Celebrating 200 Episodes: A Tribute to Podcasting and the Voices We Amplify

Celebrating 200 Episodes: A Tribute to Podcasting and the Voices We Amplify

Episode Highlights:

  • Reflections on the evolution of Share Strategize and Shine over 200 episodes

  • Heartfelt messages from community members about what podcasting means to them

  • The impact of podcasting as a powerful platform for connection, confidence, and purpose

  • An inside look at what’s next for the podcast, including a fresh mini-rebrand and new ways to connect

Community Spotlights:

Hear from members of the Strategize and Shine community who are using their podcasts to inspire, educate, and empower:

  • Angel Hill, Host of Hormone Heaven
    ​​Angel Hill has a Doctor of Naturopathy degree and is a board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine. With over a dozen years of experience in the field and 7,000 past clients, Angel's passion lies in optimizing women's hormones. In her spare time, she loves to read, listen to podcasts, and hike.

  • Lisa Boehm, Host of The Angel Moms Podcast
    Lisa K. Boehm is the host of the upcoming Angel Moms Podcast, where she offers support and connection to bereaved mothers navigating life after child loss. As an author and certified grief educator, Lisa shares her journey of grief and resilience, helping bereaved mothers find hope and rediscover joy.

  • Lisa Dupree, Host of Midlife Mojo
    Lisa DuPree, MS, is a health and wellness expert with over 25 years of experience. She holds a Master's in Exercise Physiology, is a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and a Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Coach. Lisa spent 15 years at Emory University developing and teaching health education programs and now specializes in coaching mid-life professionals to improve their health, energy, and work-life balance. A lifelong dancer and pitbull rescue owner, she brings a personal touch to her evidence-based coaching approach, helping clients achieve sustainable wellness goals.

  • Aimee Cerka, Host of Your Money Your Life
    Aimee is the Money Confidence Coach and host of the Your Money Your Life podcast. She makes money simple for the female entrepreneur who is ready to finally ditch financial stress, struggle, and frustration. After over 10 years in the personal finance industry through multiple personal, financial, and medical crises, she was fed up with the lies that are being shouted from the rooftops by gurus and the media. So now she blends together simple strategies, mindset work, and emotional trigger awareness to simplify your money so that you can step into your unstoppable life. It's time to go beyond the numbers, so you can finally embody your ideal life.

Celebrating What’s Next:

Join the journey ahead! I’m excited to announce a few updates:

  • A mini podcast refresh to bring you even more value in the episodes to come

  • A brand-new Instagram Broadcast Channel to connect, chat about episodes, and get your input on future content. Click here to join!

Thank you for being part of this amazing journey. Here’s to another 200 episodes of amplifying voices, growing with purpose, and helping each other shine.

The Transcript for Podcast Your Business:

200: Celebrating 200 Episodes: A Tribute to Podcasting and the Voices We Amplify

[00:00:00] Well, the big day is here. And it's a special day. This is episode 200 of share, strategize and shine, and I have something really special planned. Stay tuned. 

[00:00:13] ​

[00:00:13] Hello, everyone. And welcome back to share strategize and [00:01:00] shine. This is such an incredible milestone to be hitting today. And this is years in the making. I have been in the podcast industry for almost 10 years now. And. 

[00:01:13] I've had three iterations of this podcast. So to be at 200 episodes is pretty remarkable. And I didn't want this to be a normal episode where I sit behind the microphone and I tell you all the things that you should be doing with your podcast. Instead, I thought it would be cool to open it up to the members of my strategize and shine membership. And have them share with you. A little bit about them, a little bit about their podcast and why they love podcasting. Because that's what I want this to be a celebration of podcasting. A celebration of all the things that podcasting seen has given me. And it's given me so, so much, which I'm going to share a little bit about that in just a minute, but first I want you to [00:02:00] meet.

[00:02:00] A couple of my members. 

[00:02:02] Hi, I'm Angel Hill, a traditional naturopath. And I host a show called Hormone Heaven. I help women through thyroid and perimenopause symptoms. I have listened to podcasts for more than a decade and I am obsessed. The amount of information I learned through them is astounding. I'm so happy that Caroline is helping me through these early stages of my own podcast.

[00:02:23] Congratulations on 200 episodes, Caroline. My name is Lisa Boehm, and the host of the Angel Moms podcast. This is a space dedicated to supporting grieving mothers who have lost a child. I love podcasting because I love creating a meaningful resource that can impact so many people. My podcast is helping me build an aligned and simplistic business.

[00:02:53] Thank you for all your guidance, Caroline. I am so grateful for you.

[00:02:57] [00:03:00] Oh, my gosh. So I thought it would be fun to listen to these in real time, as I'm putting this episode together and I haven't listened to these. Until now, and it cannot tell you just how. Touched I am by these messages. Um, and don't worry, there's more coming. I wanted to touch on something that Lisa said, and thank you so much, angel and Lisa for sharing those messages with me. Lisa said that her podcast is helping her build an aligned in simplistic business. And that is something that has become a cornerstone of the coaching that I do with people. 

[00:03:39] It is so much more than podcasting. We talk about creating content, how it affects your business, how it works with your funnel. All of that is so, so important for everything to feel good when you're doing it because creating a podcast, it can be really overwhelming. There's a lot to do. There's a lot of moving pieces. [00:04:00] And if we can simplify that process and make sure that it's working for your business. It can have such an amazing impact and not just your business, but how you show up and your messaging as well. 

[00:04:11] And I think that's one of the coolest things that I've gotten to experience as a podcast consultant and a coach for business owners. Is watching their messaging become clearer. And. Seeing them understand more. Of. What they want to do in the world and what their purpose is because there's nothing like sitting down in front of a microphone and talking. That really clarifies a lot of things for you. 

[00:04:36] In fact, today I had a meeting with my business coach and she had me talk through some of my messaging because what I write is so different than how I speak and she's actually going to be helping me. Combine the two, but it was just such a transformative experience today because being able to sit down and explain what I do and why it's so important and so impactful. It means so much to me. I [00:05:00] want to share with you just a little bit about why podcasting has been so impactful for me personally. So this year, I have been working a lot on my goals. 

[00:05:12] My purpose. How I want my business to look how I'm going to continue to show up in my business. Uh, it's been a journey. And one of the things that I have really come to understand is that my purpose in this world is to empower women, to unleash their voices and help them shine with confidence and influence through podcasting. So why confidence? 

[00:05:36] I really want to hone in on this word. Shine and confidence are two of my favorite words. And I'm going to get a little vulnerable here for a minute. Because this is episode 200. I have done 200 episodes about podcasting. And the reason is. It's so near and dear to my heart because it's given me a voice. I have spent much of my life feeling like I need to be quiet. 

[00:05:59] I don't deserve to be [00:06:00] heard. And when I started podcasting, it was like something cracked open for me. I realized that one of the things I'm good at is talking with people and sitting down with them and giving them a warm virtual hug. And that's really why I created my podcast in the first place. And I cannot wait for that purpose to show up even more after the 200 episodes. And stay tuned because I'm going to talk a little bit about what is coming next, but we have a few more people that I want you to hear from.

[00:06:37] ​

[00:06:37] I'm Lisa Dupree, host of the Midlife Mojo Podcast, the podcast all about empowering women over 50 to be fit and flourish by embracing midlife with energy, confidence, and purpose. I support women who are looking to make lasting changes in their health and lifestyles, providing the tools and encouragement they need to thrive after menopause.

[00:06:59] What I love [00:07:00] most about podcasting is the incredible connection it brings. It's such a powerful way to reach women who might feel uncertain about the next steps at this stage of life. Through Midlife Mojo, I've been able to share stories, offer guidance, and help women take real steps toward becoming their healthiest and most fulfilled.

[00:07:16] Podcasting has brought so much meaning into my life, allowing me to connect with amazing women and offer support when they need it the most.

[00:07:24] I'm amy circa the host of the your money your life podcast On the podcast, we make money simple for female entrepreneurs. So if you're ready to ditch financial stress, struggle, and frustration, this is for you. We blend together simple strategies, mindset work, emotional , trigger awareness to simplify your money so that you can step into your unstoppable life.

[00:07:45] And I firmly believe it's time to go beyond the numbers so that you can finally embody that ideal life that you have.

[00:07:53] I love podcasting. We're coming up on my three year anniversary of my podcast. And the reason, or [00:08:00] one of the reasons that I love it, might seem a little cliché, but the fact that you can listen on the go, you know, I'm getting Busy, you know, I am a single mama to four kids and we're homeschooling. I'm running my business.

[00:08:12] We're living life. And I can put this thing in place so that when my clients, when potential customers have the money problems, which happen on the go, cause these things come up, right? Like they have that podcast to be able to go to. And, you know, I've been in the personal finance industry for over 10 years now.

[00:08:32] And honestly, it started as a video show originally. Before I switched to the podcast and that was really about speaking truth and helping people to see some of the lies that are out there because there's so much shame that's created. And I really wanted the podcast to have that safe space, like, you know, you're held, you've got this, you have all the things that you need to.

[00:08:55] Not you're not broken, you're not missing anything. There's nothing wrong with you. If you've made [00:09:00] these choices in the past, and even if you haven't, like, there's nothing wrong with you. We're just looking to go to the next level, whether that's hitting the consistent six figures in your business, or, you know, just being able to fund a vacation or truly not have to worry about the money because we can hit those income numbers.

[00:09:17] That's a very, uh, Like tactical thing that we work towards, but what do we do on the ongoing basis? What does it feel like? Do you still get anxiety when you track those bank accounts and podcasting has been an avenue that's been sustainable? It's been something that I love. I love listening to podcasts as well.

[00:09:33] I just. I did another one in my library today because it happens on the go as we live life and to be able to serve my clients in that way is just, I love it.

[00:09:46] Oh, my gosh, Lisa and Aimee, that was so wonderful. And I think they both touched on something that. Is such an important piece of podcasting [00:10:00] that we just do not talk about enough and that is. That it is an easy way for us to create connection, to serve our audience in a unique way. And to serve our current and dreamy potential clients. In a very unique and very, um, What's the word I'm looking for close way, right? 

[00:10:20] Like we're literally in their ears. I always say that to people like you're literally in their ears. You know, coming through their earbuds. So it's just an, uh, such an amazing. Medium. And I'm watching all four of these amazing women. 

[00:10:37] Work on their podcasts, in the membership and improve their podcast, but not just their podcasts, their business, their messaging. How they run the backend of their business, how they serve their clients, like all of that is interconnected. And it's all things that we talk about and come up. When we're talking about podcast strategy. And I just want to thank them so much again for sharing this with [00:11:00] me and for celebrating podcasting with me because. You are the reason why I do everything that I do. 

[00:11:07] The reason why I get up in the morning at five 30 and work before my kids get up. 

[00:11:11] And the reason why I work late at night to wrap up work. And the reason I'm recording this podcast on a late afternoon. Uh, is because of my clients, the people who are in my membership, the amazing women that I get to work with. One-on-one. They make everything I do. Absolutely worth it. Um, because they know that. They're gaining so much confidence and empowerment. And yeah, and sharing their message with the world. Which is what I love doing. 

[00:11:41] So. What is next for Share strategize and shine. Oh, my goodness. I am not going anywhere. I'm going to admit. The past couple of weeks as I've been coming up to this 200 episode. I've been panicking a little bit because I'm like, what, [00:12:00] what is next? Like what do I talk about next? I have literally talked about podcasting for 200 episodes. 

[00:12:05] What could I possibly talk about next? And. 

[00:12:08] There is a really amazing transformation and exciting next phase of how I show up and how I serve people that is happening right now. It's been unfolding over the past year and I feel like it's really coming to a head like a moment of like, yes, this is happening. This is what I'm was put on this earth to do besides be a mom and a wife and all of those other things. And this is going to help me really fulfill my purpose. 

[00:12:36] And so. Getting teary again. Sorry. As we enter this new stage of wild home podcasting. And share strategize and sign. I'm super excited to continue to bring you episodes and. To continue to share. What I love about podcasting. What I don't love about the podcast industry. How you can have a podcast that actually [00:13:00] works for your business. And why you can stop asking yourselves is my podcast working. And that is going to be my goal. , moving forward through another 200 episodes. 

[00:13:12] So I am doing a mini refresh of my podcast. So you may notice some changes in the next week. I wanted to create a space for us to come together. 

[00:13:21] If you're a podcast listener. And you are on Instagram. I have created a broadcast channel. So excited about this. And this is going to be a place for us to talk about episodes, to give feedback on episodes, to suggest new episodes. 

[00:13:35] I'm going to be posting polls. All kinds of stuff in there. So be sure to check that out. You can head to wild home podcasting slash Insta. That's I N S T a and there will be a link right at the top to join my broadcast channel. I really hope that you will head over there and join that broadcast channel because I'm, I'm hoping that we can have a lot of fun over there. Chatting about my podcast and basically extending like this [00:14:00] podcast and creating a space for us to all get together. And then if you are ready to super dive into podcast strategy, And have some of the transformations that the amazing women in this podcast episode have had. 

[00:14:12] I invite you to join my membership. It's currently open. I would love to have you had to wild home podcasting.com/membership. And now I'm going to say what I said at the end of all my episodes. And I'm going to keep saying through the next 200, 2 5300, 400, who knows how many episodes. I'll be back next week with a new episode.


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