it for you.) And if adding that into your life becomes stressful (as it often does without a clear plan, strategy, or enough time), you probably won’t stick with it for the long-term.

If your response to hearing about commitment is something like “I’m adding recording sessions to my Google calendar right now,” then you’re probably ready for to take the plunge! But if that sounds overwhelming, that’s okay! You can look into more outsourcing options (we have packages to help you strategize and plan your podcast and also produce it on a regular schedule), you can plan a mini-series or season with a defined number of episodes instead of making a weekly show, or you can come back to your idea when you’re at a place in life where it feels more feasible. 

#2 | Get ready to share your voice.

Having a podcast means putting your voice out into the world for anyone to hear. Ideally, you’ll have a particular segment of people that you’re focused on, but your voice and message will be available for anyone to access. 

That’s an amazing thing! But it also means that you will need to get comfortable with the idea of being a little more visible, a little more accessible, and being confident enough in your message to share it with an audience. 

If that doesn’t sound like where you are right now, that’s okay! There are a ton of ways to get more comfortable. Start a journaling habit to really dial in on your own thoughts. Write some blog posts to iron out your message. Share your face and your thoughts on social media. And when it comes to getting comfortable sharing, the more you do it, the easier it gets. Sharing your message in a public way is a muscle you have to build, but if you’re ready, a podcast is a great way to do it!

#3 | Start recording! (And don’t worry too much about the logistics)

You are going to need a mic, so do a little research and find one that works for the computer and workflow you have. It doesn’t have to be crazy expensive or super fancy. You can always upgrade later, but you’ll need something just to get yourself started. 

Then get a set-up in a cozy spot, and get comfortable talking into a mic and hearing your thoughts out loud! It does not have to be perfect. You can tweak your audio setup and figure out more advanced editing techniques later. For now, you just need to get some recordings and get familiar with hearing your voice out loud.

#4 | Brainstorm and get clear on your “why.”

Once you’ve made a few recordings, listen back to them. How do you feel about the flow? Did you enjoy recording? Was it fun? And then start brainstorming more ideas! Make a list and keep it close so you can continue to add and refine ideas as they come to you.

And while you’re in this step, you need to get clear on your mission and your “why” for your podcast. When you brainstorm, ask how those ideas connect back to your mission. When you review your recordings, ask yourself if your mission is coming through. You can continue to refine as you grow and expand your podcast, but a solid foundation helps to keep your podcast focused and clear. 

If you need a little help figuring out how exactly to align your podcast with your “why”, check out episode 88 on aligning your podcast with your business goals or episode 19 on discovering your podcast’s mission.

#5 | Start telling everyone about your podcast.

Time to start making this dream a reality! Get set up on a hosting platform and establish your RSS feed. There are a ton of hosts to choose from that can help you get set up, and most of them have specialties that could be really helpful depending on the mission of your podcast. Buzzsprout, Libsyn, Acast, and Anchor are some of the most popular hosts, but there are many more. Do a little research and find the best one for you.

Then start telling your audience. Make an announcement on social media and your website. Set a release date and start releasing teasers. Don’t just mention it once and move on — this is the stage to start building hype, so bring it up often and from different angles to build excitement for your show.

And then….

#6 | Publish your first episode and keep going!!

Keep recording, keep adjusting and keep going! As your podcast and business grow, you can look into additional support as needed. Maybe you need a show notes writer or an editor. Maybe you want to refresh your DIY’ed graphics. Maybe you just want to hand off everything except recording. There are tons of options for whatever level of support you need.

At Wild Home Podcasting, help online coaches create podcasts that help them sell their services and programs! We do this through Podcast Production and Coaching!

I can’t wait for you to get your voice out into the world. Happy podcasting! We’re cheering for you!

Are you ready plan your launch? Check out my top tips to follow before you launch your podcast this year!



046: How to Grow Your Business with a Podcast


044: Reflections on Another Year and Another Birthday